Nightsister Zombie Rework: Begone Paper, Hello Fat [MEGA]


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    Let's put it this way.... Just got beat in a galactic battle for the first time in so long I can't even remember. Same nightsister crew as always and I get beat completely. My easy 200 and under squad battles are instantly having trouble at 400. The only thing I have left now are raids and id much rather bring 1 g8 initiate than 2 g9 zombies.... it's absolutely ridiculous and unfair to spend all your focus on a crew, especially if you paid for it, only to get your entire crew wrecked. Someone should be sued over this. You need to rework the entire game if you're going to rework things like this. Aggravation level 85 g12😡😡😡😡😡😡
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    Well, NS squads are already now trouncing my empire team in arena. I used to specifically target them as they were easy for me...back to the drawing board
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    Just took down 14% of p3 heroic with my sisters and my fat zombie. Gear up your zombie and all will still be fine
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    Hello everyone,
    I totally understand why the NS zombie need a rework, but I'm a very confused with this result because of 3 things:
    • The new mecanism is not easy at all to understand (wich contradict CG previous statement to make characters simple). Description is complicated, but understand how it works in game is difficult too, which is a real problem
    • The new mecanism change the entire NS faction, especially regarding the new unique. It certainly improves the faction in PvP, but it compromised strategy based on Talzin lead for raids
    • Last but not least, when NS zombie began to have problems, it goes worse and worse thanks to the speed decrease.

    The rework have originally 2 main goals:
    • Prevent the paper zombie strategy
    • Encourage the zombie to be level up

    To accomplish the first goal, a much more simple solution is :
    1. Create an undebuffable state for him to revive (like Jango, Boba) wich is dispelled after each death (call UNDEAD WILL)
    2. Add a condition on Endless Horde to regain UNDEAD WILL (like if she has more than 50% health at the end of her turn, she regain UNDEAD WILL)
    3. Add a health steal on Blight Touch (to regain UNDEAD WILL more easily)
    4. When she revives, zombie has a speed debuf

    In result, you see when zombie will revive or not (like boba or jango). If she is too weak, she will die normally.

    Now, to accomplish the second goal:
    1. New description for Undying sacrifice: When NS zombie die, she automatically regain UNDEAD WILL. When he is supposed to gain UNDEAD WILL and he already has it, make him die and revive with the same health et no speed debuf, then all NS allies gain speed buff. When NS zombie attack with UNDEAD WILL, his damage are doubled.

    With someting like this, Daka and Ventress zeta will trigger as long as the NS zombie is powerfull enough.
    And better, the more he is powerfull, the more he will be usefull to do some decent damages.
    And more importantly, we don't have to be a NS zombie expert to understand what append.

    This way, I think it improves the faction both in PvP et raid, and solves the problems of the actual NS zombie.
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    Pan2218 wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    I think a lot of people complaining about P3 of HSTR are being a little bit disingenuous on the timeline here. The Paper Zombie nerf was announced back in July (they all but called it a nerf, clearly indicating she would be less useful in a lower geared state), but the "Death Storm" team was made popular in early to mid-August. Anyone complaining about gearing up NS for P3 only to be enraged by the change to the mechanic isn't being honest with themselves.

    As for P4. Maybe we should wait and see a little bit. I personally think that the updates to her, including the multiple revives are going to turn NS into an unpleasant experience in PvP, as it's much more challenging to avoid starting the revive train. We shall see.

    NS still seem like a quality faction for a lot of game modes, just might require a little more gear and a little more thought. There are not a lot of viable heroic tier toons at gear 10, she might be the first.

    Are you aware that the p3 mechanic works with a fat zombie? Here's the display

    Not everyone runs paper zombie. That doesn't change the fact that this sucks & is very drastic

    The strategy used in this video remains unchanged...correct? I don't see (or maybe don't understand?) how this rework affects this P3 team at all.
  • VladoVD
    22 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    TY for destroying one good team and made useless a couple of zetas, just because someone found a decent strategy to pass faster the sith raid (which already destroyed a lot of guilds and made people, which are in same guild for years, to quarrel and separate). good job - again! spare us the.. useless and not even funny excuses for doing it
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    NS are so much better now in arena, they are beating Traya teams on offense and scores are higher in P4. Not sure what the issue is, but that is just me. If you solely relied on one P3 team for all your damage, then work on your teams for other phases.
  • Egoprime
    10 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Well, I just played arena, and few pve battles with my NS team. I can say rework is not working like you described. Zombie is just getting speed debuf from deaths. There was no sign of any speed up when she survives attack. NS team is useless now. 6 months of work on them has gone thru window. TY for that.


    I'm not whale, but I'm not ftp player either, and this is not first time I got cheated for my money from EA and EA associated studios. I like to support SWGOH and your dev team for good work, and for my enjoyment. But this trend of destroying player investments will for sure make alot players to rethink their further support of this game.
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    So I guess in order to get my ns team back anywhere close to what they were I would have to:

    Spend actual $60 in rework packs.
    Spend 1.3 million to change mods.
    Spend probably in the neighborhood of 2k-2.5k energy
    Spend who knows how many actual $ to pay for crystals to pay for energy
    Spend $10 paper towels because asaaj still basically buffed as well and there is nothing you can do

    Definition of a scam artist

    Just Why gear 10? Rip off. No other toon I know of needs to be gear 10 for anything
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    Egoprime wrote: »
    Well, I just played arena, and few pve battles with my NS team. I can say rework is not working like you described. Zombie is just getting speed debuf from deaths. There was no sign of any speed up when she survives attack. NS team is useless now. 6 months of work on them has gone thru window.

    Just to clarify, it's not speed up from an attack, it's speed up each turn she survives while taking a hit. My initial reading was also "per attack" and was up for a rude awakening in sith raid. Per attack seems to make a lot more sense if this was supposed to be about paper zombie.
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    Well, NS squads are already now trouncing my empire team in arena. I used to specifically target them as they were easy for me...back to the drawing board

    Yeah, that reviving first 2 ns is actually super powerful in arena. A squad I usually targeted with my zEp, zDs, dn, Vader, thrawn team and would win with all 5 alive just lost with all but daka still alive for them (I used up both the revives but succumbed before I could take them out).
  • Crosis
    29 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Don’t like this new zombie. Tried hard to get p3 in the HSR working, and it’s even more annoying/hard to set up then before. Also when zombie gets to -100 speed in all areas of the game, she becomes useless. So even with the heavy investment of g12 she can still die enough times to become completely Usless. I’m sorry but no other character in the game becomes “useless” during the course of a battle.

    I’m fine with paper zombie being gone but not with how a maxed out g12 zombie is.

    Well done C.G you made a taunting tank unable to taunt with the crippling -100 speed. Le fail.
    Post edited by Crosis on
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    They are brutal on defence in arena. You essentially have to kill every Nightsister 3 times to end the Battle and hope Daka or Talzin don't pull off a revive, or it's 3+ kills.

    Expecting to either get trounced every time I face them or plenty of timeouts because you can't kill 18 characters with 5 in only 5:00.

    EDIT - Ok, so reviewed everything again. The wording in Undying Sacrifice sounds like it applies to all Nightsister allies, but is it just the FIRST two times ANY NS Ally dies? Or each one gets two revives?
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    They are brutal on defence in arena. You essentially have to kill every Nightsister 3 times to end the Battle and hope Daka or Talzin don't pull off a revive, or it's 3+ kills.

    Expecting to either get trounced every time I face them or plenty of timeouts because you can't kill 18 characters with 5 in only 5:00.

    EDIT - Ok, so reviewed everything again. The wording in Undying Sacrifice sounds like it applies to all Nightsister allies, but is it just the FIRST two times ANY NS Ally dies? Or each one gets two revives?

    You get two revives total, not two for each Nightsister ally.
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    DyloBin wrote: »

    You get two revives total, not two for each Nightsister ally.

    Thanks! Was a little concerning the first two times I faced them but that makes it way more sensible.
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    I moved my Nightsisters to replace my Sith/Empire team in arena. So far I'm very pleased with the results. Currently destroying teams above me that two days ago I would have avoided. And I didn't drop a single place overnight, which hasn't happened in ages. Overall, feels pretty great.
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    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • YKMisfit
    731 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    I don't really have a problem with the change itself. The timing of it being the same as a new legendary event really stings though. Not only because everyone is panic farming/gearing for a brand new event, but because nobody had any way of knowing how much they needed to improve the toon just to make it usable only to find out they have a whopping day and a half to bridge the gap from G__ to G10.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?

    What's that you say? After successfully reviving two other characters on the team, automatically, and then soaking up enough damage to die twice (or more depending on the order of all these deaths) while taunting the character is then useless?

    Almost as if most other characters in the game become useless after one death because they don't revive at all.
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    DyloBin wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?

    What's that you say? After successfully reviving two other characters on the team, automatically, and then soaking up enough damage to die twice (or more depending on the order of all these deaths) while taunting the character is then useless?

    Almost as if most other characters in the game become useless after one death because they don't revive at all.

    Except part of her original kit allowed unlimited revivals. Dontcha know??
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    DyloBin wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?

    What's that you say? After successfully reviving two other characters on the team, automatically, and then soaking up enough damage to die twice (or more depending on the order of all these deaths) while taunting the character is then useless?

    Almost as if most other characters in the game become useless after one death because they don't revive at all.

    Except part of her original kit allowed unlimited revivals. Dontcha know??

    I'm aware. I just see more potential in the kit as a whole now. And it is important to note, especially when dealing with AI opponents, that even a -100% speed Zombie is a viable target to choose. There's still a great chance that while not taunting she continues to just soak up hits and reviving infinitely.
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    The funny part was that if the was how she worked originally, we would have loved her!! The two free revives in PvP are angst raising and I saw my first NS team in a Jan 2017 shard for the first time in at least six months.
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    DyloBin wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?

    What's that you say? After successfully reviving two other characters on the team, automatically, and then soaking up enough damage to die twice (or more depending on the order of all these deaths) while taunting the character is then useless?

    Almost as if most other characters in the game become useless after one death because they don't revive at all.

    I'm very interested to know, if you play HSR, if you ever played p3/p4 of it with NS and if you ever scored above 10m in p3 and above 8m in p4? If the answer is NO to any of those questions, you shouldn't really try and argue with me. I couldn't care less about PVP with NS.
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    DyloBin wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    CG/EA made something worse when they set out to "fix" something?

    Wow. That's new...

    What a shocker :smiley:

    Also, another "st up i d" question. Do you test your own mechanics before you apply them to the live game?
    Don't bother answering, we all know the answer. Do you realize that after 2 revives of NS allies, once zombie gets to -2 stacks, that's it. She is completely useless. She'll just sit there at 100% TM and do absolutely nothing. What sort of ridiculous joke is that?

    What's that you say? After successfully reviving two other characters on the team, automatically, and then soaking up enough damage to die twice (or more depending on the order of all these deaths) while taunting the character is then useless?

    Almost as if most other characters in the game become useless after one death because they don't revive at all.

    I'm very interested to know, if you play HSR, if you ever played p3/p4 of it with NS and if you ever scored above 10m in p3 and above 8m in p4? If the answer is NO to any of those questions, you shouldn't really try and argue with me. I couldn't care less about PVP with NS.

    No, I've never played in the HSTR. But everybody in the Nightsister Discord I found seems to be doing fine in those phases with the changes. Maybe get connected with one of those groups if you are having trouble scoring well after the changes. Best of luck!
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    Zeta back on Daka? Yes or nö?
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    So basically to appease the very few who weren't smart enough to leave Zombie at lower level, you're going to make the majority of us throw months worth's of zeta and gear investments down the drain in the process?

    How can I get full zeta refunds for the entire team and not just Daka? This is a poorly thought out change considering the justification of appeasing a small few at the cost of the majority of wiser players.
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    So what is the new Zeta for Old Daka? Why would you leave the one that you are refunding since you made the whole team worse?
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    Pyrefly wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »

    This is a game about strategic resource management and you should be rewarded for strategically investing in a character. .


    Obviously, when CG uses the word "strategic" what they really mean is "monetary." Paper Zombie was, in fact, a perfect example of "strategic resource management." By not using resources on Zombie, players were able to put those resources into other characters where they would get greater returns. But CG doesn't want you to be able to use any character without devoting significant resources into them, otherwise you might not be tempted/required to spend money to have a competitive roster. They could have "fixed" Zombie by resting all Zombies to lvl 1 g1and returned all gear and credits spent, just like they returned zetas for Bariss and now Daka. But that would not have given anyone a reason to spend money on the game, so they weren't going to do that. Don't let them lie to you, this is just another sleezy cash grab by EA/CG.

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    BattleT wrote: »
    Zeta back on Daka? Yes or nö?

    Hell no
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