Team Droids on Roids...the new Meta?

41 posts Member
edited December 2017
Using Rey Jedi Training (lead), with BB8, R2, Imperial Probe Droid, and Chopper, the synergy has been amazing. Not fully zetaed yet...but it can only get better. :)

We're thinking this is the new meta team. This isn't my team, but my guild mate's team...the amazing 1class. What do you guys think? Here's some videos:


  • Jabba
    1033 posts Member
    Not bad at all interesting
  • CaptainWhacky
    41 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Thanks. Here's why it works:

    Rey/BB8/R2 are meant to feed turn meter (TM) to one another as quickly as possible to get Illuminated Destiny (ID) off as quickly (and as many times) as possible as that's either the end of the match, or the beginning of the end. So the idea is to get BB8 as much TM as possible.

    For ID, the cooldown is reduced by each time a droid ally scores a critical hit. So, adding two droids (in addition to already having BB8 and R2), helps that happen. R2's passive combat analysis helps add 10% CC to everyone, which helps. Additionally, BB8's self-preservation protocol gives droids 8% TM for each droid ally...thus giving your BB8 the "go first" advantage. Finally, Chopper has the chance to assist (30%) each time a droid attacks...and on his basic he grants a random droid a buff with a 60% chance to reduce a cooldown by 1.

    For defense, Chopper will taunt and gains evasion when he does that. At the start of each of his turns, he regains health and gains protection up when hit. R2 passively taunt to move the damage to him (or BB8, or Rey), and due to all the droids, he gains protection (10% per droid ally). If you zeta R2, then the other droids gain this protection as well. BB8 and Rey will dodge a ton if they are taunting (passively). R2 also dispels debuffs on a critical hit with zeta on Combat Analysis (all allies are light side). If you zeta BB8 self preservation protocol, all droids regain 8% health and protection when BB8 evades. So if he is passively taunting, there's a lot of healing going on with the zeta.

    Imperial Probe Droid puts target lock (TL) on everyone, and if zetaed, then you cannot gain buffs if you are target locked. On his basic he has a 80% chance to expose (TM to the "big 3").

    It takes a lot to get this team...and gear/zeta them...but the synergy is insane.

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    1class has zeta'ed Imperial Probe Droid. Just a couple more gear bits and some remodding and we will have new videos here shortly.
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    I've used droids the entire time I've played this game and right now I'm using that team but with HK lead. My IPD is 4* gear 11 but everyone else is gear 12. Right now I'm having trouble beating "titan" teams and RJT, CLS, Han, R2 and GK. I don't know if chopper is better than IG-88 though :/ My biggest problem with those teams is Raid Han and his insanely OP damage as well as his 2 stuns.
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    It would depend what team you run. Rey is the key here with her gaining TM from BB8's Secret Intel / all the damage she can do. So you can go full droids, but that's not ideal. In a full droid team I would think IG88 is better for more crits. In the "droids on roids" team proposed, Chopper is much better for the synergy/taunt/assist/cooldown reduction.
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    Here's a video of the team facing Warrior's "tide" team (GK & Old Ben). Probe droid has a zeta. Old Ben has a zeta. Old Ben doesn't even get a taunt's a wasted turn thanks to the probe droid's zeta.
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    Yep. Cubs fan Han posted on's a thing!
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    Why was this moved to art & media? It's a discussion on arena team combinations? @CG_Kozispoon
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)

    No worries. Nudging you to the right place.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Thank you @CG_Kozispoon
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    Why was this moved to art & media? It's a discussion on arena team combinations? @CG_Kozispoon

    Someone got scared and hid it. ;)

    Great looking team. I'd love to see the mods that are being used. It's going to take me forever to get ipd there, but I'm motivated now lol.
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    Why was this moved to art & media? It's a discussion on arena team combinations? @CG_Kozispoon

    They wanted to hide the truth lol
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    edited January 2018
    I've thought of using Chopper for the droid synergy in the standard JTR lineup, and have him cooking in the background. Been running it sometimes in GW with Scav Rey as fifth, but GW is unfortunately not a good testing ground anymore.

    Never thought of probot, but I'm a long way from the unlock there. We got a lot more people putting a zeta on Veers, but still.
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    No worries. Nudging you to the right place.
    He moved it cause this team is a piece of art
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    I am currently gearing up my IPD to fill my 5th spot on my JTR team, CLS is filling in for now.

    My 4th is K2S0, and I'd take him over chopper in any non-Phoenix team all day long.

    To put it another way: that team would be better with K2S0 than it is with Chopper.

    I mean, let's compare: R2 will ALWAYS hit K2 with that stealth because he has a massive H+P pool. His taunt is up way more. Has way more defense (mine has 47.6% armor). And counterattacks. He also gives you another way to inflict Daze (the more of that the better for both CLS and JTR teams). He's a far more proper tank than Chopper.

    Chopper has self heals and bonus protection, but not much defense. He's got a buff wipe, but you already have the best buff wipe in the game with IPD, and another great one from JTR besides, it's usefulness is limited. He does get that auto assist that could decrease ID CD if he crits, but K2 has that counterattack that does the same...
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    Can BB8 survive Zolo on defense? Seems like if you take out BB8 the whole team falls apart.
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    Can BB8 survive Zolo on defense? Seems like if you take out BB8 the whole team falls apart.
    Yeah, he can survive a few rounds of attacks from Han when he's maxed.
    25k health and 31k protection when he's maxed means you can get him up over 100k H+P. People that run pure droid teams are pretty much required to since he gains a taunt at that point.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    I am currently gearing up my IPD to fill my 5th spot on my JTR team, CLS is filling in for now.

    My 4th is K2S0, and I'd take him over chopper in any non-Phoenix team all day long.

    To put it another way: that team would be better with K2S0 than it is with Chopper.

    I mean, let's compare: R2 will ALWAYS hit K2 with that stealth because he has a massive H+P pool. His taunt is up way more. Has way more defense (mine has 47.6% armor). And counterattacks. He also gives you another way to inflict Daze (the more of that the better for both CLS and JTR teams). He's a far more proper tank than Chopper.

    Chopper has self heals and bonus protection, but not much defense. He's got a buff wipe, but you already have the best buff wipe in the game with IPD, and another great one from JTR besides, it's usefulness is limited. He does get that auto assist that could decrease ID CD if he crits, but K2 has that counterattack that does the same...

    I thought about K2, but I like chopper better. You don't need the taunt of K2...R2 is going to stealth everyone of importance. And Choppers speed/self-heal/assist/cooldown reduction/protection regen/dodge on taunt/buff removal are just better fits. K2 is a better shield if that's all you want that spot to be.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Woodroward wrote: »
    I am currently gearing up my IPD to fill my 5th spot on my JTR team, CLS is filling in for now.

    My 4th is K2S0, and I'd take him over chopper in any non-Phoenix team all day long.

    To put it another way: that team would be better with K2S0 than it is with Chopper.

    I mean, let's compare: R2 will ALWAYS hit K2 with that stealth because he has a massive H+P pool. His taunt is up way more. Has way more defense (mine has 47.6% armor). And counterattacks. He also gives you another way to inflict Daze (the more of that the better for both CLS and JTR teams). He's a far more proper tank than Chopper.

    Chopper has self heals and bonus protection, but not much defense. He's got a buff wipe, but you already have the best buff wipe in the game with IPD, and another great one from JTR besides, it's usefulness is limited. He does get that auto assist that could decrease ID CD if he crits, but K2 has that counterattack that does the same...

    I thought about K2, but I like chopper better. You don't need the taunt of K2...R2 is going to stealth everyone of importance. And Choppers speed/self-heal/assist/cooldown reduction/protection regen/dodge on taunt/buff removal are just better fits. K2 is a better shield if that's all you want that spot to be.

    That's the most important part of that spot. Chopper is squishy compared to K2. He would die too early and not allow others to get their job done since that toon dying makes stealth on everyone else useless. Non-resistance get turns too seldom in that comp for his self heal to have much value.

    As for the buffs... ID does most of those so their value is limited, just like Rey's self cleanse if you already have combat analysis.

    As for the assist... K2's counterattack more or less evens out on that in both the amount of damage he deals out and reducing ID cooldown.

    The taunt on damage means K2 can provide protection even when stealth drops off of BB8 or JTR because they get so many turns. That's the key point IMO. Thrawn fracturing JTR means game over a lot of the time.

    I guess if you enjoy it, go ahead and run it, but Chopper really doesn't bring much value to the comp offensively or defensively compared to having K2 in there.
  • CaptainWhacky
    41 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    As I've said, I think the positives of chopper work better. The guy in my guild who runs it says it holds incredibly well, and as demonstrated by the guy quoted in the cub's fan han video...he will fall to 12....maybe. So thus far the build seems to be working well. Also in the most recent video above (not 1class), you'll see his chopper takes damage but doesn't seem that much the worse for wear (he ends with full protection). And R2 stealthing everyone will allow the damage to cycle to various targets (rey to regain health and protection on dodge, R2 to take damage himself, Chopper to pop out of stealth and taunt with his 30% evasion) it is a bit like whack-a-mole. I'll ask 1class about substituting K2 in there to solicit feedback. But neither of us are high on him. Appreciate the thoughts.
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    Chopper is also MUCH faster than K2SO and has two special abilities. The speed and 2 specials help spread around Secret Intel faster which feeds TM to Rey and also gets your Illuminated Destiny off sooner.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Chopper is also MUCH faster than K2SO and has two special abilities. The speed and 2 specials help spread around Secret Intel faster which feeds TM to Rey and also gets your Illuminated Destiny off sooner.

    Meh, I use K2 in my JTR squad. I have played against someone using Chopper in theirs. Not impressed with Chopper over K2 personally.

    For the record: Chopper does NOT make ID proc faster than K2. Counterattacks off of forced taunt from R2 and his own taunt mean all his crits decrease it just as fast... even if K2 never took a turn.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Chopper is also MUCH faster than K2SO and has two special abilities. The speed and 2 specials help spread around Secret Intel faster which feeds TM to Rey and also gets your Illuminated Destiny off sooner.

    Meh, I use K2 in my JTR squad. I have played against someone using Chopper in theirs. Not impressed with Chopper over K2 personally.

    For the record: Chopper does NOT make ID proc faster than K2. Counterattacks off of forced taunt from R2 and his own taunt mean all his crits decrease it just as fast... even if K2 never took a turn.

    I disagree. K2SO only reduces ID cooldown by 1 IF he crits. K2SO crit is usually around 35%. Then you have GK throwing around crit immunity on your enemy. Chopper on the other hand is super fast and has two specials which each reduce ID by 1-3 depending on how many Resistance allies have Secret Intel. Choppers assist happens when YOUR super fast droids attack. K2SO counters only happen whenever the enemy gets a turn finally.

  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Chopper is also MUCH faster than K2SO and has two special abilities. The speed and 2 specials help spread around Secret Intel faster which feeds TM to Rey and also gets your Illuminated Destiny off sooner.

    Meh, I use K2 in my JTR squad. I have played against someone using Chopper in theirs. Not impressed with Chopper over K2 personally.

    For the record: Chopper does NOT make ID proc faster than K2. Counterattacks off of forced taunt from R2 and his own taunt mean all his crits decrease it just as fast... even if K2 never took a turn.

    I disagree. K2SO only reduces ID cooldown by 1 IF he crits. K2SO crit is usually around 35%. Then you have GK throwing around crit immunity on your enemy. Chopper on the other hand is super fast and has two specials which each reduce ID by 1-3 depending on how many Resistance allies have Secret Intel. Choppers assist happens when YOUR super fast droids attack. K2SO counters only happen whenever the enemy gets a turn finally.

    You can disagree all you want. I've watched plenty of videos with Chopper and played against him as well as having played a lot with K2S0... this isn't a theory. Chopper doesn't reduce ID any faster than K2S0 does.
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    And kylo had a Sith tag.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Ciel_6 wrote: »
    And kylo had a Sith tag.

    Yes, yes. Bring up the fact that I misremembered something I had little experience with after many months, many months ago, to discredit my many hours of current gaming experience in the top 10 of my arena bracket about this particular topic.

    Your post makes no valid point sir. The comparison is simply not a comparison. Or should I call you troll instead of sir, because all you are doing is trolling right now?
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Chopper is also MUCH faster than K2SO and has two special abilities. The speed and 2 specials help spread around Secret Intel faster which feeds TM to Rey and also gets your Illuminated Destiny off sooner.

    Meh, I use K2 in my JTR squad. I have played against someone using Chopper in theirs. Not impressed with Chopper over K2 personally.

    For the record: Chopper does NOT make ID proc faster than K2. Counterattacks off of forced taunt from R2 and his own taunt mean all his crits decrease it just as fast... even if K2 never took a turn.

    I disagree. K2SO only reduces ID cooldown by 1 IF he crits. K2SO crit is usually around 35%. Then you have GK throwing around crit immunity on your enemy. Chopper on the other hand is super fast and has two specials which each reduce ID by 1-3 depending on how many Resistance allies have Secret Intel. Choppers assist happens when YOUR super fast droids attack. K2SO counters only happen whenever the enemy gets a turn finally.

    You can disagree all you want. I've watched plenty of videos with Chopper and played against him as well as having played a lot with K2S0... this isn't a theory. Chopper doesn't reduce ID any faster than K2S0 does.

    Meh whatever. You're wrong about chopper and you would know this if you geared him up.
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    I have a RJT comp on my shard with Chopper and another with Ben and the Chopper one is mildly more annoying. K2 would be a much bigger pain than either of them because of his taunt on counter attack, which would require one more buff immunity / dispel and it would devalue Baze's AoE dispel (a sneaky useful toon again now that RJT is predominant, please stealth everyone first R2, pretty please). He also provides offense down on his basic, which is really under appreciated when going against damage burst teams like CLS / Han. Since JTR teams become pretty easy once Rey is gone, and fracturing Rey is the easiest and quickest way to do that, having another toon that can prevent that fracture from happening would be very useful, providing more time to get BB-8 rolling, pun intended.

    Chopper in the lineup just requires an extra turn to wait to fracture Rey since his taunt doesn't last long. I actually find the teams with a well geared and modded Han tougher, because they have some offense.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Trollsbane wrote: »
    Meh whatever. You're wrong about chopper and you would know this if you geared him up.

    You've got that backwards son.You're wrong about K2. I'm not underestimating Chopper. You're underestimating K2. Which you'd know if YOU geared up K2. You probably haven't even faced one under JTR yet.
    I have a RJT comp on my shard with Chopper and another with Ben and the Chopper one is mildly more annoying. K2 would be a much bigger pain than either of them because of his taunt on counter attack, which would require one more buff immunity / dispel and it would devalue Baze's AoE dispel (a sneaky useful toon again now that RJT is predominant, please stealth everyone first R2, pretty please). He also provides offense down on his basic, which is really under appreciated when going against damage burst teams like CLS / Han. Since JTR teams become pretty easy once Rey is gone, and fracturing Rey is the easiest and quickest way to do that, having another toon that can prevent that fracture from happening would be very useful, providing more time to get BB-8 rolling, pun intended.

    Chopper in the lineup just requires an extra turn to wait to fracture Rey since his taunt doesn't last long. I actually find the teams with a well geared and modded Han tougher, because they have some offense.
    That's more like it! You've got some respect for the K2.

    Raid Han hardly hurts my K2S0. He often kills himself attacking him.

    Some math: My K2 has 47.6% armor. Lets say Raid Han crits for 30k on his basic: 30k * 52.4/100 * 0.5 = only 7860 damage Raid Han does to my K2 with his basic once K2 has landed offense down on him. He has to attack him something like 11-12 times to kill him (which is about 5 actions of course), and hope he doesn't die first from the counterattacks (which happens a lot).
    Post edited by Woodroward on
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    The big question with any potential "meta", as far as I am concerned, is how does it hold? I have zIPD at 4* g11. He's pretty much a guaranteed win on offense. I've tried IPD with Chopper,OB and GK and none has held as well as double-Bens. K2 is an interesting option, but I have a bit of gearing to do yet. I'm still curious if that extra-special RJT defensive team the devs alluded to has been found.
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