The Speed Meta

I'm sure by now everyone is well aware of the fact that speed is king when it comes to modding. The Darth Revan/Malak meta really shows this more than anything, it's become an endless struggle to get 1 more speed than the enemy teams Bastila Shan Fallen or make your BSF 1 speed faster than a GMY so you can get CBM on the enemy before the tenacity up.

I think most agree that speed is by far a stronger stat than the others. The issue I see that doesn't get much talk is the actual mod sets. I've noticed a consistent trend in my shard and GA of opponents that are ignoring the mod set bonuses in favor of 4 speed set plus any 2 random max secondary speed mods.

Could we not possibly have some penalty for not matching the sets? Perhaps a 25-50% stat decrease on the mods that aren't matched if the set bonus is not activated. Meaning a 24 speed mod becomes a 12 speed mod if it's set requirement is not met.

This doesn't make speed any less powerful, it just prevents people getting one mod and using it everywhere no matter the character. It just prevents the race for 1 more speed no matter the cost. The current loss of the set bonuses just doesn't off set the gain of 1 speed.

Perhaps we can gather some ideas for the devs here.


  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    The devs have occasionally paid some lip service to the dominance of speed, but their actual actions don't seem to indicate any intent to do anything about it. Speed has always been king, and there's no reason to believe it won't continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

    Just to spitball, though:

    - Diminishing returns on speed, similar to how the benefits of defense decrease the more you add.
    - A soft cap on speed - past a certain point it requires more points of speed from mods to equate to 1 actual speed added to the character. Very similar to diminishing returns, you'd just have a more obvious "optimal" amount to mod for.
    - A tradeoff for massive speed stats. Past a certain point, adding more speed reduces the character's other stats, increasing in severity the more you exceed it. Call it "burnout" from the character being "pushed to their limits" or something. I like this one the most since it would add the strategy element of figuring out how much "burnout" is acceptable before the character becomes crippled, but it also seems the least likely to actually be implemented.
  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    As someone with good speed mods, I'll take a pass on this suggestion :p
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    I certainly agree with speed suffering similar diminishing returns to other stats. I'd be wary of the soft cap as it would probably create more complexity for players (although you and I may get it, newer or less engaged players may not understand why the stats are the way the are).

    I don't think negatively affecting a stat for taking another stat would work well. Could end up in a system of "hey I got this great new mod but I can't use it".

    Having speed subject to the same rules as other stats would work to some extent. A large part of my suggestion is attached to my feeling "Why have mod sets if people are just going to use whatever fast mod no matter what?"
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    As someone with good speed mods, I'll take a pass on this suggestion :p

    I have good speed mods as well, it's not really a matter of haves and have nots so much as "Why have a set if a single secondary stat is better?"

    There are people giving up 16% hp, 8%crit, 20% tenacity, 15% potency and 25% defense (6 dot bonuses) for 1 speed. That seems like a rough trade if you don't know that 1 speed is better than all of those combined. I even see some cases of people ignoring the 4 set bonuses with a random assortment of mods.

    The real problem is it homogenizes all characters without a shtick like Droideka (hit harder the more enemies that go before it) into "really fast guy". The abilities start to fall away in favor of having a turn a little bit earlier.
  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    Deciding what is worth giving up for speed should be part of the strategy of mods.
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    Protection up is more bogus than the speed. They nerfed zBarriss back in the day, and they let it happen again via Protection Up. Also Clone Wars Chewie one shotting people is broken as well
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    As stated previously, the devs paid it lip service, they don’t care. Speed 2.0 just made it harder to see if you got speed. The person stacking speed gets more TM which means more attacks so your 3800 offense, 80% Pot, 90% Ten, and 80k health means nothing even though you are well modded and have a thought out character due to the low speed.

    And it will only get worse, there’s a guy on my shard running all 30 Arena mods at +20 or better.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Deciding what is worth giving up for speed should be part of the strategy of mods.

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Deciding what is worth giving up for speed should be part of the strategy of mods.

    The problem is there is no choice. 1 speed is just stronger than any other stat. Ironically the only set that really hurts to break is the speed set.
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    Another suggestion which I'm sure won't be received well is a "counter-speed" having the counter to speed be more speed obviously doesn't work well.

    Offence is countered by Defence
    Crit countered by Crit Avoidance
    Potency countered by Tenacity
    Crit Dmg. is countered by HP/Protection

    Yet Speed is the only counter to Speed.
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    Speed is king. Always will be. Mods 2.0 were supposed to help that but g12 + pieces give + 6 speed apiece.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    The main suggestion here doesn't make speed sets less important, it makes them more important.

    the goal they had was to try and make other sets more important (or equally so), whether they hit that is another topic.

    if any non set bonus is decreased than the speed set becomes the only one that matters, because farming another set for high speed means nothing, other than making a pair,just to use a possible high speed secondary and not have it unpaired.

    as suggested above, one of the more interesting ways to solve this problem is to have trade off stats, after a bonus or stat goes above a certain point it starts to reduce other stats. this could also be done on mode themselves where each mod is given counter stat reduction based on what secondaries seen. stack speed and lose offense kind of thing.

    either way, speed is here to stay and it is unlikely they will take an idea like this to run with it. too much investment has been put into mods and to make such a drastic change would not be good.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    After years of farming and subsequently slicing mods for Speed, you want to turn it all around? Not going to go down well with people I think.
  • DadKev
    314 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    As someone with good speed mods, I'll take a pass on this suggestion :p

    I agree. I pass on this suggestion.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Hard pass and i dont have the fastest speed mods.

    My solution, make it easier to get speed secondary mods. Make upgrading easier.
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    This is stupid. This is a turn based game, speed is king. There are characters whoes kits benefit more from not having speed (gmy, gg, malak) just to name a few. The solution you should be fighting for should be designing more kits that rely more heavily on mods other than speed.
  • Options
    This is stupid. This is a turn based game, speed is king. There are characters whoes kits benefit more from not having speed (gmy, gg, malak) just to name a few. The solution you should be fighting for should be designing more kits that rely more heavily on mods other than speed.

    Good examples being - Droideka and Vandor Chewy as well
  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    Grudgeling wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Deciding what is worth giving up for speed should be part of the strategy of mods.

    The problem is there is no choice. 1 speed is just stronger than any other stat. Ironically the only set that really hurts to break is the speed set.

    1 speed is only stronger in a tie.
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    garbage idea. disregard. you're ruining it.
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    you guys don't get it anyway. this isn't an accident. every game runs this way because speed IS king. the force ain't with y'all.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Terrible idea. Speed would still rule. It just becomes a game of who has the best speed on matched sets instead of who has the best speed on mismatched sets. The underlying issue is unchanged. The people benefiting are just slightly shifted.
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    I would like to propose a supporting arguement for speed always being king: kit creep.
    For example when there are characters like B Shan that boost tenacity beyond what any mod combination could do, it completely nullifies the need to consider that stat. Similarly, you wouldn't stack potency against a default high tenacity squad, therefore making that mod stat irrelevant.

    Speed is critical, but in many cases it is because the kit creep has negated the ability to customize your squad in any other way.

    This is very true, aside from offense, speed is the only stat that is a safe investment not likely to be nullified by kit creep.

    Kit creep makes protection less useful since mechanics can bipass it. Health is situational at best these days since healers only really need it (plus a few extra hp isn't going to make a difference when toons hit as hard as they do).
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    I can see speed being capped. It would make Ove content, harder per say.
  • Smygelfh
    72 posts Member
    Speed isn't the really the problem here.

    The one and only problem lies in the disabling abilities. BSF or DR disables the the opponent completely on the first turn. As did Palp back in the day.

    On the same page is the first-turn-one-shotters, from the old Wiggs days to Talzin, JKR, whatnot.

    This is the problem. Not speed.

    What needs to be done is to remove aoe-disablers and first-turn-one-shotters (especially if they can ignore pre-taunt). Remove irresistable/unavoidable and fix potency/tenacity to something that works, add diminishing returns.

    Tweaking spead and other mod attributes can only mitigate the problems, not remove them.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I would like to propose a supporting arguement for speed always being king: kit creep.
    For example when there are characters like B Shan that boost tenacity beyond what any mod combination could do, it completely nullifies the need to consider that stat. Similarly, you wouldn't stack potency against a default high tenacity squad, therefore making that mod stat irrelevant.

    Speed is critical, but in many cases it is because the kit creep has negated the ability to customize your squad in any other way.

    Yea, not really. Speed has always been king from day 1 and especially after mods.
    Funny you'd pick bastila lead as an example because if anything that lead makes speed less important.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Guest
    518 posts Member
    I have sets that goes over 130 speed and while I'm enjoying being lucky, I would go with your proposal. It's nonsense to see that speeds get over almost every god **** thing.
    It's becoming kind of boring to max out this one particular statistic and not carrying about the others.
    Still happy for Padmé and the Sep to not requesting only speed but I have the feeling it's nonetheless where everything has to go...
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    I actually think devs were going away from the speed meta and speed is undisputed king, but I believe the problem was that the tip of the spear were unhappy about mirror matches and how F2P were able to acquire premium toons too so they went to speed is king

    Until Darth Revan's release and BSF's rework, you could win any arena match with less optimal speed mods but with Padme and Darth Revan, BSF there is big emphasis on speed because the implication is that whales have the best speed mods in every shard
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    The problem is not that speed is king. The problem is that some players are incredibly lucky and some consistently fail to upgrade speed.
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