End of Week Raid Reward Update - 4/13/18 [MEGA]


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    First post that looks promising on this topic. I appreciate the team at CG for keeping an open mind. I understand, and I think most of us do, the concern with game economy; broken economy in the game is bad generally for all of us involved. I'm aware of the HoDA situation after things were made too available...However, this was a tremendous change in rewards with no notice - incredibly jarring. We have to meet somewhere in the middle on this and it appears CG is conforming to that sentiment. Thanks @CG_Carrie for continuing to maintain open communication lines. This really is a big deal to players, not just an everyday run of the mill gripe about something. I am now hopeful once more, where before I only had frustration and regret. Please deliver next week. Don't leave us in despair.
  • Brock
    33 posts Member
    Sith Raid is too hard, rewards are lacking, and I'm still not over JTR getting nerfed after I paid money to get her. Tomorrow will be my last day playing this game after my guilds TB is over.
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    Ikey wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    I find it sad that this seems to be focused on heoric Sith raid only. Like all the other tiers didn't take a hit as well. Guess us non-heoric guilds will just have to suck it up. Pretty much what I expected but sad nonetheless.

    Dude, Heroic was the only tier changed. The lower tiers were going to be changed. It just didn't get that far, due to our outrage.

    This is untrue. All tiers had changes to gear and currency.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • xanderxman
    505 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Ikey wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    I find it sad that this seems to be focused on heoric Sith raid only. Like all the other tiers didn't take a hit as well. Guess us non-heoric guilds will just have to suck it up. Pretty much what I expected but sad nonetheless.

    Dude, Heroic was the only tier changed. The lower tiers were going to be changed. It just didn't get that far, due to our outrage.

    Dude, reading comprehension. It's not hard. All tiers of Sith raid were changed. But I appreciate your outrage.
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    Not good enough. You should completely scrap the idea of a raid reward nerf altogether and repair the damage to your customer relationship.
  • Bawz
    31 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Sunlounger wrote: »
    @CG_Carrie as an English player and apparently we are the guardians of Politically Correctness, I feel i should advise you of this..... instead of....After yesterday’s follow up post, intended to be clearer and more succinct (also based on feedback from foreign language users to be more direct), my intention was to show side by side comparisons of the Raid Rewards before/after in a post today.

    you should have said....After yesterday’s follow up post, intended to be clearer and more succinct (also based on feedback from Non English speaking users to be more direct), my intention was to show side by side comparisons of the Raid Rewards before/after in a post today.

    so...Ive FTFY, not trying to be arsey here but what you said doesn't sound good :)
    Ha ha ha!! This post cannot be genuine, surely?
    Are you honestly complaining about the use of the term "foreign language"??
    You are aware that this is not, in any way, an incorrect term for the scenario it relates to?

    "Foreign" simply means a country or language other than one's own native country or language.
    Nothing politically incorrect to see here & no need for snow, either.
  • Bawz
    31 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Ikey wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    I find it sad that this seems to be focused on heoric Sith raid only. Like all the other tiers didn't take a hit as well. Guess us non-heoric guilds will just have to suck it up. Pretty much what I expected but sad nonetheless.

    Dude, Heroic was the only tier changed. The lower tiers were going to be changed. It just didn't get that far, due to our outrage.
    Not true.
    T1 - T7 were changed.
    For T5 there were reward tiers, as with older Raid structures.
    1-3 got 2 different tier prize boxes.
    4-10 got 1 of the higher of those 2 prize boxes.
    11-20 got the other, lower, of those 2 prize boxes. etc
    Now, all members receive the same box, effectively meaning that the person who finishes 50th can receive better gear than the person who finishes 1st.
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    Direct quote from 4/2 update:

    Across all Sith Raid Tiers, and especially beginning in Tier 4, the underlying contents of the Sith Raid mystery boxes have been revamped.

    ALL tiers were changed. Not 5-7 only. Not heoric only. ALL tiers.
  • Bawz
    31 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Yeah, well done.
    I edited to include T1 upwards. Only made reference to T5 up because that's what my Guild's running, so knew that to be a fact which disproved the comment.
  • Anex
    20 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Hope it happens soon...cuz this is going to kill all interest in this thing...



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    The latest response really says ........I got us to the weekend, I’ll talk some more next week but again not really say anything. Eventually another week will be gone and we won’t have to do anything to make the community happy.
  • FatalEdge66
    51 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    1 guaranteed piece from new big pool of non g12 is not gonna fix the hot garbage that is sith raid rewards. You clearly are not caring what your customers are saying
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    @CG_Carrie leave the sith raid rewards like they were
    or atleast guarantee 1 full G12 piece for everyone.
    There is 140 + characters that needs 3 pieces each plus the new ones that are coming out. This wont do any harm honestly to the game. What is going to harm the game is people loging 0 and stop investing because the rewards are not good for the time and effort it requires. Keep the game fun from us.
  • Bigslow
    104 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    “Rewards” like the Mk10 blastec weapon mod (blue 2% potency), Mk10 & Mk 9 Neuro Saav Electrobinoculars, and their prototypes/salvage are hot garbage. Put a zero behind the 2 at least on the wep mod, a zero behind the 3 on the mk9 binos ..and remove them from the Sith raid loot boxes entirely while you’re at it.
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    Concise, two words "rolling back", I like this post.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    lesismore wrote: »
    Concise, two words "rolling back", I like this post.

    You guys are not getting it. They are NOT rolling back to pre Nerf rewards. They are rolling back to give heroic raid their 100% garenteed gear 12 piece. She litterally said that they would follow the roll back plan from the Update to Raid Rewards 4/11/2018. There plan is and I qoute, "we are rolling back the chance of a full gear piece from the Heroic Tier to 100% across all ranks, until the new rewards are live, at which point we will reevaluate. All of the other changes remain the same (including the flattening of rewards across ranks, the expansion of the full piece pool beyond strictly GXII, the removal of many pieces of low-demand salvage, and the changes to Guild Currency and Guild Event Tokens), and we will continue to monitor the impact of these other changes as players continue to launch & complete raids."

    This is a slap in the face of every person who has given you feedback since you launched this disaster. They nerfed rewards for most people in all tiers and they will NOT be fixing them. Stop patting them on the back for something they're not doing.
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    Madpup wrote: »
    lesismore wrote: »
    Concise, two words "rolling back", I like this post.

    You guys are not getting it. They are NOT rolling back to pre Nerf rewards. They are rolling back to give heroic raid their 100% garenteed gear 12 piece. She litterally said that they would follow the roll back plan from the Update to Raid Rewards 4/11/2018. There plan is and I qoute, "we are rolling back the chance of a full gear piece from the Heroic Tier to 100% across all ranks, until the new rewards are live, at which point we will reevaluate. All of the other changes remain the same (including the flattening of rewards across ranks, the expansion of the full piece pool beyond strictly GXII, the removal of many pieces of low-demand salvage, and the changes to Guild Currency and Guild Event Tokens), and we will continue to monitor the impact of these other changes as players continue to launch & complete raids."

    This is a slap in the face of every person who has given you feedback since you launched this disaster. They nerfed rewards for most people in all tiers and they will NOT be fixing them. Stop patting them on the back for something they're not doing.

    Yup, in a nut shell. They’re giving the whales an extra week of heroic gravy train while the rest of us not doing heroic gather the crumbs they dropped....
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    Please excuse me in advance, I am French I hope you will succeed in understanding me.
    I am an officer in a 65M guild and we play T3 / T4 alternately so as not to lose a ticket.
    The people in my guild do not play nihilus, so we are about 10 people on 2 refresh to drop P1.
    When we finish P1 all the other people come to hit P2 / P3 and do a lot of damage sometimes using their 2 refreshes (as they would say solo they are in "stand alone").
    So I finish P1 in 5th place using all my fights and when P2 arrives I finish in 20th place because all the other people hit the easy games and finish in front of me.
    It gets boring and I decided not to participate, I do the hardest and the others cash the rewards.
    Can we not forbid people who do not hit P1 from participating in the other phases or give them fewer rewards?
    With the flattening of the rewards it will be enough for me to make a tag at 0 to have rewards, I also find it unfair to those who spend time to find valid mechanics.
    I imagine that all this is primarily a problem with my guild that I will have to leave reluctantly.

    In any case thank you for your commitment @CG_Carrie

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    At this point I am more excited about the use of "rollback", since at some point i remember rollback being " an impossible undertaking once something is implemented". Seems that this statement discredits the previously used reasonings for changes. Just what i feel.
  • Bauer
    54 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    We're doing a t6 str and this is pretty much how it goes for me...load up a battle, hit auto. Next battle up, hit auto. 1 more good team in, hit auto. 2 more battles left, screw it not even worth it. You guys worked real hard on this raid, about a year I think I remember reading? Well good job wasting a whole year on a kitten hole of a raid that I spend no time on anymore cause of the kitten poor rewards you have left us with.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Why hstr but not other tiers? Is top 3 on any other tier any less easy?
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    I think what is happening is they are trying to time out the gear distribution so that we don't get bored of the drops too quickly. If they give us "too much" gear before they create the next thing (like another raid), then they lose our interest.
    The problem I see here @CG_Carrie is that you may be forsaking your present for the future. If players are sick of this raid, they might not care for the next thing. Guild currency? That's nice, but gear IS EVERYTHING. We know you will always make new characters to "need", but the gear makes them work. I will not see heroic STR this year because my guild cannot gear 12 several teams. These tiers should be stepping Stones to the next level of STR, but I simply don't see it. Instead, I will continue to put in my minimal effort on it, NOT chase META teams for STR, and turn this game off at a reasonable time instead of the 5 hours of sleep I had been getting.
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    They will improve it a bit sooner and it will still be much worse than before. The fact they tried to persuade us its actually going to be better for us will still be here and so will the fact they are either a bunch of liars or incompetent.

    Namely Carrie who decided to release a reward change without the supposedly best part of the rewards being implemented yet. (the new gear slots 5 and 6)

    Dont you guys play your own game? Or do you cheat while doing it so you have no idea what it takes to gear a heroic ready roster? I understand you have no idea how much work it was to create a heroic ready guild just to see the rewards nerfed the moment we finally did it.

    You do not deserve any sympathy.
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    When in reality the nerf is still there and it’s still at least a 300% lower reward.

    So, when you finish a Raid you have to give them stuff ?? Holy, I'll never engage in a Raid again ...
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    Jeric wrote: »
    I think I covered all of it. I really really hope that you CG guys beta test the next raid for an entire quarter next time. The days of being excited about facing the Sith Triumvirate feel like eons ago. Also, please hire an econonomist and another statistician .... we have a few on this site that might bite on that offer. You really need the help. And I still feel 90% of this could have been avoided. Oh well, c'est la vie.

    oh please no... have you ever looked in the bug section at answers hq?
    first of all they need 10 new employees to fix half of the bugs only for sithraid... and an other 20 employees for fixing the other bugs, also the bugs that are years old which were never been fixed at all... if they do so they nedd at least 1 year, and only if they hire qualified staff and not some people in a land far far away
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    Thanks for your decision, let’s see how it is implemented.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    Bloody awesome! While I’m never likely to place 1-3 I do think they deserve better reward. Some of those people manage way more damage then I do. I honestly was fine with the old scaling reward but that’s a different issue (this one hates participation trophies). Glad to see we as a community finally managed to get a fire under your chair big enough to make something we like happen.

    You're assuming 'reevaluating' means improving? I smell another nerf
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    The part I dont understand is why inplement the nerf in the first place. Why get yourself hated, why make people quit the gane, why keep the tension for a week, why alologise three times? This could all have been avoided if you actually asked the players what they want, create it for them, and test it. Why think you need to reinvent the wheel, and why save on testing?
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    Roopehun wrote: »

    The part I dont understand is why inplement the nerf in the first place. Why get yourself hated, why make people quit the gane, why keep the tension for a week, why alologise three times? This could all have been avoided if you actually asked the players what they want, create it for them, and test it. Why think you need to reinvent the wheel, and why save on testing?

    They don't test because they spend too much time apologizing.
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    I cant decide anymore whether it is a good or bad thing.
This discussion has been closed.