Original Trilogy Content Coming


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    lovemat wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Jokes aside, it would actually be really cool if C3PO were introduced with a sick leader ability for Ewoks.

    C3PO should be like BB 8. But for rebels

    And ewoks
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    DeathBears, great Ideas😂😂😂😂

    In my opinion.
    Luke from Episode VI
    Shaak Ti
    Dryden Vos
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    Saw Padme mentioned.

    Obligatory Jar Jar follow up.
    "The dark side, the light... both have merit. Why not half of each...?" - Harvey "Two-Face" Dent
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    I know that if we wanted more pilots and ships....

    Admiral Radus- Profundity (Capital Ship)(Special ability: Call up a hammerhead corvette)
    Jon "Dutch" Vander - Y-Wing
    Arvel Crynyd - A-Wing
    Nien Numb - B-Wing (Yeah I know he was in the Falcon but hey)
    General Calrissian- Lady Luck (Cause you can't have enough Calrissian)

    Grand Indicator - Tie Advanced X1 Prototype
    Soontir Fel- Tie Interceptor (With signature blood strips)
    Vult Skerris - Tie Defender
    Iden Versio - Tie Fighter (Inferno Squad)
    Skull Leader- Tie Bomber (I made of a squad)

    Admiral Wullf Yularen- Resolute (Capital Ship)
    Hawk - Z-95 Headhunter
    Warthog- V-19 Torrent
    Broadside- Y-Wing Republic Era
    Oddball- V-Wing

    General Grievous- Invisible Hand (Capital Ship)
    Admiral Trench- Invincible (Anakin: "Gimme 3 clones and a ship I'll make it Vincible.")
    Vulture Droid (My thought is make them have no pilot, but require at capital ship to be used)
    Hyena Bomber Droid

    General Organa- Raddus (Capital Ship)
    Tallie Lintra - RZ2 A-Wing
    Snap Wexley- X-Wing
    Jesika Pava- X-Wing

    First Order
    General Hux- Finalizer (Capital Ship)
    Captain Canady- Fulminatrix (Capital Ship)
    Elrik Vonreg- First Order Tie Interceptor

    ...There's still plenty to choose from.
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    Get around Jabba's problem of being to big for screen with bib Fortuna. Have Bib standing holding a Holo of Jabba that is gesturing obviously telling him what to do
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    Amanaman was a cool looking character from jabba's palace (most famous as one of the last POTF figures).... I think he was a head hunter; could be fun. Also, not OT, but I'd love to see Saw Gerrerra in the game
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    I'm with the falcon crowd. Makes too much sense not to happen with chewy introduced and the bounty ships. I'm pretty keen for it.

    3po could (and should) also happen. Since hyoda was introduced, indirect combat is definitely an option.

    Jedi luke will definitely happen. He's just a massive card cg are holding onto. I expect an epic revan-like farm when he comes to the game. Anyway don't write him off just because of the current state of the meta, they could still make it work... e.g. he could be an average leader for jedi (not as good or at least very different from revan) but amazing for rebels. Let's see.
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    Anyone said Vader's Force Ghost yet?
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    Jabba could work as a palace raid.... Maybe an addition to current rancor raid with gold bikini leia as the reward.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Hanfirst wrote: »
    There are a lot of OT toons left, especially when adding all the OT comics that went with the movies but that depends what disney see's as cannon.

    Finish the Tusken raider faction so there are 5+ use toons from Revans journey(Tusken champion, brute and so on)
    The ships as said above, Tie Bomber, A-wing, X-wing.
    Also come Sept we will hopefully see more Sw rebel toons(Agent Callus(LS), inquisitors and so on) for it's 5 year anniversary.

    Although one issue with more OG toons is they will likely be rebel or empire, two of the biggest factions already. Id like to see other factions(any older faction under 10 toons) getting love. More clones, Seperatists, Jawas, Ewok, Tusken.

    OT: Original Trilogy
    Rebels toons, the books around that era; they don’t really count for me.

    Now although we have a lot of OT characters, we’re still missing some big ones. Of course, they have to save their big cards, but here’s my essentials list:

    Jedi Knight Luke
    Mon Mothma
    Carbo Han
    Generic Rebels Maybe?
    Scout Trooper

    Luke’s X-Wing
    TIE Bomber
    TIE Intercepter
    OT Millennium Falcon
    Death Star

    That’s about it.
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    CosmicJ wrote: »
    I'm with the falcon crowd. Makes too much sense not to happen with chewy introduced and the bounty ships. I'm pretty keen for it.

    3po could (and should) also happen. Since hyoda was introduced, indirect combat is definitely an option.

    Jedi luke will definitely happen. He's just a massive card cg are holding onto. I expect an epic revan-like farm when he comes to the game. Anyway don't write him off just because of the current state of the meta, they could still make it work... e.g. he could be an average leader for jedi (not as good or at least very different from revan) but amazing for rebels. Let's see.

    I'll be upset if it is crewed by anyone other than raid han and chewie. But hopefully it adds something to the meta. It would be fun if it could inflict breech and target lock for example.

    I'd also like to see Lukes xwing added with synergy with biggs and wedge.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I like OT too but I really dislike how people like to list a ton of random characters from OT and say "i want these and will spend a lot for the #3 background character from the right at the 1 hour, 22 minute mark in A New Hope!"

    CG is very limited in the amount of characters they can churn out and I'd rather see them focus on important named characters that carry weight, presence and history.

    I'd rather see Ki-Adi Mundi from the prequels arrive in the game than say, Walrusman

    I'd rather see Durge from The Clone Wars Cartoon Series than Skiff Guard Lando

    I'd rather see Supreme Leader Snoke than another TIE Pilot variation

    I mean, yeah the OT doesn't have much quality toons left and that's ok (Seriously you want to see Ghost Old Ben Kenobi??)

    There are still a couple that can be added (C3P0, Jabba, Jedi Luke etc.) but no need to grasp for straws from the same era

    I understand where you’re coming from, but I was an adult by the time the cartoons and cruddy sequels came out, so I have little interest there. And the TIE pilot variations were only mentioned so we could get more of the missing Imperial ships.

    I’d be cool with any of the characters you mentioned, although this thread is about the OT. That said, Snoke was a hologram until Rian Johnson unceremoniously aborted him. He’s nothing but a joke now, and I’m certainly not dropping any cash on his bisected gold leisure suit.

    I’m pretty sure there’s room in the digital universe for us to all have the characters we want, even those discussed in this thread focusing on the Original Trilogy.
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    Nobody wants a Cloud Car from Bespin? I would whale on that!
  • scuba
    14115 posts Member
    Nobody wants a Cloud Car from Bespin? I would whale on that!

    Ewok glider!
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    Lio wrote: »
    I’m still amazed we haven’t got RotJ Luke yet. His character is just as iconic as Vader if not more so.

    I agree, but why would they give us yet another strong Jedi? We have Bastila and were just given Revan. Jedi Luke would be overkill. The only thing that would make sense (at least in my mind) would be to just change CLS' skin and maybe change his name and give him the Jedi faction. Something like that. Everybody keeps asking for Jedi Luke but it just doesn't make any sense to me.

    They have 5 Han Solos and 4 Chewies. Why would you think CG is going to decide only 2 of one character is enough?
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    Just say no to c3po. Just because he's in the movie doesn't mean he should be in this "fighting" game. There are already at least a dozen toons that should never have been added.
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    Porkins man porkins
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    RebelLion wrote: »
    Lio wrote: »
    I’m still amazed we haven’t got RotJ Luke yet. His character is just as iconic as Vader if not more so.

    I agree, but why would they give us yet another strong Jedi? We have Bastila and were just given Revan. Jedi Luke would be overkill. The only thing that would make sense (at least in my mind) would be to just change CLS' skin and maybe change his name and give him the Jedi faction. Something like that. Everybody keeps asking for Jedi Luke but it just doesn't make any sense to me.

    They have 5 Han Solos and 4 Chewies. Why would you think CG is going to decide only 2 of one character is enough?

    That's a fair point, but can any configuration of Hans and Chewies feasibly defeat a team of Revan, Bastila, Jedi Luke, and two more Jedis (maybe Hermit Yoda and Jolee)?

    I think that's the real point of my previous comment. It isn't necessarily how many different versions of a certain character that's a concern to me. It's more how overpowered a certain faction would be. Up until now, each legendary has belonged to a separate faction and I think that brings a nice balance to the game.

    Either way, if they DO release a Jedi Luke, I'll be first in line to get him :lol:
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    mesa176750 wrote: »
    The sad fact about the OT is that there aren't that many characters to pull from that they don't already have in game without making a new iteration of them. Like Endor Leia or Endor Han solo.
    You know what iteration here everyone really desires: Slave Leia
  • Acymetric
    222 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    C3PO (Disassembled): It's actually just another Chewie but carrying a disassembled 3PO on his back in a net.

    My heart was broken to read upthread that they have stated they will never release Porkins.

    A bit more serious, there were a lot of good suggestions upthread. My personal thought: OT Falcon should be the first 4 pilot ship with Han, Chewie, FB Luke, and Old Ben as crew members (note that "crew member" is not the same as "Pilot"). Sort of half joking but I do think it would be cool to include Old Ben there and would allow for some cool support abilities/passives. Would certainly like to see it be 3 pilots and include Luke as gunner.
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    Darth Jar Jar I mean really is there any other choice
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Acymetric wrote: »
    C3PO (Disassembled): It's actually just another Chewie but carrying a disassembled 3PO on his back in a net.

    My heart was broken to read upthread that they have stated they will never release Porkins.

    A bit more serious, there were a lot of good suggestions upthread. My personal thought: OT Falcon should be the first 4 pilot ship with Han, Chewie, FB Luke, and Old Ben as crew members (note that "crew member" is not the same as "Pilot"). Sort of half joking but I do think it would be cool to include Old Ben there and would allow for some cool support abilities/passives. Would certainly like to see it be 3 pilots and include Luke as gunner.

    no OT falcon....NO maybe in 12 months or after they release 40 more ships...

    Ships does not need a toon 10x more powerful and game mode changing than revan being released right now.....

    Now if they can balance the kit...fine whatever..but they won't... you know they wont...just another god toon in a very very small pool of toons.....horrible idea
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    Carbonite Han. Ultimate tank in the game
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Carbonite Han. Ultimate tank in the game

    Can only be used with Bounty Hunter Leia and can only be damaged after she is killed lol
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    RebelLion wrote: »
    Just say no to c3po. Just because he's in the movie doesn't mean he should be in this "fighting" game. There are already at least a dozen toons that should never have been added.

    I agree. He's a lover comic relief character, not a fighter.
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    That said, Snoke was a hologram until Rian Johnson unceremoniously aborted him.

    I disliked TLJ as much as the next Star Wars fan, but this is exactly what G.L. did with Palpatine in the original trilogy, back when we only knew him as the Emperor and didn't know anything about his background. First he was but a hologram, and when we finally met him in person in ROTJ, he didn't get any more screen time than Snokes before his own hubris got him killed.

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    Fighting game? This ain’t Street Fighter or Tekken with Star Wars characters, though why someone hasn’t done that yet blows my mind. This is a holotable game. A tabletop game with interactive pieces. No reason 3PO can’t be there. He absolutely should be, no arguing. Along with Jabba, I mean...it’s Star Wars, guys.
    Ooba hutar.
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    Cantina band members.
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    That said, Snoke was a hologram until Rian Johnson unceremoniously aborted him.

    I disliked TLJ as much as the next Star Wars fan, but this is exactly what G.L. did with Palpatine in the original trilogy, back when we only knew him as the Emperor and didn't know anything about his background. First he was but a hologram, and when we finally met him in person in ROTJ, he didn't get any more screen time than Snokes before his own hubris got him killed.

    I understand what you’re saying, and I’ve heard that said by others, but I don’t agree. Granted, the Emperor was something of a background character in the OT, his role was much more clearly established than Snoke ever was. Just the fact that we knew he was a Sith and given the nature of the terms Empire and Emperor we knew more than we know about Snoke. We don’t really know the nature of Snoke’s Force classification, we don’t know what Supreme Ruler means since we don’t know what the First Order is or how it’s structured.

    The Emperor had some meaningful interaction with Vader and contribution to Luke’s hero’s journey. After ROTJ, we never sat around said “who the heck was that Emperor guy and why was he even in the movie?”

    Anyway, that’s just me. It’s subjective I suppose.
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    The ice cream guy on Bespin.

    You win the interwebs! I agree with this. lol!
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