Developer Q&A - 01/10/2020


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    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    How is this live, where's the video feed?

    Just keep refreshing for the next hour or so...
  • Stish
    31 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    How about some real relief on the gear farm. Relief that we can actually feel. We still have pieces required for g10 that are not farmable, why is this? G10 is nowhere near end game anymore. Additionally why are gear drop rates so horrendous?

    For example I have 5 toons that I am working on at the moment. I currently need 400 mk3 carbanti between them. I will be lucky to get 15 shards a day if I use every available resource(donations, refreshes, shipments) I have. How is it beneficial to the community to make it take us a month, or more to gear up a team a single level? I understand this difficulty when going to g12 and g13 as this is where end game content starts. But why do you continue to make it so time consuming to get toons to a usable gear tier? A good portion of the community is sitting on piles of toons we can't use because grinds take forever. If you are a new player starting out, good luck.
  • Ultra
    11521 posts Moderator
    Will Galactic Legend Rey/Kylo be 7* unlocks? If not, can you share how we’ll be able to acquire the remaining shards?
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    So I’m currently a high school student hoping to go into Computer Science in my future, what types of Computer Science (ie security, game design, etc) are used in creating a game like this? Also, what engine or language do you use creating this game?
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    2019 saw a relatively low amount of new, unique content. Do you have plans for 2020 to have more fresh concepts to introduce to the game instead of rehashing existing game modes?

    Hey CubsFan! As the lead feature designer for the game, we're working on systems to build new game modes that I couldn't be more excited about. We're doing it right, so I can't go into any details, but we want to have fun, fresh things for players to do in-game.
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    Is there a timeline for a new raid?

    Is GAC going to regularly be 3 v 3? How often do you think it will be 3 v 3 going forward?

    Do you have any plans to further decrease the gear crunch? Namely with Stun Guns? Or have all planned gear crunch alleviation measures already been implemented?

    And a final question -- Regarding LS Geo TB, do you guys test each mission to ensure it is beatable? I ask this with the GK lead Cody+Serg required mission in phase 2 in mind. Is there a team that can beat this that players need to figure out? Do we need new characters that are unreleased at this time? Just curious if you guys ensure that each mission is beatable with certain maxed squads, or if you leave that up to the players to find out.
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    Can we remove the lag from purchasing things from the shops? It is a constant source of irritation.
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    1. When will you ever release Luke’s Red 5 X-Wing? Will Farmboy Luke be the pilot? Will you change his attire to the orange rebel jumpsuit with chemistry with Wedge & Biggs?

    2. Will you ever add a mock battle feature to the game for guilds/allies? It’d be nice to test squads against a guild mates defense squad. Seems like an easy add since the mechanics are pretty much already in the game.

    3. Will you ever add anymore tags to Visas Marr? She should at least have the Old Republic tag and possibly Jedi too (maybe Jedi and Sith?)

    4. Will you ever add Pong Krell to the game? Seems like he could have an interesting kit with clones under his command and against a clone squad.

    5. Any chance we’ll see other EU characters outside of the OR toons added to the game? Toons like Mara-Jade, Kyle Katarn, Darth Kryat, Yuuzhan Vong, Talon Kardde?

    6. When you ever finally rework the Galactic Republic Jedi and also focus on their specific uniqueness? Mace and his Vaapad anti-Sith abilities, Plo Koon and his electric judgment ability, Kit’s multi attacks, countering and force orbs? Add Jedi Temple Guard as a farmable toon?
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    I would also like to know if there are any plans for character releases in GET1, GET2, or Championship stores.
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    I know it's been stated that we will see more clone wars content coming with the Clone wars show coming back, but do you have plans to introduce anymore 501st specific toons? Thanks.
  • Col_Janson
    49 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    Can you please follow-up on changing the rotation of the TBs?

    Currently it is LS Hoth/LS Geo and DS Hoth/DS Geo.

    It would follow better progression for LS Hoth/DS Geo and DS Hoth/LS Geo.
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    QoL: ship squads preloads, please!!! someday near?

    and Mod management, can there be additional improvements that wont break the game? filtering and instant upgrade/sell ?

    Fleet Management is high up in our QoL backlog and we are exploring the UI designs and engineering implications of it (taking care of reinforcements, capital ships, etc.)

    We're actively exploring priorities and opportunities for the mod experience to be improved too.
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    TOPIC: General

    Q: Are there any future plans to expand the data available to officers in TB/TW?
    • A: Tophat - Not at this time. This is an interesting question, because normally our questions are about additional functionality and not about additional information. What sort of additional information are you looking for? @Crumb could we spin up an additional post about types of information being looked for?
    • A: Crumb - Yep, I can do that this afternoon. I know the team is in early stages of examining QoL features for officers but it's a way off. The team was poking me at the end of last year about what tools guild officers have been asking for. I compiled a list from forums/reddit/answersHQ but we can always use more ideas
    • A: SvenGG - A multitude of improvements for guild experiences are in our quality of life list. We know that facilitating the management of guilds has cascading benefits for everyone, and will tackle that work as soon as

    @CG_TopHat here was a question I asked last Q&A that had some specifics about extra information people would like. Since you are asking.

    "Would you please give us a QOL update where officers get more statistics with which to run their guild. Such as character GP vs. Ships GP.

    In TBs maybe some extra statistics such as: Character GP deployed per phase, Ships GP deployed per phase, fleet combat missions attempted, character combat missions attempted, etc.

    Seriously going in and adding and subtracting everything by hand to see what we have left is extremely tedious."

    There are a number of threads about this subject in the forum.
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    When are we getting more info on the Galactic Legends? Episode 9 has been out for 3 weeks now.
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    TOPIC: General

    Q: Why were there no Christmas giveaways?
    • A: Tophat - We have not traditionally observed Christmas in Galaxy of Heroes. The primary reason for this is that the Star Wars universe doesn't celebrate Christmas and as a consequence we don't either. There's also some practical components to this in that not everyone observes Christmas and we don't want to appear preferential to one holiday event or another. We've used our anniversary as our typical point to gift players a lot of goodies.

    Q: What is being done for those guilds who are missing Wat Tambor shards from the TB where specific unit requirements were removed due to technical issues?
    • A: Tophat - It was a two step issue. We needed to identify what the issue was that was causing the shards to not be given out and fix that first. Next is making sure we send out the shards. We believe we have a solution to the issue going live this week. After monitoring we will be sending the missing shards.

    Q: Are there any future plans to expand the data available to officers in TB/TW?
    • A: Tophat - Not at this time. This is an interesting question, because normally our questions are about additional functionality and not about additional information. What sort of additional information are you looking for? @Crumb could we spin up an additional post about types of information being looked for?
    • A: Crumb - Yep, I can do that this afternoon. I know the team is in early stages of examining QoL features for officers but it's a way off. The team was poking me at the end of last year about what tools guild officers have been asking for. I compiled a list from forums/reddit/answersHQ but we can always use more ideas
    • A: SvenGG - A multitude of improvements for guild experiences are in our quality of life list. We know that facilitating the management of guilds has cascading benefits for everyone, and will tackle that work as soon as possible.

    Q: Can you offer any insight on the difficulty level of LS Geo TB?
    • A: Tophat - We've answered a number of questions about the difficulty around the LSTB in the last Q&A. Many of them can be found here

    Q: Would you guys consider working with to make GAC history private?
    • A: Tophat - TL;DR not at this time. In our initial ramp up into working with SWGOH.GG to get the information to the players, private history was a significant conversation piece. There was a nontrivial amount of additional complexity in making the GAC histories private that would have set back release even further (like way further and probably would have resulted in them having to retool the way their site logged in). Ultimately, we decided it was better to have the information out there rather than not. At the moment, our development with them is still oriented to improving the battle history feature, rather than introducing user controls around privacy. We are not working on private histories in the immediate future.

    Q: What was your 2019 GoH highlight and what was something you think missed the mark? In 2020 is there something in particular you really want to nail?
    • A: Vyeking - There are a lot of ways to answer this question and through many different lenses. I think designers would cite different highlights than engineers, artists, etc. As a studio, we think we are doing our very best when we release features or content that enrich your play experience, deliver a genuine Star Wars experience, and expand the game in a positive way.

      Creatively, I think we delivered great characters and ships in 2019 - both in terms of their design, positive impact on the game, and artistic beauty. There were also several positive, and important technological improvements in 2019, some of which were not readily visible outside the studio, but that provided important improvements. And, I believe we did a fantastic job with both Relics and the Journey Guide, and did so in a way that raised the bar in terms of authenticity, quality, play, and aesthetics.

      Something I think we did not do well in 2019 was in the production of content. That will change in 2020. My focus is on shepherding the delivery of an endless well of fresh content through a system by which it is easier for us to make and deliver content. I want this content feature to be big, beautiful, and exciting. Stay tuned. In addition to features, we have an ocean of characters and ships planned. I am SUPER excited for 2020's character and ship content and I think you will be as well.

    Q: What is the one thing you would like to improve within the game this year and why?
    • A: Vyeking - I would like to improve the amount of time it takes us to build content (lessen) and the amount of content we release (increase).
    • A: RagingSpaniard - I don't think our current in-game lighting is making our assets look nearly as good as they should. It's an old game with some old tech in places so our options to enhance the visuals can be limited. Rather than remaking a ton of assets from scratch, a lot can be gained from higher quality lighting and we're looking into how Unity can get us there, hopefully in 2020.

    Can you tell us when malak's event is coming back or when we might get the epic confrontations add to the journey guide?
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    Can QGJ get his Harmonious Assaut updated to, "Target ally", so we can choose who assists?
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    Question for multiple people from all departments:
    What is one character from the first 6 Star Wars movies (PT and OT) who has not been made into a character, which you would like to see in the game?
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    can we get Fives "Tactical Awareness" renamed to "Same Heart, Same Blood" pleas? its a much more fitting and deserving name then "Tactical Awareness"
  • Ultra
    11521 posts Moderator
    Very disappointed we haven’t had a new puzzle in almost a year (Malak was last April)
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    Is there any chance of a gungan faction, at any point in time?
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    Are there any plans to update the stores or add new toons to any of them?
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    When are you going to fix IG-88s bounty hunter title quest so it works with CIS Geonosis?

    When are you going to fix Aurra Sing's leader contract?

    When are we getting Zuckuss with 4-LOM as his summoned unit?
  • Jenjhys1
    6 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    You ask the player in the last Q&A what is make gearing easy for us. We massively answer make is easy gearing start to G12.
    So what your plan on make gearing easy? ( from start to G12)
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    Why is my mod inventory still full immediately after I sell a mod so that I can claim one from my inbox?
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    When are you going to remove the "Special Offer" hyperdrive bundle icon from the main screen? Its annoying.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    a blitz mode would be the worst idea ever
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • CadoaBane
    563 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    I've asked several times in the past Q&As already... and now that you've started to come up with Resistence portraits and stuff... when do we finally get a Princess Leia tribute portrait?
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    Any word on the new raid?
  • BobcatSkywalker
    2194 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    @CG_SBCrumb any update on this?

    Question was asked last Q&A but not answered. Question was confirmed after last Q&A and you said you would follow up and ask 7 weeks ago and were all still waiting for a response...

    Did you ask yet? What did they say?

    Ps why does it take 2 months and counting to get a update from the community manager? Did u travel Europe on an extended vacation during December or something? How was your trip?

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    Prestigous Quest - Bounty Hunter - 3/7

    IG88 winning 12 TB battles. Do you plan on fixing the achievement to count DSGeo TB towards the quest?
This discussion has been closed.