Showdown at Star Forge [MEGA]


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    This amuses me to no end;

    You need Mission, Zalbar, Jolee, M4, and Bastila for Revan. Fantastic. You need 3 of those toons solid to make Revan work. Mission and Zalbar are great GA/TW toons, so already on most people’s list. 3/5 done already, 2/5 already on everyone’s list to do. No reason to gear the droid.

    On Darth Revan side, you have Darth Revan, who I didn’t get. To unlock him, I needed Carth, Canderous, Juhani, Bastila Fallen, And HK. Most players had HK high geared from the HAAT event when it first dropped. So, G10/11. He is a quick farm, I took him from G10-G12 in just a couple of days. Pretty easy farm. Bastila Fallen I didn’t start farming gear or shards until DR was announced. She is currently 6 star G11, and I have the pieces to take her to 12. Most people who like Sith, ran her up long ago. Plus, she isn’t a hard farm. Right off the bat, you likely have 2/5 necessary toons. Carth is an exceptional GA leader so on a lot of people’s list, and he has devoted energy in ships, so really an easy farm. I have mine G10, took me a couple of days from 8. If I needed, I could definitely hit him to G11 in less than a day. The only ones who weren’t on most people’s list were Canderous and Juhani. Pick just one, and guess what? Of the 10 required toons, only one is less than useful. Guys; this is so nice of CG. I legitimately get frustration at not getting a toon the first go around, but come on, you placed a losing bet and lost. You now know exactly what to farm.

    Your Darth Revan is still good without Malak. How do I know this? Because I have ran against legitimately good comps of that team, who hold well and forced me to farm mods and change strategy. He is a rock solid toon. Will Malak make that team better? Likely. But it doesn’t mean your Darth Revan team is bad. I suspect most players who have Darth Revan will likely be able to shift mods around and farm some gear quickly enough to get the one or two toons they need up in time.

    So, thank you CG, for giving us Darth Malak, and I look forward to the next content update. Love the idea of this event type, and look forward to earning my Malak with literally no effort on his next go around.
  • OrpheusRobot
    238 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    G10 and one zeta will get you over 17500 per toon. zeta adds 2406 in power.


    G12, no zeta, 6 dot mods will also get you to 17500 power.

    Pick your poison and good luck.

    I will be enjoying my 5* Malak this weekend.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    You should remove the arbitrary power cap. If the event is as hard as you claim then those without the 'required' level will fail. But this power level requirement is a bad precedent - especially after you've rinsed us all for cash 2 weeks ago for Revan.
  • Enerdrizer
    263 posts Member
    edited April 2019
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    Downgrade your vote for the game...and warn people to not play this. It's only way you will make an impact
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    They've really done it this time. Very poor decision, alienating their player BASE.
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    Ok I thinks it's the good time for me to stop to play to this game or any other EA games.
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    We cant do ****, we can only dance how they play, when we stop, game will stop too, so, we can have all this trash talk, but we are wasting our time. It will always be as they want. Also they have analysts, and they know where is border, i assume with this move that border is faaar away.
    They are using best thing against us, we like SW franchise and they can harvest much more.

    It isnt complicated, capitalism, we all want democracy, but that brings capitalism, and today capitalism must harvest more than ever before, and it will be even worse.

    So play the game or dont, whining about stuf isnt gonna help at all.
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    Az_Gal wrote: »
    Ok I thinks it's the good time for me to stop to play to this game or any other EA games.

    No, you will continue. ;)
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    Terrible strategic decision. First the revan gear that is just horrible, and now this Malak thing that is a completely new way to screw a majority of the player base over. It's frustrating, a major let down and makes many people sad and some people quit the game. In the end it's about feeling, about having fun and enjoying yourself. With Malak, it's no longer fun, it's a slap in the face how they present and release this. I am disappoint.
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    Rather than quitting, players should consider joining a super fun casual guild.

    I'm not allowed to promote my guild in unrelated threads anymore.

    But in the past, I would have left my Ally Code, the name of SWGOH's best casual guild, and encouraged people to contact me in game.

    I promised to keep all my guild recruitment in the Guild Recruitment section. So if you're interested, check that section.

    Clubber Lang
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    Welcome on board, becoming a FTP will bring more fun and significantly improves your quality of life.
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    Edward wrote: »
    Welcome on board, becoming a FTP will bring more fun and significantly improves your quality of life.

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    Looks like CG are getting ready for losing their Star Wars Games licence by trying to r-pe players for as much possible cash as quick as they can - utterly ridiculous event! Not even moderate pay-to-play gamers will find this doable, just as well I vowed to stop giving them money and settled into my "utter contempt for CG" mindset already!
  • Fringilla_Vigo
    56 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I really thought that the way JKR was implemented is an apotheosis of a paywall. But hell, I was so wrong... That is really a backstab for most of the people trying to "catch up" with the game. It started from:
    1) What characters to grind

    Then it moved up to:
    2) What characters to gear up

    And now it is:
    3)What characters to gear up to gXII and zeta

    Giving us less time to prepare and less time to participate in. I'm wondering what's next...
    It really makes myself think - what the hell am I still doing here?...

    Shame on you, CG, shame on you...
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    I m fine with these release. It is totally fair to use toons everybody has powered up. When I look in my arena, everybody has ****, JB, BSF, HK taken to the top. Thats 4 out of 8. Add Ordo, Carzh, Z and Mission, wich were worth it to bring em up for TW and GA.
    So I don t see your problem. Do you want new toons without doing something? Come on, that would suck!
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    Aluxtu wrote: »
    I like these requirements. They are so incredibly high I don't feel the stress of trying to reach them and I doubt many will bother.

    You’ll be surprised how many whales there are out there that will just “buy” him.
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    I really thought that the way JKR was implemented is an apotheosis of a paywall. But hell, I was so wrong... That is really a backstab for most of the people trying to "catch up" with the game. It started from:
    1) What characters to grind

    Then it moved up to:
    2) What characters to gear up

    And now it is:
    3)What characters to gear up to gXII and zeta

    Giving us less time to prepare and less time to participate in. I'm wondering what's next...
    It really makes myself think - what the hell am I still doing here?...

    Shae on you, CG, shame on you...

    They got us good. Go beyond just the requirements. Think about the video of GG and co being able to beat revan.

    So crazy requirements for JKR. That team is absolutely dominant.
    GG counter that some wrongfully believed ina video for.
    Drevan comes as a real counter for JKR. Players did not want to miss out and will pony up for him. Doesn’t perform as well as expected. Needs one more piece. That piece is Malak.
    With both events not really needing a lot of gear on some required toons-
    Malak needs them to have gear.
    Add that to the amount of changes to kits
    It was very artfully done.

    I will most likely NOT get Malak this go. But hats off to CG for a masterful plan that rope a doped everyone.

    And now with the road ahead- this will probably be a precedent. Gear will always be in. Even more so when you thought you can slink by at lower levels.
  • C4L3B87
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I did this last August. It’s made the game fun again and has taken away the stress of it all. This does mean that I get the “new shiny” characters on their second pass but that’s fine with me! It’s a game and a game for fun shouldn’t be stressful.

    Good luck with the f2p path! IMO it’s the best

    Edit: just to say that I spent thousands on the game before deciding this. I wasn’t just dropping a few buck here and there.
  • elmarko1234
    165 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    As it stands,

    You require each squad member to be 17500 to do the event, this is to ensure we've 'geared these characters properly' & to stop cheaters (also to bleed us dry).


    If the event was changed to

    You require a squad of at least 17,500*5 power - 87,500, this also ensures that we have geared them appropriately.

    My average gear level of both of my squads is above the 17,500*5 level, just not individually - if the concern was people getting them without any investment then the above could resolve that (as it's the same level of investment, just focused on characters with many zetas).

    As it stands, we've just used all of our zetas on revan/HK/Badstila, had many of us not focused on the new 'Sith empire' team we were sold we would have free zetas to use elsewhere. Essentially by gearing up Darth Revan it's made it impossible to obtain the tank required for Darth Revan.

    This way, you stop cheaters from being able to get it (With no gear) but also don't punish players for gearing the characters which have just been updated/reworked & D.Revan released.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    chances of them changing the requirements like you're suggesting are slim to none.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • elmarko1234
    165 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Of course, but I'm putting forward a very simple fix which keeps the same level of investment required - just not on useless toons. We're still spending a Zeta on these new characters, just currently being penalised for putting 3 on D.Revan/Revan & not 1 on each of the OR characters after.

    That one change would reduce the community backlash greatly while maintaining some elements of exclusivity without being a huge arbitrary paywall forcing us to gear useless characters up.
  • Gannon
    1655 posts Member
    I really wish they'd reconsider and allow people to unlock Malak (or his shards in guild store) with either battle.

    After all, kotor was about picking a side, light or dark, and running with it, right? Why are we being forced to complete both for the event?
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    Of course, but I'm putting forward a very simple fix which keeps the same level of investment required - just not on useless toons. We're still spending a Zeta on these new characters, just currently being penalised for putting 3 on D.Revan/Revan & not 1 on each of the OR characters after.

    That one change would reduce the community backlash greatly while maintaining some elements of exclusivity without being a huge arbitrary paywall forcing us to gear useless characters up.

    Well, they are not useless, especially Bastilas, Jolee and HK. Carth, Canderous, Mission and Big Z make a pretty good squad for TW/GA/TB.

    But the 17500 power requirement is crap, you pretty much have to G12 them or give them some zetas.
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    Carth, Canderous, Mission and Big Z & T3 are useless to the Revan & D.Revan squads.

    It should be 3 vs 3 fights, with the actual characters in those teams which make sense.
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    I'm no whale, or even dolphin, in fact I'm probably closer to plankton but have played since the launch of the game.

    I like the fact that we have something different for a change. It's quite innovative and not just another marquee event.

    I'm normally the first to lambaste CG/EA - in fact I love complaining. But for once I think they've got it right.

    So many people feel entitled about getting a new character - but it SHOULD be challenging, and you shouldn't be able to unlock an amazing character with g8 and rubbish mods.

    People complain if it's "yet another marquee" and "only the whales unlock 7* marquee events - how can we catch up?". Now they don't release a marquee and everyone whinges.

    Ok the 2 days notice is a little bit rubbish, but you know what? You should be rewarded for gearing up your characters. And this is a good way of doing it. Guild event tokens makes it a team effort as well to do better in TB etc...

    I for one will not be quitting the game as a result. But let's all be reasonable here - it's a game, and they're trying something new, and I much prefer this to Marquee events.
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