Bounty hunters [Merge]


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    I also hope that cad gets a rework. And zam. Not sure why does characters are excluded.
  • MoBlaq
    583 posts Member
    If there are people in Beta testing BH, can we please get some insight on what's going on? It really does suck that people in Beta get all the info early and start working on who is good and team builds while the rest of us have to wait until release
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    Doesn't Beta program have NDA?
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    Not sure why does characters are excluded.

    Because it's Old School Bounty Hunters that are getting reworked.

    Is what it is.

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    I'm calling greedo to be the MVP of the rework, with dengar a close second.


    Greedo needs ridiculous amounts of stun cuffs to gear up - and to this point there'd only be a few, and I mean a few who would've geared him prior to this, panic farming gear = $$$ for the devs.

    Dengar, can't really panic farm from anywhere except refreshing the store which means $$$ for the devs.

    So naturally, make the two that people are least likely to have the best.

  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    I'm calling greedo to be the MVP of the rework, with dengar a close second.


    Greedo needs ridiculous amounts of stun cuffs to gear up - and to this point there'd only be a few, and I mean a few who would've geared him prior to this, panic farming gear = $$$ for the devs.

    Dengar, can't really panic farm from anywhere except refreshing the store which means $$$ for the devs.

    So naturally, make the two that people are least likely to have the best.


    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^
    Post edited by jedilord on
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »
    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    I'm calling greedo to be the MVP of the rework, with dengar a close second.


    Greedo needs ridiculous amounts of stun cuffs to gear up - and to this point there'd only be a few, and I mean a few who would've geared him prior to this, panic farming gear = $$$ for the devs.

    Dengar, can't really panic farm from anywhere except refreshing the store which means $$$ for the devs.

    So naturally, make the two that people are least likely to have the best.


    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^

    I actually agree with this. The top 1% are only getting a larger power gap on the rest of the players. I personally think this is a BAD plan. The developers seem to think the other 99% will struggle or spend to catch up. I think it more likely that we lose ton-o-players. Nobody wants to play a game that isnt fun, and you cant beat. Again, Sith Raid is not fun, at all, even a little. Make your game less fun while ratcheting the difficulty is a recipe for mass exodus. Just log into Marvel Strike Force, you cant miss everh third person saying they came from SWGOH.
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    jedilord wrote: »
    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    I'm calling greedo to be the MVP of the rework, with dengar a close second.


    Greedo needs ridiculous amounts of stun cuffs to gear up - and to this point there'd only be a few, and I mean a few who would've geared him prior to this, panic farming gear = $$$ for the devs.

    Dengar, can't really panic farm from anywhere except refreshing the store which means $$$ for the devs.

    So naturally, make the two that people are least likely to have the best.


    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^

    Have you read treya’s passive? While it seeems good to get out of stun, daze, ect, in the EzPz Vader meta, those auto-cleansing DoTs will drain your team’s hp while feeding tm to the enemy team. Time will tell if treya gaining tm will make up for it, but she seems balanced if you consider the current meta.
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    Dont think dengar leadership will be better then fett! 50%crit damage is good!
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    Your traya will not be as powerfull as raids!there is no way
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »

    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^

    Weren't around for GK's debut then I take it? Same thing happened - people had a cry that they didn't have him, then it settled down, and life went on. Spending has nothing to do with getting Traya or GK either - it's about having a strong guild, working together, and achieving something. That's why Haat was originally so hard, and why it's the same for Sith.

    Plus Traya will take a fracture like the rest of em. 4 + Thrawn. I've given you a headstart
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I actually like their current kits as is - their main issues are dmg output, survivability and the fact the detonators are pants.

    Zam also doesn't need a rework provided they don't mess about with Bobas leader ability. She actually hits quite hard at g11+ but again is hampered by the protection. She is pretty fast though.

    As for gearing them in preparation: Dengars g9 to 10 is a carb nightmare, and Greedo needs more cuffs than a store full of shirts.
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    Reyalp wrote: »
    Weren't around for GK's debut then I take it? Same thing happened - people had a cry that they didn't have him, then it settled down, and life went on.


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    Cooncoon wrote: »
    Who does Bossk replace in the Bountt Hunter team? Cad bane? Zam? What will his moves be?... will he change the game?

    Taunt tank for bossk so.... yea I realy think that the Key team will be to have Dengar or Boba lead with Bossk, Greedo, Ig88 and A character like Hoda could be REALY usefull in that team!
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Reyalp wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »

    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^

    Weren't around for GK's debut then I take it? Same thing happened - people had a cry that they didn't have him, then it settled down, and life went on. Spending has nothing to do with getting Traya or GK either - it's about having a strong guild, working together, and achieving something. That's why Haat was originally so hard, and why it's the same for Sith.

    Plus Traya will take a fracture like the rest of em. 4 + Thrawn. I've given you a headstart

    yes i was, and i havn´t cried, and i won´t cry that i will miss traya... i am only worried that all the casher are not soppurting the game in future...
    i would for sure spend some money on a vip membership or something like that... with some bonus like all the quality of life changes are prohibited to an vip account... that would be fine and ok

    but cashing toons or gear or something else? no! never! i am a old school gamer: if you havn´t played for you rewards, than you have cheated, thats all it is so simple...
    so all of you face the truth: every casher in such games like swgoh are cheater... you havn´t played for your rooster you have buyed it, so you have payed for a cheatcode in the store!
  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    QJinX wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Shaunyvee wrote: »
    I'm calling greedo to be the MVP of the rework, with dengar a close second.


    Greedo needs ridiculous amounts of stun cuffs to gear up - and to this point there'd only be a few, and I mean a few who would've geared him prior to this, panic farming gear = $$$ for the devs.

    Dengar, can't really panic farm from anywhere except refreshing the store which means $$$ for the devs.

    So naturally, make the two that people are least likely to have the best.


    wait until the first people are running darth traya in arena, the majority of all will quit spending money once they realise they are years away from getting her and no other toon and RNGesus on your side can do anything against her^^

    I actually agree with this. The top 1% are only getting a larger power gap on the rest of the players. I personally think this is a BAD plan. The developers seem to think the other 99% will struggle or spend to catch up. I think it more likely that we lose ton-o-players. Nobody wants to play a game that isnt fun, and you cant beat. Again, Sith Raid is not fun, at all, even a little. Make your game less fun while ratcheting the difficulty is a recipe for mass exodus. Just log into Marvel Strike Force, you cant miss everh third person saying they came from SWGOH.

    Agreed, gap between top .??% who will unlock Traya soon enough will just be even larger.

    Even with the current added "communication" in reality it feels like a passive way of communicating particularly these Q&As where the answers are all really vague and sometimes even embarrassing.
    7 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Would be nice to get Bossk's ship the Hounds Tooth as well.
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    Would be nice to get Bossk's ship the Hounds Tooth as well.

    i don´t think we are getting new ships until the announced supposed ship nerf
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    I think Cad Bane deserves to be reworked. If you watch clone wars he was a bad a$$. In this game he sucks.
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    I think Cad Bane deserves to be reworked. If you watch clone wars he was a bad a$$. In this game he sucks.

    One word- Chewbacca.

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »
    yes i was, and i havn´t cried, and i won´t cry that i will miss traya... i am only worried that all the casher are not soppurting the game in future...

    No you're not. If you were truly worried about spenders not supporting the game in the future, then you would support the game. As is, you're playing for free and if the game ends you'll just move onto the next one. Cut it out with the weasel words and "I *would* support the game, but I don't want to be a lousy dirty rotten cheater" nonsense. You won't spend a dime ever.

    And that's fine because this IS a game that's free to play, and it's one of the most free-friendly games I've ever seen. The last thing I bought was the Captain Han Solo pack for ten bucks. I bought it because it had been almost a full calendar year since the last time I spent any money in the game, and figured throwing $10 at them was a good way to support the game I enjoy. I spend more on Netflix. But you know what? I feel zero moral superiority about not spending anything. So get off your high horse and just admit that you want to play free same as I do.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Casual play or competitive I play both.
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    So do we have a date for this rework?
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    Nism0z33 wrote: »
    So do we have a date for this rework?

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    Of course
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    Does anyone know when the Bounty Hunter rework is? I hope soon
  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member
    Darkhunter wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Jango’s not really a Bounty Hunter, though, is he?

    He has his own video game titled "Bounty Hunter". His bounty in the movies was queen Amidala, he hired zam to kill her.

    He was also referred to as a BH in the second movie.

    Which leads to the fact that he literally must have been the WORST BH in the galaxy. He couldn't collect on the 1 bounty he had and died soon after that failure.
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