[Mega] 3v3 Grand Arena!


  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.

    I didn’t miss it. Timer says 3 hours left until attack pahse. I checked at least a dozen times yesterday and couldn’t set defenses

    Timer says 3 hours.... Now?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    So Auto-deploy isn’t working then? Only announced 10 days ago, and the 1st time I rely on it... nothing happens, no toons placed at all on Defense.

    I quite like the idea of GA and I like the attempt to mix up the mode with 3v3, but please please please... test your product!

    Don’t announce a function like auto-d ply unless it actually works.

    Missing out on rewards as a result :(
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    *Brushes off dust* https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/1708321#Comment_1708321
    NicWester wrote:
    Here’s how it’s going to work—
    We’ll get matched up. We’ll do our fights. People will win, people will lose, everyone will get good rewards relative to where they finished.

    The people who lose will say it’s because this is a whale-only cash grab bullcorn event that is broken, dumb, and rigged.

    The people who win will say the format is just fine, but the rewards are garbage.

    The reality will be that it’ll be moderately fun and pretty enjoyable for a laaarge portion of the players who put in an average amount of time and effort and stay the hell out of the forum and off Reddit. But the narrative will be controlled by the usual loudmouths that hate everything this game does and perception bias will be that the event was a huge failure instead of something that most people kind of liked. Book it.

    This post aged like a fine wine.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    A game mode that changes every time it launches? Cool! I think ... yes, yes it does sound interesting!

    Yeah ... I do not like 3v3. Nope.
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    So Auto-deploy isn’t working then? Only announced 10 days ago, and the 1st time I rely on it... nothing happens, no toons placed at all on Defense.

    I quite like the idea of GA and I like the attempt to mix up the mode with 3v3, but please please please... test your product!

    Don’t announce a function like auto-d ply unless it actually works.

    Missing out on rewards as a result :(

    If you're going to let the AI set your defense, chances are you're not missing out on rewards by not setting any defenses at all. The AI is STUPID at setting defenses.
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    JediRobb wrote: »
    Jabba wrote: »
    Lol upgrade your rosters stop complaining

    This x1000

    Except if your opponent sets no D then come on here and whine you didnt win enough, so goes both ways
  • Darknesswon
    618 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Waqui wrote: »
    DJayK3 wrote: »
    Although my opponent and I have 2.3M gp, they have 40+ G12 toons versus my 15. I feel this is still something that can easily be accommodated for in the algorithm devs use to match opponents. GP and # of G12 toons should BOTH be considered.

    The developers and designers can accomodate for anything, but why should they change this? GP is as good a match-up parameter as any (well, apart from fleet GP being included, when ships are not used). Your opponent simply developed his roster differently and ended up with a roster (probably) more suited for GA.

    But ship gp is being used , so your argument us completely invalid. And even in regular GA , ships is one spot on one node, certainly not equal to the GP invested in it. But hey matchmaking is good right, even though you say in your post except from fleet. Well is it good or not? Probably not huh if you had to addend your its good, except with fleet.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.

    I didn’t miss it. Timer says 3 hours left until attack pahse. I checked at least a dozen times yesterday and couldn’t set defenses

    Timer says 3 hours.... Now?

    4 hrs and 58 minutes actually - as of right now. ( didn’t really look the first time)
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.

    I didn’t miss it. Timer says 3 hours left until attack pahse. I checked at least a dozen times yesterday and couldn’t set defenses

    Timer says 3 hours.... Now?

    4 hrs and 58 minutes actually - as of right now. ( didn’t really look the first time)

    Yeah that's attack phase. Started 19 hours ago. You can't set defense because you missed the cutoff, which ended 19 hours ago.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    So far I like this mode with the 3V3, not sure about every time, but fun and different. I’d like to see the colluding squad arena retired. It’s just the top 20 whales taking turns with crystal payouts anyway. Just a place to press auto twice a day. GA needs more strategy and I’m glad I didn’t inflate my GP with powering up toons I don’t use so I get better match ups
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Presaria wrote: »
    Should I be able to set defenses? My opponent and I both have 704 points, but I never set defenses, territories are listed as 0/2, but it won’t let me add toons.

    Sounds like you missed the defense phase, which lasted 24 hours. We're in the attack phase now.

    I didn’t miss it. Timer says 3 hours left until attack pahse. I checked at least a dozen times yesterday and couldn’t set defenses

    Timer says 3 hours.... Now?

    4 hrs and 58 minutes actually - as of right now. ( didn’t really look the first time)
    You might be looking at the timer in the cantina table but if you open Grand Arena you will see Attack Phase: 4h 58m
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    I tried 3v3. I fecking hate it. I want to play with 5 toon squads like normal.
  • Debuff
    224 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I dont want to see another abomination like this again. What a stupid event

    I dont care what rewards are offered. I wont join the next 3x3
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    I am enjoying it personally. Hope to see this again.
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    You've focused on building your rosters wrong.

    I'm joking, but that seems to be the stock response to everything at the moment
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    Hantal86 wrote: »
    You've focused on building your rosters wrong.

    I'm joking, but that seems to be the stock response to everything at the moment

    Lol ya ive built my roaster's for 3 years under a 5 toon squad, what was i thinking
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    Having said that I've quite enjoyed the different approach. It's nice to use alternate teams that wouldn't see the light of day anywhere else
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    I like it. Requires people to think and come up with new strategies. Some people like everything to be easy though.
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    GA is a lot of fun and 3v3 is a nice change of pace. I'm really glad they are switching things up. I agree that a place to test 3v3 squads would be nice.
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    Hantal86 wrote: »
    You've focused on building your rosters wrong.

    I'm joking, but that seems to be the stock response to everything at the moment

    Yeah, I hate people like that. There is no “wrong way” to build your character roster, and people shouldn’t be telling others how to play their game.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    I don't understand the idea that because you spent years building a 5x5 roster that your roster is completely useless for 3x3. None of us knew this was coming (I mean, other than the fact that it was mentioned when GA first launched) and we all have the same ability to take our 5x5 teams and make effective 3x3 teams.

    Just build 3x3 teams like the rest of us.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I like it. It's a challenge. Makes people think, and pushes them out of their comfort zones.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    I like it. It's a challenge. Makes people think, and pushes them out of their comfort zones.

    Which is why they're complaining.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Everybody complaining all the time..yall seem kinda spoiled..they are trying something new to keep the game fresh and fun..everyone just cries about evey single change they try to make the game more enjoyable..proper criticism is one thing but a big cry fest by mainly whales is another
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    So far I like this mode with the 3V3, not sure about every time, but fun and different. I’d like to see the colluding squad arena retired. It’s just the top 20 whales taking turns with crystal payouts anyway. Just a place to press auto twice a day. GA needs more strategy and I’m glad I didn’t inflate my GP with powering up toons I don’t use so I get better match ups

    Happy for it to be retired... as long as I still get my 500 crystals per day in my inbox
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    When will matching finally be fair...you can not go off GP solely...you literally keep matching me off GP but this 3v3 I was matched 27 zatas vs 44 zatas...there is no way to overcome that. Your matchmaking is handing zatas to those that have 2X as many zatas as thier opponent. Why! Just give them the Zatas..that would be just as unfair and I wouldn't have too waste time fighting it. Yes someone has too lose well let 44(z) vs another 44 (z) and someone will still lose.Why create an impossible task for someone in an unbalanced match at.... go! Or at least enlighten us as to why you think it is fair and your intention behind your flawed matchmaking algorithm. So we, including me, can understand your reasoning or give me an exit button I can bow out of the match with my dignity intact. Don't spring it on me and then "Hahahaha, we (SwGOH devs) totally stuck it too you. If it is about amount of money spent..I have and do spend tons of real world cash almost weekly...but zatas show longevityz or what do they signify to the game.please help me understand. Why?
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    And before you accuse me of prior GA....and this isn't always the case..yes it is..all 3, and 4 if you count the one you canceled..has been this way.
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    So far I enjoyed the game, but the 3v3 is not that much fun.

    First: It took a much longer time to set up teams as beore, cause three chars in a team is uncommon in game.

    Second (@CG_SBCrumb): I like the stuff with matching people, who have more or less the same total GP. As I have seen so far, this works pretty well ingame and ever total GP is nearby each other. However, in the 3vs3 mode, in which no ships are used, we have a difference of effective GP (just the chars) which ramps up to 200k, which is more than 10% devitation.
    If you just want to have one gamemode in GA, then please just use this specific GP for your calculations. I am at the bottom in my shard and it is not fun to fight someone with 200k more GP in his characters (Yay, I have 200k more power in ships, but we are not using them).
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    Just one comment about this 3v3 GA.

    If you don't include ships battles, then don't count in Ships GP.

    There's a difference of 200k to 300k in characters GP between me and each one of my opponent because I really invested in ships, they all have a lot more toon than I do and that's unfair because this time I can't even use my ship advantage.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Xhedao wrote: »
    First: It took a much longer time to set up teams as beore, cause three chars in a team is uncommon in game.

    Not much more than when we were first learning about TW. You figure out your teams, it's not going to take much time next time.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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