Post here if you like current Ships and don't wan't Ship 2.0



  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.

    How do you come up with this conclusion? Last I checked the sky wasn’t falling.

    He comes to that conclusion for 2 reasons:

    1) Ships favors offense, so whales don't get as much bang for their buck. A much weaker f2p fleet can still hang with a stronger p2p fleet.

    2) Ever since mods and the speed meta, p2p who can farm mods geta a huge advantage in squad arena. Since there is no corresponding thing for ships, it is a much more even playing field. Since the mod bonuses don't matter, all the ships need is maxed mods, pretty easy for any f2p. Whales can get their ships to full stars quickly, but f2p won't get too far behind if they stay focused.

    Let the whales whale in squad arena, but give f2p a chance for crystals, too. F2p represents the player base and the biggest recruiting tool. The game needs both whales and f2p to thrive. The whales pay the bills and the f2p's bring in new players.

    This is pure conjecture though. He was already lamenting the fact that FTP is now not going to finish top of arena. I fully expect to still finish at top of fleet arena as FTP. I’ll wait until I see the ships in action before declaring the sky is falling.
  • Options
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.

    How do you come up with this conclusion? Last I checked the sky wasn’t falling.

    He comes to that conclusion for 2 reasons:

    1) Ships favors offense, so whales don't get as much bang for their buck. A much weaker f2p fleet can still hang with a stronger p2p fleet.

    2) Ever since mods and the speed meta, p2p who can farm mods geta a huge advantage in squad arena. Since there is no corresponding thing for ships, it is a much more even playing field. Since the mod bonuses don't matter, all the ships need is maxed mods, pretty easy for any f2p. Whales can get their ships to full stars quickly, but f2p won't get too far behind if they stay focused.

    Let the whales whale in squad arena, but give f2p a chance for crystals, too. F2p represents the player base and the biggest recruiting tool. The game needs both whales and f2p to thrive. The whales pay the bills and the f2p's bring in new players.

    This is pure conjecture though. He was already lamenting the fact that FTP is now not going to finish top of arena. I fully expect to still finish at top of fleet arena as FTP. I’ll wait until I see the ships in action before declaring the sky is falling.

    Yes, what would really kill f2p would be mods for ships or the introduction of op ships and pilots that aren't farmable.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Nauros wrote: »
    Achilles wrote: »
    • I like the reinforcement-bonus
    • I like the hardware been added
    • i dislike the 3v3 start-option
    • i dislike the reduced battle time

    Would you prefer, say, 7v7 with starting 5v5 instead? Because the reduction of starting fleet is a direct consequence to introducing the reinforcement bonuses, they had to make room for round one reinforcements.
    Currently we have 9v9 with starting 5v5 ... thats fine to me. 5v5 at the start will still require to think about, what ships do you use at start, because you have to sacrifice their reinforcement bonus. + you could think to add a weak one, just to get the first reinforcement, or you try to finish the opponent off even without reinforcement (like we have now due to TM control).

    The only reasonable option to get reinforcement bonus in turn 1 would be a 8v8, starting with 4v4 and preloaded TM on capital ships, otherwise TIE-reaper wont let the cap-ship get a turn.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Aeternas
    65 posts Member
    TAureliusC wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    They claim to be improving the AI as part of this update. We'll see.

    If they improve AI then they should have left it at 5 starting. It baffles me that opponents can beat me when some of their ships and toons aren't even maxed out when we have the same exact line up. I now spend 10 minutes on ships per day. I finish 1st 99% of the time but I no longer try to build the perfect fleet because of the AI junk. I log in 15 minutes prior and retake 1st to get my prize and I return 24 hours later to do it again.

    Must be nice. That kind of "effort" on my shard would get you knocked out of the top 50 every day. You would be spending more that "15 minutes." I went from 1 to 24 in less than 12 hours, overnight. I routinely see people who place in top 5 get knocked back to the 40s and beyond every day unless they log in constantly to mitigate their drops.
  • Options
    A change is needed to current the stale meta. Due to the limited number of ships in game compared to toons, fleets is even more stale. I dont have DT maxed, otherwise I have a full meta fleet. In my shard, it's basically a RNG lottery to decide who wins. Who lands TL the most, does FOTFP double tap or not? Does maul target the right ship on his first move? Who moves first after reribution is applied? I can see a 3 ship starting fleet give adeed viability to LS cap ships, and the rebalancing could well throw things up in the air. Personally, I'm saving a lot of fleet currency at the moment, just spending on Slave 1 to acces 7* tarkin and GG when he shows up in case a rewark comes around for him, otherwise, I'm saving tokens for when more details are available to us. Fleets need a rework. The best cap ships are both dark side, as are the majority of fighters. Only Biggs, fives and as second teir bistan and the falcon are worth anything, whereas the DS has TA FOTP, ITF, TR,TS,Scimitar, Slave one, gauntlet, and sun fac not too far behind. The TL meta has led to one thing. DS fleets with a biggs tank, with 5s sitting somewhere for a late game nuke. We need more variety.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Achilles wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Achilles wrote: »
    • I like the reinforcement-bonus
    • I like the hardware been added
    • i dislike the 3v3 start-option
    • i dislike the reduced battle time

    Would you prefer, say, 7v7 with starting 5v5 instead? Because the reduction of starting fleet is a direct consequence to introducing the reinforcement bonuses, they had to make room for round one reinforcements.
    Currently we have 9v9 with starting 5v5 ... thats fine to me. 5v5 at the start will still require to think about, what ships do you use at start, because you have to sacrifice their reinforcement bonus. + you could think to add a weak one, just to get the first reinforcement, or you try to finish the opponent off even without reinforcement (like we have now due to TM control).

    The only reasonable option to get reinforcement bonus in turn 1 would be a 8v8, starting with 4v4 and preloaded TM on capital ships, otherwise TIE-reaper wont let the cap-ship get a turn.

    Adding a weak ship to enable reinforcements would lead to another version of the "zombie problem", where a low-power member is more effective than high-power. I personally hate this, so in my opinion, the 3v3 starting fleet is still a better solution.
    Also, I fully expect a drastic change of the reaper, due to how meta-warping it is. It would get even worse in the new model where reinforcements mean more than ever. You can't judge the whole system by the current version of one ship.
  • MCThr33pio
    275 posts Member
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    The whole thing was too abstract in the first place. Using my holographic characters to pilot holographic ships on holographic tables.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    I like 5 against 5. Not really sure why they felt they needed to change it. They need more actual ship options, not 3 against 3

    I like to pop on to this thread every now and then just to point out that it still will be 5 v 5.

    Seems a thankless task because everyone still thinks it's being changed to 3 v 3. It isn't.

    Agreed. With reinforcements playing a larger role (which is great, imo), it would be really awkward to have to wait for your ship to die before using them. Reducing the starting fleet is imo the best solution, allowing it to go to 6 ships (from starting 5) would only make things cluttered. Also, people keep judging the rework through the lens of current ship stats and abilities (like the complains about Endurance being even more useless), which is a nonsense because everything will be reworket to fit in the new model.

    And given CG's history on "fixing" things, that is precisely what I find most terrifying.

    See "Sith Raid Rewards", "Mod-Gate", "Barris-gate 2.0", and "TW Scoring Rework" for just a few examples.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Waiting for Ships 2.0 Rollback, aka Ships 3.0
  • Options
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.

    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.
  • MCThr33pio
    275 posts Member
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.

    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.

    This is actually a fairly interesting idea - and probably as close to a solution to really fixing ships as there is.

    It also opens the door for them suddenly making CUP and Ugnaught the new meta for pilots!!
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.

    Another good idea here, problem is, with how they update the game, they will do this as well as something else that completely was not asked for and messes up the original idea. xD
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    It solves some problems and creates a lot more. Most notably, there becomes little reason to bother with pilots. Just stick your most powerful characters in whatever ship and run, making it pretty pointless.
    Still not a he.
  • Darthpedro
    1175 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.

    If the system that was previewed is left unchanged, then the capitol ship cannot reinforce until its second move, so be happy. :)

    Not true
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.

    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.

    Now now Finn is a capable gunner he has every right to be included in a ship like the falcon it wouldn't make sense for him to be in a single seat x-wing.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.

    If the system that was previewed is left unchanged, then the capitol ship cannot reinforce until its second move, so be happy. :)

    Not true.


    Regardless, until it goes live no one knows anyway.
    I need a new message here.
  • jedilord
    339 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.

    If the system that was previewed is left unchanged, then the capitol ship cannot reinforce until its second move, so be happy. :)

    Not true
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.

    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.

    Now now Finn is a capable gunner he has every right to be included in a ship like the falcon it wouldn't make sense for him to be in a single seat x-wing.

    yes you are probably right, in tb we are already starting with 3, first round: capital ship is able to call reinforcement

    nevertheless every other suggestion here in this thread (even if i hadn´t read all and maybe forgotten some) is far far way better than the awful ships also know as ships 2.0 which is completely wrong cause the 3v3 starting lineup with some new buffs is not a new version of ships!
    it´s only "territory battle-ships with buffs" to be honest it´s not even worth to call it a ships^^
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    The 3v3 is only one aspect of ships 2.0. We do not know the rest, but they have said ships will be rebalanced around the new 3v3 model.

    That said, no. No, the suggestions in here are not necessarily better. The 7v7 and 9v9 suggestions are not better. They're cumbersome and awkward and exacerbates existing problems with the system."Throw more toys on the map!" does not necessarily make a fight more epic.
    Still not a he.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Darthpedro wrote: »
    My biggest problem is it completely devalues the first turn of the capitol ship. Right now with Chimera, depending on the situation, I have 4 options for my opening move and yes I have at different times used all of the 4.
    With the new system you are always going to be calling a reinforcement, it is always going to be the best decision especially with the new reinforcement bonus abilities.

    If the system that was previewed is left unchanged, then the capitol ship cannot reinforce until its second move, so be happy. :)

    Not true
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again one last time here - when they decided to make ships dependent on pilots they shot themselves in the foot. This limited their options - any ship without a pilot in the game is going to need an entire character to be introduced to the game.

    Right now the Galactic Republic faction at the moment has by far the most options for new ships, since nearly every Jedi in the game is from that era, and almost all those Jedi had their own fighters.

    This also leaves a number of factions with no hope of ever having ships, although this isn't really necessarily a problem, as it's unlikely anyone wants to see a teddy bear with a glider in the game. I don't know, someone probably does, but not me.

    At the moment the Seperatist faction is also all Geonosian, which is ... kind of annoying? I do know a lot of people would love to see vulture droids added to ships ... but they pilot themselves, so how would that work?

    And then there's still all the pilots in the game without any ship at all yet, like Grievous, Bane, Commander Luke, Jedi Knight Anakin ... I'm just gonna quit because you get the idea, and because there's also all the ships that don't have pilots, like A-wings and B-wings and those weird ships the cops on Bespin flew.

    Point being is, making ships inter-related to pilots certainly seems to make sense initially, but it quickly should have become obvious it was a bad idea. Because of it, ships are built on an almost useless foundation that is now impossible to repair without a complete overhaul, which just can't be done now. The sad truth is, ships should have been an ENTIRELY new part of the game.

    So I'm hopeful that's what is coming does improve ships a lot, but ultimately ships is just a fundamentally flawed part of an otherwise really good game.

    This is a good point... they should make pilots "flexible" and solve that problem.

    Example: Anyone can pilot Millenium Falcon, but Han (any Han) adds 10% evasion, Rey adds chance to target lock (the force), Chewy adds 10% damage (any Chewy), Finn... I don't actually know why Finn would be included or why he is currently included but sure, and you get the point.

    That opens the door for A and Y wings and the like too.

    Now now Finn is a capable gunner he has every right to be included in a ship like the falcon it wouldn't make sense for him to be in a single seat x-wing.

    yes you are probably right, in tb we are already starting with 3, first round: capital ship is able to call reinforcement

    This doesn't confirm or deny anything though.
    I need a new message here.
  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    Ahh... way to hush this up mods. 3v3 is inherently a terrible idea that no one asked for. Hiding this thread from the public eye can’t change that.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member

    The thread is not hidden. The mods moved feedback to the part of the forum for feedback, because that's where CG looks for feedback. This is where a dev is more likely to see it, and therefore where it's more likely to be used as actionable data than if it stayed in general.
    Still not a he.
  • JJay
    368 posts Member
    DarthKatk wrote: »
    Nice that EA is taking away the one place where f2p users can get crystals. Job well done I guess for them then.
    I spent pretty much the last 6 months only farming, gearing and zeta'ing my main crew members to get to the top 5 regularly. And now they are coming up with a big "update" that'll probably change every ship power so much that the geonosians will be the best (as I don't have them at any lvl pretty much) and the Tie Reaper (nice and "quick" farm it was) & co will become obsolete.
    Why not update some of the less used ships, in addition bring in a couple of new pilots and ships to the game to try to make it more diverse? Instead they're bringing a fifth Han to the game and probably the month after we'll get the 6th and 7th aswell because we don't have enough of him.
    And how is it currently so "time consuming"? The fights take 1 minute, no more than 2, no matter what level you or your opponent is.

    Anyway as they're doing this I'd like to see the same happen to squad arena. A "cool" revamp to the characters and new abilities to them with no regards to the users. So we'll have a new meta with Bodhi, FART, CUP, Unaught & Mob Enforcer.

    Couldn’t have said it any better, it’s exactly what I think.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    "I personally benefit from the current system and am invested in it not changing," is not exactly good of the game kinda feedback.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    "I personally benefit from the current system and am invested in it not changing," is not exactly good of the game kinda feedback.

    Reads to me more like:

    "I made a serious time and money commitment to excel in a phase of the game. Now you've made that all pointless with an update aimed to appease people who weren't willing to put that same time and money in, or laying the groundwork for a pay to play meta to take over"

    All of which are exceptionally valid criticisms and concerns.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Its here.
This discussion has been closed.