New Rey


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    afer seeying her kit, the only thing i want is dual leaders.
    but yea, pretty meh on first sight.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Teague wrote: »
    Un-removable heal block is a direct counter to CLS. That is her purpose. Much like R2 was the counter to Maul lead; New Rey is the counter to CLS, Barris, and Chirrut.

    CLS will still recover protection. He'll be fine. This is a zarriss counter.
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    You could plug her in to NS.
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    I call meh on this one. Only thing that makes me want to farm her now is a desire to collect them all. But really, she seems super meh
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    A tank that doesn’t taunt, what’s the point
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    Teague wrote: »
    Un-removable heal block is a direct counter to CLS. That is her purpose. Much like R2 was the counter to Maul lead; New Rey is the
    IC3M4N wrote: »
    Camakin wrote: »
    Think about it this way-- Is JT Rey really worth farming 5 First Order toons to 7* to get BB8 to 7* and then farming those awful Vets to 7*

    BB8 is worth it, the vets will help with LSTB. But i’d get phoenix to g8 to get thrawn first if starting new

    I agree that BB8 is worth it but if you had FOTP 65/100, 6* BB, and both vets at 65/85 right now would you
    Refresh the FOTP shard 2-3x during double drop
    Dump the $29.99 for 50 shards of each Vet taking you to 15/100 on both
    Panic Farm the last 170 shards of the Vets for the next 2 weeks?

    I definitely wouldn't. Some people will. In the end people should play the game how they want to play it.

    "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows them?"--Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    this is what I wanted, great resistance character without synergy with other teams
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    DarkPiece wrote: »
    A tank that doesn’t taunt, what’s the point

    Fives: sure, why not.
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    DarkPiece wrote: »
    A tank that doesn’t taunt, what’s the point

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    Luke was called the last jedi by snoke in TFA. He says something on the lines of at last we have the map that will lead us to the last jedi

    In Germany the title of the movie is "Die letzten Jedi"
    Thats Plural, so maybe there is more than Luke left or this means Rey is gonna be a Jedi
  • Darth_cowboy
    1139 posts Member
    edited December 2017
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    I guess all the CLS Fan Boys are going meh. Well since I play on the dark side and don't have CLS I'm very worried about her write up. Dark Side Players get the shaft again.
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    Dretzle wrote: »
    Am I the only one around here that actually likes her?

    not at all.. I'm stoked. I see potential and combos are already going through my head...(Old Ben lead may have some use).... solves zarriss with GK... a beefy attacker....Basic is good.. Mind Tricks is boss and Second Unique is gonna prove OP.

    Thrawn? if that's the only answer, don't forget 4 other squad members can be chosen to negate him with ease.
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    She will be needed to get Snoke who will be the Big Meta Changer

    Drops Mike
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    She's not worthy of a Hero journey. Should have just been a marquee event like Talzin. Lot of hype for meh.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    nvm. i can't read.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Her cooldowns are wayyy too high for what they do
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I guess all the CLS Fan Boys are going meh. Well since I play on the dark side and don't have CLS I'm very worried about her write up. Dark Side Players get the shaft again.

    Hah. She really has little to no effect against CLS.

    Also, what advantage does she have against DS? I can’t see any
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    I guess all the CLS Fan Boys are going meh. Well since I play on the dark side and don't have CLS I'm very worried about her write up. Dark Side Players get the shaft again.

    She doesn't do anything to stop the NS cheese. If you're limiting yourself just to DS, just run the sisters. You don't even need to star any of them. Or even gear the tank.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    Her cooldowns are wayyy too high for what they do

    Instead of running her as lead would she be better under Finn lead to get all the cooldown reductions?
    I need a new message here.
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    the cooldowns aren't going to be that bad considering all the TM control. that's also why I'm considering her under OB lead
  • DasMurich
    245 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Hybrid team with NS or at least Talzin. Rey's healing block + plague would probably be effective. If Talzin is lead with both zetas, maybe Zombie Acolyte and then Savage. Or, Savage lead with Sith Assassin and Trooper who both ignore protection, with Talzin dropping plague, and Rey stopping healing.

    Talzin lead with Acolyte and Zombie plus Savage and Rey, would be dropping plague more and Rey would distract from Acolyte and Zombie while having foresight up all the time. Plus Savage is an ubertank all on his own and would be taking out toons once they hit 50% health.
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    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.
    Wanna see a trolls weak roster? Here ya go---->>>>'ve been warned.

    Re: Discussion in category Forum Trash
    HardPill2Swallow - December 22, 2017 2:25PM
    If you're like me and play faithfully everyday getting rank 1 constantly, working with others in your shard to not only stay competetive but also working to keep out new players from dropping your rank, then you will understand what I'm saying.

    When CLS came for the first time there were a lot of new faces that entered the top 10. Now that he is coming back we will see even more climbing the ranks...not because they have a good roster, or because they are good players..but because they finally got the CLS toon they have been crying about for months. We all know how good CLS is and how he fits into any team or any part of this game.

    The shard I'm in has the exact same feeling as I do: All of us don't like to see new faces. All of us have controlled the top of our arena shard for well over a year and the last thing we want is to have to share our ranks with other players, not because they are good or deserve to be in the top 10...but because they weren't good enough to make it to the top 10 with what they had.

    Instead they are gonna climb the ranks because of 1 toon. Just 1 toon...that's it. They haven't worked endlessly day after day for months holding on to their ranks of their daily payout, helping each other out like so many of us do. Nor have they helped each other out from snipers like many of us also have done.

    My together to keep out all these new faces that get into the top 10 not because they are good or ain't good or deserve to be there...but because they couldn't get there before now all of a sudden because they got Luke they think they are top 10 arena tier and deserve to be there. They don't deserve to be there. Attack them soon as you get the chance to.

    I know this isn't a popular opinion and I'm gonna get tons of hate...and honestly I don't even care. I'm just saying what the majorty of all the top people of their arena shards are thinking:

    All these new players that are gonna enter the top 10 deserves to be targets first. Make them work for it. Show them just how competetive the top 10 is and what it takes if they wanna try and stay there.

    To all the new players entering the top better be ready for a war cause you're not climbing the ranks that easily because you finally got Luke. Better mod up, refresh and be ready to change your team up cause for players like me and many others: it takes dedication, team work, communication and a willingness to log in multiple times a day to hold on to your ranks that we've held on to for well over a year...and many others and myself aren't giving it up without a fight. Just because you finally got Luke doesn't mean you are gonna get an easy free ride to the top.

    If you can't beat any combination of squads in the top simply just don't belong there yet.
    Moderator TyloRen
    Points 0
    TyloRenTyloRen 5:05PM
    I appreciate passion and all, but I'm removing your post. It really serves no purpose, and trolling other users isn't permitted.
    HardPill2SwallowHardPill2Swallow 5:07PM
    **** you
  • Dretzle
    716 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Luke was called the last jedi by snoke in TFA. He says something on the lines of at last we have the map that will lead us to the last jedi

    In Germany the title of the movie is "Die letzten Jedi"
    Thats Plural, so maybe there is more than Luke left or this means Rey is gonna be a Jedi

    The opening crawl also referred to Luke as The Last Jedi. The plural term can still be considered correct. Think of the title: The Last of the Mohicans. Similar thought. The word Jedi can refer to the whole order and a single person as part of that Jedi Order.

    Luke is the Last Jedi. This was stated in episode 6. This was stated in the opening crawl of episode 7. Apparently also stated by Snoke, though I don't remember that.

    Even though Rey may undergo some Jedi training, being a Jedi is more than being a good guy force user. It means adopting that old religion and the code of the order that went with it. Ahsoka Fulcrum is not a Jedi for that very reason. She rejected the Jedi path. Still a good guy, still a force user and excellent lightsaber duelist. Not a Jedi.

    Rey is not a Jedi. Luke is the Last Jedi.

    EDIT: Sorry, but so many people missing the obvious is starting to get annoying. :)
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    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.

    BOOM!!!!! LOL
  • Ender22
    1194 posts Member
    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.

    Except that everyone recognized CLS power from the get go. No need to imagine some obscure strategy. CLS was a Hero’s Journey toon worth struggling for and we all knew it.

    She may have some really good uses. But it’s not the hero’s journey that we saw before. She is not a hero, but just another team member to a unique squad
  • Options
    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.

    You can own teams and sip tears with almost any team these days. I could easily beat any team you could possibly throw together with Jedi Training Rey.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Ender22 wrote: »
    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.

    Except that everyone recognized CLS power from the get go. No need to imagine some obscure strategy. CLS was a Hero’s Journey toon worth struggling for and we all knew it.

    She may have some really good uses. But it’s not the hero’s journey that we saw before. She is not a hero, but just another team member to a unique squad

    my thoughts exactly. If she was a straight to a store character i would call her amazing, but she's a hero's journey character.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    To all the people saying she is meh, not great, underwhelming etc....are not taking into account all the other possible toons that she can be mixed and matched with. Thats the same narrowminded view that people who complain about a single toon needing a nerf and thinking a single toon is so overpowered when it's not the toon by it self that is strong.....but the toon that is mixed with the perfect team setup. When are you people gonna realize that in order for a single toon to shine at its maximum capacity...that the toon belongs with the best, perfect combination of a solid 5 member squad.

    Say all you want she isn't great, not worth the farm or meh, etc. I'll be back in a month and laugh at all of you that are crying about her being OP and is in need of a nerf after people G12/zeta her and put her in a top tier perfect meta squad.

    I'm glad I'm getting her on the day she is released, while folks stay behind the meta...I'm gonna be in the front with my peers owning your teams and sipping on your tears lol.

    Pretty sure I'll be rolling over her as well as CLS with quadruple zeta NS - but, I guess we'll just have to measure the Tear-tap and see who wins.
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    We really didnt need another mace windu kind of character. Really disappointed in this new rey.
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