
2840 posts Member
edited October 2018
Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?
#CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).


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    Nope as far as I know. The only comment I saw on Reddit was that they are going to put gear recommendations in the description of the individual tiers. Which is essentially useless information because you’re going to try anyway no matter what.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Antares wrote: »
    Nope as far as I know. The only comment I saw on Reddit was that they are going to put gear recommendations in the description of the individual tiers. Which is essentially useless information because you’re going to try anyway no matter what.

    He also stated that here.
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    What do you want the devs to say? That they want to collect money? We already know this. Do you want them to acknowledge that FTP was not in their thinking when they release him? We know the answer to this too. I’m not sure what you want them to say.
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    I’d love to hear that there will be no double drops for instance.
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    I am happy that they finally release revan.

    As ftp i know that i will not get it at first round. Why i should unhappy with that?
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    Haven't been the biggest CG fan but there is an argument to be made about making something exclusive for those willing to pay money.

    If you are are not likely going to be affect one way or another. The number of Revans will be small and restricted to the top of the arena food chain (like top 10 to 20). If you are not doesn't really make sense to push for Revan.

    If you are, you have to factor in the costs of losing out on crystals/refreshes.
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    Why can’t they? Would be great if they gave us just the slightest lil bit more help/hope would prolly push me to try this thing.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    The most probable response would be just a PR statement trying to convince us that the way they handle it is actually awesome, so I don't really miss it...
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    48h of silence is a PR disaster.
    I am not quite sure what is going on.
    @CG_SBCrumb you are the community manager ... please step up !
  • Mik_Prat_Rel
    155 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

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    Well there is plenty that we still need to know.

    Are there going to be double/bonus drops?

    What is the kit like?

    What are the gear req going to be?

    All of these questions are completely relevant to a decision on wheter or not to drop any money on this character. I'm completely ftp at the moment and by my calculations, it'll cost about $200 or so to get my OR 7 stars.

    Now I'm probably not spending anyway, but there are many that may be on the fence. Their decision would likely depend greatly on the answer to those three questions. It is not unreasonable to expect a response to asking for more information before making a decision to purchase or not.

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Well there is plenty that we still need to know.

    Are there going to be double/bonus drops?

    What is the kit like?

    What are the gear req going to be?

    All of these questions are completely relevant to a decision on wheter or not to drop any money on this character. I'm completely ftp at the moment and by my calculations, it'll cost about $200 or so to get my OR 7 stars.

    Now I'm probably not spending anyway, but there are many that may be on the fence. Their decision would likely depend greatly on the answer to those three questions. It is not unreasonable to expect a response to asking for more information before making a decision to purchase or not.

    There's also the slim chance that the event will run for exceptionally long time, they are subverting all event-related expectations lately anyway. Although I don't really expect it to be the case...
  • Options
    Well there is plenty that we still need to know.

    Are there going to be double/bonus drops?

    What is the kit like?

    What are the gear req going to be?

    All of these questions are completely relevant to a decision on wheter or not to drop any money on this character. I'm completely ftp at the moment and by my calculations, it'll cost about $200 or so to get my OR 7 stars.

    Now I'm probably not spending anyway, but there are many that may be on the fence. Their decision would likely depend greatly on the answer to those three questions. It is not unreasonable to expect a response to asking for more information before making a decision to purchase or not.

    This exactly. As it stands now, the price of admission is too high for me. If we get double drops or an extension, I’d be willing to spend some. If the kit is amazing, I’d potentially be willing to spend some. I was really expecting something today.
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    I am happy that they finally release revan.

    As ftp i know that i will not get it at first round. Why i should unhappy with that?

    Exactly im not upset about that, 4 months to get Revan i prefer the short notice odds are there will only he a few Revans on my shard(under 10) so doesnt matter to me only does anything to whales.
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    I didn't get Thrawn first go round, didn't get CLS first go round, didn't get JTR first go round, didn't get Traya until later than most... but I managed to take 1st in arena during all those times. Revan will be no different
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    All I'm really sort of irritated about at this point is that there's been no kit release. I'm over the timing and requirements and all that. But how do they expect me to spend money on packs when I don't even know what I'm buying?
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    Jaconis wrote: »
    Well there is plenty that we still need to know.

    Are there going to be double/bonus drops?

    What is the kit like?

    What are the gear req going to be?

    All of these questions are completely relevant to a decision on wheter or not to drop any money on this character. I'm completely ftp at the moment and by my calculations, it'll cost about $200 or so to get my OR 7 stars.

    Now I'm probably not spending anyway, but there are many that may be on the fence. Their decision would likely depend greatly on the answer to those three questions. It is not unreasonable to expect a response to asking for more information before making a decision to purchase or not.

    This exactly. As it stands now, the price of admission is too high for me. If we get double drops or an extension, I’d be willing to spend some. If the kit is amazing, I’d potentially be willing to spend some. I was really expecting something today.

    Yeah knowing how long the event will run is also important. I just assumed a week but really at this point who knows.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    edited October 2018
    Nothing warrants a response. They told you the start date of the event and the requirements. That's all that needs to be said.

    "Wah wah we don't want marquees we want more legendaries and heroic journeys"

    honestly if I was a developer i'd say "you asked for this lol"

    People are mad like they always are. They were mad when chewie dropped too. They will always be made because people cannot cope with the idea of not getting a toon on day one. People are spending on Revan like crazy, at least people in my guild/shard have been dumping money to get him. To CG, its business as usual. The ones not spending are complaining and those who want to get it are spending. At least on paper.
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    Well we have been promised a road Ahead one week ago ... so I guess this is why we expect some communication
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Nothing warrants a response. They told you the start date of the event and the requirements. That's all that needs to be said.

    "Wah wah we don't want marquees we want more legendaries and heroic journeys"

    honestly if I was a developer i'd say "you asked for this lol"

    People are mad like they always are. They were mad when chewie dropped too. They will always be made because people cannot cope with the idea of not getting a toon on day one. People are spending on Revan like crazy, at least people in my guild/shard have been dumping money to get him. To CG, its business as usual. The ones not spending are complaining and those who want to get it are spending. At least on paper.

    Sorry some of us don't buy blind. I am a fan of kotor but still not going to put a cent towards a character without knowing it's kit. The other questions are still relevant due to them affecting how much you would need to spend.

    I get that some will have the I want it now response and just buy until they have them, but some of us like some information first.

    That's not whinning.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    The base info is out there and the demands for specific questions even the good ones will come but not sure that the answers will make anyone not happy , happy but details are going to be coming as event nears

    And the vague responses are always frustrating for us all and hopefully over next week it will feel more resolved about kit if nothing else
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    A response could be in CG's own interest.

    Right now, a large number of players who have paid up for content in the past have sized up the situation and concluded that, nope, short of paying a few hundred bucks there is NO way they will get the character. Hence, no point in buying the packs, crystals, etc...just settle in and wait for the next round of the event.

    The right kind of response could change (some of) those players' minds, and get them paying for the packs after all. Saying nothing...won't.
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    Ahnald(probably the most prominent GC), held a poll on youtube in which 18k people voted. 75% of which, voted, they were upset with how revan was being rolled out. I'd argue thats quite a large number of crowd(test subjects) to draw assumptions from.

    That last statement's pretty powerful. But here it seems to make a mockery of you.

    And as i speak for myself; Yes, i'm upset with how revan is being rolled out.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    Ahnald(probably the most prominent GC), held a poll on youtube in which 18k people voted. 75% of which, voted, they were upset with how revan was being rolled out. I'd argue thats quite a large number of crowd(test subjects) to draw assumptions from.

    That last statement's pretty powerful. But here it seems to make a mockery of you.

    And as i speak for myself; Yes, i'm upset with how revan is being rolled out.

    People watching the gamechangers are still the very invested minority, though. On the other hand, my guess would be that in the casual crowd, people are mostly either upset or indifferent, but I have no data to back it up.
  • Options
    I am happy that they finally release revan.

    As ftp i know that i will not get it at first round. Why i should unhappy with that?

    Because you may not get him the second time either. Because you will be at great disadvantage in arena and raids for 5 months
  • Mik_Prat_Rel
    155 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    Ahnald(probably the most prominent GC), held a poll on youtube in which 18k people voted. 75% of which, voted, they were upset with how revan was being rolled out. I'd argue thats quite a large number of crowd(test subjects) to draw assumptions from.

    That last statement's pretty powerful. But here it seems to make a mockery of you.

    And as i speak for myself; Yes, i'm upset with how revan is being rolled out.

    Ahnaldt101 speaks about the poll in the following video, for those interested (I searched it out since you didn’t include a link):

    He is careful to point out that the poll does not represent the entire playerbase, and maybe is not even necessarily representative of his own subscriber base. He himself says that he is in between being upset and not caring.

    I would add that, although 15% of poll respondents said they don’t care, this category is actually much, much larger because players who don’t care would be less likely to join this poll or seek out this video.

    While obviously many people are upset, it isn’t right to claim that “unhappy” is a mild description of the feelings of a “large majority” of the entire playerbase, when you just don’t know that.

    Ahnaldt101 points out that he doesn’t know that.
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    You know what the best response to all the Revan issues would be... the one thing that could bring balance to the game and then, while there will always be those whom complain, should mitigate about 90 % of the complaints that this all really stems from?

    Here's a novel and logical, so ultimately rejected idea by CG/EA:

    Why not reshuffle all f2p into ONLY f2p squad arena and fleet arena shards, that way everyone can actually be in a shard that is competitive for the type of financial commitment you have in the game.

    This would allow f2p to compete against like players and p2p now actually have to deal with other p2p.

    DOING THAT... would mostly stop people complaining. That would certainly eliminate a lot of the 'unfairness' aspect about how characters are released, because lets face it, CG/EA is NOT going to change their business practices. No amount of complaining will make them change their ways.

    And just so we are all on the same page here, the reasons CG/EA will give for never doing something like this will be, although never will it be publicly stated, is doing that while keeping the game more competitive and fair would also cause them to lose a sizable portion of the player base whose impatience makes them spend money to get ahead.

    Make no mistake, whether you agree with it or not, CG/EA wants MONEY period. All other considerations are secondary.

    Once you understand and accept it as part of the game, u can sort of enjoy the rest of what the game offers.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Safe to say a large majority of the playerbase is unhappy (to put it VERY mildly) with Revan. Has there been any dev response yet?

    Most SWGOH players do not participate on this forum, have never expressed an opinion about Revan’s requirements. And yet you presume to know the thoughts and feelings of a “large majority” of people you’ve never met or even heard a word from. Try to become more comfortable speaking for yourself instead of hiding in a crowd you’ve imagined and claim to be real.

    Ahnald(probably the most prominent GC), held a poll on youtube in which 18k people voted. 75% of which, voted, they were upset with how revan was being rolled out. I'd argue thats quite a large number of crowd(test subjects) to draw assumptions from.

    That last statement's pretty powerful. But here it seems to make a mockery of you.

    And as i speak for myself; Yes, i'm upset with how revan is being rolled out.

    People watching the gamechangers are still the very invested minority, though. On the other hand, my guess would be that in the casual crowd, people are mostly either upset or indifferent, but I have no data to back it up.

    In my casual guild of 45 people, around 40 of them don’t even know who Revan is or don’t care much about him, and pretty much no one is upset (maybe one or two mildly disappointed including me). We are like 3 to go to the forum and relay information, otherwise most of them don’t know what’s happening or when. They usually get things the third or fourth time they come around. Even the more « serious » casuals just go from project to project one at a time and care very little about special events unless they specifically fit into their plan.
    Just my experience, not drawing any conclusions from it.
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