Showdown at Star Forge [MEGA]


  • Javin37
    367 posts Member

    Ok - hold on a the hell are these practices “predatory” - can we actually debate this issue like adults for a change?

    The answer is right here...
    Most people playing this game are 18+ - we make choices like everything in life.


    It's those that aren't that will be an issue one day.
  • Krystoff
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    For me the more time past, the more that feel like panic dev than panic farm ^^ not sound good at all. Oh...and yes I has read the interview "we have project for 5 or 7 years, Hahaha Haha" Yep...... It's what politicians said for elections, and we perfectly know what that mean ^^
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Javin37 wrote: »

    Ok - hold on a the hell are these practices “predatory” - can we actually debate this issue like adults for a change?

    The answer is right here...
    Most people playing this game are 18+ - we make choices like everything in life.


    It's those that aren't that will be an issue one day.

    How will young people be an issue? Please enlighten me.
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    Anyone interested in purchasing 3.8M GP account ??? 😊
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    Can i have a free malak ?
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    Can i have a free malak ?

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    Nihion wrote: »

    How will young people be an issue? Please enlighten me.

    I think he's saying the pattern and habits it develops in younger people will be a problem for them down the road

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    Rezalder wrote: »
    I actually love this direction. It’s a better deal no matter what. If you’ve prepped for the DR/JKR events: this is a bonus! If not: then even totally unprepared, you get more for less. Say you have to power level some of the newest toons to participate and you drop $150 on gear. The end result is you get Malak AND a bunch of valuable toons powered up to g12 for HALF of what you pay to get Malak by himself as a marquee ($300). Don’t see a downside!


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    I’m pretty sure I can make this event but will be barely. I’m afraid of the difficulty.
    On the bench would be Juhani and Mission
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Drazhar wrote: »

    This is my new fave image. Reminds me of when Revanue came out and all of these were popping up!
  • AresNO
    33 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Completing both battles will unlock Malak at 5 stars.

    Then why is it worded like this in the latest update notes? :

    "The time has come to challenge Darth Malak. Will you bring Jedi Knight Revan to defeat Malak and save the galaxy, or will you bring Darth Revan to defeat a former friend and apprentice to reclaim the Sith Empire?

    Unlocking Darth Revan will be no easy task. Complete your journey to the light or dark side by proving yourself in the fighting arena, combating old allies, battling merciless bounty hunters, and reliving the legends of the Old Republic."

    I assume where it says "Darth Revan" it's supposed to be "Darth Malak" ;)
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    In 1 month the top 50 arena will be full of malak squads
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Ok, so the patch notes say: "The time has come to challenge Darth Malak. Will you bring Jedi Knight Revan to defeat Malak and save the galaxy, or will you bring Darth Revan to defeat a former friend and apprentice to reclaim the Sith Empire? Unlocking Darth Revan will be no easy task. Complete your journey to the light or dark side by proving yourself in the fighting arena, combating old allies, battling merciless bounty hunters, and reliving the legends of the Old Republic."

    That suggests we only need the JKR group or the DR group to unlock Malak but not both. Given that the requirements were announced less than 48 hours before the event and the event is only 3 days long, can we get some clarification on this? The initial post suggested that people would need to have both groups geared up to unlock Malak. @CG_SBCrumb
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    lol having typos is amazing.

    What I want to know is can we switch mods during the event? ex from the jkr squad to the drev squad
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    In 1 month the top 50 arena will be full of malak squads

    Unlikely. I have a feeling that he will be too exclusive for complete arena domination.
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    Nihion wrote: »
    In 1 month the top 50 arena will be full of malak squads

    Unlikely. I have a feeling that he will be too exclusive for complete arena domination.

    Ppl have been saving GET for awhile. Going to be a lot of 7* in older shards
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Mando_Darb wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »

    How will young people be an issue? Please enlighten me.

    I think he's saying the pattern and habits it develops in younger people will be a problem for them down the road

    I don’t think children are the whales or anything near that, and they don’t have any bad habits to develop. It’s the people thrust into the world with no concept on how to use their money that develop poor habits.
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    Godrah wrote: »
    ENERGYSS wrote: »
    I have spend thousands of dollars for this game in the past year. I have my JKR and DR maxed out. This new type of event is so much money grabbing (more than any other event before), it almost feels like blackmailing. To announce event just 2 days before it get released and add 2 full teams from legendary events as requirement, also required to be G12+ and on top of that the event will be only 2 days and not 7 days.... This is absolutely ridiculous and outrageous.

    Lets see what it will cost us to be able to play this event:
    Requirements - 17500 Toon GP.
    Probably everyone using JKR and DR teams will have Jedi Knight Revan, Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, Darth Revan, HK-47 and Bastila Shan (Fallen) geared, so the only one left are:

    We need to choose only 2 out of these 3.
    T3-M4 - G12 and all omegas (no zeta) = 17715 GP
    Mission Vao - G12 + 1 piece and all omegas (no zeta) = 17508 GP
    Zaalbar - G12 + 1 piece and all omegas (no zeta) = 17580 GP

    We need to choose only 2 out of these 3.
    Canderous Ordo - G12 + 1 piece and all omegas (no zeta) = 17533 GP
    Carth Onasi - G12 + 1 piece and all omegas (no zeta) = 17508 GP
    Juhani - G12 and all omegas (no zeta) = 17487 GP most likely you need to put 1 piece G12+

    Probably most of the people have already spend all of they gear to make DR Sith Empire team at G12+.
    So if you want to gear 4 of these (probably T3-M4, Mission Vao, Carth Onasi and Juhani) you will need to buy minimum 6-7 Vault of Crystals just to be able to refresh the shops and buy every piece of gear needed in the next 3 days.

    So in the conclusion what i am going to do:
    1. Skip this absolutely pay to win event.
    2. Wait to see how strong is Malak.
    3. If my DR team get crushed by DR team + Malak = Uninstall this game for good and no more money from me to EA/CG!!!

    PS: Sorry but i was always supporting you CG, but this time i really think that you guys and girls hit the bottom with this event and it is a shame....

    Are the GPs above with 5 or 6 dot mods?

    Looks like you have a mod problem. I have the same toons and Carth is almost 20k with decent mods. My mission is 17488 but that's because she has not so great mods. If you already have the toons and just need to move mods for the event then why not go for it?

    I was asking the guy who posted the GPs...
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    In 1 month the top 50 arena will be full of malak squads

    Unlikely. I have a feeling that he will be too exclusive for complete arena domination.

    Ppl have been saving GET for awhile. Going to be a lot of 7* in older shards

    Considering how many people will have the requirements to do this event and how much GET you would need to have, I think he’ll still be pretty exclusive.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nope. Nope. Nope. Let’s punish newer players to the game so that the rich get richer and those f2p players are left with fewer chances to mine key characters. If you have the $ to spend on this event good on you.

    I truly think this is a push by EA to get revenues back in line because the Darth Revan event was not near as profitable as other marquee. I’m not sure CG has a choice in this but it’s clear from the key YouTube videos about Malak that a good portion of the community is not happy about this.

    I think I will continue my f2p journey in blissful mediocrity.

    It's not about punishing new players - it's about CG punishing anyone who wont be lead around by the nose by CG's KOTORFest. I'm a launch player with all 5 required LS (and JKRevan) at 7* and g12 and I can't even open/participate in the event because I don't have DR at 7* too.

    As someone who had paid decent amounts of money to support this game in the past, that's quite a slap in the face.

    I'd say what I really feel about the matter, but it would end up just being a screen full of asterisks, so whatever.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    with two phases which can be completed in whatever order you choose.
    So you can attack in any order..... as long as you have both of them. I was looking forward to, but I guess I wont be participating in it.
  • kasfunatu
    76 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Please QA your announcements.

    Initially the event was to start at 00:00 on 12th of April UTC; this meant the event ended at 23:59 on 14th.

    That's what the announcement originally said.

    All good.

    I worked out that there was no way I could get a zeta before then (based on daily events and fleet payouts) and so spanked some crystals on gear, which was my only option to get people to 17.5k.

    40 minutes before the event is about to start and my app updates and now the even starts in 8hrs and 40mins. I am shocked. I check the dev post and it has been edited after originally posted (brilliant!!)

    So, yes, I now have a better chance of getting zeta mats, as now have another day's events, but I potentially wasted crystals on gear because (based on initial timing) there was NO WAY I could get a zeta in time.

    Firstly, I don't mind the timing change, this suits me better and gives me a better chance. BUT PLEASE CHECK YOUR POSTS BEFORE SENDING; IT MAKES YOU LOOK PATHETIC WHEN WRONG.

    Apparently we have experienced many delays in the past as posts "need approval".. so please make sure that they are right when you send them!?

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    "Will you bring Jedi Knight Revan to defeat Malak and save the galaxy, or will you bring Darth Revan to defeat a former friend and apprentice to reclaim the Sith Empire?"

    This implies one or the other, not both. You need to work on your communication skills.
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    AnzaPanza wrote: »
    "Will you bring Jedi Knight Revan to defeat Malak and save the galaxy, or will you bring Darth Revan to defeat a former friend and apprentice to reclaim the Sith Empire?"

    This implies one or the other, not both. You need to work on your communication skills.

    Yeah, it is also goes on to say "Complete your journey to the light or dark side by proving yourself in the fighting arena, combating old allies, battling merciless bounty hunters, and reliving the legends of the Old Republic." This also suggests you only need to do the LS or DS journey. Less than 48 hours notice for a 3 day event with the highest gearing requirements in the entire history of the game and we can't even get clear, unambiguous information about the requirements.
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    Nihion wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »
    In 1 month the top 50 arena will be full of malak squads

    Unlikely. I have a feeling that he will be too exclusive for complete arena domination.

    Ppl have been saving GET for awhile. Going to be a lot of 7* in older shards

    Considering how many people will have the requirements to do this event and how much GET you would need to have, I think he’ll still be pretty exclusive.

    Yeah, I counted on my shard (Feb. 2016 arena shard) and I had only 10 people who have the required toons even close enough to attempt the Malak event. And some of them still had some significant gearing to do.

    My shard is still very active, too. The top 50 are all moving up and down the arena shard daily.

    People are going to have to wait at least 3 months for the event to come around, I imagine. And even by then, if people didn't hoard Guild Event Tokens, its going to take them quite a few TBs to get Malak to 7 stars after they have unlocked him.
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    People using the term "investment" when they spend money on this game is an incorrect use of the term.

    You're just throwing you your money away for entertainment. It's like buying lottery tickets and calling it an investment, or like buying Madden 15, 16, 17, 18 and calling it an investment.

    Just sayin

    This is not correct.

    Watching a movie is a disposable purchase.

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    Are the GPs above with 5 or 6 dot mods?

    5 dot mods.
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    Wow, surprised they didn't close this. Seems like alot of negative feedback. I don't really care. I'm in this to have fun, not chase the meta. I suppose I'll get there eventually. On the other hand I'm stoked that I'm ready to unlock Jedi Rey! Go me!
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    Lichbane wrote: »
    Oh well. Don’t have any of the characters.

    Whales only; dolphins / ftp need not apply.

    JKR has been around 2x now so FTP should not have any issues with those characters. DR was ftp friendly. Quite honestly there is really no excuse for a FTP not to HAVE these characters 7*.

    Now gearing all of them to 17.5k power.... you can make a whale/dolphin argument there....

    You do not know what you are talking about, ALL the players that do not pay are FTP but only a few of them reach the top to collect enough shards to have all the ORs to 7 * and therefore to DR.
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