Client DSTB rewards (Dev Response & Final solution)


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    New toon
    No reward compensation

    Good job ea.
    I stop spending cash after last sith reward issue.
    I really have bad feeling for this game now.
    They said depend on huge player base? I'm not new player after playing this game for more over 3 years. I should got reward more earlier but never got that.
    141 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Just recieved this44dazx310jrn.jpg
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    Not received.and no response to ticket either.

  • Dre679
    43 posts Member
    Feardarkside, today is tomorrow is their typical response, don't even get your hopes up
  • Dre679
    43 posts Member
    Or tomorrow*
  • Dre679
    43 posts Member
    But hey, glad they were able to release nest to squeeze some more money out of us while provide dirt poor customer service
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    I still do not have anything. AGAIN my ally code is 772-958-761
    Please fix this!
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb you can’t promise everyone a time frame and not deliver! I should have my rewards by now.
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    Dre679 wrote: »
    Feardarkside, today is tomorrow is their typical response, don't even get your hopes up

    But rebellion's are built on hope lol
  • Crassus
    13 posts Member
    rewards? nothing here too. and they told me it was arriving today. it's 11:32 pm here and still waiting for the stuff.
  • Crassus
    13 posts Member
  • Dre679
    43 posts Member
    Dre679 wrote: »
    Feardarkside, today is tomorrow is their typical response, don't even get your hopes up

    But rebellion's are built on hope lol

    Nop rebellion is built on the little guy's anger towards greedy and inconsiderate governing authority lol

  • Belincon
    30 posts Member
    Still nothing
  • TuncBlack
    409 posts Member
    Still waiting....
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    They said they would come by ‘morning’ Pacific I’m guessing another 8 hours or so...
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    I still have the same issue, no rewards despite other members of my guild having them since the weekend. I have submitted a ticket today but am thinking that the rewards will never come through. I am missing 3,400 Guild Event currency plus the gear, etc.

    I want to get my Wampa built up more.
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    Another day has passed and still no promised rewards @CG_SBCrumb
  • Izza
    85 posts Member
    It's been a week now, and still no rewards. Got the run of the mill generic response to my ticket. My hermit Yoda is missing his final 14 shards and this is preventing me from using him in hSTR for a week! Most guildies and shardmates have received their rewards already, this is atrocious!
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb what do you plan on doing about this?
  • Kibby
    7 posts Member
    Same here. No rewards generic response that was closed from the ticket. Feels like old times with all this communication going on. Lmao
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    When the latest event was launched, my game got weird. Can't get into events, store, challenges. Frustrating
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    Cg ask us to open ticket.
    The ticket guy ask us to wait the cg action.

    Please fix this loop bug. Or someone may solo the forum forever...
  • ScummerAntilles
    77 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    All the moralizing between gamers about who is allowed to say what and what is or isn't fair as a criticism, shot in the dark speculation and frustration about staffing structure and hours matched by shot in the dark defensiveness in behalf of the devs...

    It is all counter-productive. None of that matters in terms of rectifying this and weirdo demands related to this issue need to be set aside in order to focus on rectifying the problem now. To be clear, that problem is:

    A. This is a competitive game where you build rosters. The sooner you can improve your roster, the sooner your roster can net you greater rewards.
    B. Uneven timing of rewards advantages some players and sets others back. It makes a difference if you add gear a week earlier or later in this game.
    C. Some of the rewards were crystals, which came at the start of a double drop period. All gear and crystals not only amount to advancement but can be measured in cash value, the advantage players who got rewards early received during double drop weekend is significant.
    D. We shouldn't allow a precedent where in principle and in practice the standard landscape of competition is easily set aside or disrupted.
    E. It doesn't matter why it was disrupted, who disrupted it, whether it can be justified or not, what matters is rectification - what is to be done about it now.

    Any players who have not received rewards should get them. All players delayed should receive extra crystals, double the amount of TB rewards which compensates for double drops. A fully crafted raid gear would help make up for farming losses. I would have rather received rewards earlier than this compensation, and perhaps there are different methods, but the overseers of the game need to take the competitive landscape of the game seriously in their response to this.

    It is great we didn't miss out on rewards due to missing an event. But these aren't free rewards, these rewards help keep the game on pace in the interest of the gamers and the developers. They were rolled out in a way that violated the competitive flow of the game, and that needs to be corrected still.
  • BamWrath
    242 posts Member
    still have not received my tb awards, forum posts get deleted, call in a ticket, they just tell me to watch the forums...forums say it's been fixed. Someone needs to get on same page together....
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    @ScummerAntilles you hit the nail on the head with this.

    I missed the last TB because I needed to take a break from this game for several days before the last one, so I didn't do DS at all last time around. It would be a fairly simple thing for them to just credit your previous rewards, or whatever your current guild earned the last time, if you weren't in the last TB

    Doesn't make sense to me why everyone else should be getting rewards THIS time around when none of us are actually playing the event.

    It puts me at a competitive disadvantage, and significantly decreases the odds that I even spend any money on this game again. This game already forces you to play and check in on weird schedules, rather than playing when is convenient for you (something pretty bizarre for an app that purports to be a "game").

    So basically I'm 12 k+ GET behind everyone else, as well as a ton of gear and crystals. I've spent money on this game before, but after this I'm more to look for other games to play if I find that I'm no longer to continue progressing.
  • BamWrath
    242 posts Member
    Crassus wrote: »

    same reply to the letter...cept the name of person assisting

    . Ally code is 267-885-128
    Please tell me who can actually help...
  • chionophile
    1097 posts Member
    I also have not received my rewards. This is what I got back from EA:


    I don't think he understands what's going on.
  • Oomzer
    16 posts Member
    I've put in a help tix and they don't seem to understand what I'm talking about please help. Ally Code 855-418-161
  • TuncBlack
    409 posts Member
    Can someone explain why they cant fix this problem even 1 week pass?
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    Still no TB rewards for me either @CG_SBCrumb

    Ally code 421-439-218
This discussion has been closed.