Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0


  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Inke wrote: »
    Where do I post if I don’t want ships at all?

    Lol...this is who the DEV's cater too...

  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    @urtil Really nailed my feelings on Fleet Arena, where they stand, where it's headed, and the TW issue so I wont rehash all that.
    But I wanted to just say AGAIN how frustrating all this is. It's this in a loop forever:

    Forums: We'd love to have this thing! (Death Star raid, more ships, a ships table)
    CG: We've heard you and done this! (completely change all the current ship abilities, reduce the number of ships you can use at any time, add a whole new system for reinforcements... oh and sure, you can have a ships table)
    Forums: ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh

    I'm sorry CG, I love this game, but I have zero faith you'll get this right at this point.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Inke wrote: »
    Where do I post if I don’t want ships at all?

    On Marvel's forums. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I believe they are shorting their timer from 7:30 minutes to 5 minutes because people are using it to hold their position in the last hour of combat so they do not lose their spot. Personally the long timer helps. If you don’t attack until the last 2 minutes then you have 5 minutes of holding you basically have an hour where nobody can attack you to advance in positions. I’ve found this tactic to help me stay in the 1-20 rankings for fleet
  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    Ugh. I can’t believe people like this. There are 10 really good ships. Squads hold 9 right now. They will hold 7 soon. That means less diversity.
    The community asks for more ships and more content to use the ships. CG must have dyslexia or something, because that doesn’t say “rework the whole battle format.” Also, can you guys please just look at the amount of capital ships? I’ll explain it for you: there are six main factions in Star Wars, rebels, empire, CIS, republic, first order, resistance/new republic. We have four capital ships, yet only 3 factions are represented. Is there a problem here? YES! Give is new capital ships, and also balance akbar and mace. Here, I’ll tell you what to use: for the CIS, make Nute Gunray have the droid control ship, add in Hux and give him the Finalizer, add either old Leia or make... Holdo... (shivers).... pilot the Raduss. Just do that. And make a raid while you’re at it. Containing some sort of... Death Star?
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    There goes my hope that they'll add a few minutes to the arena/TW ground battle timer. I like watching the fights in 2x speed, but because of how cramped the timer is I have to play on 4x. And I still time out against some teams (Zarris and high geared Phoenix). I get them not wanting people camping the clock, but timing out on defense should not be a strategy.
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    Muaddib wrote: »
    But I wanted to just say AGAIN how frustrating all this is. It's this in a loop forever:

    Forums: We'd love to have this thing! (Death Star raid, more ships, a ships table)
    CG: We've heard you and done this! (completely change all the current ship abilities, reduce the number of ships you can use at any time, add a whole new system for reinforcements... oh and sure, you can have a ships table)
    Forums: ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh

    I'm sorry CG, I love this game, but I have zero faith you'll get this right at this point.

    Exactly my feelings. Also, what bothers me more than it should: isnt it easier to just do what your customers want? New ships, death star raid? Why think you have to figure out stuff, and spend a lot of energy on things that we never wanted and most customers will probably hate? Whyyyy?
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Hey, buddy? Endurance is used on offense in Territory Wars because everyone puts their hardcore Empire fleets on defense because Endurance and Home One suck. Jedi Consular is used in offense because it's a liability on defense since the AI doesn't understand how its abilities work.

    Yeah, that's why my Mace fleet finishes top 5 every day against fully maxed thrawn. 4 ties and bigs every day, on a shard full of day one players. Sure. Maybe you just dont understand how to use mace or ackbar, and just went meta like everyone else.
  • MCThr33pio
    275 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I remember when ships first came out I was really excited - a whole new part of the game to develop and learn!

    Then it came out and I discovered that ships were almost totally dependent on the development of your pilot. You could develop the ships like you did the pilots, but it wasn't nearly as big a deal as your pilots gear. And some ships had multiple pilots?

    I did not relish the idea of having to fully gear several pilots for a single ship. Do you hear me, Bistan? DO YOU?

    No matter the rework, ships will never be what I'd hoped it would be back when it launched. Which is too bad for me, because I let my ships lag, and then they changed the rewards, leaving me trying to catch up ever since.

    Despite all this, I'm really pretty excited for the rework. Ships has always needed a PVE table, and with the general rework, 3v3, and reinforcement abilities it sounds like they'll make ships arena interesting again and not just something you'd rather auto through.

    [ edit: something I do agree with everyone else on is the need for more ships, and faction capital ships. There just aren't nearly enough in the game, and some need characters that don't exist in the game yet even, like Hux. And then there are all the pilots who don't have their ships. It's a hot mess, and that probably won't change for a good long while without a lot of work. Fingers crossed. ]
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    I am a free to play, and I am started to play in October 2017. I prioritized farming of fleet at the expense of other areas of the game. This means I was not able to unlock legendary toons others in my arena shard were able to, but was rewarded in the fleet arena by being in the top 20 sometimes as high as number 1. My concern is that my dedication to fleets will soon be undone leaving me in the dust in all areas of the game.

    That said fleets did need a shake up. But rewriting the rules completely seems a bit harsh. Am I going to regret my dedication to fleet? I don't know but I am worried I will be punished for putting it first. I would prefer they shook things up slowly by adding new ships, and reworking old ones like they do in other areas of the game.

    But that being said, I am cautiously optimistic long term that this will be an improvement. As it is now there is just one fleet build to get to the top. That needed to change. Fleet play options was too limited. This is scary to me and will likely waste my efforts in the game thus far. But if it breathes life into a stale environment that I enjoy, even if it wrecks me, I am for it. Fun trumps rewards, at least for me.

    Besides I am gaining ground on the areas I neglected to have a first class fleet. I already harvested over a thousand crystals for my effort. Am I being selfish wishing they changed things up slower so I could keep my top placing? Maybe. But I do realize something had to be done. So I have mixed feelings. I am both worried and excited. I am defiantly overwhelmed.

    But if they are overhauling everything, can they add a few ships as well? The biggest issue with fleets is there is just not enough options. If everything must change adding more variety at the same time would be nice. Fleet even if 100% of the reworks make the ship viable in some way will still lack choices. That is and likely still be the biggest issue in fleets. A raid would be nice too, but for that again we would need more ships. Four fleets are not enough.
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    scoed1227 wrote: »
    I am a free to play, and I am started to play in October 2017. I prioritized farming of fleet at the expense of other areas of the game. This means I was not able to unlock legendary toons others in my arena shard were able to, but was rewarded in the fleet arena by being in the top 20 sometimes as high as number 1. My concern is that my dedication to fleets will soon be undone leaving me in the dust in all areas of the game.

    That said fleets did need a shake up. But rewriting the rules completely seems a bit harsh. Am I going to regret my dedication to fleet? I don't know but I am worried I will be punished for putting it first. I would prefer they shook things up slowly by adding new ships, and reworking old ones like they do in other areas of the game.

    I'm gonna bet that if you've developed your fleet to this degree you'll be fine. Your ships and their pilots will still be fully developed, you'll just have to learn how they play now. You might even end up better off, who knows?

    I agree with you that we need lots more ships, but by making them dependent on pilots, they kind of painted themselves into a corner. They can't make a ship unless it has a piolt, and a lot of ships don't have pilots in the game yet. Not to mention all the pilots walking around with any ship yet.
  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    Need more details before I'll really start commenting, but I'll admit 3v3 makes me a bit nervous. Basically ensures that the capital ship's ability is deferred for 1 turn, calling in the first reenforcement first. But the reenforcement ability might make up for it. And the individual ships are reworked too, which sounds good for old standbys like home1 and endurance, but could also be a disaster.
    Maybe they'll reduce the battle countdown too - the 2:30 lull between battles was the best thing about ships. Too many at the same payout time on my server making it hard to avoid stepping on toes once within the top 20.. But somehow I doubt they will.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    They need to add more ships in general. There’s only 32 ships including the 4 capitol ships. What’s up with that? There’s no variety. I could easily think of 30 more ships that could be included as well as 50 characters. And I know that it takes time to program them in and all that but it seems like ships were released prematurely. GIVE US MORE SHIPS!
  • Monel
    2794 posts Member
    PeteSolo wrote: »
    I hate the idea of reworking ships because we are still going to need gear to boost their stats. We've spent a considerable amount of resources to gear our pilots and to risk losing all that progress is scary. Imagine if you have to gear your Geonosians to 12...

    Well a separatist rework is bound to happen and they will probably be meta for a week or two. You will have a head start this way!
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    HanSwolo13 wrote: »
    As you said, there are only 32 ships—including the 4 capital ships. Of those 32, 21 are bad—including 2 capital ships.

    Depending on how thorough the rework is, we could potentially get 21 new, usable ships.

    Bottom line: fix the ships we have now before putting out new ones.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I bet u a vault of crystals they will release OP ship in marquee event :flushed:
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    Ugh. I can’t believe people like this. There are 10 really good ships. Squads hold 9 right now. They will hold 7 soon. That means less diversity.
    The community asks for more ships and more content to use the ships. CG must have dyslexia or something, because that doesn’t say “rework the whole battle format.” Also, can you guys please just look at the amount of capital ships? I’ll explain it for you: there are six main factions in Star Wars, rebels, empire, CIS, republic, first order, resistance/new republic. We have four capital ships, yet only 3 factions are represented. Is there a problem here? YES! Give is new capital ships, and also balance akbar and mace. Here, I’ll tell you what to use: for the CIS, make Nute Gunray have the droid control ship, add in Hux and give him the Finalizer, add either old Leia or make... Holdo... (shivers).... pilot the Raduss. Just do that. And make a raid while you’re at it. Containing some sort of... Death Star?

    Thats not true, actually. With 9 spots for 10 ships you get 10 choices for your fleet lineups.(not counting where you place your reibfocements and all that) (Assuming each ship may be used independently of each other and are good independently of each other, which i know is a huge assumption but lets move on for now). With 7 Spots for 10 Ships you have......i think its around 120 different lineups alone without counting which ships go into reinforcements


    Old: Choices:10 Choose:9


    New: Choices 10 Choose 7

    Combinations=10!/7! × 3!=120
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    HanSwolo13 wrote: »
    As you said, there are only 32 ships—including the 4 capital ships. Of those 32, 21 are bad—including 2 capital ships.

    Depending on how thorough the rework is, we could potentially get 21 new, usable ships.

    Bottom line: fix the ships we have now before putting out new ones.

    They du with "Reinforcement abilitys"
    Don't complain now, when you don't know the new stuff that comes!

    Hey, buddy, that's exactly what I'm saying, thanks.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    NicWester wrote: »
    HanSwolo13 wrote: »
    As you said, there are only 32 ships—including the 4 capital ships. Of those 32, 21 are bad—including 2 capital ships.

    Depending on how thorough the rework is, we could potentially get 21 new, usable ships.

    Bottom line: fix the ships we have now before putting out new ones.


    Just out of curiosity what in your opinion are the 9 good ships that aren't capitol ships because I definitely see more than 9 different ships at the top of my shard
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    HanSwolo13 wrote: »
    As you said, there are only 32 ships—including the 4 capital ships. Of those 32, 21 are bad—including 2 capital ships.

    Depending on how thorough the rework is, we could potentially get 21 new, usable ships.

    Bottom line: fix the ships we have now before putting out new ones.

    They du with "Reinforcement abilitys"
    Don't complain now, when you don't know the new stuff that comes!

    We said the same about Sith Raid rewards before they were "fixed"....and the TW scoring system. As such, you can understand why my faith in the "new stuff" is very mixed with trepidation.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Captain_Apollo
    423 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I have doubts about the benefit of 3v3. IMO the number of ships isn't the problem but rather the lack of meta diversity. As others said I don't think it will take long for people to figure out the optimal 3 ships. I also don't like that it will basically predetermined everyone's first cap ship move (reinforce ), it also leaves too much room for the AI to Bork things up on defense through either not reinforcing or sending in the wrong ship. With 5v5 you can at least mitigate some of the AI.

    I suspect that the Reaper will become even more import with a burst damage opening 3 focus. I wouldn't be surprised for the new meta to be reaper, ITF, FOTF/Poe. Two fast moving attackers, Reaper for tmr, first to burn down a ship wins by getting their reinforce first. From there either another current meta attacker to burn down the next ship or maul to put counter attack on ITF.

    I do like what they're doing with hardware. I was worried they'd just add another speed mod meta where the person with the most rng speed secondary luck wins.

    I think they'd be better served seeing how the rework + hardware goes before changing starting ship numbers. As others said they've basically gotten 100% of the community to hate on them with every update since the sith raid was released, they don't really have any goodwill to tap if they mess up fleet arena.
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    They aren’t changing ships to 3v3. The match starts with 3 ships, but you can still have 5 total on the field. This is to take advantage of the new enters the battlefield mechanic.
    The changes they are making is to make ship battles faster, so don’t worry that you’ll have to spend more time on the game.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Perdogie wrote: »
    The changes they are making is to make ship battles faster, so don’t worry that you’ll have to spend more time on the game.

    So they're going to make my battles last 10 seconds then?
    I need a new message here.
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    It will in all actuality slow things down because it will take many turns to get to the point you have a 2 ship advantage where now it usually takes till maybe the end of the 2nd round
  • DarkstarSunrise
    570 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Given the track record of listening to players' wants and then doing something that completely misses the mark, I have 0 faith in the upcoming ship "revamp".
  • Sonido
    81 posts Member
    Perdogie wrote: »
    They aren’t changing ships to 3v3. The match starts with 3 ships, but you can still have 5 total on the field. This is to take advantage of the new enters the battlefield mechanic.
    The changes they are making is to make ship battles faster, so don’t worry that you’ll have to spend more time on the game.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Perdogie wrote: »
    They aren’t changing ships to 3v3. The match starts with 3 ships, but you can still have 5 total on the field. This is to take advantage of the new enters the battlefield mechanic.
    The changes they are making is to make ship battles faster, so don’t worry that you’ll have to spend more time on the game.

    My current fleet arena battles are already faster than my squad arena battles. I don't need them shorter. I just wanted more ship options to choose from. But, like they did for TW scoring, and Sith Raid rewards, instead of just fixing the actual problem, they are going to spend way too much time, energy and hours ripping it apart and rebuilding it instead of just taking the necessary steps to follow the simple suggestions the player base has made over the past 18 months.

    Someone at CG must get paid by how complicated a fix they can come up with to resolve a simple problem.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Someone at CG must get paid by how complicated a fix they can come up with to resolve a simple problem.

This discussion has been closed.