Changes (and Additional Changes) Coming in the Next Update [MEGA]


  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    So you'd rather take a change that's detrimental than complain about it?
    "Detrimental" is an interesting word here.

    How is it detrimental? How is it causing harm? On a roster level, you're getting just as much stuff overall at the same rate unless your account is old enough that you're running out of useful farms, in which case rationing new content so you don't burn through it all is a structural necessity. On a competitive level, this hits everyone equally, so no harm there. The only way you really get to a notion of harm is by hyperfocusing on a single unit, and saying that's going more slowly to the exclusion of all other potential routes. Which is to say, by nitpicking a triviality.

    And how is it more helpful to complain about it than to plan around it?
    Raynia wrote: »
    Slippery slope much? Again, where is a new player supposed to find out that the change from 5 to 8 was just temporary? How is a new player supposed to research an answer to something when they couldn't even know it was an issue? And CG should definitely let players know that a fundamental aspect of the game is just temporary. A simple pop up telling a new player that 8 attempts is temporary would have made all of this a non-issue.
    No. No, it would not have made any of this a non-issue. Folks would have just found a different nit to pick, then claimed if CG had only done that other thing it would have been a non-issue, while complaining just as much.
    Still not a he.
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    I think people should be showing appreciation for have the 8 Attempts for so long. Complaining about going to 5 makes us sounds like a bunch of ungrateful spoiled brats. When you have kids throwing a hissy fit when they don’t get their way you never cave to their demands... no matter how long they hold their breath.

    For goodness sakes, are all people like this somewhat touched in the head? CG is a BUSINESS, meaning they want to make MONEY. When they upset the customers, they make LESS money. This is not a family, like ****?

    Well since you’re so brilliant and all why don’t you inform CG that this move will lose them millions of dollars. CG is missing out on all of your brilliance and obviously has no idea how to make money or hundreds of millions of dollars. Im so glad you have enlightened us all with your brilliance oh great one.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    So you'd rather take a change that's detrimental than complain about it?
    "Detrimental" is an interesting word here.

    How is it detrimental? How is it causing harm? On a roster level, you're getting just as much stuff overall at the same rate unless your account is old enough that you're running out of useful farms, in which case rationing new content so you don't burn through it all is a structural necessity. On a competitive level, this hits everyone equally, so no harm there. The only way you really get to a notion of harm is by hyperfocusing on a single unit, and saying that's going more slowly to the exclusion of all other potential routes. Which is to say, by nitpicking a triviality.

    Hyperfocusing on a single unit (or a few) is precisely what you need if you want to get a new Journey/Legendary character for free(-ish). I wouldn't call that a triviality...
  • Rhydia
    104 posts Member
    So after listening to the RSG lunch hour today, I’ve changed my mind on the hard node changes. I think they hit the nail on the head on several counts.

    Firstly, we’re all entitled to agree or disagree with the changes but should respect everyone else’s point of view and refrain from attacks on eachother and CG for that matter.

    Second, CG doesn’t owe us anything. This game is very F2P friendly and if you’re not spending then you’re most certainly not owed a single thing. For those of us who do spend, we always get what we pay for. If I buy a chest of crystals, I get 2800 crystals. I received everything that was owed to me. How this game functions is not for me or anyone else to dictate.

    Third, at the end of the day this game is a business. Businesses are in business to make money, not to break even. There has to be profit to make supporting this game worthwhile to the people who own it. I’ve seen the sales figures for the game, but I honestly have no clue what the operating costs are. For all we know, this change may very well be integral to the lifespan of this game. We the players are not in the best position to make those calls. I’d rather this game carry on for a few more years then for it to go belly up in 6 months. I’m sure CG lost a lot of money on Darth Revan(despite the new gear, which was shady AF btw), and a lot of people think this is punishment for what they lost on DR. But you know what, if they’d railroaded DR and sent out a bad product, they would have been crucified. The pitchforks would be a lot higher then they are now.

    The only place RSG and I differ is their opinion that this is not going to hurt newer players. And if I’m being honest, their holier than thou argument about how bad they had it back in the day w/3 attempts came off very condescending and stuck up. I’ll concede the point that 3 attempts must have been absolutely terrible. But the veteran players did that at a time when the game was in its infancy. Here we are 3+ years later and a lot of you are sitting pretty. New players like myself are coming in at a time when this game has basically been marked for death. Remember the 5 year plan? With all the knew content and subsequent new content over the next few years, it will be extremely difficult to catch up. So yes, this will be very detrimental to newer players. And I do feel this change could possibly hurt CG in the long run on account of that. It’s not even remotely reasonable to compare farming what was in this game at 3 hard node attempts over 3 years ago, to what’s in the game then plus now and what’s to come at 5 attempts. But, that’s just my opinion.

    Lastly, I’d like to thank CG for all they do for us and apologize for all the hate they’ve received over this decision. To be clear, I do not support it and I’ve said it both on these forums and on reddit, I will not spend crystals refreshing nodes. And thus will probably not need to buy crystals because of that, the value just simply isn’t there for me anymore. These changes(should they be somewhat permanent) have made it clear to me that I have zero chances of ever catching up and should just have fun and play the game, there’s no need to try so hard anymore. But that’s just me. I hope CG knows what they’re doing and if this is what they need to do to keep their company and this game healthy, then I will support their decision.
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Rhydia wrote: »
    Third, at the end of the day this game is a business. Businesses are in business to make money, not to break even.

    No one is saying that everything should be made for free, but maybe they could be a little smarter to make money, I'm pretty sure they could do a lot more money by creating new things like double drop boost, XP boost, Currency boost, Fleet currency boost, by reducing the prices all see too much more people instead to sell for less people, by making more attractive the packs with a little less RNG when you are buying a faction pack for example seriously who will buy this ****?
    Please, NO ONE.
    They should back to the table and think about how they can make more money without making the people suffering for 5.5 months to get 1 single toon.

    And being clear, I'm NOT a "100%" free to play player, that's for sure I spend some money here every month.
    Also, I'm very stable in my arenas to get a really nice amount of crystals every day. But by trying to make money this way, I cannot agree at all, it's not smart.

  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Hyperfocusing on a single unit (or a few) is precisely what you need if you want to get a new Journey/Legendary character for free(-ish). I wouldn't call that a triviality...
    The battery of new journey/legendary characters is in the past. Hence taking it back down to five.

    Next time those events come around, they'll be old journey/legendary characters. And I doubt there are more new journey/legendary toons coming until Episode 9.
    Rhydia wrote: »
    The only place RSG and I differ is their opinion that this is not going to hurt newer players. And if I’m being honest, their holier than thou argument about how bad they had it back in the day w/3 attempts came off very condescending and stuck up. I’ll concede the point that 3 attempts must have been absolutely terrible. But the veteran players did that at a time when the game was in its infancy. Here we are 3+ years later and a lot of you are sitting pretty. New players like myself are coming in at a time when this game has basically been marked for death. Remember the 5 year plan? With all the knew content and subsequent new content over the next few years, it will be extremely difficult to catch up. So yes, this will be very detrimental to newer players. And I do feel this change could possibly hurt CG in the long run on account of that. It’s not even remotely reasonable to compare farming what was in this game at 3 hard node attempts over 3 years ago, to what’s in the game then plus now and what’s to come at 5 attempts. But, that’s just my opinion.

    There really isn't catching up to do. The game is instanced in the arena, and partitioned by power in TW and GA, so you're not in competition with the older players. You can priotitize new, high-end content even in a new account- many newer players already have Revan- and you don't need to have everything in order to participate meaningfully in all game modes, so it's not like the new players have to climb through every past meta to get to modern content. And those new players are still getting the same number of shards per day going to toons they need, just spread out over more toons. In a game that has more toons worth having.

    No, this isn't hurting the new players.
    Still not a he.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    So you'd rather take a change that's detrimental than complain about it?
    "Detrimental" is an interesting word here.

    How is it detrimental? How is it causing harm? On a roster level, you're getting just as much stuff overall at the same rate unless your account is old enough that you're running out of useful farms, in which case rationing new content so you don't burn through it all is a structural necessity. On a competitive level, this hits everyone equally, so no harm there. The only way you really get to a notion of harm is by hyperfocusing on a single unit, and saying that's going more slowly to the exclusion of all other potential routes. Which is to say, by nitpicking a triviality.

    And how is it more helpful to complain about it than to plan around it?
    Raynia wrote: »
    Slippery slope much? Again, where is a new player supposed to find out that the change from 5 to 8 was just temporary? How is a new player supposed to research an answer to something when they couldn't even know it was an issue? And CG should definitely let players know that a fundamental aspect of the game is just temporary. A simple pop up telling a new player that 8 attempts is temporary would have made all of this a non-issue.
    No. No, it would not have made any of this a non-issue. Folks would have just found a different nit to pick, then claimed if CG had only done that other thing it would have been a non-issue, while complaining just as much.

    How was Hawaii ???
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Hyperfocusing on a single unit (or a few) is precisely what you need if you want to get a new Journey/Legendary character for free(-ish). I wouldn't call that a triviality...
    The battery of new journey/legendary characters is in the past. Hence taking it back down to five.

    Next time those events come around, they'll be old journey/legendary characters. And I doubt there are more new journey/legendary toons coming until Episode 9.
    And unless they change it back, we will be worse off when Ep. IX comes. And that's assuming you are right in your prediction, which I doubt.
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Hyperfocusing on a single unit (or a few) is precisely what you need if you want to get a new Journey/Legendary character for free(-ish). I wouldn't call that a triviality...
    The battery of new journey/legendary characters is in the past. Hence taking it back down to five.

    Next time those events come around, they'll be old journey/legendary characters. And I doubt there are more new journey/legendary toons coming until Episode 9.
    And unless they change it back, we will be worse off when Ep. IX comes. And that's assuming you are right in your prediction, which I doubt.

    Oh, he's right. The past 6 months are the heaviest in terms of Legendary/Journey characters in the game's history. It was an odd situation that is unlikely to repeat. And it was why the attempts were increased to begin with. Changing back is a signal that we're done with all of that for a while.
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    Never seen a game developer be more anti-gamer. So much for EAs CEO speech about ‘moving past the grind’...
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    Never seen a game developer be more anti-gamer. So much for EAs CEO speech about ‘moving past the grind’...

    Ha, you should check out FoxNext. They're waaaaaay worse.
  • Rhydia
    104 posts Member
    Oh it’s most certainly hurting newer players. Id love to start farming zombie and Talzin. But I need to finish Zaalbar. And when he’s done, I need to finish bossk and HT/Jango. And there’s the matter of Sion and Nihilus. But I’m guessing by the time Bossk is done, they’ll already have new marquees sent to hard nodes. And the list gets pushed further and further down the line. And I haven’t even started on Cantina, but we’re not here to talk about that. It definitely hurts new players. You’re welcome to disagree and I respect your opinion. But I’m sticking to my guns on this one.
  • Laz
    190 posts Member
    So..... they like money?
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    Rhydia wrote: »
    Oh it’s most certainly hurting newer players. Id love to start farming zombie and Talzin. But I need to finish Zaalbar. And when he’s done, I need to finish bossk and HT/Jango. And there’s the matter of Sion and Nihilus. But I’m guessing by the time Bossk is done, they’ll already have new marquees sent to hard nodes. And the list gets pushed further and further down the line. And I haven’t even started on Cantina, but we’re not here to talk about that. It definitely hurts new players. You’re welcome to disagree and I respect your opinion. But I’m sticking to my guns on this one.

    I agree with you on this topic. You will never "catch up" as a new player without spending lots of money.

    However, I would argue that you dont necessarily "need" to. At some point more new characters will be released. When that happens a viable team typically becomes less viable. Phoenix for example was a good defensive team when TW first launched, now its garbage. The Chaze meta has come and gone. You dont need to collect everything. If your like me, you want to and that is where you can fall behind or get caught in a money pit.

    My advice if you want to get ahead for a change look at what they have already announced. Clone War content is coming next, to me that means a couple of things 1 of which is have your clones ready.

    They also have mentioned episode 9 at the end of the year. When they start releasing the new episode 9 characters if you want to stay ahead stop your current farm and get them. It's just the way it works.

    If you really want a certain character just cause you like them that's awesome. Just dont be upset when you average in the low 200s in squad arena .

  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    And unless they change it back, we will be worse off when Ep. IX comes. And that's assuming you are right in your prediction, which I doubt.
    No, we'll be in about the same position for Episode IX as we were for almost every other event character ever released.
    Rhydia wrote: »
    Oh it’s most certainly hurting newer players. Id love to start farming zombie and Talzin. But I need to finish Zaalbar. And when he’s done, I need to finish bossk and HT/Jango. And there’s the matter of Sion and Nihilus. But I’m guessing by the time Bossk is done, they’ll already have new marquees sent to hard nodes. And the list gets pushed further and further down the line. And I haven’t even started on Cantina, but we’re not here to talk about that. It definitely hurts new players. You’re welcome to disagree and I respect your opinion. But I’m sticking to my guns on this one.
    How is it hurting you?

    You need to farm a lot of characters. If you are doing eight parallel farms at five attempts each, you get exactly as many shards for characters you need as if you did five parallel farms at eight attempts each.

    Unless you're doing node refreshes instead of doing parallel farms, but that's generally not advisable for new F2P players, because it comes at the opportunity cost of crystals that could be used to buy energy and build a more well-rounded roster.
    Still not a he.
  • Smidday
    134 posts Member
    Maybe this is to stir a bit of controversy then they’ll through us a bone so we’ll all be like, “We love you CG!” That’s how they spark interest, there’s no such thing as bad press
  • DarthAxiod
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    OMG please guys this is a business and to keep the doors open they need to make money and if everything is free then there is no revenue stream to allow this game we love to continue. Please quit griping about it and if you dont like it just quit. Otherwise enjoy the game for what it is and shut up for goodness sakes. You are not entitled to anything and I am perfectly fine with that. So tired of all the candy____ spoiled brats who think they are entitled to everything for free. I am for one happy with all the gifts we had for as long as we did and thank you for that CG. For the rest of the whiners please if you dont like it dont play it
  • SithlordGamble
    121 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    See people, this is an example of why disney is revoking EA's star wars license xD.

    This isn’t true.

    Iger/Disney stated in February, that he has no intentions of pulling EA’s license, and in fact, said that he thinks they have a good working relationship.

    Just to make sure this hadn’t happened recently, and I by chance missed it ... I looked. There is not one article or link online supporting your statement.
    (Other than a petition, which was started BEFORE February).

    Do some research before posting inaccurate information.

  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    YaeVizsla wrote: »

    How is it hurting you?

    You need to farm a lot of characters. If you are doing eight parallel farms at five attempts each, you get exactly as many shards for characters you need as if you did five parallel farms at eight attempts each.

    Unless you're doing node refreshes instead of doing parallel farms, but that's generally not advisable for new F2P players, because it comes at the opportunity cost of crystals that could be used to buy energy and build a more well-rounded roster.

    Man, the guy is saying that it takes TOO MUCH almost 6 months to complete a single thing is too much. And after 6 months will have a lot more "new things" to farm. If you have a lot of toons it doesn't matter to you, but to the new people play 6 months to have a single toon to add in a team is too much. I think you are Kyno's alt account, or someone from CG. Isn't possible you don't understand what the people are saying .
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    I really know some people are always criticizing altough you put a lot effort in this and this is really the best SW game i played after SW KOTOR. I also understand the need to "persuade" people to use money on this game! After all, we all revolve around money. You got people working there, they need to get paid etc.

    But this was such a wrong move.It's such a wrong move because you never said in the post in mods 2.0 that 8 attempts is going to be temporary! How can you leave something happenning for 10 months and then call it temporary?! You know what temporary is. Your standard of temporary is 1 week or 1 weekend as you did with double drops on certain ocassions. NO!! It's clear you have other reasons behind this than just "coming back to normal from this 10 months temporary change". If you go on with this, you are losing with the people.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Chima wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »

    How is it hurting you?

    You need to farm a lot of characters. If you are doing eight parallel farms at five attempts each, you get exactly as many shards for characters you need as if you did five parallel farms at eight attempts each.

    Unless you're doing node refreshes instead of doing parallel farms, but that's generally not advisable for new F2P players, because it comes at the opportunity cost of crystals that could be used to buy energy and build a more well-rounded roster.

    Man, the guy is saying that it takes TOO MUCH almost 6 months to complete a single thing is too much. And after 6 months will have a lot more "new things" to farm. If you have a lot of toons it doesn't matter to you, but to the new people play 6 months to have a single toon to add in a team is too much. I think you are Kyno's alt account, or someone from CG. Isn't possible you don't understand what the people are saying .

    I have no problems expressing myself, I dont need a second account.
  • Options
    See people, this is an example of why disney is revoking EA's star wars license xD.

    This isn’t true.

    Iger/Disney stated in February, that he has no intentions of pulling EA’s license, and in fact, said that he thinks they have a good working relationship.

    Just to make sure this hadn’t happened recently, and I by chance missed it ... I looked. There is not one article or link online supporting your statement.
    (Other than a petition, which was started BEFORE February).

    Do some research before posting inaccurate information.

    But Lucasfilms is reviving their game division to oversee licenseing their IP's. So it is not a big stretch that EA is not going to have an exclusive hold on all SW games?
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    Bad Move.
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    We should have more, not less
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    I am so disapointed with CG. As a newer player, I always had my 8 attempts and it gave me the feeling to drop behind only a bit ... now ... I'm not sure if I am willing to endure the even worse grind.
    And don't give me that "you do not compete with long time players, so what" ... because it is wrong, except for arena. We compete for a place in good guilds (which want you to have at least +2Mio GP), in TW with other guilds (I can't do anything but drop some weak teams in the rear ranks), in TB ... (no teams, no toons to help a lot). I would like to compete for raid-rewards and do my part but ... no jtr, no ns-teams, no chexmix. New players have sooo much hard node farms ... and it gets worse with every update.
    My to do list for only the most important toons includes Bastilia, Zaalbar, Bindo, and I did not even begin to farm HT, Bossk, Wicket, MT, Xanadoo Blood, IG-2000, Juhani, Dark Basti, Shore + Range + Res. Trooper, Zombie ... and since DR a whole Sith team joind the farming list ... not even mentioning nice to have toons, like FoSt, Embo or JKA.
    I start to lose my motivation to keep going.

    You should join a good guild like 'We might be giants'. Those guys are pretty awesome I hear.
  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    LOL..took me over a year to farm Rey, felt like 2 years to get Baze. Everyone should suffer as I did. :-P
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    Half of the IPD and ROLO shards. Wow, with the hard node farming going back to 5 from 8, you guys are on a roll for screwing over the players this month @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Carrie

  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    I almost never post of forums, but this is just poor form CG. Last time you took this away people complained, so you brought it back. Here we go again.

    People complain about EVERYTHING. Have you not seen how toxic society is as a whole. They could announce 1,000 free crystals daily for logging in and some jack holes would complain that it was only 1,000. Welcome to the world wide web.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Lilpup wrote: »
    I almost never post of forums, but this is just poor form CG. Last time you took this away people complained, so you brought it back. Here we go again.

    People complain about EVERYTHING. Have you not seen how toxic society is as a whole. They could announce 1,000 free crystals daily for logging in and some jack holes would complain that it was only 1,000. Welcome to the world wide web.

    Constructive criticism: "hey, its dark at night, lets invent the lightbulb"

    People like you "how dare you complain about it being dark? You people are so negative and complain about everything"

    Constructive criticism: Promoted at work, they seek feedback to get better because things can always improve.

    People like you who post the worst posts who just complain because they want to complain at complainers and never improve on life: Everything is perfect, post something new? its the best thing a person could ever make in their entire life, they can never do any better, next post? This is now the best thing they could ever make and they will never make anything better.

    People/customers have every right to speak up and give feedback that actually means something. If its negative? its the fault of the devs, and the devs are supposed to do something about it. If its positive, then good, the devs are doing a good job. What's the general consensuses here?

    People wanting the game to be better, and white-knights attacking the "negative" people who want the game to be better.
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    One thing I never thought about...I have too many IPD and ROLO shards. What would I do with them all? I for one am really excited they are being cut in half. I will sleep so much better tonight.
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