Changes (and Additional Changes) Coming in the Next Update [MEGA]


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    Nobody read any of that...
  • Roon
    35 posts Member
    Just piling on here. This change is a poor idea.

    CG, do you not want new players to join and stay with the game? I can't imagine starting out now, faced with the mountain of characters needed for various events and legendaries with so many single hard node farms, with only 5 attempts given.

    Why not just announce G13, level cap increase and Tier 7 mods while you're at it, so we can all just quit already?
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    I understand the ROLO side of it, but IPD? Who has that seven star? It takes forever and even once you farm the troopers needed, is still a hard event. Not many can do it, yet it will now be forever harder...

    For newer players to catch up? Who is in charge that hates new players?
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    Ah, I see the '5 year plan' is to progressively slow players' progress down and stretch out the game's lifespan as much as possible. Very 'exciting'
    Discord: Iona Starbound#5299
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Wait, now the excuse is we are going to have to put in more work for less shards? So even this nerf is being excused by people?

    They should be helping new players. If TB is going to be more frequent? Then leave shards as it is. let people actually catch up.

    Do something good for the game, for the players, for the community. Vets don't mind cause that means more shard shop currency, new players love it cause that means they get access to IPD/Rolo earlier, two characters that take a very very long time to get up already. Especially IPD. Why actively choose to do the wrong thing? How is this game alive? I'm honestly amazed at how much people have put up with at this point.
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    Ah, I see the '5 year plan' is to progressively slow players' progress down and stretch out the game's lifespan as much as possible. Very 'exciting'

    Since they burned Jedi Reavn and Darth Revan in few months.... this is a good point of view.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    DarthAxiod wrote: »
    OMG please guys this is a business and to keep the doors open they need to make money and if everything is free then there is no revenue stream to allow this game we love to continue. Please quit griping about it and if you dont like it just quit. Otherwise enjoy the game for what it is and shut up for goodness sakes. You are not entitled to anything and I am perfectly fine with that. So tired of all the candy____ spoiled brats who think they are entitled to everything for free. I am for one happy with all the gifts we had for as long as we did and thank you for that CG. For the rest of the whiners please if you dont like it dont play it

    Wow.. covered all the bases

    Told everyone to shut up

    Used entitled

    Ohhh the spoiled brats line mmmkay good good....

    Love it or leave it fallacy check

    Need to make money (they ARE bra)

    Stay classy cleveland
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I like way CG try to divert attention by some other announcement : enigme
    G12 in hard node 9! (good to help more and more old player but not the new)
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Jenjhys wrote: »
    I like way CG try to divert attention by some other announcement : enigme
    G12 in hard node 9! (good to help more and more old player but not the new)

    Yeah.... They should put that stuff in node 1. That way G12 gear is meaningless and they destroys the full aspect of progress!
    Then they could add G1-G11 gear in node 9! Makes sense...

    You are funny... there is guild shard, cantina shards, ... stop to be sarcastic or troll that way "They should put that stuff in node 1..." and use your brain

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Weirdly, the TB nerf makes me more optimistic. Such nerfs across the board really make it sound like some new ways to get shards are coming, be it the long-needed revival of the stores, return of shards in shard store or something new entirely. But it's EA we're dealing with, so my optimism is still cautious...
  • EA_Rtas
    1141 posts Member
    Knock it off with the sarcasm please, keep it polite and on topic.
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    32 pages of complaints and we finally get somebody from EA, not to address the issue but to ask us to curb sarcasm
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    Which proves they're checking in on it, they just don't care.
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    Gear XII salvage is now farmable from Light Side Battles Stage 9 and Dark Side Battles Stage 9 in the upcoming update at what drop rate? 0.01% would be just as useless as the current rate.
    Where are the Stun Guns?
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    The absence of any kind of response by CG/EA is very disrespectful to it's customers, not to mention how shady it was to drop the news on a Friday. They are ignoring a post with over 900 replies, a petition with over 10,000 signatures and popular game changers wanting to stop this change. This is not how you treat customers and will only lead to this game earning less revenue. More people will leave or just go FTP as I will, and fewer new people will join. I was planning on purchasing the BH ships package in a couple days to 7* the Falcon. 6* will be more than good enough for me. That's already $60 less for them. Thanks for saving me money that I can spend on other games and developers!
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    Jenjhys wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Jenjhys wrote: »
    I like way CG try to divert attention by some other announcement : enigme
    G12 in hard node 9! (good to help more and more old player but not the new)

    Yeah.... They should put that stuff in node 1. That way G12 gear is meaningless and they destroys the full aspect of progress!
    Then they could add G1-G11 gear in node 9! Makes sense...

    You are funny... there is guild shard, cantina shards, ... stop to be sarcastic or troll that way "They should put that stuff in node 1..." and use your brain

    He used his brain and he's totally right, there's no reason why it won't be brought up in node 9. People who need G12 are strong enough to beat these nodes with ease and can sim them. And of course it won't show up in any store or Cantina because they want to limit you with getting it or paying the price. From a commercial point of view it totally makes sense.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Raynia wrote: »
    The absence of any kind of response by CG/EA is very disrespectful to it's customers, not to mention how shady it was to drop the news on a Friday. They are ignoring a post with over 900 replies, a petition with over 10,000 signatures and popular game changers wanting to stop this change. This is not how you treat customers and will only lead to this game earning less revenue. More people will leave or just go FTP as I will, and fewer new people will join. I was planning on purchasing the BH ships package in a couple days to 7* the Falcon. 6* will be more than good enough for me. That's already $60 less for them. Thanks for saving me money that I can spend on other games and developers!

    No need to spend for 7*, stars on Falcon are mostly irrelevant anyway as long as you have the rest of the fleet in good shape.
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    LeetoQui78 wrote: »
    phartung55 wrote: »
    IF there is anything glad it’s gonna go to 5 nodes and not 3 like all us beginner players had to do. 6 months to get a toon 7* wasn’t a walk in the park.

    Don't complain about the whippings, they used to use chains.

    A+ logic

    (If not clear, sarcasm intended)


    Can't come up with a rebuttal so posts a silly picture.

    Why rebuttal sarcasm? It’s pointless and trivial. I said what I had to say and I wasn’t being a **** about it.

    Homeboy decided to pick and choose everything I typed and picked the one thing I said that was positive. At least it’s 5 battles and not going back to and not 3. He compared getting whipped with chains as an analogy to a simple turn based phone game where pushing buttons and relying on Rng determine how many shards one gets.

    The devs said the 8 battles were get all **** about them reverting it back is quite childish to be honest.

    I used that time to my advantage and finished all my hard nodes...if others weren’t able to do the same...oh well it sucks to be them.

  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Chima wrote: »
    Man, the guy is saying that it takes TOO MUCH almost 6 months to complete a single thing is too much. And after 6 months will have a lot more "new things" to farm. If you have a lot of toons it doesn't matter to you, but to the new people play 6 months to have a single toon to add in a team is too much. I think you are Kyno's alt account, or someone from CG. Isn't possible you don't understand what the people are saying .
    First of all, stop. Do not dismiss people who disagree with you as some sort of monolith, or NPCs, or shills, or undercover employees, or alts. It is childish and ignorant.

    Now, then.

    There is so much wrong to unpack here.

    You do not take six months to farm a single toon to add to a team from the standard table with 5 attempts per node per day.

    1) "Single toon" is wrong. That phrasing implies that you are only getting one character, which would be accurate for the cantina table, where you rush one character at a time in sequence. But on the standard energy table, you're doing multiple parallel farms, that's six months to get 6-8 characters from zero to seven stars. Not a "single toon."

    2) It is not 6 months to add a toon to a team. It is six months to get a unit to seven stars. You can use characters in teams well before that in most game modes. We've even have metas that prominently featured new units at low stars. Talzin, Zombie, Sion, and Bastila were all faring well in the arena as low as four stars.

    3) While it is accurate to say that in 6 months there will be new content, the implications behind that statement are either irrelevant or false. The most direct reading of your post is that you're saying while you are farming one and only one toon from the standard table over six months, more than one toon will be added to the table. However, you are able to farm multiple toons from the table. Historically, toons are added to the table more slowly than the rate at which you can farm new toons. And most importantly, this is completely irrelevant to the change from 8 attempts to 5 attempts, because whether you're doing 5 attempts on 8 farms or 8 attempts on 5 farms, you're still getting about a dozen shards per day, which has historically been enough to outpace new content added to the standard table.

    I am not an ****. I do not misunderstand what people are saying. I understand quite clearly, and I disagree.

    Man, nice wall-of-text but it didn't change the math, it's 6 months to get a single char, if the guy will farm 2 or 200 in parallel it will take 6 months. That said, the game isn't about PVP (arena/tw) only where is possible lower stars. There's PVE (Raids/TB) content and the number is stars are important.
    Again, 3 months to get a single toon is boring for sure, but we can take it, 6 months is too much. It's the main feedback here, they can listen or not, they can also look to the market and see what happened with some games when they ignored the community. It's my feedback and they can add more 49 voices from my guild mates.
    You (and a few people) can disagree, and that's good we all are free to do that. But there are 32 pages (until now) of feedback and the majority are not agreeing with you.
    So again... math.
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    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Knock it off with the sarcasm please, keep it polite and on topic.

    Well I guess the response proves EA is alive and reading posts... They just don't care about **** off their player base and instead would rather make snarky comments about sarcasm...

  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    Or post a puzzle to distract us once again. Which isn't working this time.
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    great... a new nerf in the game... less rewards in TB

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    keknoby wrote: »
    great... a new nerf in the game... less rewards in TB


    That's a weird one for sure, it's not like there's gonna be more of the current TBs. But it might indicate a new TB (something long overdue and highly speculated since the platoon change) and ROLO and IPD getting added to some new farming locations.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Or post a puzzle to distract us once again. Which isn't working this time.

    I was wondering why the same person who posted a massively unpopular update right before going home for the weekend, and never bothering to address the outcry against it, was posting sudoku instead of respecting their customer base.

    Thanks for clarifying.
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    Stop this change @CG You're making new players leave your game. Many of these joined already when there 8 sims per node and reverting it after 8 months is not making this game more enjoyable at all. Believe me. Making the progress harder then it's actually is rly saddening me because it makes developers look like don't care of player and their needs/voice instead of that just check the numbers and calculate just only what's best for them...

    Poor approach
  • Options
    Raynia wrote: »
    The absence of any kind of response by CG/EA is very disrespectful to it's customers, not to mention how shady it was to drop the news on a Friday. They are ignoring a post with over 900 replies, a petition with over 10,000 signatures and popular game changers wanting to stop this change. This is not how you treat customers and will only lead to this game earning less revenue. More people will leave or just go FTP as I will, and fewer new people will join. I was planning on purchasing the BH ships package in a couple days to 7* the Falcon. 6* will be more than good enough for me. That's already $60 less for them. Thanks for saving me money that I can spend on other games and developers!

    They told us it is happening. It is going to happen either way so what is the point in them coming out and saying "sorry, it's still happening"? Are they then supposed to acknowledge the whining that will ensure when people rage over the fact they acknowledged it but are still doing nothing? It's happening for business reasons they don't want to explain, that is that and there is nothing more for them to say.
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    Chima wrote: »
    Man, the guy is saying that it takes TOO MUCH almost 6 months to complete a single thing is too much. And after 6 months will have a lot more "new things" to farm. If you have a lot of toons it doesn't matter to you, but to the new people play 6 months to have a single toon to add in a team is too much. I think you are Kyno's alt account, or someone from CG. Isn't possible you don't understand what the people are saying .
    First of all, stop. Do not dismiss people who disagree with you as some sort of monolith, or NPCs, or shills, or undercover employees, or alts. It is childish and ignorant.

    Now, then.

    There is so much wrong to unpack here.

    You do not take six months to farm a single toon to add to a team from the standard table with 5 attempts per node per day.

    1) "Single toon" is wrong. That phrasing implies that you are only getting one character, which would be accurate for the cantina table, where you rush one character at a time in sequence. But on the standard energy table, you're doing multiple parallel farms, that's six months to get 6-8 characters from zero to seven stars. Not a "single toon."

    2) It is not 6 months to add a toon to a team. It is six months to get a unit to seven stars. You can use characters in teams well before that in most game modes. We've even have metas that prominently featured new units at low stars. Talzin, Zombie, Sion, and Bastila were all faring well in the arena as low as four stars.

    3) While it is accurate to say that in 6 months there will be new content, the implications behind that statement are either irrelevant or false. The most direct reading of your post is that you're saying while you are farming one and only one toon from the standard table over six months, more than one toon will be added to the table. However, you are able to farm multiple toons from the table. Historically, toons are added to the table more slowly than the rate at which you can farm new toons. And most importantly, this is completely irrelevant to the change from 8 attempts to 5 attempts, because whether you're doing 5 attempts on 8 farms or 8 attempts on 5 farms, you're still getting about a dozen shards per day, which has historically been enough to outpace new content added to the standard table.

    I am not an ****. I do not misunderstand what people are saying. I understand quite clearly, and I disagree.

    Man, nice wall-of-text but it didn't change the math, it's 6 months to get a single char, if the guy will farm 2 or 200 in parallel it will take 6 months. That said, the game isn't about PVP (arena/tw) only where is possible lower stars. There's PVE (Raids/TB) content and the number is stars are important.
    Again, 3 months to get a single toon is boring for sure, but we can take it, 6 months is too much. It's the main feedback here, they can listen or not, they can also look to the market and see what happened with some games when they ignored the community. It's my feedback and they can add more 49 voices from my guild mates.
    You (and a few people) can disagree, and that's good we all are free to do that. But there are 32 pages (until now) of feedback and the majority are not agreeing with you.
    So again... math.
This discussion has been closed.