Cheater & hacker update 11/18


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    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

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    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    None of those things are cheating. CG made this game with rules that all players are to abide by. Whether you think those rules are "fair" or whether CG is making money is irrelevant. It is no different than a sports league where all the teams and players are to follow the same rules.

    Cheating is categorically different. It is employing methods and practices that are against the rules of the game for an advantage against other players. Take crystals...the rule is that you buy crystals in-game at a particular rate governed by CG. Going through a third-party and buying crystals at a reduce rate is cheating. There are also other forms of cheating as well (i.e. apks/programs that make you invicible or attack with infinite power/offense).
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    I don't think you have enough time to be making quotes

    Who me?

    You talkin to me?


    I can only stare at screens of data so long, eventually my brain needs to be tasked with something different, thus quotes... except for today, today I am doing this on my lunch break... then back to the hunt!

  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

    Does capgasp and tophat know that you are quickly sneaking your way into becoming my favorite CG dev?

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    As far as I know, many whales who have spent a lot of money have also been banned.
    Is there any misunderstanding, or have you made some mistake?

    Unfortunately many of the accounts we are finding with fraudulent activity have lots of previous activity that appears quite normal... however the choice was then made by the account holder to shift from legit in-game purchases to giving the account over and paying a third party for discounted crystals.

    We also took great care to make certain that no region specific issues are at play. IN all the regions we see fraud we far more legitimate activity. This is one factor in why the investigation process lasted as long as it did.

    Understand that no amount of spend creates a shield from actions being taken on an account for TOS violations.

  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

    Does capgasp and tophat know that you are quickly sneaking your way into becoming my favorite CG dev?

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.
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    while these bans are temporary and the biggest cheaters can buy their way back in i dont see this as cleaning up the community. its just a cash grab by ea/cg and they just want their share of the take. just like the mob.

    if they cared about the community these accounts would be removed from the game. not bartered for extra cash to return to the game :(

    Not sure who told you there exists an option to buy your way back in after a ban... but i'm afraid they have grossly mislead you.

    As the keeper of all banned accounts I have never changed an accounts status based on amount spent, or promise of spend. There is also no plans to introduce such a service.

  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Anyone who is comparing this with shard chats doesn't understand how shard chats work.
    I need a new message here.
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    As far as I know, many whales who have spent a lot of money have also been banned.
    Is there any misunderstanding, or have you made some mistake?

    Unfortunately many of the accounts we are finding with fraudulent activity have lots of previous activity that appears quite normal... however the choice was then made by the account holder to shift from legit in-game purchases to giving the account over and paying a third party for discounted crystals.

    We also took great care to make certain that no region specific issues are at play. IN all the regions we see fraud we far more legitimate activity. This is one factor in why the investigation process lasted as long as it did.

    Understand that no amount of spend creates a shield from actions being taken on an account for TOS violations.


    Is there anything being done to address non-crystal related cheating/hacks?
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    Noxhaven wrote: »
    How are the vendors able to send crystals to the costumers? A normal account aint able to send crystals as far as i know, only CG and the devs can?

    there is no sending or exchange of crystals going on.

    it is simply stolen credit cards, gift cards, charge-back scams, or organized crime money laundering fronts.

    These groups are sophisticated and move game to game looking for vulnerable communities. Once they are detected they often move to another game until heat dies down, then they come back and try again later.

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    while these bans are temporary and the biggest cheaters can buy their way back in i dont see this as cleaning up the community. its just a cash grab by ea/cg and they just want their share of the take. just like the mob.

    if they cared about the community these accounts would be removed from the game. not bartered for extra cash to return to the game :(

    Not sure who told you there exists an option to buy your way back in after a ban... but i'm afraid they have grossly mislead you.

    As the keeper of all banned accounts I have never changed an accounts status based on amount spent, or promise of spend. There is also no plans to introduce such a service.


    thank you @CG_LucifersDaddy for the clarification. that makes me feel a little bit better. the stories i had heard were related to past crystal thefts and i dont even know the people so it all could be lies. ill trust your word over some random story. it would be nice if these accounts arena teams were reset to lvl 1 or something so they didnt interfere with active accounts. it wouldnt affect me but i know some people who cant beat revans and the accounts being removed or set to lvl 1 or something would get them back into their legit standing in the arenas.

    thank you for everything you do and hopefully there is a consistent process taken to get rid of this unethical gaming that has grown in the game like a cancer.
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    Instead of a list could we just change the user name for all banned accounts to hoth defender or something like mol elisa
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

    Does capgasp and tophat know that you are quickly sneaking your way into becoming my favorite CG dev?

    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Options
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    But you still have to win. I haven’t heard of any shard where a player doesn’t fall.

    And it’s all pending on how your shard is. Some chats were used to block ppl from getting any rank until they joined their guild. That’s no bueno.

    Shard chats can help more often than hurt.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

    Does capgasp and tophat know that you are quickly sneaking your way into becoming my favorite CG dev?

    Right? I used to think @CG_LucifersDaddy was this shadowy figure SWGoH players would tell stories about at night around campfires.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    Jamaican bob sled team
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Gorem wrote: »
    Ah, good timing for this to come before grand arena, the most concern I saw was people complaining about cheaters ruining that mode, after they apparently ruined tourney's before... Luckily I missed that but didn't want to experience it in this mode, and now with this there is hope :)

    Levi and I have been eyeing Grand Arena for months now. We are fully committed to making certain that event runs true... if for no other reason than our own desire to see who legitimately comes out on top.



    Edit: Also thanks :D Yeah, lets enjoy this new mode without worry and have some fun!

  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Sicnyc wrote: »
    @CG_LucifersDaddy I for one applaude what you’re doing.
    I see both the cheers and boo’s in this thread. APK hacks are particularly destructive to this game. I clearly remember tournaments. For those that don’t understand, the APK hack “fog” out now allows your TW opponent to see your defense before TW starts. The apk “god mod” allows your best mods on every one of your toons, it takes your plus 26 speed mods and put them on every toon. It’s ridiculous. All those times you say to yourself “ how’d they clear that zone so fast?” They knew what was there. I’m in a the guild Wallet warriors, we’re probably the guild with the most rumors about requirements to get in and rumors of cheating. I’ll bet none of us get banned. The truth is I’m probably what is considered a legitimate whale. Nearly 5 million GP, and I’ve spent probably $40,000 on this game. I’m very bothered by both cheaters and those hacking crystals it drives the cost of the legitimate crystals up. Just like theft in a store or insurance fraud. Believe me someone is paying for it. Us.
    Thank you for your efforts and please stay on top of this when grand arena comes out.
    Thanks for the insight. Genuinely curious if CG has any tools to determine if someone is using the 'fog' hack or not since its harmless on the surface (easy to slip past the radar) but allows a team to win the war

    Nothing I can share at this exact time... but soon my young apprentice soon.

    Does capgasp and tophat know that you are quickly sneaking your way into becoming my favorite CG dev?

    Someone needs to start a LucifersDaddy appreciation thread!
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    I would like to leave a little message, and at the beginning I apologize for my poor English and use of the Google translator. My biggest concern I confess is not with cheating in the arena, but cheating on TW. In addition to the obvious galactic power imbalance we face, the use of cheating to sweep defense teams between those who use and those who do not use is brutal. Thank you for taking action.

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    camper288 wrote: »
    I would like to leave a little message, and at the beginning I apologize for my poor English and use of the Google translator. My biggest concern I confess is not with cheating in the arena, but cheating on TW. In addition to the obvious galactic power imbalance we face, the use of cheating to sweep defense teams between those who use and those who do not use is brutal. Thank you for taking action.


    This is the best google translate I have seen. LD and a team is on the TW/arena hacks as well.
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    As far as I know, many whales who have spent a lot of money have also been banned.
    Is there any misunderstanding, or have you made some mistake?

    Unfortunately many of the accounts we are finding with fraudulent activity have lots of previous activity that appears quite normal... however the choice was then made by the account holder to shift from legit in-game purchases to giving the account over and paying a third party for discounted crystals.

    We also took great care to make certain that no region specific issues are at play. IN all the regions we see fraud we far more legitimate activity. This is one factor in why the investigation process lasted as long as it did.

    Understand that no amount of spend creates a shield from actions being taken on an account for TOS violations.


    As a f2p player, I'm just glad to see you banned all those whales no matter how much legit purchases they have spend with legal money in the past. Once they cheat, they're gone. Permanently.

    But it would be better if you remove they from the arena, 'cause player like me are having trouble against those dead Raven teams. This toon is really unbalanced, hopefully the new dark shan can help us in some degrees.

    You are doing the right thing, good for the community, keep up the great work! Looking forward for your more actions, more bans, and then remove them all.

    Thank you.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    Yankees been spending bank for 20 years not getting them anywhere fast
  • Options
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    Yankees been spending bank for 20 years not getting them anywhere fast

    Hey hey!!! We are dedicated to winning! And i like my young team. Much better than the days of over paying over the hill vets. Back on topic!!

    Bai cheaters.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    Yankees been spending bank for 20 years not getting them anywhere fast

    You should look at how much the Mets spend and tall about not going anywhere fast.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    The fact that money gives an advantage in sports doesn't mean sports are fair, so i'm not sure why you're even asking. On top of that most competative sports reward money to the winners/participants, just like this game rewards crystals.
    Also, even if there was no possibility to use real money to buy ingame items in this game, one could still argue that the better funded player has an advantage. I'm sure i could find someone willing to coach me for a fee.
    Imo the most fair competition/game/sport is between players on a level playing field. Being able to buy ingame items for money destroys that level playing field on purpose, making the game inherently unfair. I'm not even sure why i'm even bothered explaining because it's so glaringly obvious not a fair competion by design.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    Please show me a sport or competition where the better funded person/team doesnt have an advantage. Better training, coaching, team diversity, recruitment, or.... There are many examples where money influences the outcome of a competition. And the better funded player/team doesn't always win.

    Yankees been spending bank for 20 years not getting them anywhere fast

    You should look at how much the Mets spend and tall about not going anywhere fast.

    ^^ ty kyno.
  • Options
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Boov wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Can I honestly ask you, do you not feel cheated by someone doing better than you who has spent very little or nothing, but is leaps and bounds ahead of you?
    Not directed at my, but no, not really. In a game that's inherently unfair in order for the developers to make money, i can't be that bothered that much about how they've purchased their crystals or account. It's unfair for sure, but out of everything that are unfair in this game, i think this mass ban is just a drop in the ocean.
    Do you feel cheated by a player who's exactly as skilled and dedicated as you, but has a better roster simply because he has a less crouded pay-out, or a less competative leaderboard alltoghether?

    Inherently unfair? How so?

    On your second point, no. We have 3 players in our shard that have open POs. They still have to win to get there, just like everyone else.

    Any game in which you can pay to get ahead is inherently unfair. Lets also not forget that this game used to have regional pricing, which in a way is more fair, but nevertheless results in players paying less money for the same amount of crystals.
    Assuming you're on a shard chat with rank rotation, if you share your pay-out with 4 others you're making 100 cyrstals less daily on average than the player who doesn't share his PO, with the same amount of effort. That's just on the same leaderboard, some players might not even be able to take top5 at all on some leaderboards, but would easily do so on other leaderboards (which started at roughly the same time).
    If i had to chose between competing with 10 legit krakens or 4 bought accounts/crystal fraud players i'd chose the former out of selfinterrest. So given i'd make that choice, i can't really say i'm that bothered or feel cheated by bought accounts/crystalfraud.
    I don't feel cheated that much either way tbh, but if i had to guess i'm probably on a relatively easy leaderboard and i haven't noticed anyone disapearing in my top50. So there's always the possibility that i don't feel cheated because i'm not being cheated or unlucky with my leaderboard. Maybe in fleet, but i don't play fleet so i wouldn't know.

    But you still have to win. I haven’t heard of any shard where a player doesn’t fall.

    And it’s all pending on how your shard is. Some chats were used to block ppl from getting any rank until they joined their guild. That’s no bueno.

    Shard chats can help more often than hurt.
    Exactly my point, it all depends on how your shard is. I'm not arguing against shard chats, i'm arguing that the difference between leaderboards and how crowded pay-outs are create a disparity between otherwise equal players in terms of their ingame performance.
This discussion has been closed.