Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0


  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    Strange that all Star Wars fleet battles started with all ships inside the bay - oh wait so dumb was only the commander in last part and died horrible because poe took out his cannons. All other serious commanders had their ships outside - not waiting and doing instantly their best to move the tide and not waiting to give a bonus from hangar (lol which sense this ever makes? its complete rubbish even as idea...a bonus of a late comer...)...

    Fleet battle means many ships - four (3+1 capital) is not just a funky idea of a person who cant watch over the garden fence and thinks his idea is great.

    But let me clearly tell it - 3 as fleet battle sucks! 3 is not even a fleet - its not even a fricken squad.

    Reinforcement as a bonus - sucks! what bonus it should except to tractor in your fallen comrades or to salvage them

    Get better ideas dear devs! And get some real phantasy to construct something with sense together - there is no need for eye poking stuff as Sith raid or Visas the "anti" Sith which gets crippled by any Sith...

    Leia, Holdo and so many others could influence the battles...make it more strategic.

    Again invent something with a real thought and not half baked stuff.

    my 2cp
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Achilles wrote: »
    • I like the reinforcement-bonus
    • I like the hardware been added
    • i dislike the 3v3 start-option
    • i dislike the reduced battle time

    Would you prefer, say, 7v7 with starting 5v5 instead? Because the reduction of starting fleet is a direct consequence to introducing the reinforcement bonuses, they had to make room for round one reinforcements.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    XKurareX wrote: »
    All other serious commanders had their ships outside - not waiting and doing instantly their best to move the tide and not waiting to give a bonus from hangar (lol which sense this ever makes? its complete rubbish even as idea...)...
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Fleet battle means many ships - four (3+1 capital) is not many...
    XKurareX wrote: »
    But let me clearly tell it - 3 as fleet battle sucks! 3 is not even a fleet - its not even a fricken squad.
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Reinforcement as a bonus - sucks! what bonus it should except to tractor in your fallen comrades or to salvage them
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Get better ideas dear devs! And get some real phantasy to construct something with sense together
    true, and please bury your ships2.0 idea instantly, which is, as i said several times, not even a ships1.0.0.1
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Leia, Holdo and so many others could influence the battles...make it more strategic.
    good idea, i like it... something like that would earn a title like ships2.0
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    How are so many people disliking mechanics they haven't even tried yet?
    I always think the whole "time-consuming" thing is something of a euphemistic red-herring. I really don't think that the company is benevolently concerned about how I spend my time :smiley:
    Games present an experience. Time shaping is how you manage the user experience. Directing use of time is the foundation fo the design, and of course the devs care about it. Their relationship and understanding of that time shaping is different from the user understanding. That doesn't make them shadowy and mysterious conspirators who are lying to us to milk us of our money.

    They're service providers doing a job in good faith on a product that clearly a lot of love has gone into, and they're professional designers who think from a design perspective.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    Ebbda wrote: »
    Despite a shocking RNG day I usually finish top 10 daily.

    Seems to me from first impressions they've missed the issue. It's not 5v5 but the lack of options.

    With a bounty hunter rework, add Dengar's ship, Cad's and Zam's. Month later, go bold and add General Kenobi's, Anakin's and another jedi's ship. 2 months and 6 new options.

    Feel this makes it less skill and more RNG based. You can bring on God's ship but TFP could no doubt dodge it :wink:

    I enjoy fleet more than arena. If this sinks to arena level, I'll play on like a mindless drone.

    I guess we'll soon see...

    No question to look here:!
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    How are so many people disliking mechanics they haven't even tried yet?

    Welcome to the forums!
    I need a new message here.
  • CoastalJames
    2971 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Time shaping is how you manage the user experience. Directing use of time is the foundation fo the design, and of course the devs care about it. Their relationship and understanding of that time shaping is different from the user understanding. That doesn't make them shadowy and mysterious conspirators who are lying to us to milk us of our money.

    They're service providers doing a job in good faith on a product that clearly a lot of love has gone into, and they're professional designers who think from a design perspective.

    I definitely hear you, and you obviously speak from a more educated perspective than me on this matter.

    I wasn't suggesting lying was going on. Just that all businesses use euphemism when describing the customer experience.

    But you're right, I'm sure :)

  • Options
    Above @XKurareX Makes an excellent point, I mean, Squads are squads, 5 on 5 makes sense. But with fleets, and not just fleets, but with massive capitol ships, the reduction down to 3 on 3 just doesn't pass the "sniff test."

    Why not have full 9 on 9 combat or something... with sat 4 forward ships and 5 sitting around your capitol ship being protected by auto-turrets. Back ships can be brought up to the front line, fire from where they are, park in the cap ship for repairs. Cap ship should be able to take a defensive action and an offensive action each turn - I mean... it's not like Tarkin alone is running that thing... it can do multiple things at once.

    I'd love to see some actual motion in combat - place your ships, or troops, where they get access to other abilities or tactics (kind of like when you do the Thrawn lead).

    Or maybe have a new slot, Squadrons. Gold Squadron (reb), The Emperors Sword (imp), Hammer Squadron (republic) ect. a bunch of ships - you can apply them to any regular ship in game. They'd, essentially, be like mods except not random - you need to farm up squadrons, level them etc.

    Then they boost stats of the main ship, or have other special abilities (maybe one can auto-remove target lock - then it's on CD for 4 turns before it can do it again) - but this would at least open it up to look like fleets attacking, it would feel like a fleet battle, it's be a simple way to go from 5 ships to scuffing that into like 30 ships.

    Because they add to, enhance, maybe give another action to the ship there - it doesn't add more turns or anything.

    TL:DR; I'm just throwing spaghetti on the wall, so to speak, but my point is going smaller in fleets is just weak. It's like, people were really paid to think through ships... and... uh.. this is the best you could come up with?
    I'm all for ship battles being faster, but in regards to making ships better, I don't think think this is the answer you're looking for.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    How are so many people disliking mechanics they haven't even tried yet?
    which mechanic do you mean? 3vs3 on startup? whats so new? i had several fights in the past with 3vs3 ... not from startup, but it´s not really new for any who is playing ships regularly
    most of all players appreciate new things, but most of all players hate it when things are changed, especially when EA/CG change things, it is as good as always not the bad way it´s the way with the great hole and king leonidas stands beside the hole waiting for every player to yell "This is Sparta" and kick them down...
    [...]and of course the devs care about it.[...]
    [...]a lot of love has gone into, and they're professional designers who think from a design perspective[...]

    in every company it´s the same... every worker loves their product and knows what is best... but unfortunately all the decisions aren´t made by them, and i believe every decision they had to execute so far had broke their heart a little bit more, except they have "offshore"-coder/devs what so ever... they are usually not related to the product, the company, or the consumer at all^^
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Above @XKurareX Makes an excellent point, I mean, Squads are squads, 5 on 5 makes sense. But with fleets, and not just fleets, but with massive capitol ships, the reduction down to 3 on 3 just doesn't pass the "sniff test."

    Why not have full 9 on 9 combat or something... with sat 4 forward ships and 5 sitting around your capitol ship being protected by auto-turrets. Back ships can be brought up to the front line, fire from where they are, park in the cap ship for repairs. Cap ship should be able to take a defensive action and an offensive action each turn - I mean... it's not like Tarkin alone is running that thing... it can do multiple things at once.

    I'd love to see some actual motion in combat - place your ships, or troops, where they get access to other abilities or tactics (kind of like when you do the Thrawn lead).

    Or maybe have a new slot, Squadrons. Gold Squadron (reb), The Emperors Sword (imp), Hammer Squadron (republic) ect. a bunch of ships - you can apply them to any regular ship in game. They'd, essentially, be like mods except not random - you need to farm up squadrons, level them etc.

    Then they boost stats of the main ship, or have other special abilities (maybe one can auto-remove target lock - then it's on CD for 4 turns before it can do it again) - but this would at least open it up to look like fleets attacking, it would feel like a fleet battle, it's be a simple way to go from 5 ships to scuffing that into like 30 ships.

    Because they add to, enhance, maybe give another action to the ship there - it doesn't add more turns or anything.

    TL:DR; I'm just throwing spaghetti on the wall, so to speak, but my point is going smaller in fleets is just weak. It's like, people were really paid to think through ships... and... uh.. this is the best you could come up with?
    I'm all for ship battles being faster, but in regards to making ships better, I don't think think this is the answer you're looking for.

    Man, do you remember how laggy and unstable ships used to be? Now imagine that, just on a much larger scale. With what you propose, the hardware requirements for this game would go through the roof.
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    @PremierVenoth You made interesting suggestions. It would be certainly a more fleet like battle feeling - which would be an upgrade to the existing and thus justifying calling it a 2.0!

    I like the 9on9 and possible adding multiple minor squads from the capital by itself - which could turn the tide. Certainly the fleet battle would need a new graphic layout for this. The result could be a more tactical based mini game - which would differ from the arena which is more of speed mod test.

    Squads could be:
    Kylo Silencer + 2 wingmen
    Darth Vader + 2 wingmen
    Luke Skywalker + Biggs + Wedge (ohhh yes that would be cool!)
    Millenium Falcon (solo :wink:, sure doesnt need any wingmen)
    Anakin Skywalker + Obi Wan Kenobi (as duo)
    I hope you get the point - all based on movies and common sense as all ships fights involved a lot more than 5!

    The capital ships could bring also a few unnamed ships as squads (i.e. tie fighters, arcs etc)

    Additionally the capital ships could be influenced by multiple leading ship personal (Holdo, Leia, Darth Vader and more could be setted up as additional fleet commanders on the main capital ship)

    Could be multiple capital ships added including a Death Star (x rounds - capital ship wipe out). For the rebels Holdo could sacrifice her capital ship to destroy the opposite capital.

    Just some ideas :smiley:

    /thumbs up for my previous poster
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    How are so many people disliking mechanics they haven't even tried yet?

    Because they get crystals each day and profit from the current busted system in which the majority of players do their one attack a day to meet the daily requirement and then go do literally anything else. Any change that brings more activity to fleets challenges their delusion that they're at the top of their leaderboard because they're "better" and not because other people are bored and don't care.

    I genuinely liked ships when they came out and spent months trying to convince my friends that it was good and worth the investment. When Tarkin got reworked I told them that now all three capital ships were viable and it was a healthy meta. Then Tarkin took over and things got stale. Then Chimaera came out and things got downright dead. Most days I don't even bother doing the full fight for daily completion--I enter the arena and as soon as it's my turn I retreat and go do other things.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    Bring on Ships 2.0. We need something better
  • Jos33680
    122 posts Member
    Please remove ships !!!
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    No. Don't play 'em if you don't like 'em.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Nauros wrote: »
    Above @XKurareX Makes an excellent point, I mean, Squads are squads, 5 on 5 makes sense. But with fleets, and not just fleets, but with massive capitol ships, the reduction down to 3 on 3 just doesn't pass the "sniff test."

    Why not have full 9 on 9 combat or something... with sat 4 forward ships and 5 sitting around your capitol ship being protected by auto-turrets. Back ships can be brought up to the front line, fire from where they are, park in the cap ship for repairs. Cap ship should be able to take a defensive action and an offensive action each turn - I mean... it's not like Tarkin alone is running that thing... it can do multiple things at once.

    I'd love to see some actual motion in combat - place your ships, or troops, where they get access to other abilities or tactics (kind of like when you do the Thrawn lead).

    Or maybe have a new slot, Squadrons. Gold Squadron (reb), The Emperors Sword (imp), Hammer Squadron (republic) ect. a bunch of ships - you can apply them to any regular ship in game. They'd, essentially, be like mods except not random - you need to farm up squadrons, level them etc.

    Then they boost stats of the main ship, or have other special abilities (maybe one can auto-remove target lock - then it's on CD for 4 turns before it can do it again) - but this would at least open it up to look like fleets attacking, it would feel like a fleet battle, it's be a simple way to go from 5 ships to scuffing that into like 30 ships.

    Because they add to, enhance, maybe give another action to the ship there - it doesn't add more turns or anything.

    TL:DR; I'm just throwing spaghetti on the wall, so to speak, but my point is going smaller in fleets is just weak. It's like, people were really paid to think through ships... and... uh.. this is the best you could come up with?
    I'm all for ship battles being faster, but in regards to making ships better, I don't think think this is the answer you're looking for.

    Man, do you remember how laggy and unstable ships used to be? Now imagine that, just on a much larger scale. With what you propose, the hardware requirements for this game would go through the roof.

    With this studio? You might be right.

    Then, I've also played high end games on my phone that has way more going on - I'm not sure how this turn-based game can't manage to keep up with live action, real time, games.

    IF SWGOH was the only game I ever played on the phone, I'd buy it. But you play some of the other games out there and it's, really, you can't get this slow action turn based game right?
  • YodaHeIs
    64 posts Member
    Can someone explain to me why 3v3 will reduce the time requirement for ships? We will still need to monitor the hour before payout and occasionally have a 2min battle. I don’t mind a shake-up, but don’t justify it with bogus arguments. Squad arena also requires the one hour time commitment before payout. That’s already 2h gone per day. The problem is not the length of a battle but the system of fixed payouts and rank determination by time and swapping ranks. (Along with the for this system required downtime periods between battles.)
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    YodaHeIs wrote: »
    Can someone explain to me why 3v3 will reduce the time requirement for ships? We will still need to monitor the hour before payout and occasionally have a 2min battle. I don’t mind a shake-up, but don’t justify it with bogus arguments. Squad arena also requires the one hour time commitment before payout. That’s already 2h gone per day. The problem is not the length of a battle but the system of fixed payouts and rank determination by time and swapping ranks. (Along with the for this system required downtime periods between battles.)

    Because they think that reducing the timer from 7.5 mins to 5 mins = less time requirements
  • 3PO
    32 posts Member
    I basically welcome Ship 2.0. But, I think the opposite opinion is also reasonable. Do not be misled by my bad English, understand the meaning well. It took me a while to write.
    Everyone has been farming for a long time to prepare for a good 5 starter. Therefore, it is felt to be a loss to be changed to 3 starter system. Who likes loss? So, This loss will be manifested by various complaints. So how about this productive idea?
    Keep 5 starter system as now.
    Hardware of the ship can be Toggle On/Off.
    If the hardware is Toggle On, it can not be a starter.

    If the hardware is attractive enough, the user can naturally enjoy the new strategy and settle down as a 3 starter system.

  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    YodaHeIs wrote: »
    Can someone explain to me why 3v3 will reduce the time requirement for ships? We will still need to monitor the hour before payout and occasionally have a 2min battle.

    Because you don't need to do that.

    You choose to do that, and that's fine, but don't act like it's a they problem when it's a you problem.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    Half baked - as told already before :smile:

    We get less fleet, with shorter timer (i.e. bad to hold your position for payout) = less fun

    The whole payout system anyways is rubbish - highest rank per day and good is...this sitting on payout is nutz

    Play when you can and like - the sense of mobile games
  • YodaHeIs
    64 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Because you don't need to do that.You choose to do that, and that's fine, but don't act like it's a they problem when it's a you problem.

    So you are saying i should not play arena if i do not like it ... This is true, but i feel it is not the point in a discussion about how to change the fleet arena. My point is that i do not see a reduction in time commitment actually happen. Let me explain better:

    1.) There will still be downtimes between battles, so as with arena (if you want or need to use your 5 attempts) this will currently take 5*10 min = 50min of time. Of course you can do other things in between, but ...

    2.) ... you cannot really spread out the attempts over more than 1-2 hours, because either you will be knocked down by others or more likely you do not want to step on the toes of your shard mates.

    3.) At the top end of arena (at least in my shard) no battle lasts longer than 2-3min. As long as both opponents are +-1 in star count and gear level, the attacker typically wins and only loses if RGN is bad.

    4.) This also means a permanent possibility that someone knocks you down. So you need to monitor until you get to your payout hour. Shard chats can help, but as soon as one opponent in you payout is not in chat you need to get back after being dropped.

    So assuming I do not want to stop playing fleet arena, please elaborate on how I can avoid what I do and explain how I "don't need to do that". Also please explain what my problem is.

  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.

    If the system that was previewed is left unchanged, then the capitol ship cannot reinforce until its second move, so be happy. :)
    I need a new message here.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Soooooo.... Yeah, it's 3v3.

    Er no. It isn't.

    But you'll see.

    Then you have some inside info? Because you keep saying this when the devs and the video say outright that you're wrong. It starts as a 3v3. The devs confirmed it, the video shows it. So... post a link to some counter evidence or give it a rest.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.

    How do you come up with this conclusion? Last I checked the sky wasn’t falling.
  • Options
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.

    How do you come up with this conclusion? Last I checked the sky wasn’t falling.

    He comes to that conclusion for 2 reasons:

    1) Ships favors offense, so whales don't get as much bang for their buck. A much weaker f2p fleet can still hang with a stronger p2p fleet.

    2) Ever since mods and the speed meta, p2p who can farm mods geta a huge advantage in squad arena. Since there is no corresponding thing for ships, it is a much more even playing field. Since the mod bonuses don't matter, all the ships need is maxed mods, pretty easy for any f2p. Whales can get their ships to full stars quickly, but f2p won't get too far behind if they stay focused.

    Let the whales whale in squad arena, but give f2p a chance for crystals, too. F2p represents the player base and the biggest recruiting tool. The game needs both whales and f2p to thrive. The whales pay the bills and the f2p's bring in new players.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Soooooo.... Yeah, it's 3v3.

    Er no. It isn't.

    But you'll see.

    Then you have some inside info? Because you keep saying this when the devs and the video say outright that you're wrong. It starts as a 3v3. The devs confirmed it, the video shows it. So... post a link to some counter evidence or give it a rest.

    Starts as 3v3 is not the same thing as "it's 3v3" which is what you said and what he responded to.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.

    How do you come up with this conclusion? Last I checked the sky wasn’t falling.

    He comes to that conclusion for 2 reasons:

    1) Ships favors offense, so whales don't get as much bang for their buck. A much weaker f2p fleet can still hang with a stronger p2p fleet.

    2) Ever since mods and the speed meta, p2p who can farm mods geta a huge advantage in squad arena. Since there is no corresponding thing for ships, it is a much more even playing field. Since the mod bonuses don't matter, all the ships need is maxed mods, pretty easy for any f2p. Whales can get their ships to full stars quickly, but f2p won't get too far behind if they stay focused.

    Let the whales whale in squad arena, but give f2p a chance for crystals, too. F2p represents the player base and the biggest recruiting tool. The game needs both whales and f2p to thrive. The whales pay the bills and the f2p's bring in new players.

    So f2p can no longer compete in fleet?
    I need a new message here.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    YodaHeIs wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Because you don't need to do that.You choose to do that, and that's fine, but don't act like it's a they problem when it's a you problem.

    So you are saying i should not play arena if i do not like it ... This is true, but i feel it is not the point in a discussion about how to change the fleet arena. My point is that i do not see a reduction in time commitment actually happen. Let me explain better:

    1.) There will still be downtimes between battles, so as with arena (if you want or need to use your 5 attempts) this will currently take 5*10 min = 50min of time. Of course you can do other things in between, but ...

    2.) ... you cannot really spread out the attempts over more than 1-2 hours, because either you will be knocked down by others or more likely you do not want to step on the toes of your shard mates.

    3.) At the top end of arena (at least in my shard) no battle lasts longer than 2-3min. As long as both opponents are +-1 in star count and gear level, the attacker typically wins and only loses if RGN is bad.

    4.) This also means a permanent possibility that someone knocks you down. So you need to monitor until you get to your payout hour. Shard chats can help, but as soon as one opponent in you payout is not in chat you need to get back after being dropped.

    So assuming I do not want to stop playing fleet arena, please elaborate on how I can avoid what I do and explain how I "don't need to do that". Also please explain what my problem is.

    Your problem is that you don't need to monitor the leaderboard for the last hour before payouts. Just do your attacks, and if you get 5th place instead of 1st place, so be it. The sun will still rise in the morning and life will go on. You're like the guy who used to put his phone in a plastic bag so he could tap the screen on Clash of Clans all day to prevent being attacked and then got mad because the game was taking up too much of his time. Just get attacked. It doesn't matter.

    Like, what's the worst thing that happens if you fall as far as 50th place?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
This discussion has been closed.