Showdown at Star Forge [MEGA]


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    I vaguely remember when there was speculation about JKL coming that somebody mentioned CLS would probably be a required character. In the same thread in the days when CGCarrie used to reply to posts she stated that "a journey character would not be required to unlock another character". She didn't lie A journey character wasn't needed, 2 were. Doubt we will get any "sorry we lied to you" post though.
  • UdalCuain
    5046 posts Member
    When you say shards become available in the guild event store, does that mean the standard 400 tokens for 5 shards so it takes a few weeks to get the last 2 stars or 1350 for 5 shards like Wampa so it takes months to get the last stars?

    Wampa and Hoda cost 270 per shard (2,700 for ten). Malak costs 380 per shard (3,800 for ten).
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    I just don't understand what the point of even getting the new characters is anymore. They keep releasing new toons... But there is nowhere in the game worth using them.

    So exactly why should we even care about Malak? He sure will help with DSTB, right? I ffeel like most folks with both Revans have Traya at 7*... So STR isn't that important... So I guess CG is of the mind that Arena is the primary game mode?

    That remains the bigger issue from where I am sitting...
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    Ryanwhales wrote: »
    Paterpank wrote: »
    I hope you have calculated the risk/backlash if this decision wisely.

    Was a dolphin spending some cash weekly, then a mini whale when Revan came round the second time and bought my way to Drevan this first time.

    You now made my purchase and investment useless. A good slap on the face. Thanks (loads of anger and sarcasm here).

    This game is becoming too much for new players. You will lose current player base (few mates quit today)

    You have angered your clients, exactly what we are. You probably don't care much, but not seeing a single penny more from me.

    Wanna have a 20 second laugh?
    Read my word play and watch memes at this post,

    That made me laugh! Thanks.

    Still mad a GC / EA...
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    I just don't understand what the point of even getting the new characters is anymore. They keep releasing new toons... But there is nowhere in the game worth using them.

    So exactly why should we even care about Malak? He sure will help with DSTB, right? I ffeel like most folks with both Revans have Traya at 7*... So STR isn't that important... So I guess CG is of the mind that Arena is the primary game mode?

    That remains the bigger issue from where I am sitting...

    It is always about who have biggest schwartz....

    I personally dont see this will benefit to arena diversity, why, cause people who have everything, will have him too. So diversity will be determend by choice of those with everything.
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    how much offense does the jkr team need? this is insane...
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic
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    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic

    Nobody forced you, it’s your choice if u wanna get him or not.
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    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic

    They read the forums. People said bring in kotor take my money. And they listened lol.

    Selfishly I feel better about the event difficulty. I figured I would give the college try and just try to get there.

    Canderous 1 gear piece away from 12
    Throw a zeta on Zaalbar - to get him to 17.5
    And bring t3 g12 - 6 pieces away.
    Move mods etc.

    But I think I will wait and just do it slowly.

    I did get the falcon to 7* today though!
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    Great event and nice touch being able to replay the event. Not so keen on the gear needed for Malak though
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    This event is beyond ridiculous. I paid to be involved in this absolute debacle... Have quite seriously never had less fun and enjoyment playing this game. What **** train of thought led you (the developers) to think this event was even ready to be released? It's full of glitches, absurdly difficult, and every single attempt relies on the ****ing whimsy of Malak's chance to proc effects. This needs to be fixed. If you want money, make it worth it. To any whales on the fence about going for this event, don't bother.

    Malak also has the remarkable ability to drain a defeated Stasis Pod Jedi. Way to go, CG.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    I'm trying to remember the difficult event that was fun
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    WarGuy101 wrote: »
    It was not clear in the announcement if this would be a one time event or if it will be a reoccurring event. If it is reoccurring what will be the cadence? Can we get a word on this @CG_SBCrumb

    I don’t have 100s of dollars to spend on a mobile game. I wish I did but I don’t
  • MntMan
    281 posts Member
    This is beyond ridiculous. I mean the DR event is still warm in the grave and you fire this at us. Any other time you allow us at least one more iteration of the precursor event. So for those of us that were disappointed we fell short of DR and couldn't get him we can heap on that level of disappointment that here is another legendary event we can't play either. I mean it's not even unlocked to give it a try for one or two stages. Can't even get a whiff of it. Thanks. Real fun for all right?

    Oh and what a sneaky cash grab on moving it back to 5 attempts before refresh. Sure stand behind your "temporary" statement, but you all knew that things were running well at 8, but I guess to well. Too many people got DR without spending enough money I guess huh? Solution? For those that didn't farm enough for him or spend enough for him the first time then we'll make it harder the next go around. Awesome. I don't spend hundreds a month on your game so I guess I'm not your poster boy. Frankly I never understood these micro transaction games. When I was a kid if I wanted a Nintendo cartridge I saved up and dropped $50 for a game that the content lasted me months. Now you can spend $50 on a single piece of gear for a single toon that may or may not give you a slight advantage for a very short time. Crazy.

    I sit back and shake my head in wonder, but hey that's capitalism at it's finest. An item can only cost what a person is willing to pay and people pay so here we are. And people are free to spend their earned money as they like so have at it. I can rest easy knowing it won't be my money and not get too frustrated as I watch these things go by, but it is slightly disappointing because I love the star wars content and wish there was more of a middle ground, but hey EA is a big corporation with bills to pay.
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    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic

    And if it was clones i would hate it i love kotor era clones and other movie eras suck to me
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    HellScream wrote: »
    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic

    Nobody forced you, it’s your choice if u wanna get him or not.

    The problem with this logic is that to play the content, yes, you are "forced" to have those characters - and geared and starred and modded at those levels - that's what the "requirements" are.

    Also, if you want to help your guild, in TW, TB and raids, and be able to compete in GA, and be competitive in arena, you are "forced" to chase the meta to an extent. Especially if CG insists on continuing the "single dominant character meta" model they followed for months now. I realize they said they aren't going to do so, but the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

    Finally, you are "forced" to farm all of those characters if you want to play that content.

    This is why many long-time players and whales have left the game in the past few months in my guild - they're tired of being "forced" to farm specific characters in a specific order and then "forced" to spend gear, mods and zeta on them just to be allowed to play the game they pay to support.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Rêvan1989 wrote: »
    This event is beyond ridiculous. I paid to be involved in this absolute debacle... Have quite seriously never had less fun and enjoyment playing this game. What **** train of thought led you (the developers) to think this event was even ready to be released? It's full of glitches, absurdly difficult, and every single attempt relies on the ****ing whimsy of Malak's chance to proc effects. This needs to be fixed. If you want money, make it worth it. To any whales on the fence about going for this event, don't bother.

    Malak also has the remarkable ability to drain a defeated Stasis Pod Jedi. Way to go, CG.

    I enjoyed it cause it was hard he only drain a pod if he hit below 50% hp and the pod died in the same time might had to do with the order of his drain going befire he was counted as dead and it took thought to beat it was hard because of mechanics not preloaded tm
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    MntMan wrote: »
    Frankly I never understood these micro transaction games. When I was a kid if I wanted a Nintendo cartridge I saved up and dropped $50 for a game that the content lasted me months. Now you can spend $50 on a single piece of gear for a single toon that may or may not give you a slight advantage for a very short time. Crazy.

    Looks like you where a kid long time ago @MntMan :)
    First 50$ then and now arent same thing, but yeah you are right...i would think that person responsible for prices:
    1) dont know value of money
    2) is a millionare and money is salad
    3) very good analyst that likes to play on border of reasonable prices (max price for max income)

    So it is up to us, and some other things (place of birth, job/no job, income, ......wife with baseball bat)
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Oh no, I’m mad that I didn’t spend big $$$ and can’t get Malak!
    Oh no, I can’t get Malak because the event is on a new level of insanity!
    Everyone else will have him, he will dominate arena!
    The event is too hard and he should be easier to get!

    Look, EA knows what they’re doing. You want Malak? Pay big money. Can’t get him? Who cares. The rest of us will be relaxing with a balanced meta (Palp, DR without Malak, CLS) while all the big spenders use up all their time trying to get their Malak to beat that other Malak. My only issue is the Bastila buff, like why is nobody complaining about that?!
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    Globuhl wrote: »
    YodaHeIs wrote: »
    Dear CG, you officially went full steam into Super-Sayan money grabbing mode. I cannot think of a better way to alienate the occasional spenders and free to play player base. Congrats, I am really ****!
    The only explanation is that they double down on whales because the flow of small spenders is drying out. There’s no incentive to spend small amounts of money in this game.

    Yep. Nothing to spend small amounts on other than energy refreshes. $15 for 15 shards from a pack. Gear packs are $50-$100. Which only help 1-2 characters
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    Ultra wrote: »
    So its any four characters?


    Anyone with JKR should have Bastila, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar at g12 (helps scoundrel team)
    People with Darth Revan should already have g12 HK, BSF, and only need to work on Carth, Juhani or Canderous (any two) which they should have at a high gear due to DR event

    G11 isn’t powerful enough for malak, yet was for DR. Makes no sense. This is essentially forcing anyone who wants to unlock malak to g12 and zeta toons, in 2 day event.

    It will come back. Maybe the Star Forge will be weekend only events that come once a month. They are trying something different.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Sufinsil wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    So its any four characters?


    Anyone with JKR should have Bastila, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar at g12 (helps scoundrel team)
    People with Darth Revan should already have g12 HK, BSF, and only need to work on Carth, Juhani or Canderous (any two) which they should have at a high gear due to DR event

    G11 isn’t powerful enough for malak, yet was for DR. Makes no sense. This is essentially forcing anyone who wants to unlock malak to g12 and zeta toons, in 2 day event.

    It will come back. Maybe the Star Forge will be weekend only events that come once a month. They are trying something different.


    Gosh, can you imagine the complaints if the event was too easy?
  • Brown89
    174 posts Member
    Is there any need on top of wb7uoagyw5mv.jpg
    all the paywall gear, difficulty of the event and using GET to then make Malak cost more per shard than Hermit Yoda and Wampa?!??!?????!???
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    I m sad that they forced us to 7* and G12 all the old republic characters.
    They didnt do that for separatists droids for example or some other factions.

    Why do we have to do that for this horrible star wars era (kotor). I ‘d rather have to 7* and gear 12 clones troopers for some event or geonosians than old republic

    Selfishly I feel better about the event difficulty. I figured I would give the college try and just try to get there.


    With tuition hikes and the cost of gearing these toons.... I seriously doubt you will be able to afford college after getting malek
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Nihion wrote: »
    My only issue is the Bastila buff, like why is nobody complaining about that?!

    Well they need to fix the TM Loop for palp.... see cheese is cheese... hopefully your palp cheese finn loop goes away now hahaha (OMG i'm doing you the laughing thing sweeeeettt)

    What a broken TM loop train....get Rex's zeta when it comes out...3000% TM gain for team when any status effect inflicted..... Unused TM From the 100% TM carries over until TM gain gone

    GK zeta.... Any toon Symmetrically lower than GK on map cannot harm GK and recieves 6000% critical damage from toon....

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    ThisYeezy wrote: »
    All other arguments aside, I fail to see why a purely individual event warrants unlocking a character in the Guild Event Store. If this were a raid or Territory Battle it would make sense as the entire guild would be involved, but an event that guildmates have no involvement with unlocking a character to be ranked up with currency only gained through guild based activities? 🤔

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »

    Look, EA knows what they’re doing. You want Malak? Pay big money. Can’t get him? Who cares. The rest of us will be relaxing with a balanced meta

    I find your faith in EA disturbing.

    Seriously, in 3 years I have played this game, no one has ever posted "EA knows what they're doing" - and balanced meta? lololololol.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nihion wrote: »
    My only issue is the Bastila buff, like why is nobody complaining about that?!

    Because it really doesn't matter? I upgraded mine ... big whoop, nothing to see here.
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    this is awful. i have all the requirements to join, but its still not even close to enough...

    i beat malak with darth revan quite quickly.

    but for jedi knight revan, he's useless. his team doesn't do enough damage (no GMY). malak heals for far more than a normal team can outdamage. also all the debuffs and turns lost...

    and malak targeting zaalbar for drain every time for 8 hours non-stop...

    i have 110-150 speed on my team... and they sit still sometimes while malak takes 3 turns in a row.
    this is far worse than c3po/chewy. its not even in the same ballpark. actually the only thing that even comes close is the joke mythic battle where g12+ phoenix wipe the floor with your g12+ heroes in about 3 hits and don't even let you take more than a dozen turns while they take 40 turns...

    this fight using JKR is apparently tuned for much more than 17,500 gp heroes. and more than zetas on all of them... and more than really strong speed mods... what it seems to require is speed mods that ALSO have a ton of offense. and that's just extremely rare.

    its a kick in the face for all who spent considerable money on this meta, and now we're blocked by the most ridiculous "challenge"

    and for what? the DR mirrors are not fun anyway. the game isn't about fun. its all about squeezing blood from a stone and ignoring how many people are quitting the game in the process.

    just this week, cg nerfed the hard node attempts back to 5. and that going to be felt, as many people quit, and others have that much less reason to play, as their guildmates are going away, and cg is just being super greedy and ignoring the backlash, posting such bad news on a friday while they leave for days while players are upset, and then carry on the next week like the community has ABSOLUTELY NO VOICE. cg will do what it does regardless. and that behavior is killing this game.

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