The Logray problem

If Logray is required to beat tier 7 of the C3P0 event, why is he a near impossible farm? I haven’t seen him in the guild store in two full weeks and there’s literally no way to farm him anywhere else.

Is the C3P0 event possible without Logray? My team will probably consist of Chief Chirpa, Elder, Paploo, Scout, and Teebo. Maybe Wicket but of course he’s on a 20 hard node.


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    Plenty of threads out there about comps to beat Chewie without Logray.

    He definitely shows up rarely in the shop.
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    Shipments and weekly shipment bro. Throw cg some cash.
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    Jyn Erso and Dengar are also guild store only, but I've got all three at 7 stars. Just hang on to some coins and buy the shards when they pop up. It'll take a while, but you'll get there eventually.
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    Jarvind wrote: »
    Jyn Erso and Dengar are also guild store only, but I've got all three at 7 stars. Just hang on to some coins and buy the shards when they pop up. It'll take a while, but you'll get there eventually.

    But they appear often. Logray rarely appears. Haven’t seen him in two full weeks.
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    Not once in two weeks? This is highly unlikely.

    Are you looking at every refresh every day? That's 4x/day, 56 times total over two weeks. The odds of going 0-56 are extremely long.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Not once in two weeks? This is highly unlikely.

    Are you looking at every refresh every day? That's 4x/day, 56 times total over two weeks. The odds of going 0-56 are extremely long.

    Yeah I really have been. I’ve saved up a ton of guild currency and hasn’t used it. It’s been a full two weeks...
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    I beat tier 7 on my second try without logray 3 G11 and 2 G10 one zeta on Chirpa
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    My Teebo, Ewok Elder, and Ewok scout are going to carry the Pappoo and Chirpa I am starting (and don't want) for the yellow droid I don't want.

    Just keep Teebo lead super fast and Ewok Elder super fast, health, and defense and that should carry any Ewok team for these PVE events.

    Just don't press auto cause you can't afford to waste any of their special abilities or even Teebo's basic.

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    As others have said, it can be beaten without Logray. Though I Personally found Wicket to be much more useful than him in this event because he can put Elder into stealth. My advice would be to make sure you have Wicket ready by next time.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Not once in two weeks? This is highly unlikely.

    Are you looking at every refresh every day? That's 4x/day, 56 times total over two weeks. The odds of going 0-56 are extremely long.

    I can see this. I have weird runs with him. I won’t see him at all for weeks then suddenly he’s there 3 or 4 times in 2 days.
  • Rmaxtpmx
    294 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    I think I've seen logray 2 or 3 times since the last event. Even if he want so important, it's still ridiculous to have a character so rarely appear. It will be impossible to 7* him by next event at this rate. At least single hard node farms can be refreshed with some certainty.
    Post edited by Kyno on
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    I’m in the same boat right now. I already decided to try to use scout instead of wicket because I don’t even have him unlocked yet. But if I can’t farm Logray in time for the next one I’ll be forced to use Teebo as well and that’s the worst possible team comp for this event...
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    Even single hard nodes will still sometimes end up giving you 0/8 or 0/16 for a day. Statistically speaking it's probable to get 2-3 shards per day on 8 sims, so about 5 shards every 2 days.

    Statistically speaking, Logray shares a node with 5 other characters, so has a 1/6 chance to appear each time. With 8 shifts in 2 days, it's highly probable to get 5 shards every 2 days. Over a period of time, it should be faster to farm Logray in the guild store than a single hard node.

    That being said, probability does not guarantee success. Even over 2 weeks, it's possible to get 0/56 Logray appearances. It's also possible (but less likely) to get 56/56.

    What would be most helpful would be to organize a group of players to track the character appearances on that node over a period of time. That way you could start to get a picture of whether the characters there have a statistically significant frequency more than any of the others, or if it's an even distribution.
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    I beat it without logray as well. Mine was 7* at the time but with low gear.
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    First 3 days after C3P0 event ended I saw Logray 4 times in the guild shop.

    In the 7 days since then, zero sightings.
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    Logray never shows up in the guild store
    Dengar never shows up in the guild store
    Jyn never shows up in the guild store

    I see these threads all the time. Is it possible that they all show up at random and likely equally as often? No, the game is just out to get you, that’s the answer!
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    YKMisfit wrote: »
    Logray never shows up in the guild store
    Dengar never shows up in the guild store
    Jyn never shows up in the guild store

    I see these threads all the time. Is it possible that they all show up at random and likely equally as often? No, the game is just out to get you, that’s the answer![/qu
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    YKMisfit wrote: »
    Logray never shows up in the guild store
    Dengar never shows up in the guild store
    Jyn never shows up in the guild store

    I see these threads all the time. Is it possible that they all show up at random and likely equally as often? No, the game is just out to get you, that’s the answer!

    I’ll choose to believe my own eyes, the experiences of my guild mates, and those on here who have noticed it. Guess what? Another refresh, no Logray. Been MIA for two weeks now going on three.
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    Ah several people have said it's true so it must be true. Just like drop rates are nerfed for certain toons, for number of sims, for amount of stars... And yet no one has the data in a valid sample size to back their claims up. It's probably just CG that likes me more than you.

    When I farmed Logray for the event he showed up slightly less than once per day on average, rough estimate.
    I need a new message here.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Drop rates always drop off the closer to 7* or fully crafted you get.
    Proven fact.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ah several people have said it's true so it must be true. Just like drop rates are nerfed for certain toons, for number of sims, for amount of stars... And yet no one has the data in a valid sample size to back their claims up. It's probably just CG that likes me more than you.

    When I farmed Logray for the event he showed up slightly less than once per day on average, rough estimate.

    Most important is my own experience, not those of others. I couldn’t care less how often you claim you see him. How does that benefit me? All I’ve said this entire time was I haven’t seen him for two weeks. It’s people like you that flock to these threads to post how wrong I am. Or claim how it’s impossible. Whatever man...I’m going off my own observation. He has essentially disappeared from my guild store. I’ll be back on here to post if he actually ever shows up again.
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    He just showed up in mine again. There is no Logray problem.

    EDIT: Never said it was impossible. Said it's so unlikely that it's unbelievable without documentation, which no one ever has when they are complaining.
    I need a new message here.
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    We can lament the bad luck you're having, but just because you are having a bad run does not mean everyone is.

    Some people don't like others making sweeping generalizations (and/or accusations of malfeasance aimed at the game developers) based on small sample sizes. :tongue:
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    I've seen him 4 times since the event. They seem to run in spurts. Everyone's favorite RNG at work again... it will be tough to get him by the next 3PO appearance but I'll get every available shard of him during that span, well, in the guild shop
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    cfodder wrote: »
    I've seen him 4 times since the event. They seem to run in spurts. Everyone's favorite RNG at work again... it will be tough to get him by the next 3PO appearance but I'll get every available shard of him during that span, well, in the guild shop

    If you check at every store refresh, you'll be just fine.
    I need a new message here.
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    Most important is my own experience, not those of others.

    This is the literal exact opposite of the truth. Exhibit A: the entire mathematical discipline of statistics.

    You're noticing the bad streaks because you're actually watching for him, as opposed to the last however-many months when you didn't care because you didn't want the shards. Believe me, when I had Jyn Erso at 75/100 it felt like she only showed up once a week. And maybe she did, but does that mean she's specifically rigged to have a bad chance to show up? No, it just means I was impatient and paying way more attention to when she showed up than I had previously, so every refresh without her stuck out way more in my head.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Not once in two weeks? This is highly unlikely.

    Are you looking at every refresh every day? That's 4x/day, 56 times total over two weeks. The odds of going 0-56 are extremely long.

    I farmed him when he first dropped in guild store. I had this happen multiple times, over 2 weeks, checking every refresh (even throwing some crystals at refreshes).

    Logray is a cruel, cruel farm :#
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