Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0


  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    *Conspiracy theory*
    Check the amount of ships per faction. Generally, most of them have around four, with some having 3, and very few having 5. People have asked for more ships and capital ships so we can get say, full resistance, separatist, and first order squads. What is more convenient, adding 6-8 more ships, or changing the formula to 3, claiming it’s for “the health of the game” or for “improved gameplay” or whatever the reasoning is for this unnecessary change.
    If this is false, the change is still dumb. The first turn of every capital ship will be to call in a reinforcement, and by the time that happens, the battle might be over. Capital ships are some of the most expensive things in the game, with both valor and credits (they cost more to upgrade than normal ships) and if they take their entire advantage, that will remove a unique aspect of ships that can’t be seen anywhere else. 5 v 5 was unique enough. Don’t do 3 v 3. @ the devs
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    If they want to spice up the stale ship meta, they need to create more options (more capital ships, more starfighters).
    3v3 will change things for a couple weeks, but then everyone will figure out the best 3 starting ships and reinforcements, and we'll be right back to where we started.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    3v3 will change things for a couple weeks, but then everyone will figure out the best 3 starting ships and reinforcements, and we'll be right back to where we started.

    But then they can change it to 2v2!
    I need a new message here.
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    I think i'll wait until I can see test out the changes first-hand before deciding one way or another.

    The updates may not sound like an improvement on paper (to some) but can we not give the team that was talented enough to make this game we're clearly so passionate about the benefit of the doubt when they say we will likely prefer the changes?
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    I finish ship battles in 1 minute or just slightly longer, whoever at CG that thinks they need to be faster obviously doesn't play ships well. I finish 1 or 2 in my shard every day (shared payout time with a friend).
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    The only way they make my ship battles faster is by giving direct access to the retreat button. They could also remove the confirmation dialogue while they're at it.

    I happily sit in the top 30 in my shard and haven't actually played a ship battle in months. If one of the reasons to drastically change ships is to motivate people to engage with them more, I doubt it's going to have the desired effect. This 3v3 and reinforcement stuff actually makes me less interested and I didn't think that was possible.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    I'm wondering if I only hate the changes because I finally started pushing into the top 10's in my shard as a mostly F2P player. I started going for the right things and suddenly it became so much easier.

    And the fact that it actually requires skill early on, which they want to remove apparently. Every thing I hear about these changes is them making it more casual so that they will make more money off of the players who hate putting in effort or are not good at games. While the people who have put in effort are left in the dark.

    Pve table I am looking forward to. The massive ship changes and 3v3 entire new formats ect. that will make ship battles take 2times as long to complete? Not so much.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Also, I can only see this as a massive nerf to capital ships, as all they will be doing now is spamming reinforce and never actually using their cool abilities. Stuff like Mace Windu's ship only worked because of his extra turns, how will he ever get his ulti off now? Unless that's more changes we are not being told about.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    I believe reinforce starts on cooldown, and it probably requires a 1 turn cooldown after use just like it is now.
    I need a new message here.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    The game is 100% RNG whether you win or loose. It has nothing to do with skill or cunning. A 280k fleet can best a 340k Fleet.

    The game needs reworked. That’s it. Complain and moan and make the ridiculous threats to CG, bottom line is you will all still play because you’ve invested money into the game.
    Post edited by ChickenFett139 on
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    The game is 100% RNG whether you win or loose. It has nothing to do with skill or cunning. A 280k fleet can best a 340k Fleet. If you Tie the AI ship for ship it picks itself to go first and gives itself synergy the player is not dealt. I can site many instances my Biggs did not get other ships to shoot a target locked enemy using his special and the computer turned around and got all 5 ships bonus attacks. Many times applying target lock on enemy ships and did not give Biggs protection or the ridiculous synergy between FOTF and Wedge.

    Some of this I don't understand, some of this I don't believe, and some of this I believe is you not understanding the mechanics of the ships.
    I need a new message here.
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    The game is 100% RNG whether you win or loose. It has nothing to do with skill or cunning. A 280k fleet can best a 340k Fleet. If you Tie the AI ship for ship it picks itself to go first and gives itself synergy the player is not dealt. I can site many instances my Biggs did not get other ships to shoot a target locked enemy using his special and the computer turned around and got all 5 ships bonus attacks. Many times applying target lock on enemy ships and did not give Biggs protection or the ridiculous synergy between FOTF and Wedge.

    The game needs reworked. That’s it. Complain and moan and make the ridiculous threats to CG, bottom line is you will all still play because you’ve invested money into the game.

    1. What “5 ships bonus attacks” are you referring to?
    2. There is a synergy between FOTF and wedge?
    3. Sometimes you shouldnt auto a battle, because then it becomes the same mind fighting. That brings in the all powerful RNG. The advantage humans have over the AI is innovation and creativity, so use that. Or just learn your ships’ and your enemy ships’ abilities
    4. Who is making threats to CG? I mean people are saying they’ll leave the game, but that’s not really a direct threat
    5. I’ve spent 40$ and that was to get shards for farm or like to get CLS and Phoenix squadron to get Thrawn ( I use chimera, but didn’t spend money, and would have it and it’s crew by now regardless of money) so it isn’t all about the monetary investments we’ve made.
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    There you go. I took out the extraneous rant portion. I understand ships just fine. A very few good moderators have helped me a lot over the months since I unlocked ships last Aug and was headed down the wrong path.

    I run Thrawn lead with ITF, FOTF, Fives, Biggs, Vader, Boba, Bistan and Maul. There is no skill involved. It’s meta. I just hit the I win button and walk away. On the rare occasion I loose its to fleets that massively out gun me because Bistan and Vader are not 7* yet.
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    The game is 100% RNG whether you win or loose. It has nothing to do with skill or cunning. A 280k fleet can best a 340k Fleet.

    The game needs reworked. That’s it. Complain and moan and make the ridiculous threats to CG, bottom line is you will all still play because you’ve invested money into the game.

    A 280k fleet can't compete with the 480k-500k fleets at the top ends ship arenas though ;)
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    A lot of the concerns here resonate with me.

    I enjoy ships and typically oscillate in the top 50 — as high as #8 and bottoming out at 52. Usually, I end up in the 20’s or 30’s after enough people have played sniper with my Reaper. Translation: My lineup is non-meta and not strong enough currently to generate crystals for me.

    That being said, I think the ships team may have not focused on the right things to improve fleet and ships.

    Look, we all have to execute the same formula in every ship battle:

    1) 85-90% of the time, you have to focus all firepower on Biggs the annoyer, because shocker, he’s taunting and will only regain it in an instant if you debuff him.

    2) Don’t you dare do an AOE with Executrix if they have Tie Fighter, because you’ll bring the swarm faster. In fact, never EVER target tie unless using Vader’s whip.

    3) Try to snipe a squishy, annoying ship early but know it’s a gamble...because see 1.

    The ONLY way I EVER became competitive in my shard was after including Reaper in it to slow down the Tie swarm.

    My point is that fleet battles do not have the checks and balances that enjoy a shaky existence in PvP. There is no faction that ignores taunts and thus wrecks Biggs teams. There’s no “sharpshooter” pilot designation that can hit that stupid tie fighter every time. There are no counters to the ship meta forcing people to pick their poison. Reducing the number of ships from 5 to 3 does not address these problems. Now I’m worried about how I’m going to chew through a beefy Biggs with two less guns.

    Ship offerings are embarrassingly small and allow little room for players to build a squad that is unique and reflects their tastes. As an oddball who has nearly all three geonosians fully developed, my only hope is with them since the devs were gushing so much about that faction in the rework vids.
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    My earlier reply seems to have disappeared...So I get to type all of this again.

    I resonate with many of the concerns here. And I really think the devs missed the mark on what needs to change in fleet to improve it.

    I’m a top 50 placer in ship arena, going as low as 8th and as high as 52 or so. Usually I settle in the 20’s or 30’s by payout time, so I’m not getting any crystals. I’m a non-meta player.

    Look, all of us have to use the same formula in a current fleet battle:

    1) Try to kill Biggs the annoyer, because shocker, he’s taunting. Attempts to debuff will be largely laughed at since he will regain it in about 3 milliseconds.

    2) Never...EVER do an AOE if they have tie fighter out. Unless using Vader, do not even LOOK at Tie Fighter for fear of inviting the empire swarm to your picnic ahead of schedule.

    3) Try to quickly snipe a squishier ship at your own peril, because #1.

    Reducing the starting lineup from 5 to 3 does absolutely nothing to eliminate this Groundhog Day scenario. If anything, I’m left worrying about how I will eliminate Biggs with two less guns.

    Unlike PvP, fleet has no system of checks and balances. There are no groups that ignore taunts to wreck a Biggs team. There is no subset of pilots with a “sharpshooter” tag that will hit TIE every time. The available ship offerings are embarrassingly small and offer no potential for a player to truly customize a squad to his or her tastes.

    Like I said, I’m non-meta. My only sliver of optimism in this release is that my trio of fully-developed Geonosians will now become relevant.
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    Meh, I'm reserving judgment on the changes. Who knows, it may be a big improvement.
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    My earlier reply seems to have disappeared...So I get to type all of this again.

    I resonate with many of the concerns here. And I really think the devs missed the mark on what needs to change in fleet to improve it.

    I’m a top 50 placer in ship arena, going as low as 8th and as high as 52 or so. Usually I settle in the 20’s or 30’s by payout time, so I’m not getting any crystals. I’m a non-meta player.

    Look, all of us have to use the same formula in a current fleet battle:

    1) Try to kill Biggs the annoyer, because shocker, he’s taunting. Attempts to debuff will be largely laughed at since he will regain it in about 3 milliseconds.

    2) Never...EVER do an AOE if they have tie fighter out. Unless using Vader, do not even LOOK at Tie Fighter for fear of inviting the empire swarm to your picnic ahead of schedule.

    3) Try to quickly snipe a squishier ship at your own peril, because #1.

    Reducing the starting lineup from 5 to 3 does absolutely nothing to eliminate this Groundhog Day scenario. If anything, I’m left worrying about how I will eliminate Biggs with two less guns.

    Unlike PvP, fleet has no system of checks and balances. There are no groups that ignore taunts to wreck a Biggs team. There is no subset of pilots with a “sharpshooter” tag that will hit TIE every time. The available ship offerings are embarrassingly small and offer no potential for a player to truly customize a squad to his or her tastes.

    Like I said, I’m non-meta. My only sliver of optimism in this release is that my trio of fully-developed Geonosians will now become relevant.

    This amuses me because I disagree with all 3 of your points of strategy
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    Darthpedro wrote: »

    This amuses me because I disagree with all 3 of your points of strategy

    Being married, I am only right about 3-5% of the time. The odds are in your favor.
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    Biggs and a whole host of instant target lock friends will be loads of fun, just like it is now. I mainly see a change to the reinforcements. Most likely Biggs, Fives, fast Vader start, add ITF, then Boba, then Maul or FOTF, Thrawn / Tarkin should close out the battle.
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    The New Changes Are Great And Very Welcome 3V3 Splendid Idea, Reinforcement Abilities Whoo Hoo!!! It Cant Get Any Better But I Will Like To Mention A Few Issues. FIRST The Problem With Ships Meta Wasn't New Abilities Or Its The Number Of Ships That Are Too Small Am 100% Sure Its The Same Meta Ships We Well Be Seeing In Fleets Arena. I Understand Stand EAs Intention Of Wanting Ships To Be A Mini Game & Not Rival The Main Game So Making It Ensures Its Seen As A Mini Game & Less Time Is Spent On It.
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    SECONDLY 3v3 Gives This Air To Air DogFight Intensity That Real Pilots Feel In Combat This Removes The Thrill Of Battle As Underdogs Cant Effectively Challenge Opponents In The Arena Currently Am The Only 5* Chimera In Top 40 In My Arena I Get Up To Top 10 Sometimes & Thats A Thrill For Me
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    Oh for god sake, stop being old grannies and complaining about the new interwebs and that you can't pay your bills over the phone any more.

    Everyone whinges that ships sucks and its boring, CG decides to do something about it and you're still moaning, they just can't win
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    I finish ships at no1 every day. Boring bring on change I say tally ho! ( yep I have a geared fleet as well but so what) we need change. meta here has been same for last 6 months no matter what new ships came in so there is something totally wrong with this format might as well sim the ship arena as everyone can beat everyone save unlucky rng. We all use the same tactics as it works.
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    Empiric1 wrote: »
    Oh for god sake, stop being old grannies and complaining about the new interwebs and that you can't pay your bills over the phone any more.

    Everyone whinges that ships sucks and its boring, CG decides to do something about it and you're still moaning, they just can't win

    Agreed - much better to whine about people whining!
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    I run Thrawn lead with ITF, FOTF, Fives, Biggs, Vader, Boba, Bistan and Maul. There is no skill involved. It’s meta. I just hit the I win button and walk away. On the rare occasion I loose its to fleets that massively out gun me because Bistan and Vader are not 7* yet.

    That isn't meta i'm sorry. Maybe it was like a year ago before thrawn and reaper but now it's not. Given that you're in a relatively young shard where reapers and thrawns generally don't exist obviously your strategy doesn't matter as much once you have thrawn and 4/5 of the meta ships.
    Biggs and a whole host of instant target lock friends will be loads of fun, just like it is now. I mainly see a change to the reinforcements. Most likely Biggs, Fives, fast Vader start, add ITF, then Boba, then Maul or FOTF, Thrawn / Tarkin should close out the battle.

    You're living in your own reality if you think fives will be part of the starting 3 meta. You will probably lose if you place biggs out there without tfp to (hopefully) taunt him before your opponent makes a move. There's also an increase in the probability opponents strike (and miss) tfp first since we're down to 3 ships to start with. I'm not gonna disagree that ships will become even less diverse though.
  • mlb1399
    674 posts Member
    I can’t stand ships. Wish they’d just do away with it all together. This and TB are a complete drag to the game player experience.
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    TukkuRask wrote: »
    I think i'll wait until I can see test out the changes first-hand before deciding one way or another.

    This is just the kind of rational and level-headed post we don't want to encourage on this forum!


    Get the pitchforks and flaming torches out!


  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    That isn't meta i'm sorry. Maybe it was like a year ago before thrawn and reaper but now it's not. Given that you're in a relatively young shard where reapers and thrawns generally don't exist obviously your strategy doesn't matter as much once you have thrawn and 4/5 of the meta ships.

    This is a question, not being snarky or sarcastic, would you field a 3* Reaper in your lineup? What is it’s survivability against 7* ships or is it just going to be cannon fodder? I’d like to open like everyone else with Biggs, ITF, FOTF, Vader, Reaper, but it’s 3*. I farm it every day, but like Krenic, it’s a slow grind getting shards to 4*.

  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    IIRC a 3* Reaper, presumably also with low gear pilots, will die if you accidentally look at it wrong.

    Even if your Biggs gets his taunt up right away it just takes a single AOE to take it down.

    What's the health + prot on yours?
    I need a new message here.
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