Active Guilds Looking For Players - February 2018 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Hey, Check it out...

    We are looking for 1 more active member with a GP of 1.5M+

    Guild name VIII

    68M GP

    49/50 members

    25*+ in TB

    5 Raids per week. 3 HPit, 2 HAAT.

    We Raid at 10pmEDT/7pm PDT on weekdays and at 3pmEDT/12pm PDT on weekends

    In-game chat only. Must chat for knowledge of Raid times/dates and for TW &TB strategy

    20-25k raid tickets per day

    24 hour Raid rule. Strongly enforced.

    No requirements for Raid tickets, just participate daily. We all have lives outside of this game.

    Participation in TB & TW is a MUST!

    We are very active in game and on the chat.

    We all love this game.

    Let me know if you're interested.

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    Thee Knights of BEN looking for active members of all levels and GP for a fairly new guild with a strong core of active players. Only rule is 7 days inactive gets booted. Come join a fun growing guild. Thee Knights of BEN. 17 members strong and growing
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    Welcome to Unlce Palpy’s Revenge! We are seeking a few new members as we’ve been cutting some non/low participating members. We are a US based guild, split across the country, but coordinate on East Coast time

    Why join?
    - Heroic Pit and Heroic AAT on farm - 9pm EST start times
    - stronger members that have raid toons unlocked allow others to post high scores to speed guild progress
    - 95 million GP guild
    - Active, friendly, helpful player base and a core group of officers
    - Core officer group has been together around 2 years
    - Half or more members are year-plus members as well
    - Going on vacation? Fine, just let us know! You don’t get booted when you communicate!
    - No pressure to spend, we’re mostly long-term dedicated players that have built rosters over time
    - +30 stars on Territory Battles
    - Winning record in Territory Wars

    What do we need from you? Participation!
    - 2 - 2.5 million GP (whales that expect others to spend need to apply)
    - Join our discord
    - Active daily 600
    - Follow raid rules (~24 hour 0 post, followed by modified Free-For-All)
    - Participate in Territory Battles
    - Participate and follow guild strategy for Territory Wars
    - Post defensive teams - don’t freeload, we all want to have teams for attack phase
    - Communicate, ask for advice, offer advice when you find a good team

    If you can fill those requirements and you’re interested contact me at:
    Here on reddit
    Ally code: 713-976-314
    Discord id: Cpt Tanktop#7192
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    Hello! Thanks for checking out Fedaykin Commandos! I put the boring basic stuff below, and sure, you could make a decision based off just that alone but why sell yourself short? Aren’t you looking for more than just requirements and rewards? Don’t you want to have fun with the people you are working so hard overcome the latest challenges with? Here at Fedaykin Commandos, we aren’t only about numbers....we are a team of friends that love Star Wars and enjoy playing the game together. Here we laugh often, we help each other out, we grow together, and we win together. We value positive and constructive conversations while we minimize drama and complaining because we believe this yields a more enjoyable gaming experience (complaints and concerns are welcomed in private conversations). As far as how we play the game, we play to win and we absolutely expect our teammates to do their best (if you are doing your best of course you should have a team doing the same right?). As we strive to win and do our best we also recognize that each of us have lives outside of this game that occasionally get in the way. So if you are looking for a positive and competitive team that is working together to overcome the latest challenges but doesn’t freak out at the occasional off day then look no further. Fedaykin Commandos is your style of guild and we could use one more solid and like minded member of the team just like you.

    The basics:
    GP: Currently about 100M GP
    LSTB/DSTB: 37 Stars / 35 Stars
    Raid damage starts at 9PM EST (21:00)
    HAAT and HPIT: 24 hour zero damage
    Tickets drop at 7:30 EST (29.5-30K)

    -Top 100 arena
    -2M GP (exceptions based off arena rank)
    -600 Daily Tickets
    - Full TB/TW Participation
    -CLS, CHS, Hoth bros, and IPD squad preferred
    -Discord is Mandatory (you can participate as much or little as you like in conversation, but you do need to stay informed on the current strategies to effectively work with the team)
    -SWGOH.GG account synced to SWGOH
    -Constructive & kind communication (keep it PG)

    You can check us out at:

    About us:
    Fedaykin Commandos has been around since the guild expansion. We built our strength from the ground up to crush the Heroic raids and now we are excited to be overcoming the Territory events as well. We have some very strong members ranging from F2P to P2P and everything in between. We are allied with a few other like minded guilds that make up the Smugglers Alliance, yielding great opportunity to learn about the game and make build new relationships. Our chat channels are fun, encouraging and positive (drama doesn’t find a home here).

    Please apply via the Discord App
    You can send a friend request to:
    CorranHorn#4220 (case sensitive) and chat with me directly
    Join our discord server here: and mention you are interested in joining Fedaykin Commandos. Myself or one of my officers are usually pretty quick to respond.
    Be prepared to share profile link. I work during the day so I may not be able to respond immediately, but I will follow up with you ASAP to conduct a brief interview with the intention of making sure you are the right fit for my team.
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    Scouts Out - 92m w/48 members looking to fill the roster.

    TLDR -
    35 LSTB
    33 DSTB
    24 hr 0 dmg on raids
    Have Discord
    Don’t be a ****
    Have at least or around 1.3m (flexible)

    Due to a retirement and someone who just couldn't stop hitting the rancor, we've got two openings at the moment that we're looking to fill with active players who can follow directions. We recently upped our game from 33stars in LSTB to 35 (and we’re close to 36/37). We haven’t had a DSTB, but if the same improvement holds true, we should be moving from 31 to 33.

    There’s a 24ish hour 0 damage registration for both raids. Rancor dies in about 8 or 9 mins and HAAT is finished in about an hour or so.

    We don’t track your raid tickets, because we realize sometimes life interferes with a stupid little phone game (mostly adults with families and lives and whatnot), but we’re usually around 26-27k per day. Strive to get your 600, but if you’re a little short, no big deal.


    - 1.3m GP. This is flexible if you have the right meta-ish characters and you just happen to have a top heavy roster.
    - Strive to get your 600 or at least try to get close. We don’t have someone tracking this, but we all like to raid.
    - If you’re going to be away for more than a day, let the guild know on Discord.
    - Have Discord


    - Don’t be a ****
    - No politics/religion/other hot button issues in the guild chat. No two people think alike in all things, but we’re all here because we love Star Wars. Remember that and keep it light.
    - Follow orders in TW and TB
    - If you sign up for TW, participate and don’t be a sponge
    - Don’t mess up the 0 register on raids and don’t start early.
    - No Mol Elizas.

    Rancor is 8pm Eastern the day after the raid is started. HAAT is at 830pm Eastern the day after. We try to always start exactly 24 hours ahead, but if we’re 5-10 mins late, the go time is still the go time.

    If you think you want to roll with us, have your profile at the ready and hit me up on Discord. My profile is NotMolEliza#5744
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    Guild: 12 Parsec Kessel Runners

    Summary: Growing guild with a solid core of 30 players of various levels. We engage, like to have fun...but recognize real life comes first.

    Raids - Rotate Pit Raids between level IV to VI, roughly every other day. Complete Tank Takedown every 3 or 4 days currently.

    Territory Battles and Territory Wars: TB's we're getting about 11 stars right now, just completed our first TW with a resounding victory

    Activity/participation requirements: Prefer active players that are on at least 3-4 times per week, prefer daily. Understand if vacation or travel prevents logging on for a while. Encourage players to complete personal and guild daily tasks to max extent time allows.

    No minimum player or GP level required, we've been training some very new players. Fun for all of us.
  • Sp3a1lK
    69 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    The Old Folk Home wants you!!!
    We are a Mature bunch (hence the name) who have just formed a break away guild from what could be considered a mega guild. We have heaps of experience, with a very good understanding how to win. You gotta be 18+ because we speak our mind. We are respectful though, and you gotta be too.
    Currently we are 30 peeps with a GP of 54mill so we need you so we can start getting the better TB and TW rewards! We walked over our last opposition. 600 tickets a must and you need to have been playing for at least a year.
    Australasian time zone for raids at 8pm AEST
    Discord Sp3c1alK#2730
    Were using discord and have bots setup to help with game coordination, so DM me if you want in
    May the force be with us all!
  • LizardSith
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    No longer applicable....
    Post edited by LizardSith on
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    Negative Eight Is a casual guild with high ambitions! We generate between 24-27k tickets per day, our guild GP is 74 million. We currently get around 30-31 stars in Territory Battles.
    We ask that you do what you can to get your 600 everyday, but being a casual guild we understand life happens and isn't always in the cards.
    All our members get along and love to talk shop in guild chat quite often. We also have a discord channel for the guild and you can get in just shoot me a msg Gambino#9036.
    Looking for players with 1mil gp but will look at players who are lower than that. Currently looking for 5 new members
    Join us and together we can rule the galaxy!
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    Guild Victory March
    We are an international guild, but based out of USA.
    We currently raid 3 times a week in the heroic pit raid and are doing the Tank raid 2 days a week. With both raids on farm status. We have bonus raids of each when tickets get high enough. Each raid has a period of time for 0's.
    Guild payout/reset time is 7:30 PM PST (0430 CET)
    TB Light 37 Stars, dark 34 stars.
    TW: we do coordinate our defensive strategy through the line app and have won more than lost.
    Current guild GP is 102+ million
    • an account with the app Line
    • Daily contribution of 600 Guild Raid tickets (we understand people have real lives outside SWGOH if you are going to take a “vacation” just let an officer know)
    • English language communication
    • we prefer Minimum 1.8 Million GP
    Sample VM folks:
    Please contact me here or via Line ID: "yellow.mantis"
    VM Yellow Mantis
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    Ghosts of Ryloth is recruiting!
    We’re a pretty active guild with about 45 members, we’re fairly casual but do have a few rules:
    1. 400 minimum daily raid tickets
    2. Deadman Rancor 24 hours/HAAT 12 hours
    3. Must participate in TB/TW

    Looking for members at 900k GP minimum.

    We’re active on in-game and our Line chat, love to talk strategy, and help each other often. We’re a pretty fun bunch and all get along, as long as you’re active, we’d love to have you! DM me with questions!

  • Silver_Radd_Surfer
    177 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    We have a good crew of active players who like to have fun. There aren't any definitive requirements, just play the game. The only MUST is that you play, if you don't play for four days, we kick you.

    Guild Name: Age of The Resistance
    Members: 41/50
    GP: 35,573,000
    Language: English
    Chat: LINE(not required)
    Daily Raid Tickets: No requirement, most of us do 300-600 daily
    TW: 5-4
    LS & DS: 15 stars currently
    Heroic AAT: Saturday Launch
    Heroic Rancor:
    Saturday 7PM EST (24 Hours 0 Damage, after that, fair game)
    Sunday 9PM EST(24 Hour 0 Damage, after that, fair game)

    Looking for members level 85 who can help make HAAT easier
    Post edited by Silver_Radd_Surfer on
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    Hello! Our guild is jediofhope
    We are a casual group that likes to do as many raids as we can and earn as many tickets as possible. But if you’re not on everyday that is fine! It’s all about fun!

    We’re currently at 38/50 positions. And looking to get to 50/50.
    If you’re a new player we have plenty of experienced people to help you not waste time on bad characters or any other advice you might need
    We always have a vote of which tier raid we want to do before starting one. And everyone’s vote is equal.
    We have a lot of fun and this would be a good fit for anyone that is interested in being competitive but also not looking for a restrictive guild!
    My ally code is 345-876-828 and again our guild name is Jediofhope
    Either look us up or add me on there. We hope to hear from you soon!
  • Drkillpatient1
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Just started a guild built for new and mid players.
    Just participate as much as you can. Help get daily tickets.

    Looking to start rancor challenges at level 1 and grow to heroic as a group.

    Look for the my guild..... B Rad Gs
    Message me or just join. Look for me... Lead Yeldarb
    My Allie code is 829-971-171
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    Rouge Leader is a growing guild with about 45/50 members we are casual but serious, we do our best to help everyone grow. We do rancor raids 2-3 times a week and aat about 1-2 times a week. We are close to haat just need to be a little stronger.
    We are looking for active players who want to grow with us, minimum requirements: GP, around 1 million, try and get 600 raid tickets daily, it’s not a death sentence if you don’t but try. You will need to be active for TW & TB. Discord is a requirement
    Captain Mitch@0137
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    Join Rulers of Moraband!
    We are a fun and energetic HAAT guild looking for a small merger or individual players who can contribute to an already awesome guild.
    If you’re tired of not being able to do TW and nobody else from your guild is interested in progress. Why waste your time? Join a family of players who can help you reach your goals!
    Join Rulers of Moraband!!

    - 9 wins in a row TW
    - 2x’s a week HAAT
    - 3x’s a week Hpit. With a 24h, 0 damage registration period.
    -700k gp requirement. Can be lifted depending on the applicant.
    - We use Discord for communication.
    - 20 :star:️ TB and rising.
    - 2030 EST reset, with raids starting at reset.

    Add Enone#2827 on Discord, or just apply to Rulers of Moraband in goh

    Don’t be a victim of guild inactivity. Join Rulers of Moraband, before spots fill up.
    Opportunity is knocking.
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    21M GP Heroic Rancor

    Active and social group looking for one person of any level to join us. We could make room for a couple more if need be. Zero damage for the first 24 hrs on rancor. Reg AAT is a free for all. Everyone is extremely generous with donations. We are slowly working toward HAAT. Discord channel available for members who wish to use it but its not a requirement. Being inactive will result in removal from the guild.
    Add me or message me here for an invite.
    Ally code: 379-775-258
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    100M GP Guild needs two players.
    37 stars LSTB, and a good record in TW.
    We're active and friendly. Not very strict, no GP requirement, but we're looking for players with teams that can help in TB and TW. Focused, well built rosters are better than inflated GPs.
    Check out our guild chat:
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    20mil gp, 29/50. Porcelain pirates,
    12-15 ls and ds territory battles. Need more active players for territory wars.
    Farm hpit and naat once a week. Not the biggest and strongest guild but looking for players that can relatively compete. The perks of the guild are that most likely you’ll end up in the higher echelons of the score board each time.
    Msg on discord mol#8754
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    The Bladeborn are looking for active players to join us.
    -level 65+
    -500 raid tickets daily
    -discord is necessary
    -must follow raid rules

    -38 mill gp
    -39/50 members
    -we use discord
    -our timezone is GMT
    -guild refreshes at 18.30

    heroic rancor
    -3 times a week
    -launched at 21.00
    -0 damage for 24 hours than ffa the following night
    -2 times a week
    -launched at 21.30
    -0 damage for 24 hours than ffa the following night

    You can contact me on discord for more information

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • GubaRaider
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    * TheRebelion *
    All Heroic Guild 88 mil guild GP

    We are looking for players who are team minded and want to grow with us . Key is to have fun and stay active . We use discord to communicate and share new game info it's a huge help and we'd like all members to join . We are looking for players level 85 with a strong roster (perferably 1.5 mil or above GP), but most importantly we ask each player to be active daily, do your 600 daily raid tickets and communicate either on our line chat or game chat.

    Heroic Rancor:
    0 damage until the start time.
    At 7pm EST (12am UTC ) post damage. FFA.

    0 damage until start time
    At 7pm EST (12am UTC) phase 1 and 2 starts. Phase 1 and 2 are FFA (free for all).
    0 damage on phase 3 until 8pm EST (1am UTC).
    After 8pm EST (1am UTC), phase 3 and 4 begins. FFA on phase 3 and 4 after 8pm EST (1am UTC)

    We have a great group of guys and we have a lot of fun playing the game and ****'ing .. if this sounds like the guild you're looking for contact me.
    PM me or get me on discord.
    Discord id: Guba10#2078
    Ally code: 422-586-157
    Post edited by GubaRaider on
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    The Roughnecks Cluster is currently looking for members. Our 4 main guilds range from 80-102M GP, and achieve between 33 & 38 stars in LSTB, 33 & 36 in DSTB. We also have a training guild for level 85 players with lower GP, which also runs both heroic raids.

    Guilds are spread across timezones and have varied raiding times, so we can accommodate a large number of players and variable needs.

    We have a huge number of Discord & website tools that let us play the game very efficiently. Whichever guild you join, you'll have a great leadership, have tons of fun, and be part of a bigger Roughneck community.

    Requirements (main guilds):

    - Minimum 1.7M GP for Roughnecks Alpha
    - Minimum 1.2M GP for Roughnecks Zeta/Sigma/Omega
    - Have a account
    - Be on Discord
    - 600 tickets everyday (we of course understand when RL gets in the way and you need a day off)

    Requirements (training guild):

    - Level 85
    - Minimum 650k GP
    - Have a account
    - Be on Discord
    - 2100 tickets/week

    Interested? Drop me a message here, or pop over to our Discord channel ( and check us out!
  • CptStormster
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Deutsche Gilde „Ostdeutschland“ sucht noch 5 aktive Mitglieder.
    Gilden-GM: 56 Mio bei 45 Mitgliedern
    Täglicher Gildenaktivitäten Reset: 18:30 CET (deutsche Zeit)
    Rancor Heroic Raid: alle 3 Tage, meist 20 Uhr (24 Std. 0 Damage)
    AAT normal Raid: alle 4 Tage (HAAT sobald sich noch paar aktive Mitspieler gefunden haben)
    Teritorrialschlachten: helle Seite 17 Sterne / dunkle Seite 19 Sterne
    Tägliche Raid Tickets: gibt kein Minimum, aber 400+ im Schnitt erwünscht
    Beitrittsvorraussetzungen: 1,2 Mio GM
    sowie: Teilnahme an Raids, Gildenaktivitäten und Events, Chat beachten und Deutschkenntnisse
    Bei Interesse schreibe mir eine private Nachricht oder mach direckt eine Beitritsanfrage Ingame
    Post edited by CptStormster on
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    Lawl Firm needs you!
    Lawl Firm is a singular 102M+ guild comprised of guys and gals who aim to be the very best!
    39* last LS TB and 38* DS TB and it'll only get better from here
    We are looking to replace a handful of players who aren't doing their part in the 600 requirement and the guild events..
    GP at 2M ( more or less )
    600/600 daily
    Discord and profile
    Guild reset is 6:30pm central time
    raids at 8pm central time whenever tickets are available

    Contact the leaders!
    Discord: Tess Tickles#3256 & Come Honor Face#6019
    Line: chf--
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    xxROGUESxx Recruiting New Members and Open to speaking with Guilds about joining our community.

    xxROGUESxx are recruiting we are a 11 guild community and growing. 7 HAAT GUILDS, 3 guilds running Hpit & pre-haat, and 1 development guild for growing members.
    Whether you're an old school player, a new player or in between looking for a great guild and Community.

    We have competitive guilds (State Side and EU Guilds) and a family friendly environment where all are welcomed. With members from all over the globe we are sure that you will fit right in, no matter where your from. We have a team of trainers that are more then willing to help anyone improve your Roster, Teams, Game in any SWGOH.
    xxROGUESxx requirements: • Discord and a synced Swgoh account. • Participation in guild events and daily tickets of 600 (we have an inactive channel for members who cant make it due to real life)

    xxROGUESxx current guilds are:

    Prime 48/50 HAAT 113M GP EST.

    Wraith 49/50 HAAT/HPIT 86M GP PST.

    Maxim 48/50 HAAT 95M GP EST.

    Scoundrels 47/50 Haat/Hpit 83M GP EST.

    Bredi 48/50 Hpit/Haat 91M GP GMT/EU

    BlueSquadron701st 40/50 Hpit/pre-haat 40M GP GMT/EU

    Resistance 48/50 Hpit/haat 65M GP EST.

    Empire 48/50 Hpit/pre-haat 36M GP EST.

    First Order 49/50 21M GP EST.

    Ljiljani 43/50 74M GP GMT/EU

    Rebels 35/50 T5 raids New Dev Guild EST/EU raid times.

    Come check us out.
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    Hey all, brand new guild (UpSithsCreekWithout aPadawan) with three long time players recruiting all friendly members regardless of level. We are new but strong and will build quickly. We run haat and heroic rancor and use Discord. Pm me here or on Discord at Juniper#9980 is your looking for an organized, supportive and easy going guild.
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    DeltΔcorns is looking for strong, active players. We are a heroic guild with a focus on teamwork, growth, and community. DeltΔcorns is part of the Pi family of guilds and a member guild of THE ALLIΔNCE. We have the knowledge of 2000 players in our online community and a strong sense of loyalty to our members within the 5 guilds that make up Pi. We value positivity, teamwork, and participation over GP. We value communication - both up and down - within our guilds. We value members that want to be successful as a group.

    Click HERE to join our discord or DM me directly.

    Guild info:
    • Guild Reset: 2230 UTC
    • We run 2 HAAT and 3 HPit per week
    • Our GP is 82M, we received 34LS/29DS stars on the last TBs
    • We're competitive, but we understand that real life comes first. We won’t kick you if you are off the game, just let one of our officers know
    • Our
    • RHAN/GK on farm

    • 600 tickets
    • 1.3M+ total roster Galactic Power (preferred)
    • Active in TB/TW
    • CHS, Hoth Twins, Starck, and Imp Troopers (Starck and Imp Troopers in progress is acceptable)
    • Discord account
    • account

    • Heroic Pit - 24h 0 damage, rotating schedule 2300 UTC and 2000 UTC
    • HAAT - 24h 0 damage, 2300 UTC
    • All members must use Discord
    • All members must have an up-to-date to view player rosters and coordinate TB

    Click HERE to join our discord or DM me directly.
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    The Sith - Recruiting Dark Lords NOW!!!!

    We are a family of 14 guilds, all working together and collaborating in a large online community bent on domination and power. And fun. And cookies. Dozens of veteran players stand by 24/7 with advice and resources to maximize each players potential for the good of the whole.

    WANTED: Serious players focused on squad development and strategy. Casual players are welcome too, but high activity is a must! Raid times vary by guild:

    The Sith is all about family. No evil overlords or dictators, no bullying or negativity.... I know, doesn’t sound much like Sith Lords you’ve seen in the movies. But our relentless pursuit of perfection and power fits nicely with the name!

    Looking to merge your guild or just a player looking for the right home? Come by for a chat, see if we can find a new home for you:

    We do not disappoint. We do not fail. One Team, One Dream.
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    Join Rulers of Moraband!
    We are a fun and energetic HAAT guild looking for a small merger or individual players who can contribute to an already awesome guild.
    If you’re tired of not being able to do TW and nobody else from your guild is interested in progress. Why waste your time? Join a family of players who can help you reach your goals!
    Join Rulers of Moraband!!

    - 11 wins in a row TW
    - 2x’s a week HAAT
    - 3x’s a week Hpit. With a 24h, 0 damage registration period.
    -700k gp requirement. Can be lifted depending on the applicant.
    - We use Discord for communication.
    - 20 :star:️ TB and rising.
    - 2030 EST reset, with raids starting at reset.

    Add Enone#2827 on Discord, or just apply to Rulers of Moraband in goh

    Don’t be a victim of guild inactivity. Join Rulers of Moraband, before spots fill up.
    Opportunity is knocking.
  • HailSecondinCommand
    2 posts Member
    edited February 2018

    Stoners of the Empire
    2.2mil GP
    Est. 1/28/18
    21/50 members and growing
    T4 Rancor

    We are looking active for playings who want to have fun and travel the galaxy far far away....

    Ally Code- 932-699-356
    Post edited by LocalHero on
This discussion has been closed.