[Mega] 3v3 Grand Arena!


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    Don´t enjoy this at all. It´s sucks. 3vs3 will not work. chars was make it for shard you habilities with 5. it´s very disgusted.
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    Biggest garbage
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    Dk_rek wrote: »
    You have the god toons or you don't....nothing else really matters....not your "skill" your strat nothing...

    Yes. Skill is getting those god toons here.
    This is a resource management game, not an rpg/rts, just in case you didnt notice yet.
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    Darko_1 wrote: »
    GA has been garbage so far! I refuse to play it anymore. I don’t think it is right that I spent the last 2+ years developing my characters to 7* so they can be usable and that is actually the wrong thing to do for GA if you want to win. This was supposed to be an event of “skill” but it is another event for “who has the best top 6-8 teams”. A players total GP should not be a basis for a “match up” unless ALL of the character are used to play the event. GA is just a glorified reboot of squad arena with the ability to use several teams at once.
    Please fix this issue so GA can be enjoyable and fair.

    I spent the last 2 years developing a very lean and top heavy squad. Are you suggesting I should be punished because I play differently than you?

    Punished? No, but matched with players following a strategy similar to yours, yes.
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    Despite probably winning this round, I prefer 5V5.
  • Ultra
    11574 posts Moderator
    Darko_1 wrote: »
    GA has been garbage so far! I refuse to play it anymore. I don’t think it is right that I spent the last 2+ years developing my characters to 7* so they can be usable and that is actually the wrong thing to do for GA if you want to win. This was supposed to be an event of “skill” but it is another event for “who has the best top 6-8 teams”. A players total GP should not be a basis for a “match up” unless ALL of the character are used to play the event. GA is just a glorified reboot of squad arena with the ability to use several teams at once.
    Please fix this issue so GA can be enjoyable and fair.

    I spent the last 2 years developing a very lean and top heavy squad. Are you suggesting I should be punished because I play differently than you?

    Punished? No, but matched with players following a strategy similar to yours, yes.
    Why? Why should you only be matched with people with the same strategy? That’s not how the real world works and you should face all kinds of people who are using all sorts of strategy in this game so that you can re-evaluate your own and adopt or create a new strategy after seeing and learning from others
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    3v3 is the only good thing they've done in years. (I really wish that was hyperbole, but sadly it's not.)
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    Nosnikta wrote: »
    For whatever reason the devs thought it would be interesting setting 20+ teams of 3v3 (offense & defense).
    Got news for you...it sucks!!!
    This is the worst game mode ever in SWGOH, has no place in the game, & needs to be reworked back to 5v5 asap.
    Not spending another penny in this game until fixed.💸💸💸

    I disagree. Feel free to have your tantrum, most of us will continue to spend.
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Nosnikta wrote: »
    For whatever reason the devs thought it would be interesting setting 20+ teams of 3v3 (offense & defense).
    Got news for you...it sucks!!!
    This is the worst game mode ever in SWGOH, has no place in the game, & needs to be reworked back to 5v5 asap.
    Not spending another penny in this game until fixed.💸💸💸

    It's not broken, there's nothing to be fixed except the display bug on how many teams to place. This is just one of the formats GA will take place in, it's not like they are trying to lock it in a single format.
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    I just hate how they bill this as the ultimate competitive mode, and then throw 3x3 at us that isn’t present anywhere else in the game. There is no other place to run teams to try and get any familiarity with 3x3 before jumping into what is basically a tournament.
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    I love ga, only i would a training mode to test this 3vs3
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    JediRobb wrote: »
    Jabba wrote: »
    Lol upgrade your rosters stop complaining

    This x1000

    This x10,000

    Everything I do is better than you, JediRobb.
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    My first oponent doesn't have any defense team, so I can't accumulate flags more than what I have for full deffense. I might not be the first in my group because of this.
    We should receive extra flags if this happens. Good players are in disadvantage because of these lazy players.
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Speed matters more than ever, they better do 7 v. 7.
    And you need too much defense Teams that needed in offense.
  • Naraic
    2243 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    My first oponent doesn't have any defense team, so I can't accumulate flags more than what I have for full deffense. I might not be the first in my group because of this.
    We should receive extra flags if this happens. Good players are in disadvantage because of these lazy players.

    All that matters is if you win. The number of banners you get in any round doesn't effect final standings.
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    I've been enjoying it even the 3vs3 just because it's different and made me THINK about which toons might work best together in a 3 man defensive squad. To say that there is no synergy with 3 toons is absurd. Also both groups of 8 I've been in so far have all been pretty close to each other with me being about the middle of the pack taking 1st place in the 1st GA. I don't really understand all the hate(other than this is the internet) and hope they continue to mix things up in the event.
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    3v3 is not enjoyable actually only because we cannot test elsewhere than GA. If we had a sandbox to make some tests it could be nice but we ask for this since couple of years now and we don't have it.

    So without a sandbox to make some tests, better forget about this 3v3.
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    I anticipated all the above comments 1000%. Appreciate the feedback. No crybaby here. Just venting a position.

    The GA is like wrestling. Your get matched up by your weight class (GP), and then it’s up to you to bring whatever experience you have to the mat (G12s and geared roster).

    Sometimes you get matched against someone with similar experience; sometimes you just get your butt handed to you by someone more experienced or knows moved you haven’t trained on.
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    Wow, this is a love it or hate it event.
    I agree the matchmaking needs major adjustment.
    In my opinion, the cool SWGOH team should use their game resources...us. Ask us to have a specific brainstrorming session on viable solutions to the matchmaking problem or other problems and concerns. There are people who have been here a long time, know an incredible amount, and probably know more about the game than some of their employees that have been trained. These "game Yodas" plus us who might be newer but love the game and want to help make things better with a fresh viewpoint could be their 1st phase think tank. Of course they would need to ignore the sarcastic and/or nasty suggestions.
    I will add a few ideas I have brainstormed:

    •The GP would just be a starting point
    •keep amount of Zetas that group have within 1 or 2
    •subtract the ship GP out of the equation
    •Opponents with Revan only against others with Revan
    •people who don't set defense squads are disqualified for that event.
    •have 2 sub-choices they have the option to play 3v3 or 5v5. The 5v5 is difficult for new Level 85 players with low GP
    •If those who qualify don't want to, after the lock in phase they could send them something like 100 crystals
    •If people are unhappy and want to leave the whole game...let them
    •If there is an odd person out and they are given a free win, give everyone else in the group something like 100 crystals or a couple omegas.
    •have a way to somehow match those with top heavy toons with others with top heavy toons and those with a deeper more balanced spread of levels and power against the same
    •everyone wins at least 1 zeta.
    •try to promote a party atmosphere by allowing them to send a chat before and after the event.

    This is just a small sample (lol) but take advantage of your most valuable resource, us players who have a knowledge and love for this game.
    After the player brainstorming session, have the official SWGOH team Yodas get together, do their own brainstorming and put the best ideas together, and then turn this into a new and improved Grand Arena 2.0.

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    My first oponent doesn't have any defense team, so I can't accumulate flags more than what I have for full deffense. I might not be the first in my group because of this.
    We should receive extra flags if this happens. Good players are in disadvantage because of these lazy players.

    I had someone do that, I just got banners for if I had beat them flawlessly
  • Commander_Wolffe
    211 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I'd still prefer that we had at least 1 ship node since we're including fleet GP into the matchmaking groupings. Otherwise, I like GA quite a bit - just not the bit about including fleet GP in competitions with no ships.

    I think this concept and table/mode has good potential, but only when the boards have equal ship/fleet and character banners/sections.
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    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    The problem with GA is that it should have come out first a long time ago.
    Then our collecting habits would have been different.
    If it was first introduced and then LS/DS TB and TW later all this would have been a lot smoother.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    So I tied my opponent despite me only using 15 offense attempts for a full clear and him 21. With all those different scoring bonuses shouldn't there be a reward for being more efficient on offense? Isn't that the whole point? Now I lose because he had a few more gp than me, despite my offensive efficiency. Need to reward defensive teams for holding ground.
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    3v3 is fun. Made me use some really silly teams--as a complete aside, I learned that a stealthed Geonosian Spy is a real Bastila-killer. Nute Gunray + Geonosian Spy = yout point the Spy's Finger of Death at one jedi every couple turns.

    Also, interestingly, all 3v3 squads are considered "understrength," meaning I'll finish the "win 3 understrength battles with General Kenobi" portion of the quest this GA.

    Finally, I learned the exact reason why GP is the tie-breaker. I'm up against someone with a much more top-heavy roster than me, but my GP is a lot higher because I've worked on ships and the lower end of my roster. So even though we're tied 2021-2021 (WHICH IS INSANE! What are the odds we lost the same number of battles, won the same number, and had the same number of full health/protection survivors!) I'm going to win because I've put more effort into my whole roster. Interesting.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.

    I didn’t miss it. Timer says 3 hours left until attack pahse. I checked at least a dozen times yesterday and couldn’t set defenses
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    There is no team synergy. Not a fan
    There's quite a bit Bounty Hunter teams are gross on defense. Resistance is still gross on offense. Ewoks and Jawas are surprisingly good.

    BUT--the part that I really like--is that the lack of team synergy means you have to mix and match characters into ad hoc teams and I'm finding a lot of interesting combinations.
    Pepo wrote: »
    Please add join button. I do not want to participate in this **** 3v3. please dismiss the one who invented it.
    .........There IS a join button. Stop pressing it. Hella people missed out on joining, too bad you weren't one of them.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    So I tied my opponent despite me only using 15 offense attempts for a full clear and him 21. With all those different scoring bonuses shouldn't there be a reward for being more efficient on offense? Isn't that the whole point? Now I lose because he had a few more gp than me, despite my offensive efficiency. Need to reward defensive teams for holding ground.
    The consensus is that having a roster with quote-unquote "useless" characters and teams is bad because it inflates your GP and causes you to be matched up against stronger opponents who have top-heavy rosters.

    This means having a higher GP is a handicap. If you tie, then why not give the win to the person who played with the handicap? EDIT: Also, ships. If ships won't count for anything in the matching process or defense process, then at least they're counted here in the tiebreaking process.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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