Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    The Achievement is missing.
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    TVF wrote: »
    That's changed? I can't tell the way you wrote it but it sounds the same to me.

    Yes it has changed. I had no spare gear that could be equipped and so the annoying 3+ badge was missing. Now the annoying 3+ badge is back because I got 4 Zetas worth of Ability mats saved up but unused.
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    Can we get the favorite toons removed from the top of the squad selections please? I can see why you put them on the character screen*, but it makes 0 sense to have them at the top of squad selections.

    *Even though I think it's annoying and had no problem clicking the favorite tab, now I have to do the same clicks to sort by power to get it back to the default view. Want to save clicks? Let me choose my arena opponent, I spent 35 mins, no joke, pressing refresh yesterday to get from 26 to 19.
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    Hmm...Wiggs' firing sound has gone kind of lame.
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    That's changed? I can't tell the way you wrote it but it sounds the same to me.

    Yes it has changed. I had no spare gear that could be equipped and so the annoying 3+ badge was missing. Now the annoying 3+ badge is back because I got 4 Zetas worth of Ability mats saved up but unused.

    Android I guess has always been like this and Apple was the way you liked. I am apple and my android friends were like what are you talking about
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    YKMisfit wrote: »
    I like the update. The favourites thing is a little annoying. I thought it would be great when I heard about it, but now the characters that are flagged only show at the top unless I remove the favourites flag entirely. Before, it was one extra step to sort them, but at least I could alternate. Still, it's not a big deal. Most of the time I want them there anyway.

    The one thing that I truly find annoying is all of the tutorial help guys that keep popping up. I figured it would go through once and then I wouldn't have to worry about it again, but now it seems like they keep coming back again and again. I get the sense that this isn't happening for everyone.

    Switch to power and your roster should fan out like it use to.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Yeah that's how it's always been for me (on Android). You'll get over it.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Yeah that's how it's always been for me (on Android). You'll get over it.

    You asked what was changed and I answered you on behalf of the other dude. I wasn’t complaining about this change.

    I do have major issues with the other change which is already spelt out on the other thread but was already condemned by you.
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    Why are all my R1 characters sorting at the top, sorted by power level, followed by all my other characters by power level?
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    YKMisfit wrote: »
    I like the update. The favourites thing is a little annoying. I thought it would be great when I heard about it, but now the characters that are flagged only show at the top unless I remove the favourites flag entirely. Before, it was one extra step to sort them, but at least I could alternate. Still, it's not a big deal. Most of the time I want them there anyway.

    The one thing that I truly find annoying is all of the tutorial help guys that keep popping up. I figured it would go through once and then I wouldn't have to worry about it again, but now it seems like they keep coming back again and again. I get the sense that this isn't happening for everyone.

    That's happening for me, but I think it's just because I re-installed the game to deal with the crash issue. Very annoying when they won't let me go about my business and make me spend things I would rather not have.
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    Terminex wrote: »
    Why are all my R1 characters sorting at the top, sorted by power level, followed by all my other characters by power level?

    Are they favorited?
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Huatimus wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Yeah that's how it's always been for me (on Android). You'll get over it.

    You asked what was changed and I answered you on behalf of the other dude. I wasn’t complaining about this change.

    I didn't understand what you were talking about. Someone else said it's an iOS change, which would make sense because on Android it's always been like this for me.

    But if you just want to pick a fight with me ok.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Yeah that's how it's always been for me (on Android). You'll get over it.

    You asked what was changed and I answered you on behalf of the other dude. I wasn’t complaining about this change.

    I didn't understand what you were talking about. Someone else said it's an iOS change, which would make sense because on Android it's always been like this for me.

    But if you just want to pick a fight with me ok.

    I quoted you and replied specifically to that so I thought it was fairly obvious what I was referring to. And it’s not an OS change, my account is now linked on both iOS and Android. I’m seeing the 3+ badge on both OS.

    The change was from the update, and I suspect is because people were complaining that they could not see possible ability upgrades for their ships, so they turned on notifications for ability upgrades.
  • Terminex
    37 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Terminex wrote: »
    Why are all my R1 characters sorting at the top, sorted by power level, followed by all my other characters by power level?

    Are they favorited?

    Ha... Yes. I am dumb. Thanks!
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Huatimus wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Yeah that's how it's always been for me (on Android). You'll get over it.

    You asked what was changed and I answered you on behalf of the other dude. I wasn’t complaining about this change.

    I didn't understand what you were talking about. Someone else said it's an iOS change, which would make sense because on Android it's always been like this for me.

    But if you just want to pick a fight with me ok.

    I quoted you and replied specifically to that so I thought it was fairly obvious what I was referring to. And it’s not an OS change, my account is now linked on both iOS and Android. I’m seeing the 3+ badge on both OS.

    The change was from the update, and I suspect is because people were complaining that they could not see possible ability upgrades for their ships, so they turned on notifications for ability upgrades.

    Lol. The original poster said characters, not ships.
    I need a new message here.
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    Anyone's phone crashing over and over? I've never had a crash problem since I started playing this game in Dec. 2015. Since this update, it's crashed 6-7 times. Every time I try to do something - crash. Restart. Go somewhere else - crash. Restart.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Happened to me the first few times. Try rebooting your phone, worked for me.
    I need a new message here.
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    Dunno if this has been said but has anyone noticed the slight lag in ship battles now? Makes the already uninteresting ships even more painful to do.
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    I’m just annoyed with bugs. I’m almost at level 82. All at once, I’m getting tutorials I was supposed to get the first time I used things like the shard store or GW. They didn’t trigger for whatever reason back then, and this update has made all of them pop up now. I’ve been using this stuff for months now, so I don’t need a tutorial. They would have been nice at the time when I had no clue what I was doing, but now they are just annoying. And they pop up every time I try to do something.
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    Also, it’s suddenly a pain trying to bring up the tool tips during battle for abilities and buffs. I tap and hold over the icon like usual, and nothing happens. I can sometimes get it to come up if I move my finger around just right while I’m holding it. Not sure how something like that gets messed up in an update.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    I've found it works you just need to hold longer than before.
    I need a new message here.
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    Since updating the game has crashed during the loading sequence. The main image comes up, there is a bit of text down the bottom saying "Loading canteena" and then it crashes with a message that you miss if you blink that says "Unable to connect to server".

    I have rebooted my tablet to see if it will work, but that hasn't helped either.

    I am using the Android version of the game.
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    I and a few discord mates had the crash problem on updating. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it for us
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    Yes it keeps crashing. We tried to warn people this morning. But the thread got merged and archived. Try to be helpful.....
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    Nassyi wrote: »
    Since updating the game has crashed during the loading sequence. The main image comes up, there is a bit of text down the bottom saying "Loading canteena" and then it crashes with a message that you miss if you blink that says "Unable to connect to server".

    I have rebooted my tablet to see if it will work, but that hasn't helped either.

    I am using the Android version of the game.

    I have a guildmate with the exact same problem. He plays on an Android tablet and he never linked his account so he’s afraid to lose everything if he tries to uninstall/reinstall. Can someone think of a solution ? I’ve seen people say they just tried again and again until it worked but that’s not much of a plan...
    Maybe they’ll fix it with the actual update ? I wouldnt want him to lose his account over such a stupid thing.
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    Terminex wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Terminex wrote: »
    Why are all my R1 characters sorting at the top, sorted by power level, followed by all my other characters by power level?

    Are they favorited?

    Ha... Yes. I am dumb. Thanks!
    Terminex wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Terminex wrote: »
    Why are all my R1 characters sorting at the top, sorted by power level, followed by all my other characters by power level?

    Are they favorited?

    Ha... Yes. I am dumb. Thanks!

    LOL I had the same problem when I first looked at my roster and then I was like oh yeah duh I remember now.
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    Acctually the TW changes may very easy lead to MORE ties than before. Think about it: it's very easy to "earn" banners. You get 30 for setting defence, period. Nothing about it change that - you can populate entire battleground with single 6k+ units and get full defensive credit. It's all left for offence. Sure, you're allowing your opponent a lot of easy wins. Bot how much can he earn? Let's do the math: each win is a 20 banners MAX: 5 for win + 10 for first attempt +5 for everyone surviving. He kills very easily with single unit attack team? Nothing changes: 5 (win) +10 (first attempt) +1 (left standing)+ 4 (bonus for empty slots in attack team).

    This is the strategy that leads to maximum use of resources: you earn everything that can be earned for setting defence and still have virtually full guild power left for attack phase.

    Except you will be getting more from offense than they will, and it will add up.
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    I don't usually see much value in complaining online, but I created an account just to say this...

    Please make the change to unit arrangement something we can opt out of. I had been very specific with how I laid out my teams -- especially my Squad Arena team -- and now they're actually MORE in each other's way.

    And retraining the muscle memory so I don't click the wrong guy when time is of the essence will be frustrating and will take a while.

    Ugh, this gets even worse. The computer seems to think Obi-Wan and Ezra are the same height, and they will switch positions between waves of the same battle.

    When I was having a hard time reaching Chopper behind Kanan, I moved where Chopper was in the lineup. After a few times misclicking while trying to click on Biggs's X-Wing, I moved where it was in the lineup. This feels like a terrible fix to a non-problem because some people would rather complain instead of adjusting their layouts manually.
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    Why does the March calendar fail to mention the two Marquee events we are so very looking forward to? Is this left out for a reason? Or are we not getting Sion in next several days as we have thought? Or at least, I thought?
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    Has anyone seen or know when the QOL is supposed to occur on the 28th of February?
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