[Mega] An Ancient Journey of Redemption


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    Has the Dev team acknowledged all the uproar and I missed it? I can't keep up with all these posts. Or are they just waiting out the storm, hoping to call f2p players' bluffs? They promised improved communication following Hsith release, and here we are with revan event barrelling ahead while devs are mum about player concerns as the forums light up. I know it's hard to balance communication with actual development, but this period of relative silence is bad for player and dev relationships. I really hope there's forthcoming messages that address the recurring and common player concerns head on. This won't go away. We need responses and clarified expectations. I love this game but it is increasingly frustrating to deal with the lack of clear communication from the devs when the community has such a powerfully effective rumor mill. We need more regular information directly from the source, or from GCs that get it from CG so that the GCs aren't just speculating or guessing. When the devs stay silent speculation and rumors are allowed to spoil everyone's expectations for new content or characters. I love the game and yet it couldn't be more frustrating after these past few months or so.
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    TommySitt wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TommySitt wrote: »
    Basically my shard allies and I would prefer to not have to coordinate several times a day to beat back some 2.5m GP random running a 4 star Bastila or 5 star Chewie and trying to get top 3 on the cheap, you still get decent rewards 5th-10th considering no money is spent. In other freemiums good luck making top 20 or 30

    So if someone has farmed constantly, earned their toons by farming the right way, and saved up their gear for toons that can beat certain meta squads...they don’t deserve to get 1st because they haven’t paid? I’m sorry but just because you CHOSE to shell out a lot of money doesn’t mean you are entitled to 1st place. If someone has never spent a penny on this game but has pulled better mods, hoarded gear and crystals and is able to build a team that can beat yours then they earned their ranking. I love how you’re saying you and others deserve the top spots solely based on the money spent.

    I think the saying appropriate for this is...”Git Gud Kid.”

    It's not better mods or whatever, it's getting a free meta toon like Bastila, Chewie (most have at least 5 star BH for TB), CLS, 5 star Thrawn and his ship, the bottom feeders are basically getting handouts, a good kit dropped into their lap, where they already have the other 3 or 4 in their collection, plug and play. Meanwhile, there's no real way to defend them, which was admitted to be by design by the devs. So, it's not about getting better than them, it wasn't even possible. So, instead we developed shard alliances to lock down payouts and keep the top rewards to ourselves. That was the only real meta, so I "got good" that way with great success. The more crystals we earn from payouts, the less we spend, so there's a financial motivation attached to our shard alliance, it's not so much about flexing per se.

    You and your so called shard buddies is one of the biggest problems in the game yet to be adressed.. nothing and i mean nothing gives you the right to block anyone out of their EARNED position
  • Tranquility
    5 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    The Dev team has addressed nothing, and they likely won't. They know as most of us do, that once the event starts and then ends, people's fury likely will too. They'll likely just wait it out.

    Ultimately the revenue those packs bring in will speak more volumes than anything the players say.
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    Has the Dev team acknowledged all the uproar and I missed it? I can't keep up with all these posts. Or are they just waiting out the storm, hoping to call f2p players' bluffs? They promised improved communication following Hsith release, and here we are with revan event barrelling ahead while devs are mum about player concerns as the forums light up. I know it's hard to balance communication with actual development, but this period of relative silence is bad for player and dev relationships. I really hope there's forthcoming messages that address the recurring and common player concerns head on. This won't go away. We need responses and clarified expectations. I love this game but it is increasingly frustrating to deal with the lack of clear communication from the devs when the community has such a powerfully effective rumor mill. We need more regular information directly from the source, or from GCs that get it from CG so that the GCs aren't just speculating or guessing. When the devs stay silent speculation and rumors are allowed to spoil everyone's expectations for new content or characters. I love the game and yet it couldn't be more frustrating after these past few months or so.

    1.) There response to the uproar was that even though F2P players won’t get Revan the first time around they should farm as high as possible to get full gear pieces from the HAAT raid, PIT raid and zetas and omegas.

    2.) Communication still stinks as we only get token responses from crumb on issues he’s allowed to discuss. When he first got on the job after the Rydiggs fiasco and Kozi retirement, he was constantly addressing our questions, promising answers, and getting back to us but the bosses muzzled him. Poor decision on their part because he had a great sense of excitement and motivation to make things right with the community.

    3.) Dont expect promises to be kept ever because of the history here. It’s been promised many times before but always gets lost and forgotten

    4.) If the recent has been any trend, the cash grabs are going to keep getting worse until these “bluffs” are carried through and CG reChes the point of no return on the game.

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    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    wrekincruw wrote: »
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    wrekincruw wrote: »
    KyJoe_Cool wrote: »
    wrekincruw wrote: »
    Guys/Gals: I’m so exited! I have ALL of Revan’s gear to go full bore G13 and all 4 of his zetas!


    #fakenews you dont even know what gear he will need so how do you have it? No revan for you!

    Actually not fake news @wrekincruw his gear list is already out there and a lot of people know about it including myself...

    Take a peek. ;)


    I did this is speculation, they are using other similar toon profiles to guestimate so they tell you in that big yellow box in all uncertainties this is subject to change

    That's not how the site works. They're using actual game data. There is no guestimation or comparing to similar toon profiles. The disclaimer just, rightly, points out that nothing is final until it's final.

    They have no confirmation that is what he needs for gear, unless cg told them aside from that its speculation.

    It's literally data pulled from the game itself. So unless CG put it in there to purposefully mislead folks then it's probably accurate. Take a snapshot of SWGoH.gg now and tomorrow when he's in game let us know if there is a single difference.

    They guessing dude, before update there was no information on his gear from CG plain and simple.
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    wrekincruw wrote: »
    They have no confirmation that is what he needs for gear, unless cg told them aside from that its speculation.

    Dude, stop already. You're literally contributing nothing other than saying "wah, you know nothing and any data even from reputable sites is bunk cuz it's not official."

    That's about as beneficial as folks who complain about GCers releasing information before the Developers do.

    While I agree with that cry, it's still ultimately as invalid as yours. They have legitimate information. So does .GG.

    Pick another battle to fight. You've even had Kyno shut you down about your incorrect information.

    CG has *never* come out with any toon and said "yep, swgoh.gg is parsing the correct data and displaying the correct gear requirements."

    But ya know what? They ain't wrong.

    You're either willfully ignorant or intentionally trolling, and even the worst trolls know when it's time to give it up.

    Listen if you dont get that without official confirmation its speculation you cant be helped. Sometimes speculation is right sometimes its wrong but unless CG gave them the info. It's a guess unless you can perform a jedi mind read, of course.
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    wrekincruw wrote: »
    wrekincruw wrote: »
    They have no confirmation that is what he needs for gear, unless cg told them aside from that its speculation.

    Dude, stop already. You're literally contributing nothing other than saying "wah, you know nothing and any data even from reputable sites is bunk cuz it's not official."

    That's about as beneficial as folks who complain about GCers releasing information before the Developers do.

    While I agree with that cry, it's still ultimately as invalid as yours. They have legitimate information. So does .GG.

    Pick another battle to fight. You've even had Kyno shut you down about your incorrect information.

    CG has *never* come out with any toon and said "yep, swgoh.gg is parsing the correct data and displaying the correct gear requirements."

    But ya know what? They ain't wrong.

    You're either willfully ignorant or intentionally trolling, and even the worst trolls know when it's time to give it up.

    Listen if you dont get that without official confirmation its speculation you cant be helped. Sometimes speculation is right sometimes its wrong but unless CG gave them the info. It's a guess unless you can perform a jedi mind read, of course.

    It's not a guess. CG gave them the info. They have direct access into the games data files.

    It's a moot point anyway since he's now visible in the client too. I'd bet SWGoH.gg was 100% accurate on the gear list (because they were not guessing, they had the list from CG).

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    Note that revan is NOT a "very rare event"
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    So about the amazing rewards that were supposed to be F2P’s main prize....

    Tier 1: 500k credits (just less than a full GW Sim but I’ll take it) and 15 salavge of mk5 callers. Mk7 security tech, mk 5 furnaces, mk 6 Nubian tech and mk 5 thermals...not the full rancor pieces we were promised

    Tier 2: 500k ship credits (nice) and 15 salavge of mk4 Holos, mk3 bacta gel, mk 6 furnaces, mk 11 weapon mods and mk 6 thermals....for me the only useful thing is the mk 6 thermals since most toons need them while I have hundreds or thousands of the others. I’m sure I’m not the only one and again, not the full pieces we were promised.

    Tier 3: 15 each of purple ship and ability mat...that’s a joke of a reward so I’m not going to even touch on that. That’s just terrible.

    Tier 4: 10 omegas and 10 ship omegas. That’s more like it, however....Seeing as you need 5 of your OR characters to be 5* for this there will be a big number of people not getting them this time. But this goal is more obtainable regardless if people keep farming right.

    Tier 5: 5 zetas....very nice, but again behind the paywall that very few if any will get unless they shelled out money. Booooo

    Tier 6: 15 mk 2 pulse mod salavge. Very nice but unless you’re unlocking Revan, you won’t get anything.

    So...my take? These are not great rewards. The tier 1 is decent but we were promised full pieces.

    Tier 2 is meh, the only good thing was the ship credits. Tier 3 is laughably awful. Tier 4 is great but 5* OR is going to be met by many towards the end. So I’ll dub that the best. Tier 5 is locked behind a paywall as is tier 7.
    Sorry @CG_CapGaSP these are not the great rewards we expected to quell the anger of so many who wouldn’t get Revan. The Jango Marquee had much better rewards and should have been the standard
  • Germi
    553 posts Member
    I like the 10 omegas.
    The gears aren’t great.

    The event itself up to T4 (I cant go further) is not as good as I expected (nothing really new here with this mini Rancor).

    But maybe the good things arrive in T5 and 6.

    Super easy event too
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Why are people waiting for the devs to explain anything? What part of predominantly p2p toon needs explanation?

    For those who completed the event was g9 accurate for gear requirements to earn 7*?
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    so when is Revan back?

    3 months? 6 months?

    I would prepare for him to return for christmas, If we don’t get a jedi luke at that point
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    I just gotta say, thank you Revan for the 15mk5 Driod callers, was needing exactly that amount, you da man <3...

    Even if the Jango "marque" had actually better gear rewards by far.

    Actually thinking about it these rewards are terrible cept the zeta's and omega's, and that's only cause Zeta's take forever and omega's are needed for everything. Why was Jango's Marque more rewarding.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    The rewards before the omegas are bad... I expected a little more
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    Am i missing something? Is this what they did in Kotor? Because this event feels a little stale and bleh.

    I promise I’m not saying that because I’m not getting Revan but the event itself doesn’t feel hype or epic. It’s kinda lame.
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    I got Revan with the following:

    Bastila - G8
    Jolee - G8
    Mission - G8
    T3 - G7
    Zaalbar - G7

    It was difficult keeping zaalbar and T3 alive on the last two tiers, so I had to two star them, but the mission Revan made it easy, so with this event once you have the stars the rest is easy :)

    I was also able to auto the last tier.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Am i missing something? Is this what they did in Kotor? Because this event feels a little stale and bleh.

    I promise I’m not saying that because I’m not getting Revan but the event itself doesn’t feel hype or epic. It’s kinda lame.

    They are saving the cutscenes for the events where we'll need uber gear and make us watch it 500 times.
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    I guess I don't deserve Revan, but I cannot enter the event (it freezes right after I hit "enter"), and he isn't even in my character page! In neither of my accounts!
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    No_Try wrote: »
    Am i missing something? Is this what they did in Kotor? Because this event feels a little stale and bleh.

    I promise I’m not saying that because I’m not getting Revan but the event itself doesn’t feel hype or epic. It’s kinda lame.

    They are saving the cutscenes for the events where we'll need uber gear and make us watch it 500 times.

    Oh joy lol Not even the cut scenes though, this felt like random LS battles. Like this event felt like Ls normal node 6a lol weird and random.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Did anyone else notice that there was like no GameChanger that had any knowledge at all about Kotor and had never played the games either? :/ At least Warrior is playing them now though. Hardly any research done into them either for the vids they made for Kotor toons.

    At least Revan gets some info in with his event, though it still doesn't explain much. Wish there was another Gamechanger out there who was charismatic and actually knew about star wars lore.
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    I stopped at tier 3. Can I check is there crystal rewards from tier 4 onwards ??
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    Looooki wrote: »
    I stopped at tier 3. Can I check is there crystal rewards from tier 4 onwards ??

    5 is 10 omegas
    6 is 5 zetas
    7 I heard was mod slicing - I hope that is a troll
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Looooki wrote: »
    I stopped at tier 3. Can I check is there crystal rewards from tier 4 onwards ??

    5 is 10 omegas
    6 is 5 zetas
    7 I heard was mod slicing - I hope that is a troll

    7 is 15 of the mk.2 pulse modulators for 6E mod slicing so not a troll.

    As an aside, those who say we were promised full pieces from the event, where did CG say this? I can't seem to find such a promise, only mentions of high need salvage from the two raids not affiliates with Sith.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • CountPookoo
    189 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    They said it would award Raid pieces here..


    I was a bit disappointed with ease of the event - rewards were disappointing but zetas were nice :smile:

    7* was really easy. The NPC (Revan) provided solid contribution to the event.
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    Yea easiest event to date hands down.... I Auto’d it with gear 8 and Decent mods (all my top sets are 6 so cant use).

    Tier 7 I think he got maybe 4 turns, was locked down the whole time.

    Was really surprised do V blasters or crystals to help gear up at all when done. Stuck at gear 10 for everyone now so no arena testing today.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So about the amazing rewards that were supposed to be F2P’s main prize....

    Tier 1: 500k credits (just less than a full GW Sim but I’ll take it) and 15 salavge of mk5 callers. Mk7 security tech, mk 5 furnaces, mk 6 Nubian tech and mk 5 thermals...not the full rancor pieces we were promised

    Tier 2: 500k ship credits (nice) and 15 salavge of mk4 Holos, mk3 bacta gel, mk 6 furnaces, mk 11 weapon mods and mk 6 thermals....for me the only useful thing is the mk 6 thermals since most toons need them while I have hundreds or thousands of the others. I’m sure I’m not the only one and again, not the full pieces we were promised.

    Tier 3: 15 each of purple ship and ability mat...that’s a joke of a reward so I’m not going to even touch on that. That’s just terrible.

    Tier 4: 10 omegas and 10 ship omegas. That’s more like it, however....Seeing as you need 5 of your OR characters to be 5* for this there will be a big number of people not getting them this time. But this goal is more obtainable regardless if people keep farming right.

    Tier 5: 5 zetas....very nice, but again behind the paywall that very few if any will get unless they shelled out money. Booooo

    Tier 6: 15 mk 2 pulse mod salavge. Very nice but unless you’re unlocking Revan, you won’t get anything.

    So...my take? These are not great rewards. The tier 1 is decent but we were promised full pieces.

    Tier 2 is meh, the only good thing was the ship credits. Tier 3 is laughably awful. Tier 4 is great but 5* OR is going to be met by many towards the end. So I’ll dub that the best. Tier 5 is locked behind a paywall as is tier 7.
    Sorry @CG_CapGaSP these are not the great rewards we expected to quell the anger of so many who wouldn’t get Revan. The Jango Marquee had much better rewards and should have been the standard

    Yeah they were meh.
  • Cossin
    301 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    CG_Erik wrote: »

    Have you heard the tale of the Hero who led the Jedi to victory against the Mandalorians in the ancient war? How the Savior of the Republic faced down the armies of Mandalore and took their leader’s mask? Or, perhaps, the story of a great fall and a return to the light? Learn all about one of the great mysteries and myths of the Old Republic. Prepare to follow the journey of... Jedi Knight Revan!

    I am at stage 5, I have learned NOTHING about Revan‘s story. Where is the Mask part, how and when does he fight the armies of Mandalore? When did Jediknight Revan Fall to the dark side and returned to light? Ist that all in stages 6 and 7? Quite crowded in those last 2 stages innit?
    Where is this highlighted and promised story? Where is the narrative for this narrative driven event, which holds so much knowledge for us? Why and how is this a new event - besides requirements - compared to the other events? Very few lines and a Rancor... how and why did he fight a Rancor? How did he become friends with Zaladbar and Mission? Why do they call him friend?... rather than learning things, I‘m left with many questions....
    Not everyone is a passionate gamer having play Kotor or tor... some people might only have seen the movies. Thus, Hero‘s Journeys work the way they are designed because 99.99% of the fanbase playing this game have seen the movies. But most certainly not 99.99% have played the games/all the games
  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator

    Here is the link to leave feedback about the Revan event

    Honestly I wouldn’t be able to tell there was a specific feedback thread by the developers because of how it’s hidden except for a discord bot that shows whenever a developer comments on the forums
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