Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0


  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I don't like to say lol too much, but lol.
    I need a new message here.
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    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3
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    Alright. So the main complaint about ships was that there weren’t enough good ships and that we were mainly seeing the same lineups. That’s great. Make more ships and make the bad ones viable. No one ever asked for 3v3. Plain and simple. Now stop giving us junk that no one wants and give us mod management. Or grievous rework.
    Also, instead of making everyone basically start from scratch, just give us more places to use our ships! As I said in a previous comment, nothing in this game has been handled worse than ships. I stand by my decision.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    They are giving us a PvE table...
    I need a new message here.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    Nothing can be as bad as current fleet arena. It’s like Las Vegas, but with worse odds.
  • Jedi_Bane
    311 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    They are giving us a PvE table...

    I bet this is mostly because they are running out of hard nodes they can put new releases on. Not to say, of course, that i am not excited for them. I just hope it doesnt function like the challenges did, where losing 1 ship locked you out of 3*, despite needing like 8 ships to even attempt it
  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

    Agreed. With reinforcements playing a larger role (which is great, imo), it would be really awkward to have to wait for your ship to die before using them. Reducing the starting fleet is imo the best solution, allowing it to go to 6 ships (from starting 5) would only make things cluttered. Also, people keep judging the rework through the lens of current ship stats and abilities (like the complains about Endurance being even more useless), which is a nonsense because everything will be reworket to fit in the new model.
  • FailingCrab
    1155 posts Member
    I for one looked forward to my 3 imperial
    Nauros wrote: »
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

    Agreed. With reinforcements playing a larger role (which is great, imo), it would be really awkward to have to wait for your ship to die before using them. Reducing the starting fleet is imo the best solution, allowing it to go to 6 ships (from starting 5) would only make things cluttered. Also, people keep judging the rework through the lens of current ship stats and abilities (like the complains about Endurance being even more useless), which is a nonsense because everything will be reworket to fit in the new model.

    This. This. A thousand times this.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    Good Ship 2.0

    +Equipment for ships
    +Mods for ships
    +Increase number to 6v6 (not reduce!)
    +Highest daily rating = daily reward (timer camping doesnt work than anymore and its more fun)
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    1) I'd be ok with that except we already have so much to farm. Maybe if they put it in a new store and also in the new table.

    2) Same as 1

    3) Nooooooooo

    4) Will never happen because they'd be increasing the total rewards handed out significantly
    I need a new message here.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    We can talk about how reducing the starting lineup to 3 is an interesting idea with a lot of strategic and lineup ramifications until we're blue in the face--and have--but no one's reading it. They just repeat the same kneejerk reactions and don't bother reading any posts but their own.

    Forget it, TVF, it's Chinatown.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    3v3 is a horrible idea
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    We can talk about how reducing the starting lineup to 3 is an interesting idea with a lot of strategic and lineup ramifications until we're blue in the face--and have--but no one's reading it. They just repeat the same kneejerk reactions and don't bother reading any posts but their own.
    3v3 is a horrible idea

    I need a new message here.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    I for one looked forward to my 3 imperial
    Nauros wrote: »
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

    Agreed. With reinforcements playing a larger role (which is great, imo), it would be really awkward to have to wait for your ship to die before using them. Reducing the starting fleet is imo the best solution, allowing it to go to 6 ships (from starting 5) would only make things cluttered. Also, people keep judging the rework through the lens of current ship stats and abilities (like the complains about Endurance being even more useless), which is a nonsense because everything will be reworket to fit in the new model.

    This. This. A thousand times this.

    Except it won't....because it NEVER has

  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    3v3 is a horrible idea

    Please tell me you're joking...please.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

    Well... you're wrong. It won't still be 5v5, it will be 3v3... to start. And if your argument is that with reinforcements it'll magically become 5v5... it still won't. Because we were at (when you include reinforcements) 9v9. Now apparently we'll be at 7v7.
    Regardless... We keep saying it because the devs themselves said:

    Top Hat:
    we ended up moving towards the 5 v 5 version that we ultimately launched with..

    Parking Instructor (side bar - who now?)
    Look at ships, like the 5v5 ship, like as a player, it was really fresh initially, but after a month or two it was just like character combat with the 3v3 and the reinforcement abilities we definitely added another strategic layer to the ship combat.

    So we're definitely doing more--since the battles are starting with three...

    Soooooo.... Yeah, it's 3v3.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    They claim to be improving the AI as part of this update. We'll see.
    I need a new message here.
  • JJay
    368 posts Member
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    They claim to be improving the AI as part of this update. We'll see.

    If they improve AI then they should have left it at 5 starting. It baffles me that opponents can beat me when some of their ships and toons aren't even maxed out when we have the same exact line up. I now spend 10 minutes on ships per day. I finish 1st 99% of the time but I no longer try to build the perfect fleet because of the AI junk. I log in 15 minutes prior and retake 1st to get my prize and I return 24 hours later to do it again.

    Agreed, all they needed to do was improve the AI, I spent tons on the pilots too, and didn’t gain any benefit from it at all.
  • Zevox
    172 posts Member
    I like current ships, but I'm open to ships 2.0.

    It's pretty obvious that current ships is a stagnant mode, with clear best and worst ships, and has been for a long while. Aside from the Chimaera being added, the Executrix mini-rework, and the Reaper going farmable, there's been no major change to it basically since it came out. The handful of new ships have been sparse and, save for the Chimaera, made minimal impact.

    Now, I'm more interested in the reworks than in the shift to a 3v3 starting lineup, that's for sure. I think ships needs more viable ships more than it needs such a fundamental change. But if they're looking to do that too while they're at it, sure, why not, lets see how it works out.
  • Options
    I like it the way it is but cannot know how 2.0 will battles take 1.5 mins now in ships 2.0 it seems like they would take longer, on top of this defense might be impossible in fleet arena....
  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Soooooo.... Yeah, it's 3v3.

    Er no. It isn't.

    But you'll see.

  • Revi
    573 posts Member
    so... it is still going to be 3v3 (7v7 total) or original (boring) 5v5 (9v9 total)... ???
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    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.
    I spent pretty much the last 6 months only farming, gearing and zeta'ing my main crew members to get to the top 5 regularly. And now they are coming up with a big "update" that'll probably change every ship power so much that the geonosians will be the best (as I don't have them at any lvl pretty much) and the Tie Reaper (nice and "quick" farm it was) & co will become obsolete.
    Why not update some of the less used ships, in addition bring in a couple of new pilots and ships to the game to try to make it more diverse? Instead they're bringing a fifth Han to the game and probably the month after we'll get the 6th and 7th aswell because we don't have enough of him.
    And how is it currently so "time consuming"? The fights take 1 minute, no more than 2, no matter what level you or your opponent is.

    Anyway as they're doing this I'd like to see the same happen to squad arena. A "cool" revamp to the characters and new abilities to them with no regards to the users. So we'll have a new meta with Bodhi, FART, CUP, Unaught & Mob Enforcer.
  • Options
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Why not update some of the less used ships...

    Pretty sure that they've announced they will.
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    And how is it currently so "time consuming"?

    I always think the whole "time-consuming" thing is something of a euphemistic red-herring. I really don't think that the company is benevolently concerned about how I spend my time :smiley:

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    3 ships sours like a disaster, no thanks I like what we have already.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    • I like the reinforcement-bonus
    • I like the hardware been added
    • i dislike the 3v3 start-option
    • i dislike the reduced battle time
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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