Arena Exploit? Can someone please explain this?


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    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    People generally got invited to the shard chat (or formed their own or found it via the forums) because they were finishing at or near the top before they joined the group. Shard chats also do not keep you near the top. You need a solid team that holds well on defense and/or the ability to climb every day. Shard chat may help you lock in to one of the top 5 positions once you make it there, but they are not going to keep you from falling back or help you reach the top of your team isn’t good enough.

    My shard chat takes in anyone who wants to join even if they aren’t finishing near the top. We even helped some of those people with advice that improved their teams enough that they could start making the climb and then included them in the rotation for top spots once they made it there. As a shard ages, it may get too unwieldy to allow anyone in, but generally if you can make it near the top, no one is going to exclude you.

    Again, there seems to be a misunderstanding about fairness here. Is everyone invited to join every shard chat? No. Can everyone finish in the Top 20 every day? No. But everyone has the same opportunity to improve their team and make it to the upper echelon of the arena. Everyone has the same opportunity to contact shardmates and create or join a chat. If you choose not to do so, that’s on you. Nobody is being unfair.
  • Hellsteeth30
    832 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    Lol. What’s this thread about again?

    I believe the general theme was "Why is this guy only running a G12 Hoda?"

    As you can see it kind of went another way.

    Something vaguely related to everybody in a NASCAR race all pulling up at the finish line to ask each other who crosses first. They win a hell of a lot more than we do in this game, I know that much.

    You can likely see where I stand on the topic. My shards whales were WAY ahead when I joined my shard so no chance of it being an issue for me, fleet, however. This game and it's ilk does invite some strange patterns of behaviour.
    Post edited by Hellsteeth30 on
    Hey, it's still better than MSF
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    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You know that if you would actually consider the sailient points being made here with an open mind, it might make more sense.

    I’m not in any chats myself, I don’t even have any installed . Yet I can see why they do it, and I understand the points. It’s borderline masochistic to go out of your way to snipe people In arena when it has no benefit to you. And then to turn around and say that it’s your desire or right , which you are correct, nowhere does it say that you must play a certain way, however, when you go out of your way to harm payouts for players that are not in your payout hour, who have also worked on their rosters and built various squads to climb the ranks, you are painting a deliberate bullseye on your back. It should not be a surprise, Heck before shard chats were even a thing, when you could claim it was all pvp ,lol, we still watched who was active around our payouts and worked around it, because it’s annoying to be dropped back for no reason when there is no benefit to the other.

    And , if it was possible to build a squad that was actually hard to beat, then you might have a little more understanding to a small degree, however, with the ease of winning on offence, there is little point to attempting to squat at a top spot in arena, unless you wish to spend crystals like water, that’s your call.

    And on an aside, if you look in the mirror, pretend your actions in arena was someone else, doing it to you, for no reason other then just cuz, . . Would you still be so cavalier towards it all?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    Ah, I see the issue now.

    It's not a single player game in arena (or fleet arena or in guild activities). Much like in real life, your actions in arena affect others - whether you care or not or whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

    You are also mistaken about your understanding about how rewards in arena work. It has to do with your ranking at your payout - not who wins the most battles. Ranking at a specific time of day is all that matters. I can sit at 24th all day - use my 5 battles to climb to 1 in a single hour and receive the same crystals as someone who has refreshed 2-3 times to sit at 1 continuously for the entire time (minus my payout time, of course).

    Again, I am not sure why insist on labeling it in terms of villain and punishment. You decide how you are treated in arena by the other players (again, similar to real life). If you respect others and their payouts, they will do the same - whether you are in the shard chat or not. If you don't then you will simply be treated with the same disregard with which you treat others. It's your decision. You're not the "victim" or the "villain" - you have simply chosen how you want to play...and, as such, how others will play ins response to you. You know all of that in advance. What you choose to do with that information is completely your choice. Much like real life.

    But alas, while it has been interesting, we are clearly talking in circles. As such, I will take my leave of this thread.

    May the force be with you.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Because I'll attack one person once, a group of 20 people could all target one person. That's the difference.

    And you've done it again - dismiss a counter view point by saying I'd attack a person for no reason. Nothing wrong with differing viewpoints of course, but I don't target people who are in a group, yet I could be targeted because I'm not in one. It's just not fair that. I don't know how else I can say I attack because it's what you're meant to do in the arena! I'd do it even if there were zero rewards - it's just the part of the game I enjoy the most.

    We're not dismissing counter views. We're explaining that your views are odd. You are running into traction because your views run counter to the way most people see it.

    If you don't want to be cooperative, and that leaves you in the minority, that's your choice.

    Not wanting to cooperate is pretty much the very definition of being a villain. You are vilifying yourself with your stance, it's not us doing that.

    That is one hell of a strange argument. Actually admire it.

    Put simply: it's not cooperation if I have to do it or face victimisation. If someone can tell me these groups exist but under no circumstances will drive down the ranking of a non member I'm all for them. If they do, then I'm definitely not the bad guy. People in the groups may not like that but hey ho.

    They may drive your rank down, but not in a malicious way. They do not know your PO, and may choose to hit you rather than hit someone they know has a PO coming up or someone in the group just because they know them.

    Not in a malicious way? I’m amazed so many people here don’t understand how viscious some of these shard chats are. I really want to go through and post screenshots from both of my chats to prove otherwise, but I’m not going to risk alienating people and finding myself as one of the outsiders.

    I can only speak from personal experience, if people want to be not nice people that actually has nothing to do with the setup in game or the setup built outside of the game by the players.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    Ah, I see the issue now.

    It's not a single player game in arena (or fleet arena or in guild activities). Much like in real life, your actions in arena affect others - whether you care or not or whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

    You are also mistaken about your understanding about how rewards in arena work. It has to do with your ranking at your payout - not who wins the most battles. Ranking at a specific time of day is all that matters. I can sit at 24th all day - use my 5 battles to climb to 1 in a single hour and receive the same crystals as someone who has refreshed 2-3 times to sit at 1 continuously for the entire time (minus my payout time, of course).

    Again, I am not sure why insist on labeling it in terms of villain and punishment. You decide how you are treated in arena by the other players (again, similar to real life). If you respect others and their payouts, they will do the same - whether you are in the shard chat or not. If you don't then you will simply be treated with the same disregard with which you treat others. It's your decision. You're not the "victim" or the "villain" - you have simply chosen how you want to play...and, as such, how others will play ins response to you. You know all of that in advance. What you choose to do with that information is completely your choice. Much like real life.

    But alas, while it has been interesting, we are clearly talking in circles. As such, I will take my leave of this thread.

    May the force be with you.

    Except you are wrong..... This isn't real life, it's a game...... If you want to draw a comparison between real-life and SWGOH, your shard chat is more like a cult then it is a collaboration.....

    But, from.being on these forums long enough, and speaking with guildies, I see it..... There are two types of people that play this game.....

    One type wants to robotically go through the game farming the right toons when the Internet tells them to farm them in the exact order, without deviation , so they can have the joy of constant mirror matches and maybe join a shard chat with 30 other people with the same team discussing what time they can hit eachother with their cookie cutter teams while they collectively watch gamechanger videos looking for the next cookie cutter team.....

    The other consists of folks that actually want to build different teams and that have fun competing for top spot, rather than having it organized for them.......

    What is the value of those extra crystals you may earn if it just makes you a sheep that chases the next toon?...... Are you really playing the game, the game playing you?......
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    Ah, I see the issue now.

    It's not a single player game in arena (or fleet arena or in guild activities). Much like in real life, your actions in arena affect others - whether you care or not or whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

    You are also mistaken about your understanding about how rewards in arena work. It has to do with your ranking at your payout - not who wins the most battles. Ranking at a specific time of day is all that matters. I can sit at 24th all day - use my 5 battles to climb to 1 in a single hour and receive the same crystals as someone who has refreshed 2-3 times to sit at 1 continuously for the entire time (minus my payout time, of course).

    Again, I am not sure why insist on labeling it in terms of villain and punishment. You decide how you are treated in arena by the other players (again, similar to real life). If you respect others and their payouts, they will do the same - whether you are in the shard chat or not. If you don't then you will simply be treated with the same disregard with which you treat others. It's your decision. You're not the "victim" or the "villain" - you have simply chosen how you want to play...and, as such, how others will play ins response to you. You know all of that in advance. What you choose to do with that information is completely your choice. Much like real life.

    But alas, while it has been interesting, we are clearly talking in circles. As such, I will take my leave of this thread.

    May the force be with you.

    Except you are wrong..... This isn't real life, it's a game...... If you want to draw a comparison between real-life and SWGOH, your shard chat is more like a cult then it is a collaboration.....

    But, from.being on these forums long enough, and speaking with guildies, I see it..... There are two types of people that play this game.....

    One type wants to robotically go through the game farming the right toons when the Internet tells them to farm them in the exact order, without deviation , so they can have the joy of constant mirror matches and maybe join a shard chat with 30 other people with the same team discussing what time they can hit eachother with their cookie cutter teams while they collectively watch gamechanger videos looking for the next cookie cutter team.....

    The other consists of folks that actually want to build different teams and that have fun competing for top spot, rather than having it organized for them.......

    What is the value of those extra crystals you may earn if it just makes you a sheep that chases the next toon?...... Are you really playing the game, the game playing you?......

    That is some impressive high-horsing right there. Most people who top out in arena know not to trust the game changers. The chase the meta in arena so they can secure a steady income of crystals to fund additional refreshes to farm other toons and constantly chase better mods. They do this so they can -gasp- complete more content. You know, beat heroic Sith, get more stars in TB, win in TW. Arena is one relatively small part of the game that requires very little strategy or theorycrafting. Shard chats make it less stressful so we can spend more time working on other aspects of the game or, you know, with our families.

    But please tell us more about how we are sheep and how virtuous you are for not being good enough to compete.
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    As for the previous post which says I " could have joined in too" - thanks for giving the best argument yet as to why these groups are wrong. I shouldn't have to join a group that exists outside the game to benefit within the game. My own situation back:
    Oh whatever, you're saying you should be able to attack whoever you want whenever you want without having backlash from people.

    That's ridiculous. You SHOULD have to communicate with the people you are competing against if you want to get ahead, plain and simple. I am not helping your argument even slightly. I am showing you how you have no argument. You really think you should be able to just meander up to 1st without paying attention to who you're walking through?

    That defies all logic.

    "Oh I should be able to do that" yeah right. I SHOULD be able to fly right now, because I want to, but I can't.

    This is a social game. If you don't want to be social, expect to get ganged up on. There's nothing nefarious about that, it's a basic rule of interaction that you somehow don't get.

    This isn't a social game.... I am not sure where you get that from..... If it was a social game, you wouldn't have to go to third party software to chat with your shard mates....

    Oh, so you think other players have nothing to do with your game?

    No other players impact every single competitive part of this game. The definition of social is interaction between people. Not providing an in game way to communicate is irrelevant to whether or not this is a social game.

    You need to go to Google and research the definition of social..... Murder is an interaction between two people, but it's hardly social....The game was meant to be PvP in arena..... The fact that folks banded together to maximize payouts is human nature .... We have a shard chat member in here blatantly telling us how his chat beats and picks on outsiders, yet you skip right past his posts and target mine with a blatantly incorrect definition..... You shard chat types are like Scientologists sometimes......

    Actually, murder is indeed a social action. It's not a positive social action, but it is a social action. The mere fact that it is an interaction between 2 or more people makes it a social thing.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

  • Options
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I get it now.
    Your play style is obviously the “right” way to play the game and everyone else is too foolish to see it. No one else gets to play the game the way they want to (which in this case includes a shard chat) because they are “sheep” for doing so.

    All games have effective strategies for succeeding in them. This happens to be the one for arena. If you choose not to use it, that’s cool. But the consequences of that choice are clear and understood from the start. So make your choice and live with the results.

    It is just like life. In a social situation you can choose to follow the arbitrary social rules that are accepted as “normal”. Or you can go to a party and *#€¥ on someone’s leg. That’s totally your choice. But don’t be surprised if option 2 gets you ostracized by the whole group instead of just the guy with the wet leg.
  • Options
    kello_511 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I get it now.
    Your play style is obviously the “right” way to play the game and everyone else is too foolish to see it. No one else gets to play the game the way they want to (which in this case includes a shard chat) because they are “sheep” for doing so.

    All games have effective strategies for succeeding in them. This happens to be the one for arena. If you choose not to use it, that’s cool. But the consequences of that choice are clear and understood from the start. So make your choice and live with the results.

    It is just like life. In a social situation you can choose to follow the arbitrary social rules that are accepted as “normal”. Or you can go to a party and *#€¥ on someone’s leg. That’s totally your choice. But don’t be surprised if option 2 gets you ostracized by the whole group instead of just the guy with the wet leg.

    Lol.... You are so far from pegging me it isn't even funny....

    If you need to run the same team as everyone else, and strategize with everyone else, and do what everyone else is doing, then enjoy.....

    As far as the "right way to play the game", you couldn't be more wrong..... I don't care how you play the game.....

    You got one thing right, real life is about following social constructs...... You need to separate the game from "real life"
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I'm not the one who doesn't get the definition of social. Sociology is the study of societies which are groups of people. To be social is to have any kind of interaction between people.

    To put it another way the prefix soc means group of people. To reiterate once again the correct statement: This is a social game. Acting like you are not part of a society that you are forced into doesn't make it not a society. And your shard leaderboard is a society, like it or not, chat or no chat, and competing with each other is how they socialize. This is their social interaction.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Woodroward wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I'm not the one who doesn't get the definition of social. Sociology is the study of societies which are groups of people. To be social is to have any kind of interaction between people.

    To put it another way the prefix soc means group of people. To reiterate once again the correct statement: This is a social game. Acting like you are not part of a society that you are forced into doesn't make it not a society. And your shard leaderboard is a society, like it or not, chat or no chat, and competing with each other is how they socialize. This is their social interaction.

    Keep on keeping on.... And, you can count yourself in the sociopath category while you are at it....
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I'm not the one who doesn't get the definition of social. Sociology is the study of societies which are groups of people. To be social is to have any kind of interaction between people.

    To put it another way the prefix soc means group of people. To reiterate once again the correct statement: This is a social game. Acting like you are not part of a society that you are forced into doesn't make it not a society. And your shard leaderboard is a society, like it or not, chat or no chat, and competing with each other is how they socialize. This is their social interaction.

    Keep on keeping on.... And, you can count yourself in the sociopath category while you are at it....

    There are tribes in Africa that have a social custom of ritual mutilation. Notice the word social in there... Expand your mind. Lay off the insults though please. I'm remaining civil.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Woodroward wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    First presumption is wrong. My payout time is the same as Geoff's in my example. Whether or not I have been contacted, and my response to that, is irrelevant. I've earnt my way to the number 1 spot, but just am not in the group. Will people who's payout time it isn't rally together to protect Geoff by attacking me? If the answer is no, the group is pointless and if the answer is yes then the group is guilty of your accusation of attacking someone just to mess with someone's payout.

    I'm not complicating anything - it's just only one person has admitted these groups can be nasty!

    You didn't "earn" anything. Everything wins on offense. And your response to a cooperative group trying to help as many people as possible is extremely relevant. Most shard/fleet chat groups are more than willing to allow new players into them - and even allow them to take top slots more often early on. At some point, after you snipe Geoff out of #1, you will likely have someone from the shard chat reach out to you to invite you to join the rotation. If you refuse to participate in the fair taking of turns, either by demanding your turn to finish first whenever you decide to snipe, or by simply refusing to join the chat then you will likely be "locked" during Geoff's payout in the future - thus making it impossible for you to snipe someone who respects other's payouts.

    In other words, you will be shown the same treatment as you have shown Geoff. Again, a simple concept. Not sure why are trying to complicate the issue.

    If you don't care about respecting others payouts, why do you expect them to respect yours? If you do care about people respecting your payout, then join the chat and respect theirs.

    I give up. I genuinely thought this was a single player game designed, in the arena, to reward those who won more fights than anyone else. My intentions are determined solely by that, not that's it somehow better to manipulate it. It's just a form of organised mining, that makes the top of shards completely predictable, and introduces a monopoly which if you don't acceed to you get punished.

    But yes, I'm the bad guy in all this.

    You don't want to cooperate, I get that. It's your right. But others wanting to cooperate and you not wanting to doesn't make them the bad guys.

    It's like they say: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. No one wants to follow your lead and not cooperate, You don't want to follow the others and cooperate. Instead you are just in the way.

    You're part of a group. No one asked to be part of the group they are assigned to, but if you want to go against the majority of any group you are a part of, you will suffer for it plain and simple.

    This is a social game. Every group makes up their own rules. We can either respect them and get along easily or go against them and have a hard time because of it. You choose to go against it, well then don't complain you have a hard time because of it.

    Not cooperating with your group is you painting a target on your back, not the group doing it, since you are a part of the group whether you want to be or not.

    You need to look up the definition of social again, then read my last post in this thread and look up the admittedly loose definition of "hivemind"

    I'm not the one who doesn't get the definition of social. Sociology is the study of societies which are groups of people. To be social is to have any kind of interaction between people.

    To put it another way the prefix soc means group of people. To reiterate once again the correct statement: This is a social game. Acting like you are not part of a society that you are forced into doesn't make it not a society. And your shard leaderboard is a society, like it or not, chat or no chat, and competing with each other is how they socialize. This is their social interaction.

    Keep on keeping on.... And, you can count yourself in the sociopath category while you are at it....

    There are tribes in Africa that have a social custom of ritual mutilation. Notice the word social in there... Expand your mind. Lay off the insults though please. I'm remaining civil.

    Keep going..... you are doing terrific,...
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    The only parts of this game that are not social (out of actual gameplay, not what I would consider menu screens), are fleet battles, events. and galactic war (though real people's squads could end up being your opponent there so even that's questionable).

    Even dark/light/cantina nodes have borrow a hero... which makes them social too. Raids obviously have many participants, territory war, territory battles, Fleet arena, Squad Arena...

    All of them are interactive with others and are therefore social. If you choose not to be social in a social game, expect to be ostracized. It's literally what you are asking for.

  • Options
    **** still so many **** crybabies
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    Guys, let's keep this on the level. It has gone way off topic of the question of Hermit Yoda, and also has been discussed before in many other threads. But it has mostly been civil so far and an interesting discussion. We are now beginning to cross that line.

    Moved to PVP and Rivalry.
  • SithTrio_PO
    263 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)
  • Options
    Today I came across this guy in my shard, never seen him before, not even on top 100.

  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.
  • Options
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...
  • Options
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.

    But you do understand that you undermine your own position of saying you're good enough to be number 1 ad infinitum but at the same time have membership of a group who's sole purpose is to manipulate the rankings? Leave the group and stay number 1 - that would be more impressive.
  • Options
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.

    But you do understand that you undermine your own position of saying you're good enough to be number 1 ad infinitum but at the same time have membership of a group who's sole purpose is to manipulate the rankings? Leave the group and stay number 1 - that would be more impressive.

    you still dont realize ? it was done, it will be done easily. especially now, when everybody knows when my PO is and wont mess with me, i can maintain the #1 rank without refreshes as always. actually, i'll probably drop lower, because i wont remove mods for anyone.
    the guys in the chat was #1 and stayed #1 BEFORE THE CHAT, with chat its easier to do so, and now if they go outside the chat, it will be even easier for them to do so.
    we actually have someone who got sick of removing mods or smthing, i dont know, he left group, and he keep on getting #1. thats no problem.
    the main point that you guys still dont understand, is that (in 90% of cases, at least) the guy outside the chat cant really compete with the guys inside the chat, regardless of the chat. if now chats are removed, the status quo will remain. the guys who are getting #1 within the chat will get it outside the chat, and the guys who dont get it, will keep not to get it. only thing it will cause, is more crystals and fights for everyone. but rankings will stay the same.
    and this is exactly why people inside the chat are inside the chat, and those outside are outside.
    the shard "collision" or whatever you tell yourself is just a lie so those who cant get #1 will feel better about themselves. truth is they cant compete with the more hardcore players, and thats it.
    stop lie to yourself.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.

    But you do understand that you undermine your own position of saying you're good enough to be number 1 ad infinitum but at the same time have membership of a group who's sole purpose is to manipulate the rankings? Leave the group and stay number 1 - that would be more impressive.

    you still dont realize ? it was done, it will be done easily. especially now, when everybody knows when my PO is and wont mess with me, i can maintain the #1 rank without refreshes as always. actually, i'll probably drop lower, because i wont remove mods for anyone.
    the guys in the chat was #1 and stayed #1 BEFORE THE CHAT, with chat its easier to do so, and now if they go outside the chat, it will be even easier for them to do so.
    we actually have someone who got sick of removing mods or smthing, i dont know, he left group, and he keep on getting #1. thats no problem.
    the main point that you guys still dont understand, is that (in 90% of cases, at least) the guy outside the chat cant really compete with the guys inside the chat, regardless of the chat. if now chats are removed, the status quo will remain. the guys who are getting #1 within the chat will get it outside the chat, and the guys who dont get it, will keep not to get it. only thing it will cause, is more crystals and fights for everyone. but rankings will stay the same.
    and this is exactly why people inside the chat are inside the chat, and those outside are outside.
    the shard "collision" or whatever you tell yourself is just a lie so those who cant get #1 will feel better about themselves. truth is they cant compete with the more hardcore players, and thats it.
    stop lie to yourself.

    Oh you are precious. Don't ever change.

    Leave the group then, and call my bluff. If your team truly is as magnificent as you say then you'll have no problem maintaining your position in the face of a concerted attack by the group. Or, and we both know this, you won't do it because it may mean your position will be jeopardised not because your team is bad but because it's inevitable you'll lose more fights as more people are choosing to battle you, rather than people picking their own fights. For what it's worth, highest I've got is 9 and i don't think I've been victim of a shard chat ganged up attack, but I'm a sucker for hypocrisy, contradiction and self delusion so this thread is yummy to me.

    Anyway, your turn to call be a newbie or something equally scathing.
  • Options
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.

    But you do understand that you undermine your own position of saying you're good enough to be number 1 ad infinitum but at the same time have membership of a group who's sole purpose is to manipulate the rankings? Leave the group and stay number 1 - that would be more impressive.

    you still dont realize ? it was done, it will be done easily. especially now, when everybody knows when my PO is and wont mess with me, i can maintain the #1 rank without refreshes as always. actually, i'll probably drop lower, because i wont remove mods for anyone.
    the guys in the chat was #1 and stayed #1 BEFORE THE CHAT, with chat its easier to do so, and now if they go outside the chat, it will be even easier for them to do so.
    we actually have someone who got sick of removing mods or smthing, i dont know, he left group, and he keep on getting #1. thats no problem.
    the main point that you guys still dont understand, is that (in 90% of cases, at least) the guy outside the chat cant really compete with the guys inside the chat, regardless of the chat. if now chats are removed, the status quo will remain. the guys who are getting #1 within the chat will get it outside the chat, and the guys who dont get it, will keep not to get it. only thing it will cause, is more crystals and fights for everyone. but rankings will stay the same.
    and this is exactly why people inside the chat are inside the chat, and those outside are outside.
    the shard "collision" or whatever you tell yourself is just a lie so those who cant get #1 will feel better about themselves. truth is they cant compete with the more hardcore players, and thats it.
    stop lie to yourself.

    Oh you are precious. Don't ever change.

    Leave the group then, and call my bluff. If your team truly is as magnificent as you say then you'll have no problem maintaining your position in the face of a concerted attack by the group. Or, and we both know this, you won't do it because it may mean your position will be jeopardised not because your team is bad but because it's inevitable you'll lose more fights as more people are choosing to battle you, rather than people picking their own fights. For what it's worth, highest I've got is 9 and i don't think I've been victim of a shard chat ganged up attack, but I'm a sucker for hypocrisy, contradiction and self delusion so this thread is yummy to me.

    Anyway, your turn to call be a newbie or something equally scathing.

    lol. you are a newbie, i guess. i keep telling you that if i exit the group i drop LESS. im in a single, very convenient payout, i dont need the help of others, and i climb after single payouts aswell. i will do BETTER outside the group, without removing mods or going longer routes to not hit others. you have no idea what im talking about probably, but right now, i give more than i take in this group. i dont need them, and i can easily get #1 daily, as always, just like i do in ships without group chat. (is that calling your bluff, noobie ?)
    when i talk about people will keep getting their #1 payouts even outside group, is like our europeans. we have like 7-8 europes, and they will maintain 7-8 spots, even if i dont hit their competitors. they would do that. yes, it would cost them bit more crystals, but they will keep getting the top spots, while the outsiders will keep getting outside top10 spots.
    you really are, just a noob. easy to see that here : . you are not on my level, so dont try act like you do. you are much below, with not so good knowledge about this game, and a short glimpse on your modding on arena team and outside shows that you arent worthy of #1 spots, and this is why your shard chat keep you out.
    not a single speed-set. you cant compete with them man. you just cant. so you can keep crying here and whining and thinking you are good enough for #1, but trust me, you are not. im getting #1 reliably pretty much from ever since the game started (im nov 15 shard) and even 6 months break from it didnt hurt me in getting that.
    you are simply, not good enough. on the other hand, im super-good enough for #1, with or wihtout the shard chat, and THATS WHY IM IN THE CHAT.
    mark my words, the people within your shard chat took a look at your and your squads, and they realized it will benefit more to just kick you out daily instead of bringing you in, and thats says a lot about the type of player you are.
    not everyone can get #1 in arena, thats fine, thats cool, just deal with it and accept it instead of keep whining in forums about shard chats. the chats arent the problem that cause you to get only #37 rank avg. your squads, mods and knowledge are.
  • CHFC22
    732 posts Member
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    CHFC22 wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Tilidi wrote: »
    Mind you, I don't care about shard chat, in fact I am happy with MY game the way it is, but I can use my eyes to see the problems, and ONLY because they can do nothing to prevent shard chat (using 3rd party chat tools), the devs chose to declare them legit.

    I have always prefered PvE over PvP because PvE promotes cooperation (which does not stop the devs to try nerf it in Raids as we have seen recently) to success, PvP's goal being to walk on top of other human beings to achieve better ranking and rewards. (has always been like that and will always be, fine.)

    I am in the top 200 and things will stay like that because I don't plan to heavily invest real money (And I have spent) in game and thus will never have the meta to get in top 20, and that is perfectly fine to me.

    I just understand people who feel like they are harassed by a team of players part of the shard chat when they refuse to join and then get banged by all the team.

    The PvP part of this game was designed to be 1 Vs 1, not 20 Vs 1. Now if you guys and the devs are happy with that situation, who am I to say anything against that?

    this is exactly why you wont be in any shard chat. you just not competitive enough in the arena. the chats came to help the hardcore arena guys and make them do less fights. you cant see the benefit because you are so far from being anywhere near "hardcore arena".
    no offense, but reading this all i can think is "this guy isnt good enough". this isnt walking on other human beings, its just competition. instead of the chaos without arena chats, where everybody tried to be #1 all day long for NO REASON AT ALL, the chats bring balance, and whoever that can climb, will climb in his hours. those who aren't worthy, like you unfortunately, will get fought against so you wont disturb the order.

    Lol..... You speak of being "good enough" and "hardcore" yet you need a shard chat full of chronies to keep you near the top on a daily basis.....

    "Competition"..... That word doesn't mean what you think it means.....

    i dont need ANYONE to get my #1. proud #1 in both arenas for over a year straight (!!!!!!!) without spending at all in this time (without spending since they removed the 30-day pack, actually.)
    right now i have a team with 100% offense winrate, can win anyone with even better modding.
    i can show you a video of me needing 1 fight exactly to get #1. was dropped to #4 after 24 hours. people within the shard struggle vs me as well and i remove mods a lot and change teams so they can have their payout.
    dont act like you know me noobie :) but thats fine, you probably think that everyone are noobs like you. i can show you also perfect DS TB runs when i send thrawn, palp and DT to platoons... also getting much better TW scores than people with 4M GP or close to it (while i have 3M GP)
    you just bitter that you aren't good enough to be even invited to shard chat probably :)

    Someone needs a Snickers.

    nah, all good. but some people need to get yelled at a bit. this guy have no idea about what is shard chat really are, and why people who suddenly have a "good" team can enter like that.
    im at the top of my shard for 2.5 years already, if i see someone new, i won't give him easy life until he prove he deserve it. and they rarely do. they come in, trying to compete, fail, and give up. its not a coincidence that everyone that really care are already in the shard chat, and those who care but aren't good enough are here and crying about the shard chats.

    Such a thing as a bad winner though...

    perhaps. but this guy is in 65M guild and he thinks that because hes a newb, everybody are. thats not the case obviously. he trying to suggest im not "good enough" for getting #1 without help, then he miss the point completely.
    shard chats are the people who willing to, and can get #1, but tired of fighting each other for no reason. the chats minimize fights for people who will get #1 ANYWAY.
    remove the shard chat, and the outsiders will still be dropped as much. because the #1 guys wont let them enter anyway. the shard chat just improved the experience - less fights to those who can easily get #1, and helping those who could get top10 reliably, to get #1. no more sniping - sharing the payout and rotating rewards so everyone happy. those who aren't in chats remain untouched in most cases: they wouldnt get #1 even if no such thing as chats, and if they think for a minute that they would, they are super naive.
    the rare cases of people who could conquer the #1 but somehow dont get into the shard chats, are because the chats are led by.. lets say.. bad people.

    But you do understand that you undermine your own position of saying you're good enough to be number 1 ad infinitum but at the same time have membership of a group who's sole purpose is to manipulate the rankings? Leave the group and stay number 1 - that would be more impressive.

    you still dont realize ? it was done, it will be done easily. especially now, when everybody knows when my PO is and wont mess with me, i can maintain the #1 rank without refreshes as always. actually, i'll probably drop lower, because i wont remove mods for anyone.
    the guys in the chat was #1 and stayed #1 BEFORE THE CHAT, with chat its easier to do so, and now if they go outside the chat, it will be even easier for them to do so.
    we actually have someone who got sick of removing mods or smthing, i dont know, he left group, and he keep on getting #1. thats no problem.
    the main point that you guys still dont understand, is that (in 90% of cases, at least) the guy outside the chat cant really compete with the guys inside the chat, regardless of the chat. if now chats are removed, the status quo will remain. the guys who are getting #1 within the chat will get it outside the chat, and the guys who dont get it, will keep not to get it. only thing it will cause, is more crystals and fights for everyone. but rankings will stay the same.
    and this is exactly why people inside the chat are inside the chat, and those outside are outside.
    the shard "collision" or whatever you tell yourself is just a lie so those who cant get #1 will feel better about themselves. truth is they cant compete with the more hardcore players, and thats it.
    stop lie to yourself.

    Oh you are precious. Don't ever change.

    Leave the group then, and call my bluff. If your team truly is as magnificent as you say then you'll have no problem maintaining your position in the face of a concerted attack by the group. Or, and we both know this, you won't do it because it may mean your position will be jeopardised not because your team is bad but because it's inevitable you'll lose more fights as more people are choosing to battle you, rather than people picking their own fights. For what it's worth, highest I've got is 9 and i don't think I've been victim of a shard chat ganged up attack, but I'm a sucker for hypocrisy, contradiction and self delusion so this thread is yummy to me.

    Anyway, your turn to call be a newbie or something equally scathing.

    lol. you are a newbie, i guess. i keep telling you that if i exit the group i drop LESS. im in a single, very convenient payout, i dont need the help of others, and i climb after single payouts aswell. i will do BETTER outside the group, without removing mods or going longer routes to not hit others. you have no idea what im talking about probably, but right now, i give more than i take in this group. i dont need them, and i can easily get #1 daily, as always, just like i do in ships without group chat. (is that calling your bluff, noobie ?)
    when i talk about people will keep getting their #1 payouts even outside group, is like our europeans. we have like 7-8 europes, and they will maintain 7-8 spots, even if i dont hit their competitors. they would do that. yes, it would cost them bit more crystals, but they will keep getting the top spots, while the outsiders will keep getting outside top10 spots.
    you really are, just a noob. easy to see that here : . you are not on my level, so dont try act like you do. you are much below, with not so good knowledge about this game, and a short glimpse on your modding on arena team and outside shows that you arent worthy of #1 spots, and this is why your shard chat keep you out.
    not a single speed-set. you cant compete with them man. you just cant. so you can keep crying here and whining and thinking you are good enough for #1, but trust me, you are not. im getting #1 reliably pretty much from ever since the game started (im nov 15 shard) and even 6 months break from it didnt hurt me in getting that.
    you are simply, not good enough. on the other hand, im super-good enough for #1, with or wihtout the shard chat, and THATS WHY IM IN THE CHAT.
    mark my words, the people within your shard chat took a look at your and your squads, and they realized it will benefit more to just kick you out daily instead of bringing you in, and thats says a lot about the type of player you are.
    not everyone can get #1 in arena, thats fine, thats cool, just deal with it and accept it instead of keep whining in forums about shard chats. the chats arent the problem that cause you to get only #37 rank avg. your squads, mods and knowledge are.

    I stopped reading when you said "if" you exit the group. I'll resume when you have. Until you do, I win. And will when you leave too unless your ranking isn't affected, which means the group has no impact, which means its existence is a needless one, which means I win too.

    I like your definition of newbie: someone who doesn't hold the arena number 1 spot permanently. Can I have your swgoh profile so I can verify what you say? I may learn something about my roster, and more importantly, myself.
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