Client DSTB rewards (Dev Response & Final solution)


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    Why am I putting in a ticket to EA support anyway? when they tell you that they cannot do anything from their end because they don't have any control over what actually happens in the game what you did was give us a run around to stall out for time to make us so frustrated we give up is how that sits, not appropriate
  • Dre679
    43 posts Member
    Got my rewards just now. Hope y'all are just as "lucky". Good luck guys!
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    Still no rewards. Also no response to the ticket I submitted yesterday afternoon. Included a link to the Dev thread saying to submit a ticket. Assuming I'll get the same "we have no idea what you're talking about" response and this will linger another week or more.
  • Oomzer
    16 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb Got a reply to my Help tix just now that send that I go my rewards on the 29th. I Did not! Please help... Ally Code 855-418-161.
  • catnip
    9 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb The support in this matter is awful. My ticket was closed twice and the support didn't even edit the name while sending copy-paste notes and they include someone else's name. Truly bad experience.
  • LilC24
    27 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb I have talked to them as well. They will not fix the issue. I think it's time for my 3.75M account to just retire if this is the way we are to be treated when you guys fouled up and didn't run the TB.
    IGN: L1lC24
    LINE: L1lC24
    Guild: 502nd Legion
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb we are waiting for an update on this very frustrating issue. I’m not sure what the hold up here is.
  • catnip
    9 posts Member
    I just had to argue over the phone with someone from the support that @CG_SBCrumb is actually from CG and CG wanted us to open support tickets...
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    Still waiting as well @CG_SBCRUMB
  • Palpatiny
    39 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    They literally copy and pasted from your post about it in dev announcements
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    This whole mess with ppl not getting their rewards really makes everyone getting the same thing and delivered the same way they would crystals look like a smarter way to keep players happy.

    Sucks for those of you still waiting.
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    @CG_SBCrumb could we get an update please lot of us have no clue as to if we are ever going to get our rewards, i thought you guys were supposed to improve communication, not give us the silent treatment
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    A simple update would be nice if nothing else..
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    Saskia2 wrote: »
    A simple update would be nice if nothing else..

    yes, I feel ignored lol
  • LilC24
    27 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    Post edited by LilC24 on
    IGN: L1lC24
    LINE: L1lC24
    Guild: 502nd Legion
  • asd000
    3 posts Member
    Still no rewards for me. Please send it already
    Ally code 886-574-188
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    What is the deal @CG_SBCrumb I've spent 2 days now back and forth with these **** and am getting nowhere, why should i have to invest so much time to correct your guy's mistake this is making me not like this game anymore and would have quit but I've spent to much money on it to just quit get this figured out already
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    @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie @CG_Leviathan why is nothing being done on our missing territory battle rewards EA help is not doing anything to compensate us I've spent 2 days back and forth with them to no avail how does this end up our problem because of someone else's mistake I've spent a lot of time dealing with ea for nothing i have screenshots of all my conversations with them only for them to ask the same questions, so I'm frustrated and would atleast appreciate an update as to what is going on my ally code is 976-736-912
  • Shellzbutt
    300 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    A whole week....come on please
    Both accounts
    Support just gives us the same messages over and over...dont worry .....well im worried
  • DRV
    173 posts Member
    My ticket was closed without a resolution. Still no rewards.
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    Do you guys really think that ignoring your players is the best way to handle this situation? Just fix it or give us an update. Please. @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie
  • DRV
    173 posts Member
    So much for all that "increased communication."
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    Stupid answer!!!! I need solution not apologize. They reply like a robot now.
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    Seems like since most people got their rewards @CG_SBCrumb is too busy for the few of us who didn't get them i guess we are probably out of luck ea isn't doing anything to help and here we are getting sent somewhere where they can just dust us under the rug I'm giving up what else can i do but get taken advantage of
  • DRV
    173 posts Member
    And yet he's in the Nest thread a few minutes ago making sure the whales know there's no planned nerf for their new toy.
  • Saskia2
    22 posts Member
    Any updates yet? @CG_SBCrumb
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    It was posted to wrong thread..
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    I deeply apologize for slow response. It has taken us longer than expected to locate the issues and find a solution. We believe we have identified why there was a problem these Support Tickets and reviewed the policy with our Support Advisers to resolved any confusion around the compensation.

    If you still have not received these rewards please respond to your ticket one more time today to bump it back up for us and then you should be all set from your side. The Support Advisers are aware and looking for the bumped tickets to resolve your issue as soon as possible

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    @CG_SBCrumb I've been trying to communicate with them all day and the same person keeps asking for the same info and now have gone silent
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    I deeply apologize for slow response. It has taken us longer than expected to locate the issues and find a solution. We believe we have identified why there was a problem these Support Tickets and reviewed the policy with our Support Advisers to resolved any confusion around the compensation.

    If you still have not received these rewards please respond to your ticket one more time today to bump it back up for us and then you should be all set from your side. The Support Advisers are aware and looking for the bumped tickets to resolve your issue as soon as possible
This discussion has been closed.