Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Dabro112
    79 posts Member
    Valentyne wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Only two things need to be done:
    1) Rebalance capital ships because the reduction in starting ships completely imbalanced their ults.

    2) Players need to grow up and learn the new ships. Everyone that’s whining about how theor previously broken ships are worthless now that they’re only as strong as the other ships now is a whiney little brat.

    1) move out of your parents basement.

    2) get a job

    3) spend your own money on this game

    4) go #$&@ yourself

    Never tell a star wars fan to move out of their parents basement. I thought we had a life pact not to cross this line.
  • GrimKiwi
    18 posts Member
    Anyone know why opposition capital ships are getting to their ultimate moves 2 turns ahead of mine since the update?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    As someone who does not like the ship changes, I'd like to point out that "I hate ships 2.0 because I lose now" is NOT a valid argument.

    There are several legitimate reasons you could give:

    1) More RNG
    2) Nerfing several ships (that you may have spent money to obtain - and gear the pilots)
    3)The new version doesn't accomplish ANY of CG's stated goals (they're not shorter, more fun, nor do they require more strategy)

    But citing your record pre and post update (either as a negative or positive) is results based, not process based.

    Please try to make points/provide feedback that has to so with why you find the process of playing Ships 2.0 unsatisfactory - not why you do or don't like the outcomes.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Im still in the top5, just befoee the update, but I still hate everything about it. The fights clearly take longer (obvious lie of CG), and are more rng based. Once they crit in a row and you lose a ship, theres no chance of coming back, no matter what "card you pull from your sleeve" (another lie of CG).
  • Sacul
    5 posts Member
    There is also a lot less diversity in the teams in my shard, amnd i am willing to bet most.
  • Hoopty
    8 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    As someone who does not like the ship changes, I'd like to point out that "I hate ships 2.0 because I lose now" is NOT a valid argument.

    There are several legitimate reasons you could give:

    1) More RNG
    2) Nerfing several ships (that you may have spent money to obtain - and gear the pilots)
    3)The new version doesn't accomplish ANY of CG's stated goals (they're not shorter, more fun, nor do they require more strategy)

    But citing your record pre and post update (either as a negative or positive) is results based, not process based.

    Please try to make points/provide feedback that has to so with why you find the process of playing Ships 2.0 unsatisfactory - not why you do or don't like the outcomes.

    The fact that more losses are happening is NOT the logical conclusion of most, if not all, the arguments citing it. And citing this extreme shift in results isn’t purely results based analysis; this rather extreme change in results is indicative of the problem. It’s especially a problem when the most successful participant is the AI, which is the non-sentient participant (If they have created an AI capable of feeling joy at beating people in a video game I take back everything I have said and congratulate them on this monumental accomplishment.) The broad problem is how losses come now that makes very little sense and display very little opportunity to change strategy. Largely because of the issues you stated. But such an extreme change in results is at least indicative of way too many changes while not properly elucidating the player how to maneuver through these changes. . .or you just broke it. Before, I pretty much always knew the exact reason why I lost/was going to lose. Now I haven’t a GD clue.

    Another issue I have that is irrespective of wins or losses is that there are ships that are virtually worthless now, and, so, what’s the point of them? Decorations? Plus, with the reinforcement abilities, now you just pretty much designate 3 ships (Those 3 ships are almost invariably Darth’s tie/Biggs/Imp Tie, to those who had them at least passably upgraded) that you don’t want/care to upgrade/use their reinforcement ability, which, again, is weird and seems exceedingly half thought out.
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Dabro112 wrote: »
    I love people who rank like in the 90's in arena probably 200-300's lecturing people who have way more committed to the game. You're right in the 200's in ships where people are under geared left and right I am sure you can find a way to never lose at ships. I don't begrudge anyone their place in the game but having been at the top since day 1 of ships without spending please don't judge our reactions to a complete change.

    I also think the amount of money older whales are committing to the is starting to dwindle overall. If you look at this update it seems to be trying to appeal to newer players and start to establish a new whale rotation. Completely understandable.

    I have been top3 the past half year, and I still am, yet I agree with the guy from the 200s. Ships2. 0 is NOT FUN, which is kind of the main point of a GAME, right?
    Battles take longer, decisions dont matter, rng does, Endurance nerf is a joke, rendering 6-months-farm-ships completely useless is clearly a tragic update, and I dont really see how CG could make up for all this. So much development (money) theyve spent and all they got was making people leave the game.
  • Mario15011968
    48 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Roopehun wrote: »
    Dabro112 wrote: »
    I love people who rank like in the 90's in arena probably 200-300's lecturing people who have way more committed to the game. You're right in the 200's in ships where people are under geared left and right I am sure you can find a way to never lose at ships. I don't begrudge anyone their place in the game but having been at the top since day 1 of ships without spending please don't judge our reactions to a complete change.

    I also think the amount of money older whales are committing to the is starting to dwindle overall. If you look at this update it seems to be trying to appeal to newer players and start to establish a new whale rotation. Completely understandable.

    I have been top3 the past half year, and I still am, yet I agree with the guy from the 200s. Ships2. 0 is NOT FUN, which is kind of the main point of a GAME, right?
    Battles take longer, decisions dont matter, rng does, Endurance nerf is a joke, rendering 6-months-farm-ships completely useless is clearly a tragic update, and I dont really see how CG could make up for all this. So much development (money) theyve spent and all they got was making people leave the game.

    they say if It's health of the game, even if it's the exact opposite and they're celebrating it for that
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Reinforcements should be available on turn 1. in 3v3, once u lose a ship and are unable to reinforce u have effectively lost.

    This has happened to me several times and I've still managed to win, although it's certainly made it more difficult. Maybe the format isn't your problem?

    I've managed to win too, but usually it's a loss. U generally need decent rng after that to catch up and when it's a 2v3, u have less rng rolls and hence lower probability of evening out the bad rng that happened earlier.
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Aluxtu wrote: »
    I have absolutely no problem burning down Biggs... Get your target locks up on him as much as possible

    That last line is rng dependent in case u have not realised. I've had fights where i sent in maul to put retribution on biggs and he just held there forever because of all the wet noodling that is going on. Needless to say, that can happen the other way too, then it's just a race to who's chimaera is faster / who wins the 50/50 tossup on chimaera speed / whose TFP managed to finally dodge before the ultimate goes off.
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    Some of you people complain over the dumbest things. Oh well. All I know is I am loving this new ships format. I've been 1st everyday for the last 7-8 months and I have a feeling I will still continue to be 1st or somewhere near it with the new change. If you've been building your ships and your pilots, you shouldn't have a problem. If you haven't been, then i can see why you are crying. *shrugs shoulders*. Good luck and have fun!!

    Yeah I did build my ships and pilots. I was in first place the entire week before this change. And you are wrong I am having a problem. Not only is this so much less FUN, I am struggling to beat the fact that opponents chimera always goes first. Struggling to break 20th now
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Roopehun wrote: »
    I have been top3 the past half year, and I still am, yet I agree with the guy from the 200s. Ships2. 0 is NOT FUN, which is kind of the main point of a GAME, right?
    Battles take longer, decisions dont matter, rng does, Endurance nerf is a joke, rendering 6-months-farm-ships completely useless is clearly a tragic update, and I dont really see how CG could make up for all this. So much development (money) theyve spent and all they got was making people leave the game.

    I've been top for over a year and yes i laughed when ppl expected endurance to be better. Everything about the update pointed to the complete dismissal of endurance as a viable capital ship. Starting with 3 makes TL a low probability now, and also there goes ur option of a fast rampup since u start with only 3 (maybe 2 if u were unlucky).

    I really hate how they made all the long farm ships near unusable too. I run an alt, it's almost at 6* reaper but i gotta shelve it now.
  • JasFonz
    317 posts Member
    GrimKiwi wrote: »
    Anyone know why opposition capital ships are getting to their ultimate moves 2 turns ahead of mine since the update?

    The whole point is to make you spend crystals or dollars

    - spend crystals to refresh and jump higher, hoping RNG falls in your favor.
    - Dollars, spend cash to buy their mats in store hoping that will help.

    After having played this game ever since it got released, this ship update is a cheap shot. I’ve seen a lot of arena metas change but this isn’t an arena meta change, this is a blatant RNG F-Fest. Dynamic?! Original?!

    How is everyone running slave 1 as the first reinforcement being original?
    How is having the opposite capital ship making its killer move before yours, when you’ve been going first being dynamic?

    How is this meant to be interesting in the slightest? There’s no big deal finding anti meta teams and it’s fun beating the meat but how the hell do you find an anti RNG team?

    Seriously EA/CG if your strategy was to stop people jumping to other games, you’ve kinda failed.
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    Marvell strike force here I come. Worst update yet, and that's saying something.
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    What has happened in the current meta is the developers have purposely slowed it down for Thrawn Commanders. Since only three ships are allowed at the start of the battle, instead of five, a first turn kill has all but been eliminated. This was an enormous Advantage for thrawn users. Now, the only way to achieve a first turn kill is to forgo using Biggs in your starting lineup. If you do that, the first ship of mine you kill will be the last one, because I will run you slam over after you have shot your wad. Yes, gone are the days in which no thought process was required in fielding a team. All thrawn users had to do was choose five fast hard hitting ships and throw them into the lineup. No thought process required. Now, you need Synergy to win. 5 fast hard-hitting ships is not synergy. It never was. As a result, everyday these thrawn users continue to cry baby and I find it extremely hilarious. It is the business model of the developers to build the meta and then to destroy it. This process is repeated over and over to ensure people continue to spend money and continue to stay engaged within the game trying to build new teams all of the time. I have been warning about this meta shift against thrawn for months. As long as these thrawn user's continue to cling to an outdated meta, the developers will continue to undermine him. You think it's bad now? You just wait until PvE for ships is released and everyone can start farming every ship. Wait until the next few ships are released. You can bet your bottom dollar, they will be aimed at undermining the continued abuse of one Commander, thrawn. You don't ride a sinking ship until it sinks. You jump ship before it gets to that point. Thrawn users this is only a shot across your bow. The next one will sink your ship completely. And rest assured, I will come here every day to get a huge laugh at your expense.

    An enormous thank you to the Developers foreseeing the clear and blatant problem with the fleet Arena, the abuse of one Commander and neglect of every other. In one swift move you have brought much more balance to the game and have forced all players to have to use their mind to field a synergetic team. As I'm sure you are seeing, people are still desperately clinging to their thrawn Commanders. Please Release another Salvo of anti Thrawn measures to further complete the destruction of this current meta which has been able to abused the fleet arena for far too long. You did an outstanding job this time! Keep up the great work
  • Muelann
    20 posts Member
    Thrawn is now overpowered in ship battles. Way overpowered. He gets to his ultimate much to fast... like 2 turns too fast. Also, his ultimate appears to be designed to be absorbed by 5 ships, not 1,2 or 3. It is a knockout punch. I use tarkin and in not a single battle has tarkin reached his ultimate. Not once. I am in top 20 fleet and previously held #1 every day for about 10 weeks, so i have some experience in fleet. Thrawns ship needs a nerf now. Right now. As in, st han infinite loop right now.
  • Roopehun
    344 posts Member
    Muelann wrote: »
    Thrawn is now overpowered in ship battles. Way overpowered. He gets to his ultimate much to fast... like 2 turns too fast. Also, his ultimate appears to be designed to be absorbed by 5 ships, not 1,2 or 3. It is a knockout punch. I use tarkin and in not a single battle has tarkin reached his ultimate. Not once. I am in top 20 fleet and previously held #1 every day for about 10 weeks, so i have some experience in fleet. Thrawns ship needs a nerf now. Right now. As in, st han infinite loop right now.

    Interesting to read, as I abandoned my Chimera with fleet2. 0.
    Tarkins ship is faster so every turn tarkin shoots first - reenforces first, which doesnt allow me to rea h my ult. Yeah it would come earlier, but if I dont get that far, its no use.
    And no, switching from 5 to 3 did not impact his ult, because it damages a percentage of the ships health, and is not a flat damage, read the ability deaxription.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    As someone who does not like the ship changes, I'd like to point out that "I hate ships 2.0 because I lose now" is NOT a valid argument.

    There are several legitimate reasons you could give:

    1) More RNG
    2) Nerfing several ships (that you may have spent money to obtain - and gear the pilots)
    3)The new version doesn't accomplish ANY of CG's stated goals (they're not shorter, more fun, nor do they require more strategy)

    But citing your record pre and post update (either as a negative or positive) is results based, not process based.

    Please try to make points/provide feedback that has to so with why you find the process of playing Ships 2.0 unsatisfactory - not why you do or don't like the outcomes.

    With RNG part I agree, but I must strongly disagree with "I paid for something it must stay strong" argument, because no one made you buy something and TBH some nerfs are more then justified (TFP and reaper looking at you)
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    JasFonz wrote: »
    GrimKiwi wrote: »
    Anyone know why opposition capital ships are getting to their ultimate moves 2 turns ahead of mine since the update?

    The whole point is to make you spend crystals or dollars

    - spend crystals to refresh and jump higher, hoping RNG falls in your favor.
    - Dollars, spend cash to buy their mats in store hoping that will help.

    After having played this game ever since it got released, this ship update is a cheap shot. I’ve seen a lot of arena metas change but this isn’t an arena meta change, this is a blatant RNG F-Fest. Dynamic?! Original?!

    How is everyone running slave 1 as the first reinforcement being original?
    How is having the opposite capital ship making its killer move before yours, when you’ve been going first being dynamic?

    How is this meant to be interesting in the slightest? There’s no big deal finding anti meta teams and it’s fun beating the meat but how the hell do you find an anti RNG team?

    Seriously EA/CG if your strategy was to stop people jumping to other games, you’ve kinda failed.

    IF you went first and their capital ship used their ulti before you that means either you've been attacking TFP and it dodged or reaper decreased TM on your capital ship which has nothing to do with RNG. Or chimaera increased your cooldowns which again has nothing to do with RNG
  • Dblade21
    169 posts Member
    I have been playing since day 1, and on a day 1 fleet shard. I routinely (every day) am top 7, running mace. Ran him in ships 1.0 when everyone said run thrawn or you wont win. Running him now and not struggling at all compared to my shardmates who continually struggle to move up to top 10.

    The meta is changing, and those that dont change will be left behind. Thrawn was meta for way longer than any meta in the arena. We all knew this was coming, if you didnt change, it's your own fault. I win most of my battles in 90 seconds now, and that's with my opponent getting his biggs taunting first.

    Putting the fastest ships in and hitting auto is not how you win any more. You have to have strategy and synergy in your fleet. You have to plan for every outcome and be ready to change your approach when it doesn't work, not complain that the ships you worked on arent any good now. They are still good. You just have to use them differently and in different combinations.

    I'm 22-3 on offense, havent dropped out of the top 25 since ships 2.0 started.
  • Dark_Light
    499 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    What has happened in the current meta is the developers have purposely slowed it down for Thrawn Commanders. Since only three ships are allowed at the start of the battle, instead of five, a first turn kill has all but been eliminated. This was an enormous Advantage for thrawn users. Now, the only way to achieve a first turn kill is to forgo using Biggs in your starting lineup. If you do that, the first ship of mine you kill will be the last one, because I will run you slam over after you have shot your wad. Yes, gone are the days in which no thought process was required in fielding a team. All thrawn users had to do was choose five fast hard hitting ships and throw them into the lineup. No thought process required. Now, you need Synergy to win. 5 fast hard-hitting ships is not synergy. It never was. As a result, everyday these thrawn users continue to cry baby and I find it extremely hilarious. It is the business model of the developers to build the meta and then to destroy it. This process is repeated over and over to ensure people continue to spend money and continue to stay engaged within the game trying to build new teams all of the time. I have been warning about this meta shift against thrawn for months. As long as these thrawn user's continue to cling to an outdated meta, the developers will continue to undermine him. You think it's bad now? You just wait until PvE for ships is released and everyone can start farming every ship. Wait until the next few ships are released. You can bet your bottom dollar, they will be aimed at undermining the continued abuse of one Commander, thrawn. You don't ride a sinking ship until it sinks. You jump ship before it gets to that point. Thrawn users this is only a shot across your bow. The next one will sink your ship completely. And rest assured, I will come here every day to get a huge laugh at your expense.

    An enormous thank you to the Developers foreseeing the clear and blatant problem with the fleet Arena, the abuse of one Commander and neglect of every other. In one swift move you have brought much more balance to the game and have forced all players to have to use their mind to field a synergetic team. As I'm sure you are seeing, people are still desperately clinging to their thrawn Commanders. Please Release another Salvo of anti Thrawn measures to further complete the destruction of this current meta which has been able to abused the fleet arena for far too long. You did an outstanding job this time! Keep up the great work

    Sorry but you’re just wrong. I can eliminate a ship before reinfjrments, with Biggs present, using Chimeara.
  • PrideOfTheWicked
    254 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Dark_Light wrote: »
    What has happened in the current meta is the developers have purposely slowed it down for Thrawn Commanders. Since only three ships are allowed at the start of the battle, instead of five, a first turn kill has all but been eliminated. This was an enormous Advantage for thrawn users. Now, the only way to achieve a first turn kill is to forgo using Biggs in your starting lineup. If you do that, the first ship of mine you kill will be the last one, because I will run you slam over after you have shot your wad. Yes, gone are the days in which no thought process was required in fielding a team. All thrawn users had to do was choose five fast hard hitting ships and throw them into the lineup. No thought process required. Now, you need Synergy to win. 5 fast hard-hitting ships is not synergy. It never was. As a result, everyday these thrawn users continue to cry baby and I find it extremely hilarious. It is the business model of the developers to build the meta and then to destroy it. This process is repeated over and over to ensure people continue to spend money and continue to stay engaged within the game trying to build new teams all of the time. I have been warning about this meta shift against thrawn for months. As long as these thrawn user's continue to cling to an outdated meta, the developers will continue to undermine him. You think it's bad now? You just wait until PvE for ships is released and everyone can start farming every ship. Wait until the next few ships are released. You can bet your bottom dollar, they will be aimed at undermining the continued abuse of one Commander, thrawn. You don't ride a sinking ship until it sinks. You jump ship before it gets to that point. Thrawn users this is only a shot across your bow. The next one will sink your ship completely. And rest assured, I will come here every day to get a huge laugh at your expense.

    An enormous thank you to the Developers foreseeing the clear and blatant problem with the fleet Arena, the abuse of one Commander and neglect of every other. In one swift move you have brought much more balance to the game and have forced all players to have to use their mind to field a synergetic team. As I'm sure you are seeing, people are still desperately clinging to their thrawn Commanders. Please Release another Salvo of anti Thrawn measures to further complete the destruction of this current meta which has been able to abused the fleet arena for far too long. You did an outstanding job this time! Keep up the great work

    Sorry but you’re just wrong. I can eliminate a ship before reinfjrments, with Biggs present, using Chimeara.

    You have three ships, 3 ship turns, 1 capital ship turn. If one of those ships is Biggs, you're not killing one of my ships first. After my first term Salvo, two of your ships will be Target locked, 3 if youre not using Biggs. Game over. I have hundreds and hundreds of screenshots available and hours of video footage. My line ID is the same user ID is this, should you require any kind of proof. Because a picture is worth a thousand words
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    I use to love ship fight even more than ground battles , but now its just so frustrading and boring, no fun at all anymore, not to talk about the empire nerve , that s how u make an ok game to p2w freak show,
  • Tulkas
    253 posts Member
    Worse than before. Everyone at the top has the exact same team.

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    Why my executrix can't destroy 2 enemy ships on his ultimate attack. What have you done on my its a the weakest capital ship on game.
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    I'm sorry I'm here to complain, but I feel feedback purposes it's only fair that my voice is out there.

    It's weird that what was once a the most fun part of the game for me has turned into one of my least favorite parts. Contrary to developer intentions (at least per their statements) fleet arena has turned from a fun quick game (many battles finishing within 1 minute, and capital ship ultimate abilities not always coming into play) into a slow slog that always comes down to capital ship ultimate abilities.
    Ships that were fun (and for which reason I dropped a lot of resources into) turned up into ships that have had all the fun **** out of them and are far less usable.
    Its very frustrating and sad.

    Winning isn't the issue as I'll get the other ships that are needed to win soon enough, but it just isn't going to be as fun anymore.

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    Oh yeah agreed. I was searching for the ship hate megathread lol
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    Its crap. Anyone who thinks otherwise? Please tag me if you do.
  • swgohfan29
    1147 posts Member
    Its ****. Anyone who thinks otherwise? Please tag me if you do.


  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    Alright. It’s been several days now. I decided I’d give 3v3 a chance before I got into this and made a fool of myself arguing in the forums over something I don’t know enough about. But now I believe that I’ve had enough experience to effectively criticize ships 2.0 and everything that came in the wake of it. I will split it into a few points (not so someone can come and write a one sentence rebuttal for each of the points) so that I can effectively discuss all of the major criticisms I and many others have with this new system in order from the least bad to the very worst. And if you want to criticize this comment, then read the whole thing. Here we go:

    1. The buffs and reinforcement bonuses
    I’ve never been one to shy away from a good buff. Some ships need help, that’s just a fact. It’s great to see that the geonoseans got some help, and that they might be pretty good now. That’s cool. It’s also nice to see that you’re (attempting) to revitalize mace and ackbar. That’s pretty neat. The reinforcement bonuses are a nifty change, and spice things up a bit. One thing that’s kind of gone unnoticed (at least from what I’ve seen on the forums) is how frikin’ OP Vader has gotten. I think he deserves it. Rey’s falcon is great too. But anyway, the big thing I’m disappointed with is Slave 1. Everyone is parading it around as something more than it actually is, but it’s stewpid (<—that is not a swear word, now go away) that it has to taunt as soon as it comes into the battle. It is obviously meant to be a long term ship, with an ability with a cooldown and a large health pool. Well, you can’t use it now when the ship is killed in 20 seconds. The rest of them are OK though, I guess. My one change for this would be to maybe have different bonuses that you can select. I don’t know. This is just my 2 cents. And if I’m “playing the game wrong,” consider that I’ve been around the top 20 since ships launched, and I’m still hanging around there now.

    2. The nerfs
    So this is a bit more personal to me, as I’m sure it is to many. I don’t care about ships/characters becoming irrelevant because of shifts in the meta. I’m used to that with squad arena. But what I cannot forgive is the blatant and merciless destruction of the TIE reaper. I don’t even care as much that it’s unusable, more that it’s such a difficult farm. Imagine if you nerfed Sion, or nihilus tomorrow. That would [word for unfavorable]. I don’t know if it was intentional, but the current format doesn’t allow ships like the reaper to shine, or even survive long enough to make an impact on the battle. We’ll get into that later. The next one is TIE fighter. This ship is available to literally everyone and most long term players probably have it at 7*. People have complained about its evasion for a really long time. But dang. This ship is almost useless now, or at least not as good (it’s still decent, but it’s whole kit relies on evasion, so what the heck). Remember way back like a few months ago, when to nerf JTR and CLS, they released characters? And used those characters to shift the meta away from those toons? We’ll kiss that goodbye. We’re back to everyone’s favorites; deliberate and blatant nerfs just because people can’t plan ahead far enough to release ships in a timely order and balance the game out. This reminds me of when chaze was the thing way back when. Half the dang forum was screaming nerf, but it never came. Now, people are begging for the opposite, and you ignore it. What? And worst of all probably is endurance. Like seriously, what were you guys thinking? All of ships has been a mess since 2016, but dang, this has to take the cake. Damage immunity was unique and kind of allowed endurance to stand out from the other capital ships. But now we get undispelable protection up. Great. Whatever. An update with the intention of diversifying the game has ruined part of it.

    3. 3v3
    Gross. Have you ever had an experience with something so awful that it just ruins your mood and makes you hate life just by being reminded of it? Well, I think you can see where I’m going with this. “Oohhh well it improves diversity n’Stuff.” Go to your fleet arena. Go to ranks. Scroll around and count how many tarkins and thrawns you see. Now neck yourself. (That means slap yourself on the back of your neck, because you made a claim or performed and action that is either false or foolish.) I’ve already found what might be the new meta. Not geonosians, not anything new, but the same stuff we’ve had; Vader, TIE fighter (of some kind) and Biggs, with Slave 1 in the reinforcements and 3 other ships (maybe FOTP, umbaran, or scimitar). I’ve used this team many times these past few days, and met me tell you, it is as frustratingly easy to win as it is for Ryan Johnson to write a terrible movie script (you know he hadn’t even seen TFA when he wrote TLJ’s script? What a ****). I and many other predicted that this misjudged attempt at making the game more diverse would do just the opposite, or do nothing at all. Well, so far we’ve been correct. Most battles have ended with Thrawn charging up Strategic dominance and just ending it there. And if you noticed, I’m using Slave 1, the ship kit I said I now hate. Why? Because it works. This stewpid change has forced me to use a strategy that I hate, and has completely changed the roles of so many ships. But worst of all perhaps is in the name. I remember someone said that they wanted to change fleet battles from something of a large naval battle to a dog fight. It’s called FLEET battles, not dogfights. if you want 3v3, add in a separate mode. Don’t ruin the main section.

    4. The new ships
    If your confused by why I have a section for this, it’s because we haven’t gotten any new ships in, what, 5 months? I believe that FOSFTF and the TIE slicer/silencer were the last ones. Looking back, here is everything we have gotten in ships’ 1 and a half year life (that I remember at least): the starting ships, Vader’s TIE, the rogue one ships (3), (big gap), the rebels ships (3), chimera, the death of all diversity, and all of the great TLJ stuff we’ve gotten. We started the game with 3 geonosians, and 3 separatists. We have waited a year and a half and we get nothing, except for the reworks which I’ll admit are impressive. But how the mother effing F do you expect these guys to exist without a dang capital ship? The fact that you even showed developer footage of these guys like they were going to be amazing and didn’t even hint at or visibly consider adding a separatists capital ship is both a showing of blatant disregard for any sort of care for people who ask for new content and a slap to the face of the many who have wanted new capital ships since December of 2016. And despite all this, you still have people who play this game. You guys have screwed up a lot the last 2 years, but we still play this game. Why? Because when you turn an ear in our direction and actually listen to what we want before blindly throwing together a lazy and sloppy solution, you actually do good. This game doesn’t have to go the route of BF II. Listen to what the fans want, and you’ll be surprised about how little backlash you’ll get. It’s crazy, I know. Get rid of this 3v3 garbage, and wipe the slate clean. Crest a real solution instead of lazily throwing together some half-[donkey]ed excuse about player satisfaction. When you look at the requests of people on the forums about ships, they’re asking for new capital ships, or revitalization of old ships. No one asked for 3v3. You claim you’ve communicated more effectively, but all I see is another failure of an operation that you blindly started before looking at what we’re asking for. If you really want to keep 3v3, make it in PvE. That’s what it was intended for, right? Change it to 5v5 again. Now quit being a fool, and make more ships.
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