[Feedback] JTR back w/ BB8 [MERGE]


  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    MrGrips wrote: »
    The biggest reason .3 is trusted is because some people some time ago (you're more likely to find this on reddit, dont feel like looking for this) did a large sample size, like hundreds of attempts or more and averaged .3 in cantina.

    Why are there so many voices talking about worse rates? Well I really think its just as simple as that those people are almost always talking about a really small sample size and in that case its really easy to experience an awful rate. After all, who's more likely to look up a thread about drop rates, the dude who got 5/8 today, the spreadsheet-keeper of hundreds of attempts, or the guy who got 0 today and is concerned about drop rates? I think its the latter.

    Of course its possible that the devs are maniupulating rates or something idk but my problem with that is that I do believe, the majority of players are achieving average (for .3) results. Thats what it seems in my guild at least. And if the rates were dramatically lower (like .1 or even .2) those ppl doing 3 refreshes a day talking about how they finished the vets a month ago would be extremely exceptional, but theyre kinda common.

    The thing about stats is you can have crazy results for a small sample size but things really stop behaving that way once that sample gets larger.

    I'm still not convinced 0.3 is an accurate representation of the average drop rate for all nodes for all players.
    You might have a lot of people in your Guild talking about how they finished the Veterans months ago but in my - admittedly lower ranking guild and therefore only looking at our top players - we have none.

    Also, bear in mind that for 0.3 to be the average, 50% of the player base must be below that.
    What's the highest drop rate someone could have consistently encountered (since the last RJT event) on the Veteran characters and still not have them even with 3 refills a day?
  • srgj88
    102 posts Member
    For those saying "you should have prepared for this," well....some of us did and are still upset. I prepped to get BB8 to 7* immediately (only needed FOST to 7*), all the while farming the Vets since the last event. Minus about a 2 week break to get Matt upgraded, I've stayed with the Vets. The drop-rate has been horrible on them. I figured I still had at least a month, if not a little more, to get them upgraded. CLS was about 4 and a half to 5 months, so everyone figured Rey would be the same. Farming them since the last event, I still need 60 shards to get Han to 7* and just got Chewie to 5* today.

    Yes, I'm ****. But some should stop saying "you should have prepared for this." Some of us did, and are still coming up short.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    I think there is a big difference though. Some people just never cared for JTR, so didn't bother farming her, and only now that she is absolutely needed for a raid have to get her. Others just planned it in, assuming they had 4 months (not an unreasonable assumption) and now get caught off-guard.

    I think panic farming is always bad, and always rewards EA.
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    "So, I have no sympathy for people who KNEW exactly what to farm and who KNEW that she would be back soon, yet chose not to farm her and are now complaining about no notice"

    The problem is the other Legendary event took four and a half months to come back, this was three months. I planned to finish them for free by my estimated time.
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    Happy she’s back faster than I thought!

    I’ve been farming the vets since they became farmable and am only a few shards away from completing them. As has been said, you gotta pick a long term goal and stick to it. Waiting to the last minute only works when you also plan to use your credit card.
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    Deda wrote: »
    I'm just a silent creeper in these forums but I had to take this opportunity to take the load off my chest.
    I was going to write a full story about how I farmed both vets and their missing 438 shards in approx. two months, starting from January 5th. How it took a lot of commitment and calculation with very limited resources (only top100 in pvp arena and no crystals from fleet arena).

    Imagine the situation I was in, as was the majority of people who didn't get Rey the first time: It's 5th of January, JTRs in your arena shard are already geared up and zetad. They are destroying everything. They are awesome for the AAT raid, they are awesome for TW and LSTB. JTR resistance are THE team.

    What other priorities could there be other than ditching everything and going all in for veterans and FO in order to survive this kind of situation where it comes up more than a month in advance? I honestly don't get it. This game is all about focus and it has been ever since the beginning.

    There is only so much cantina energy to do one thing at the time and I'm worried that a lot of people are missing that. Believing that the game should do all it can to make it super flexible for casual players to strategize everything in advance verges on ludicrous.

    I don't have nightsisters, don't have KRU, don't have Empire troopers, don't have ewoks, but **** them all to hell, I will have JTR in 2 days.

    I'm literally amazed at the notion that you should be able to enjoy all these awesome factions all at once if you're F2P and didn't do everything right and focused on making the right choices like some have from day one.

    Then there’s me who has been working on vets since the first appearance of JTR. Took me til well into January just to get Han with **** drop rates. Now just about to 5* chewy. I also am in the top 50-100 for payout in arena and get no ship crystals.

    Today I did two cantina refreshes and all my other cantina energy focused on vet chewie and got a total of 4 shards. It was like this for Han and continues with chewie. Oh well. I’ll atleast have bb8 this time.

    Of this is true, then I guess an extra week or two of notice wouldn’t have helped you right? Since you have been focused on the vets since the event first came and are still nowhere close, extra notice wouldn’t have any impact.

    If that’s true, I feel bad for your poor rng. You might be better off to save those crystals you are using for refreshes and use them in the shop.
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    MrGrips wrote: »
    The biggest reason .3 is trusted is because some people some time ago (you're more likely to find this on reddit, dont feel like looking for this) did a large sample size, like hundreds of attempts or more and averaged .3 in cantina.

    Why are there so many voices talking about worse rates? Well I really think its just as simple as that those people are almost always talking about a really small sample size and in that case its really easy to experience an awful rate. After all, who's more likely to look up a thread about drop rates, the dude who got 5/8 today, the spreadsheet-keeper of hundreds of attempts, or the guy who got 0 today and is concerned about drop rates? I think its the latter.

    Of course its possible that the devs are maniupulating rates or something idk but my problem with that is that I do believe, the majority of players are achieving average (for .3) results. Thats what it seems in my guild at least. And if the rates were dramatically lower (like .1 or even .2) those ppl doing 3 refreshes a day talking about how they finished the vets a month ago would be extremely exceptional, but theyre kinda common.

    The thing about stats is you can have crazy results for a small sample size but things really stop behaving that way once that sample gets larger.

    I'm still not convinced 0.3 is an accurate representation of the average drop rate for all nodes for all players.
    You might have a lot of people in your Guild talking about how they finished the Veterans months ago but in my - admittedly lower ranking guild and therefore only looking at our top players - we have none.

    Also, bear in mind that for 0.3 to be the average, 50% of the player base must be below that.
    What's the highest drop rate someone could have consistently encountered (since the last RJT event) on the Veteran characters and still not have them even with 3 refills a day?

    You don't get it... Average is 30%... Not for you? Bad

    How easy for you to dismiss 50% of the player base.

    (That's what the average means; half above, half below. So if you scoff at someone with below average drop rate, you are scoffing at half of all the players. That doesn't seem very nice of you.)
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    Sunnie1978 wrote: »
    It can be hard to predict exactly when an event will be coming, so it is a good idea to go ahead and prepare the required toons for a legendary or heroic event character as soon as you can so you will not miss out.

    Here is a list of the current recurring events with required toons, star levels and suggested gear levels. https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/154696/reoccurring-events-and-characters-required-index/p1

    Decide which of the toons/ships are the most important and farm to be ready for them. I always suggest not putting off farming the required toons for an event to farm something else, thinking there will be a large amount of notice and time before an event returns. Events can return at any time and a three-day notice has happened before this.

    This is too sensible, it will be ignored.
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    Like lots of you, my guildmates were also expressing doubts about the drop rates on the Veterans so I decided to record every cantina energy I have so far spent on them.

    Here's my artisanal, small batch, 100% organic data (with date stamps): https://imgur.com/a/NzyZc

    I started on February 10 because that's when I hit level 83, so I've been going a bit more than a month, spending all cantina energy on them and utilising at least 3 cantina refreshes every day (except for recently when I've gone up to 4 refreshes.... Thanks for the crystals, fleet arena).
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    Pretty sure no one care about your "sympathy" kello_511, you can keep it. :*

    It doesn't bother me that much. BB8 was always the biggest priority since he works well with teams outside of resistence and i got my First Order ready for him on january.
    But next time i will get Jedi Rey. :)
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    Jimika wrote: »
    I just removed the vets from my favourites, I thought I'd have 4.5 months based on the return of CLS. I get 3 months. I was going to get them both to 20/100 shards and hope to see the 80 shards packs, I will not buy those now.
    I think that by the time she returns again, we will have other options, a raid nerf, another gear tier or level 90.
    I quit farming for Rey2.

    And I predict that you will back here complaining about “lack of notice” to get her when the event next returns.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Yeah about 50% will be below but they shouldn't be below by much. I did some math and the chances of you getting 500 or less shards for 32 attempts for 90 days at .3 and its extremely small, like below .001%.

    Honestly for it to be statistically possible for you to have gotten 500 shards doing that the rate has to be just about what your rate was, about 17.3%, give or take less than a percent.

    Which idk, is why Im thinking that you must have taken a break to farm another character or something. 90 Days is a lot of attempts, 2,880, which means that people's results aren't going to deviate much from the actual rate.

    EDIT: The only realistic alternative for the vastly different results between you and others is different players having different rates which i doubt, or the devs changing the rates occasionally which I also doubt. Much more likely is that one of you is forgetting he did more or less attempts than they are claiming.

    Also, people talk about KRU having a good rate and maybe he does but I'd bet that a lot of it is just that people are forgetting he takes less energy and are not looking at the attempts lol. Also seeing his ship shards in addition gives extra positive appearances to his rates too.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    Jimika wrote: »
    I just removed the vets from my favourites, I thought I'd have 4.5 months based on the return of CLS. I get 3 months. I was going to get them both to 20/100 shards and hope to see the 80 shards packs, I will not buy those now.
    I think that by the time she returns again, we will have other options, a raid nerf, another gear tier or level 90.
    I quit farming for Rey2.

    And I predict that you will back here complaining about “lack of notice” to get her when the event next returns.

    It's not the lack of notice, I didn't say that. I am unhappy we can't predict anything.
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    They just want to sell you the Veteran packs. They done the math and looked at current player farming behavior. They’ve most likely determined this is the best time to relaunch the JTR event in order to get people to buy the Veteran packs, simply by scrubbing their player database and looking at exactly what number of players is clearly farming for JTR and in a position to succumb to purchasing the packs if they launch now.

    So if you’ve been diligently farming the Vets for the past few months and will miraculously be able to get JTR only by purchasing the packs to finish them off, just know that you were specifically targeted. CG said to you, “We know you’ve been farming, but we’re going to need you to give us some money to get JTR. Or you will have to wait until later in the year.”
  • Whindanser
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I had a very high drop rate for Vet Chewy but a lower one for Vet Han. It was to the point where I stopped farming Chewy with 50 shards left because I figured I could knock it out in 3 or 4 days. Now....drop rate sucks. It’s just the way it goes.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    They just want to sell you the Veteran packs. They done the math and looked at current player farming behavior. They’ve most likely determined this is the best time to relaunch the JTR event in order to get people to buy the Veteran packs, simply by scrubbing their player database and looking at exactly what number of players is clearly farming for JTR and in a position to succumb to purchasing the packs if they launch now.

    So if you’ve been diligently farming the Vets for the past few months and will miraculously be able to get JTR only by purchasing the packs to finish them off, just know that you were specifically targeted. CG said to you, “We know you’ve been farming, but we’re going to need you to give us some money to get JTR. Or you will have to wait until later in the year.”

    I had the same thought and I have decided to get Rey next time for free because the event was one month early than my plan, even the bundle can’t help, still need a few thousand crystals to refresh. Too expensive for me, so see you next time!
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    Edward wrote: »
    Too expensive for me, so see you next time!

    Very simple and sensible decision - I've made the same decision. No drama.

  • twist
    68 posts Member
    What a bunch of crybabies...of course EA will try to get your money. And if you are ftp do you really expect to be prepared for every event all the time? Ftp means choose your battles. If you really wanted rey, you would've been ready for her. But most of you didn't prioritize for rey. You used cantina energy for mods and other stuff. Just like I am ready for rey but won't be able to get thrawn or luke yet. As for the raid...it's suppossed to be an end game raid that challenges the strongest of the strongest. And people who have no business doing tier 4 complain about the raid being too strong at tier 6/heroic....
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    Still need 60 shards for Chewy....
  • Ephran
    499 posts Member
    Pick one:

    Look at me! I farmed the necessary toons and I'm ready, thanks CG!

    I procrastinated because I made up some timeline for myself that turned out to be wrong, I blame you CG!

    Or people like me who had to finish FO first in order to get BB8 and so didn't farm the vets just yet.
  • Sumbu
    30 posts Member
    FO = Energyfarm
    Vets = Cantinafarm
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    twist wrote: »
    What a bunch of crybabies...of course EA will try to get your money. And if you are ftp do you really expect to be prepared for every event all the time? Ftp means choose your battles. If you really wanted rey, you would've been ready for her. But most of you didn't prioritize for rey. You used cantina energy for mods and other stuff. Just like I am ready for rey but won't be able to get thrawn or luke yet. As for the raid...it's suppossed to be an end game raid that challenges the strongest of the strongest. And people who have no business doing tier 4 complain about the raid being too strong at tier 6/heroic....

    Theres some who have been farming but have gotten some bad rng. I have Han 7 star but still need 60 shards for chewy

    I have been doing 2 refreshes a day(minimum)
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    Happy she’s back faster than I thought!

    I’ve been farming the vets since they became farmable and am only a few shards away from completing them. As has been said, you gotta pick a long term goal and stick to it. Waiting to the last minute only works when you also plan to use your credit card.

    Same here! Other than a couple of brief breaks for mods and Nightsister Acolyte, I've been starring up the Veterans since the last event ended. Just 11 shards away from Veteran Chewie being *7 and 12 pieces of salvage from Gear 11 for him and I'm ready. I'm delighted the event is back early since my event team is modded, geared and starred for it. :)

    I can understand people being annoyed at Rey (Jedi Training) and expose receiving a raid nerf but it seems silly being upset at Rey coming back early. Means we can get through the Sith raid faster, provided you've been farming the veterans.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    I can understand people being annoyed at Rey (Jedi Training) and expose receiving a raid nerf but it seems silly being upset at Rey coming back early. Means we can get through the Sith raid faster, provided you've been farming the veterans.

    It's not about her coming back early, it's about CG giving us notice two days in advance. Two. Freaking. Days. That's not even enough time to panic farm. This is a new low, what will be next? Releasing once-in-a-blue-moon events with no early notice whatsoever?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    I can understand people being annoyed at Rey (Jedi Training) and expose receiving a raid nerf but it seems silly being upset at Rey coming back early. Means we can get through the Sith raid faster, provided you've been farming the veterans.

    It's not about her coming back early, it's about CG giving us notice two days in advance. Two. Freaking. Days. That's not even enough time to panic farm. This is a new low, what will be next? Releasing once-in-a-blue-moon events with no early notice whatsoever?

    Stop being hyperbolic. Short notice and panic farm? WAI - and as it always has. C'mon man, you've been here as long as I have. Stop acting like you don't know better.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I never come on here and complain but dropping this so soon is a bush league move. I have been farming vets hard and have them both 6 stars plus. But now to get them seven stars in ten days I would need to spend. If you are using nearly all your crystals, as I have since December, on up to three refreshes, it makes it basically your focus for months. Having it come back early (87 days) is pretty discouraging.

    IMO - we should have had a little more time between events and had bb8 before rather then concurrent. Add that to the fact that I am already annoyed with the expose nerf that makes a very boring smash fest raid even longer and I think there is good cause to be annoyed if you have been spending all your resources for months trying to get jtr.
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    3 days notice, really? After the unpopular Raid changes which we can learn to live with over time as we start coming up with better strategies for the raid, the least you could have done is restore some good will with the community. Instead, we get 3 days notice? I've been farming Vets since I missed Rey last time. Guess what? Drop rates are so bad, I'm still not done. Come onnnnn. Do ONE good thing for your players. Double drops even to mitigate this sting. @CG_RyDiggs @CG_JohnSalera
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    I can understand people being annoyed at Rey (Jedi Training) and expose receiving a raid nerf but it seems silly being upset at Rey coming back early. Means we can get through the Sith raid faster, provided you've been farming the veterans.

    It's not about her coming back early, it's about CG giving us notice two days in advance. Two. Freaking. Days. That's not even enough time to panic farm. This is a new low, what will be next? Releasing once-in-a-blue-moon events with no early notice whatsoever?

    Stop being hyperbolic. Short notice and panic farm? WAI - and as it always has. C'mon man, you've been here as long as I have. Stop acting like you don't know better.

    I have been through my share of panic farms too. My point is, we can't even do that on such a short notice. Never before have we had so little time between an announcement and the event itself.
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    Buzzin', I'm totally ready this time. Don't wait for announcements, just get yourself ready for events you're interested in asap then you're good to go.
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