Mace NOT getting an update confirmed [MEGA]


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    Obviously it’s because we’re getting a new Mace Windu. Probably An Episode 3 Mace with just one hand.
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    A new iteration is entirely possible. Cg know this is a highly sort after rework. What better way to capitalise on what the ppl want, than to release it as a new character.
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    I was days away from breaking my no spending pact (for some reason I always put my rose colored glasses back on, my fault alone) and Crumb instead chose to remind me how little they think of the playerbase. It’s such a low-key thing to do, but it would make players happy.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Megathreads in general it s a very messy thread where everyone writes whatever and nobody reads

    So like all threads here.

    My point was that the answer is in the megathread, and it's not even that long this time.

    So you can take time to point us there but not to share the info?

    What on earth are you talking about? The OP already stated the info. It was just redundant.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Blackula wrote: »
    So Crumb changed the LS Geo TB post to exclude Mace Windu. Probably in hopes to trick people so they have to panic gear him

    The truth is never as exciting as the speculation. He was originally part of one of special missions but was removed. Mace isn't getting an update so don't panic gear or upgrade him in hopes that he's getting a new/reworked kit. I hope this lays any confusion to rest

  • GambrinusKluk
    222 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    It's another sad day in the world of swgoh when CG ignores what the player base has wanted for years. Would it kill them to throw a bone to the players after what we've been through the last few months with G$ and the whole Malak fiasco?
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    Ironic... the most arrogant Jedi Master of the council... and still people praise him so much all the time! 🤣 As for my part, I am not disappointed because I simply never cared for his rework.
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    I wish they made mace better, just ignoring taunts and buffing his expose chance to something like 80% would be better as well. Also, I don't know how popular this opinion is, but i can't play a tank that doesn't have a taunt. I feel like he needs to be more of an attacker/support
    "But," he whispered, "it was so artistically done"
    The smile faded. The glow in his eyes did likewise... and Thrawn, the last Grand Admiral, was gone.
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    Imagine having the Star Wars IP and you decide to make mace windu worse than every Geo and every Clone.

    He should be a PvP monster
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    My reaction when Mace was originally mentioned as part of the news post. Turns out CG has not regained my trust.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    If only there was some new version of Mace they could use as a starting point to save development time. Oh wait...
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    Shaddes wrote: »
    Not like this should surprise us, all they do is drop a deuce on the player base instead of throwing us a bone. I’m sure they’re relying on the anniversary gifts quelling the unrest

    Chances are we won't get any gifts, either.
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    Wow, they really can't go 5 minutes without a screw up can they...
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    So I guess this also means no reworks for the rest of the republic jedis?

    What a shame...

    But the new TB is most likely way too OP, so they can rework them in the future, while people whale out on bad republic characters to survive first wave.
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    Perhaps he get a touch-up. The differ between both terms. But I do not believe this
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    Sorry man, to the scrap pile you are gg.
  • MightyWizard
    872 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    [removed], they're not reworking Mace? This is a new development, all the GR Jedi were supposed to get reworks, this was said in an official statement. I'm **** quitting if this is the case.

    Edited for swearing ~Rtas
    Post edited by EA_Rtas on
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    Haha chill man, no need to get worked up. This is CG here... They don't care... @MightyWizard

    Just enjoy the game and don't spend money. Better way then rage quit
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    In case they are sleeping, think CG need to mega thread this. But this is CG so let's not get our hopes up
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    Pretty weak on cg's behalf. Seems like one mess up after another. Game is def on the decline.
    If you want them to hear our thoughts on the game, give it a 1* rating in the app store. I'm convinced it's the only way they'll listen. They obviously dont care what's going on in here.
  • Lysandrax
    1127 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    they're not reworking Mace? This is a new development, all the GR Jedi were supposed to get reworks, this was said in an official statement. I'm **** quitting if this is the case.

    Official statement source?

    Edited quote to reflect change ~Rtas
    Post edited by EA_Rtas on
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    Lysandrax wrote: »
    **** this ****, they're not reworking Mace? This is a new development, all the GR Jedi were supposed to get reworks, this was said in an official statement. I'm **** quitting if this is the case.

    Official statement source?

    Crumb stated so in the comments of the most recent dev post regarding LSTB
  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    ... you need only to make him useful.

    Change him to attacker. Give him a damage equal to Yoda and more health and protection. And that's it. Only make him useful!

    And... if it's not that difficult, change shatterpoint to a real shatterpoint where he make 25% of health damage regardless the other toon accepts or no low % health damage. But this is a bonus, don't need anyway. Just make him hit harder and survive and he can be used.

    Not a big deal.
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    Lol. They tried Mace in the special mission and realized "Woah! He's terrible...scrap it." :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Honestly a bit disappointed about this. I figured at a minimum we would see touch ups on named jedi like Mace, Kit, Ayala as their AI versions got nice updates for DS TW. I was really hoping for a reason to g13 and relic Mace as he is one of the best characters of the prequel trilogy. I mean ... .what other Jedi has BMF inscribed on their lightsaber?
    Post edited by 7AnimalMother on
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    They won't do that. They decided years ago that they wanted Mace to be garbage, and so garbage he will remain. Not sure what they have against him, but it's obvious they hate his character.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    I was really hoping for a reason to g13 and relic Mace as he is one of the best characters of the original trilogy.

    I'm guessing you haven't actually seen the original trilogy.
    I need a new message here.
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