Checkup on the Sith Triumvirate Raid [MEGA]


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    What GP is your Guild? 115million
    What tiers did your Guild try? 5 and 6
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? t5 took less then 24 hours, previously it took around 5 days. T6 took us ~3.5 days - previously it took us over a week
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) - I received 14 unique pieces of gear from t6 (not including the mod pieces) besides the 24-27 shield generators all of the items had a quantity of less then 5. So it would take me at least 6 raids to get a completed item, assuming I actually was lucky enough to get the same item each raid. To me that is still unacceptable. I had to do 20 fights at just 5minutes a piece that means I spend over an hour and a half in order to receive 1/6th of a gear piece!? Fewer pieces in higher quantities is significantly more useful to the more pieces in minimal quantities. And I was 1st with 2 boxes. I can't imagine how bad the lower tier rewards are.
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? Obviously we plan on reaching heroic eventually, I don't know how soon that will be though.
    Which change did you like the most? Being able to clear these faster then tickets regens means I don't have a job to do everyday in the sith raid to ensure I get all 5 fights in.
    Which change did you like the least? rewards still need work.
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? The health and p1 were great improvements, but the rewards still need work.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    What GP is your Guild? 183.9 million
    What tiers did your Guild try? Heroic
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? 2 hours
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? No. Rewards outside the top 10 are still not nearly sufficient when compared to the top 10. Especially when the difference in scores is in the thousands. #10 was 7,672, 640. #11 was 7,636, 212. The reward difference between the two was enormous. Please fix this.
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? NA
    Which change did you like the most? Fixing DN
    Which change did you like the least? Taking out of Mk8 BioTech implant salvage. You guys know the numbers. C'mon man - at g11 and up, that's like pulling Mk3 Carbantis out of rewards. Also, the missed opportunity to flatten the Heroic Raid Rewards structure which is still ridiculously top heavy.
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? Amazingly, I enjoy the HSTR less now, because you think you've "fixed" something, when all you did was take out much needed salvage and ignore the broken reward structure. As such, it will likely be months (or years) before it's addressed again.

    Seriously, why do you ask our opinions when you ignore our feedback and responses?
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Thanks for asking, SBCrumb, and I don't mean that sarcastically.
    Our guild is 101.6 mil.
    Before the update, we were doing Tier 4 & Tier 5 occasionally, but the latter took too long. After the update, we first did a Tier 4 in a few hours, and since then have been doing Tier 5 in a couple days, I guess.
    Honestly, I haven't noticed the rewards change, 'cause I pretty much just collect them and move on with my life. They're better, I'm guessing?
    I definitely think Tier 6 is in reach, but we'll see. We have a lot of lower level players who probably don't need the frustration, seeing how, you know, the Raid isn't fun, and all.
    I like best that the Raid takes less time to complete. We actually have to wait to accumulate the tickets now, instead of seeing that ticket cap burn red in our stupefied faces.
    I like least that y'all forgot to add the fun when you were busy crunching the numbers. I know, it's a lot to ask all at once. Next update maybe.
    How has my overall experience changed since the update? I'm doing fine, thank you. Oh, you mean the Raid. Really, I don't even notice a difference in Nihilus' behavior, so I guess I was grokking his moves okay before. Otherwise, I mean, I know I'm sticking it to you about the enjoyment of the Raid, but the fact is, it's more enjoyable now because it's over quicker, and we don't have to be doing it every single day because the tickets were piling up.
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    Let us save more Sith Raid tickets. Our guild does the 6* right now and I laugh how my modded hear 12 characters still don't do much damage in P1. We will have to lower a star or two just so we don't waste tickets. This should never be an issue but it's a big one right now. Please allow us to save more.
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    What GP is your Guild? 35Mil GP
    What tiers did your Guild try?Tier V
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? We took 5 days
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? Yes, definitely
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? Yes, we clearly have the feeling we can improve quickly and move to next tier in the near future.
    Which change did you like the most? Nihilus cooldown rework. It makes that part of the raid much more enjoyable.
    Which change did you like the least?I think that the reward structure in the Heroic tier is still broken.
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? Significantly improved. Completing higher tier in less time with the chance of using a wider plethora of toons and/or strategy is very good.
  • Guamaeyoeae
    4 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    My guild is 165 million GP, we've been doing Heroic HSR for as long as I've been in it.

    The changes to Phase 1 are really nice, I feel like I can compete fully in it now when it used to be too much of a hassle to deal with.
    I also appreciate the changes to NS Zombie, and once I got her to g10, I feel like she can add fairly to the lineup and it's more interesting than just having a Paper-Zombie to stand and die.

    I also like the addition of Slicing materials... it seems we'll never not need those, so more ways to acquire them is always beneficial.

    Edit: We beat it in around 4.5 hours last time.
    I agree with some previous posts that flattening the reward structure would be good.
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    What GP is your Guild? 147m
    What tiers did your Guild try? Heroic, we have been clearing it for a few months.
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? 3-5 hours depending on participation, could be much faster if everyone hit the raid at the same time.
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) No. The rewards still are awful for anyone who doesn't get a top 10 spot. Considering how you have nerfed or specifically made the raid to counter most of the previous good teams we are forced to farm specific teams for this raid while our previous teams do pitiful amounts of damage. The rewards should actually reward us for having to jump through so many hoops to be able to clear the raid, and not just those in the top 10.
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? N/A
    Which change did you like the most? DN is much more predictable and the phase is no longer frustrating because he took extra turns and did something you weren't prepared for.
    Which change did you like the least? N/A
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? P1 is far less frustrating. Overall the changes have been good for the raid. Are the changes good for the raid? Yes. Is the raid fun? No. It still feels like more of a chore that you get pitiful rewards for unless you get a top 10 spot. The number of salvage seems to be rather low and the chance for fully crafted gear seems far too low.
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    Tschysas wrote: »
    136m GP ... HSR down within 24h....

    The reduce of RNG with Nihilus is very good...
    the Rewards could be a bit more fair to player in the lower Rangs....

    I have to disagree to some extent, sure when everyone is doing what is needed i will agree 100%. However, when you see people put in barely any effort i say its fine as is.
  • Xezee
    274 posts Member
    What GP is your Guild?

    What tiers did your Guild try?

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    Heroic: 4x30 minutes with phases scheduled across afternoon/evening.

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)
    No, being in top 10, amount of g12+ salvage is still minimal. Mod salvage is nice.

    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?

    Which change did you like the most?
    Reducing RNG in p1

    Which change did you like the least?
    Impact of NS nerf on p3

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?
    P3 seems to be stalling if participation isn't high enough, there are no reliable p3 teams which can score high in my guild. On top of that there's on going drama about top 3 spots which are the only ones which feel actually rewarded for the effort. Effort which alone isn't enough to carry the whole thing. Due to this we already lost few people who'd rather score top3 is worse guild than pass on g12+ pieces with us. Overall participation is getting lower and lower, as the rewards below top 10 aren't actually amazing.

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    What GP is your Guild? 85mil
    What tiers did your Guild try? Before the update, we were alternate between T3 and T4, T5 since the update
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? We used to clear T3 and T4 in a week. Since the update, we are clearing T5 in about 3 days
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) Definitely yes
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? I think after the CLS and JTR events we will hopefully grow
    Which change did you like the most? Less HP, more predictability
    Which change did you like the least? Removal of Mk8 eyeballs
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? Improved
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Guild: Dark Lords of Pi
    GP: over 9000! Okay. 190M
    Tiers tried: Heroic
    Time to completion: about 3h, roughly 1h less than before.

    Better rewards than before?: with mod salvage, yes. G12+ for top 10 only though makes rewards too top heavy.

    Guild growth for next tier: unless you are planning a mythic tier with Revan, no.

    Best change?: Elimination of RNGfest in p1 and p4.

    Least liked change?: Losing mk8 eyeball salvage, needs tons of those things.

    Overall experience: growing to like this raid, helping my toons to grow and gives me a challenge beyond pvp.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    What GP is your Guild? 134M

    What tiers did your Guild try? Heroic

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? 47 hours

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) Haven't completed Heroic Tier before this time.

    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? We were able to clear phase 1 much faster because of the less RNG and guessing. Phase 1 was an extremely pleasant experience and fun getting to compete with guildmates.

    Which change did you like the most? Again, the phase 1 changes were amazing.

    Which change did you like the least? I REALLY wish the phase 3 changes would impact the heroic tier. Getting the RNG right to work certain teams is among the MOST frustrating part of the game. Guild mates have almost quit just because of phase 3.

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?
    Generally positive. Still some work to be done, but changes are in the right direction. The less RNG the better. It should be a matter of skill, strategy and team work, and not just restarting 160 times in order to get the correct RNG to work.
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    What GP is your Guild?

    108 million

    What tiers did your Guild try?

    T5 an dT6

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?

    T5 took less than a day, more like 5 hours or so

    T6 was exponentially more difficult. Where as T5 took hours, we are on days for T6

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid?

    Not really. The rewards seem too random and since T6 is taking far too long as opposed to T5, the guild is just wanting to go back to T5. As such I really don’t know what in reality the rewards are like with RNG for T6 so I can’t report on that.

    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?

    I would say no

    Which change did you like the most?

    T5 is now manageable

    Which change did you like the least?

    With the reported health decreases for each tier, it appears the T6 experience seems far too different and difficult: from hours to complete to 3plus days.

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?

    Positive and negative, more negative than positive though
  • rookie1984
    11 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    What GP is your Guild?

    What tiers did your Guild try?

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    3 hours

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)

    No, its ridicolous that only top-10 ranking can get fully crafted g12+ gear in Heroic Sithraid. Everyone has to have change to get fully g12+ gear...just like Haat en Rancor everyone has change on fullgear!. We all work even hard.

    Now just the top/strongest players off a guild will only grow faster and faster while other weaker players never get fully g12+ gear while they need it more...

    Which change did you like the leastleast?
    The rewards system in heroic sithraid.

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?

    This rewardsystem in Sithraid eventuelly forces me also to go to a weaker guild to get in top-10 if i cant make it to top-10 in my own guild.

    All around me big whales and other strong players are moving too weaker guilds to dominate in top-10 sithraid. This is just simply the reaction that is triggered with this rewardsystem.
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    What GP is your Guild?

    What tiers did your Guild try?
    We were doing tier V in 3 days, now VI (thanks!!)

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    3 days V pre- . Now 3 daysish VI. We could do it in 2 (prob 1) but there’s some raid fatigue so most don’t contribute.

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)
    Maybe? Unclear. Maybe I should just trust you

    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?
    Yes, no question. Living in V makes you feel there’s no way to attempt Heroic. Now we’ll try it after the next JTR event (for motivation if nothing else)

    Which change did you like the most? Dropping the Beastly boss health of Tier VI

    Which change did you like the least?

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?
    See above
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    • What GP is your Guild? 120 mil
    • What tiers did your Guild try? Tier 5 and Tier 6
    • How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? Tier 5 now takes less than a day and Tier 6 takes four days. I think it will get even faster though since my guild mates were excited about the rewards. We were previously alternating between Tier 4 (less than a day to complete) and Tier 5 (four days to complete)
    • Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) Definitely. I’m always in the top 3 and this was the first time I received rewards I was happy with
    • Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? Yes. Doing Tier 5 repeatedly does not encourage gearing up to the level needed for heroic. Now we’ll be doing Tier 6 which should be a more similar experience to heroic.
    • Which change did you like the most? Improved rewards, followed closely by lower health
    • Which change did you like the least? Removal of Mk 8 Biotech Implant from rewards
    • How has your overall experience changed since the update? Overall positive. Guild participation in the raid is up as a whole.
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    What GP is your Guild? 89mil
    What tiers did your Guild try? T4
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? - Used to take 2 days, now 2 hours
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) - yes
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? Moving to T5 tomorrow night.
    Which change did you like the most? Reduced health
    Which change did you like the least? Nothing comes to mind
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? Yes, actually looking forward to SRT now.
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    • What GP is your Guild? - 90Mil
    • What tiers did your Guild try? - We had Tier 4 at 2 days (1 refresh before the update) and now we run T6 in 3 refreshes which I think is perfect.
    • How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? - See above
    • Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) - Quality of rewards seems to be better but quantity still stinks. We aren't completing a raid everyday so higher quantities won't break the game. Wouldn't mind stun guns in the prize box either...
    • Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? Yes because we get at least some g12 materials but that's it. Otherwise, we're still stuck getting materials from elsewhere to prepare to move up.
    • Which change did you like the most? Higher tier rewards. More reasonable health pool
    • Which change did you like the least? That rewards don't appear to have been increased much at all in terms of quantity so it's hard to notice that the quality is much better.
    • How has your overall experience changed since the update? Better. I appreciate that the tiers seem to be tuned more appropriately to guild levels but it's still hard to get guild involvement because rewards stink at lower tiers.

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    What GP is your Guild?124 million
    What tiers did your Guild try?We had just switched to t6 prior to raid change. We tried heroic, but it was an utter failure, the difficulty switch between t6 and Heroic is absurd
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?t6 had been 4 days, now 2
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)Didn't notice a change
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?yes, but slowly, Heroic is ridiculous
    Which change did you like the most? reducing total health
    Which change did you like the least? not so much that I didn't like a specific change as that this didn't do anything to make us be able to beat heroic any time soon
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? not a whole lot, we can finish it in half the time, but with the raid taking so many tickets, we aren't completing any more raids per week.
  • Gannon
    1649 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    What GP is your Guild?
    What tiers did your Guild try?
    all tiers
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    t5- 2 days. After update t6- 2.5 days. also heroic.
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)
    yes, absolutely!
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?
    Heroic was barely changed. Possibly. (edit: We did beat it)
    Which change did you like the most?
    The ring fix for p1. Very helpful.
    Which change did you like the least?
    That Heroic was only effected by the p1 change..
    How has your overall experience changed since the update?
    It's still very tedious and time consuming, but the rewards are slightly better. Good work on the update.
    Post edited by Gannon on
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    What GP is your Guild? 158mil
    What tiers did your Guild try? Heroic
    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? 3-4 hours
    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) no
    Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? N/a
    Which change did you like the most? Phase 1 predictably
    Which change did you like the least? None
    How has your overall experience changed since the update? Not much, would still like the rewards to be improved for heroic and a higher likelihood for g12+ gear for finishing higher. Guarantee g12+ for top 3
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    What GP is your Guild?

    What tiers did your Guild try?

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    3 hours

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)

    No, I have been ranking top 3 since introduction of Sith Raids and G12.5 and NEVER, not a single time did I receive a full G12.5+ for my effort.

    Which change did you like the least?
    The rewards system in heroic soth raid because odds are not disclosed. Taking out gold biotech was a move against players as well.

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?

    Same. It is bad.
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    • What GP is your Guild?
      95 million
    • What tiers did your Guild try?
      We were on 4 for a while, about a month ago went up to 5, now we are trying 6 for the first time thanks to the changes.
    • How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
      As a general rule, our guild moves to the next tier as soon as we are completing it faster than we earn tickets. Tier 5 was taking us like a week, and once the changes hit we finished in a few days (maybe 3-4 total). So far tier 6 is dragging though, so this one might be a week. Two days in, still middle of phase 1.
    • Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)
      Sure thing, although 1 raid completed since the changes isn't much to go on.
    • Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future?
      Yup, once we were able to get past tier 4. IIRC, there is a big jump in rewards between 4 and 5 gear, so we had moved to 5 as soon as we could stand how long it took. Now being on tier 6 after the changes, not sure yet if the mod salvage will be worth the extra time to complete tier 6.
    • Which change did you like the most?
      Health pool reduction. Spending days in a single phase is rough.
    • Which change did you like the least?
      Some of the earlier nerfs, like expose and St han. For just this update though, I'd have to go with what improvement I cared the least about, and that was part of the nihilus basic attack change. Not affecting annihilate was great, but you could've left it affecting drain force. Now there is hardly any downside to using a buff-based squad.
    • How has your overall experience changed since the update?
      Mysteriously dropped in arena rankings despite not using zombie before. Took me until today to get zombie from g8 to g10, so now I will try her out there. For the sith raid, I'm afraid tier 6 will take too long for us and we will continue with tier 5 for a few more weeks, but the faster pace will certainly help motivation.

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    Guild GP: 85 million
    Tiers: Previous, t5, Current, t6
    Length of time: T5 took about 3-4 roster resets before the changes, T6 takes roughly 2-3 for us now.
    Rewards: This is a mixed bag of feelings. On one hand removal of challenge gear is nice (i know the arguments for the mk 8 implant salvage). It's good to know the gear dropped will be stuff that is useful and this is much appreciated. Additionally while not a huge addition, T6 receiving mod salvage is a nice touch. Its not a lot but its helpful indeed. I think we still need a look at the guild currency and guild event currency. The raid is much easier now due to the health changes, this was long overdue, but in a previous sweep we were given more guild currency and more event currency. I think moving these up would go a long way towards helping guilds outside of heroic get over the hump eventually. I also think it would go a long way towards patching some wounds CG caused when claiming that the reward gap between HSTR and normal was so wide that it would cause those not in heroic to fall behind so far that it would be irreparable . . . and then followed up with leaving rewards alone for 3-4 months. This is just a suggestion however, not a demand.
    Growth: I certainly feel these changes will help us to grow towards the next tier. As was previously we were a guild stuck on t5 looking at a t6 that no guilds were able to farm effectively. At least now we can farm it. That said, i think rewards need a slight boost. Maybe not gear drops per say but an exponential increase in guild and event currency would go a long way towards helping in the long term.
    Best Changes: The nihilus changes are far and away likely the best changes. We do still have members in the guild who don't always have the time to push multiple resets. Nihilus was notorious for screwing up runs with bad RNG rolls and a lot of this has changed. It's taken some getting used to as to the new timing of anihilate, but it comes later and less often and is more predictable, this i'm sure is appreciated across all tiers.
    Worst Changes: I'd say the worst changes were the lack of additions to rewards. I think a good job was done on the reward system, but its still harder to jump from one tier to the next and i don't think the change in rewards across the tiers is reflective of that effort needed. A simple exponential increase in currency rewards would more than compensate for these changes.
    Overal: Overall the changes are overwhelmingly positive. That said don't go patting yourselves on the back. This raid launched in February, these changes were sorely needed back then and could and should have come at any time before the raid had been out for 9 months. The gap between heroic and non heroic and the havoc that this raid has wreaked on guilds in that time is almost irreparable. The changes are awesome and much appreciated. I think something further needs to be done to fix the mess that was brought to this game due to the raid.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator

    What GP is your Guild?

    What tiers did your Guild try?

    How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)?
    P1 - 20 minutes, P2,3,4 in an hour

    Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete)
    Almost the same.

    Which change did you like the most? Getting rid of 3 of the 4 gear challenge gear

    Which change did you like the least?
    Getting rid of Mk 8 BioTech Implant Salvage. That was the one challenge gear a lot of people have repeatedly said not to get rid of. Given how end game oriented this raid is, it should have added full gear pieces (NOT SALVAGE) of some rancor exclusive gear or full dropped carbantis / stun guns (not salvage). We still have tons of useless gear that we get 100s of in tank raid Mk 10 and Mk 11 Blastech Weapon Mod and its salvages (Just keep it tank exclusive raid drop), and missed opportunity to flatten the heroic rancor raid.

    How has your overall experience changed since the update?
    Its getting worse since a lot of people in my guild are getting ticked off about missing the top 10 by a few hundred scores. The top 3 to 10 reward structure should be available to top 25 at least. Its just a completely awful reward structure and most of the gear drops is the same useless Tank Raid gear.
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    Please, please please please PLEASE add mk5 stun guns to the AAT rewards. Every single one of my characters is stuck on a gear level and need stun gun to upgrade. If I somehow managed to farm or purchase 50 stun gun salvage from GE and Shard shops every week then it would still take me over 2 years! No kidding! And I doubt I get that much mk5 stun gun salvage from the GE and shard shops... Not to mention we also need mk5 stun gun for the new mk12+ stun gun (WHYYYYY do you hate us?!). Rancor and STR very rarely drop the stun gun salvage. Meanwhile I am stacking up various HAAT gear quicker than I can use it. Add stun guns, please! They are only farmable on dark side nodes and with all the recent characters it's too difficult to also to farm gear from ls and ds nodes anymore. You are making the worst gear bottleneck even worse.

    My guild is 172M GP and have Hsith on farm. We spread it over two days cuz why rush? We can only win so many per week anyway so the changes make it go faster but do not affect our rate of raids. Since the changes I was able to get top 3 for the first time in a very long time. However my rewards were significantly worse than my usual rank 4--10 rewards. Worse savage types, and just one crappy crafted purple gear piece that I didn't need. It was aggravating. I hope it was bad luck and not indicative of the reward changes, or else there's no point in trying to improve my characters (they're all waiting for the same gear anyway though...which I never get: MK5 STUN GUNS).

    In closing: make mk5 stun guns more available in raid rewards, across the board, please.
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    @CG_SBCrumb ,

    Before I begin to answer your questions I'll start with two items that still remain:
    1) a restart button seriously needs to be added to this raid. Having to force close the app just to restart is a royal pain in the you know what - looking at you P3.
    2) The rewards. This is a multi-parter:
    A) How is it possible that completing HSTR is NOT worthy of mod materials for making a 6E mod??? I can understand T6 having the first four components, but the fact that Heroic has that as well and nothing for 6E mats is ridiculous.
    2) The rewards structure IS NOT fair to guilds! Top 3, 10-20 and 20-50 is the WRONG way to go about this. The correct way should be a rewards structure based on your damage output. I.E. - < 5mil, 5 - 10 mil, > 10 mil. This pushes everyone to try and maximize dmg output and also be rewarded appropriately.
    3) The GXII+ grind - nonsense! 9 HSTR raids and not one fully crafted GXII+ gear and 9 HSTR raids getting 50% salvage pieces is ridiculous. Oh and let's not mention the fact that only once has the salvage pieces for the armatek fusion piece dropped and once for the detonator (luck here because it was 100% salvage). All other times it has been your standard data/key pad pieces. I find it hard to believe the odds are even across the pieces.

    Fix those two items above and then your so-called masterpiece will actually be one.

    [*] What GP is your Guild? 146mil
    [*] What tiers did your Guild try? Herioc
    [*] How long to complete those Tiers (1,2,3... or Heroic)? 3 hours
    [*] Did you feel like you received better rewards for completing the Raid? (Not factoring in the shorter time to complete) NO!!! See above
    [*] Do you feel your Guild is able to grow to be able to beat the next tier in the future? N/A
    [*] Which change did you like the most? Nihilus and his basic
    [*] Which change did you like the least? P3 traya remains the same
    [*] How has your overall experience changed since the update? Better but it still isn't the best.

    <<ORIGINAL DEV POST>>[/quote]

  • Zaxm
    48 posts Member
    The raid still sucks. Thanks for nothing
  • Options
    We used to raid lv 4; it took about 8 days; mostly because player don't go after Nihilus.
    Compared to Heroic Rancor which is about an 1 hour or CAB Raid which is about half a day; it took ages.
    Now it takes a little more than 1 day. It's really great; a lot of thanks for that.

    So we went after lv 5. I thought that it would be done in 4-5 days. It's the 5th day and Nihilus is still up.

    So I would like you to remember a Matrix 2 scene: the one in the restaurant with the Merovigien.
    His long sentence full of swear words in french is an euphemism about whath we think of Nihilus.

    Having to deal with Anihilate skill is really hard; but his protection drain is really infuriating.

    Even if I deal 1M dmg, it still can represent less than 5% of his total health.

    That's why players don't go after him; one little mistake, you loose a toon poorly.
    And moreover you can't take down a fair amout of health due to the protection drain.

    So like Zaxm : The raid still sucks !
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