Is JKL gonna be required for either of the new GLs?


  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    bchased64 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    [I don't have JKL either and I want him included as well. And I haven't spent any money on this game in 2+ years. GLs are not for "new players". GLs are a long time goal to work toward - and some will likely be easier to work toward than others.
    JKL has a GET1 wall which takes an absurd about of work and tiem and as a result, excludes newer players like myself. Newer meaning less than a year.

    It seems we have a solution. Just get rid of the GET1 requirement for Wampa and Hoda.
    And as pointed out by several others before, as a newer player you could still get 3 out of 4 GLs, along with a long term goal to work towards to. There are other areas of the game that still take time, even if you have little limits when it comes to spending. Zetas being one of them, mods the other. You can go on and refresh mod battles for 2000+ crystals a day and with all the GP bloat from 4 GLs you'll still not even be close to the mod stash of a 3-4 years old account that you just caught up to in GP.

    What's the point of having all 4 GLs with like 40 zetas and 20-25 20+ speed mods?
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    I have little sympathy for the first group, some sympathy for the second group. It does seem odd that the 3rd group, many of whom would splash the cash if the option were available, might be made to wait a number of months before they can obtain JKL (and anything he’s required for).

    Exactly. A lot of the newer people didn't have an option when JKL came out. Can you really speed up your GET earnings? NO. So it was a bit of a slap in the face to new players like myself when JKL came out. I felt excluded but if CG doesn't want my money, that's on them. Are they going to make the same mistake twice with JMLS? Only time will tell.

  • bchased64
    47 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    Options a newer player you could still get 3 out of 4 GLs

    See that's the point I'm trying to make. If JKL is required, it shuts the door for many of the new people. That's just a fact. It feels like that decision is made for me by excluding me from that hunt.

    It would be like if 2 new GLs came out and it was easier for new players to obtain but drastically harder for veteran players to obtain, I think we would be hearing a different tune in this thread. Perhaps then, these veterans players would be a little bit more sympathetic to the points I'm trying to hammer across.

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    I am confused by this... are you saying its wrong for end game content to be easier to obtain for people who have played longer ?

    That seems fair to me to be honest. Sorry
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    A lot of the F2P players are coming out saying they want him included because they are veterans players who have been playing for years and most likely have most of those requirements.

    I think this is an unfair characterization. People aren't saying that at all. They say that because they think it's thematically appropriate. They say it because GL Rey included the earlier incarnations of Rey and Hero's Journey Luke and Rey included Farmboy and Scavenger respectively.

    People have **reasons** why they say that, and whether you like them or not, the reasons aren't, "They should include this because I'm a veteran player who already has HY and Wampa."

    Again, I'm sympathetic to your conclusions, but it doesn't help to misrepresent reality, and the reality is there's precedent in game for including earlier incarnations as requirements for new meta toons like JTR, CLS, and GL Rey.

    The reality is that a lot of people care about storytelling and creating a theme which reaches people emotionally, and having JKLS as a requirement for JMLS creates opportunities for better storytelling.

    People aren't just saying this because they've got Hoda and you don't. Maybe you'd be more persuasive and win more people to your cause if you listened to what others are saying and didn't assume that they were lying and were actually advocating for a JKLS requirement for secret, selfish reasons.

    Why not try it? It can't hurt.
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    bchased64 wrote: » a newer player you could still get 3 out of 4 GLs
    See that's the point I'm trying to make. If JKL is required, it shuts the door for many of the new people. That's just a fact. It feels like that decision is made for me by excluding me from that hunt.
    And the point I'm trying to make is that there is nothing wrong with gating certain aspects of the game behind time.

    Once again, there is no point for a new player to acquire every single new shiny the moment it is released when there are no mods or zetas to back up that kind of depth in one's roster.
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    If JKLS is a pre-req, I'll sadly be missing out. I'd consider myself a long time player (4.6M) but for a long time I wasn't in a strong guild, so didn't accumulate the mountains of GET1 many others have. I've managed to complete GAS, and Malak is 6 star, but I haven't unlocked Wampa, and only just got Hoda to 5 stars. It will be another year until I can get JKLS. Not complaining, just suggesting there will likely be other players without a strong guild who would be lacking too (be it FTP, PTW, whatever). But I guess they'd have their data on JKLS, and make an educated $$$ decision if he's a pre-req.
    I didn't really care for GL Rey or Kylo, as not my favourite toons/era for star wars, but would like one of the new two. But if I can't meet requirements any time soon, I'll wait for the the next ones.
    Bound to be more coming, as GLs have made many older toons irrelevant now, so CG really have to roll more GLs out IMO.
  • bchased64
    47 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    Wimma wrote: »
    But I guess they'd have their data on JKLS, and make an educated $$$ decision if he's a pre-req.

    People here keep thinking it's about "storytelling" when it's all about $$$ or CG. Bottom line, CG will make a decision based on their best interest and the best interest of the game, not because a character "should" be included or not based on being an incarnation.

    I'm just stating my views as a kraken, that I also wouldn't go after JMLS if JKL is require, not because I don't want to, but because the requirements would be too steep. That decision of including JKL or not will ultimately be the deciding factor for a lot of people. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

    Anyhoo, I think I've spent too much time in this thread so I'll leave it at that. My point has been made (numerous times).
    Post edited by bchased64 on
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    bchased64 wrote: »

    On a final note, it seems the only people here demanding JKL to be included are the ones who already have him and want JMLS to be exclusive to a small subset of the veteran player base.

    I feel this to be accurate . I really don’t think this would happen though....just the player base who already have him trying to plant the seed in CGs head.
    There is no dark side equivalent new character of similar difficulty to obtain to JKL and not enough time to implement him.

    IF they did make JKL a requirement. I would have no qualms about spending all my get2 and GET1 on getting the shards for Wampa and rolo that I need as I actually really want to “play” the JKL event.
    I have no desire to get the negotiator with my get2 as I have a maxed out malevolence and it’s all I need. There’s no second fleet spot in GAC after all and every time I log into LS geo Tb I want to uninstall anyway.
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    Jppc wrote: »
    Mupper00 wrote: »
    bchased64 wrote: »

    On a final note, it seems the only people here demanding JKL to be included are the ones who already have him and want JMLS to be exclusive to a small subset of the veteran player base.

    I feel this to be accurate . I really don’t think this would happen though....just the player base who already have him trying to plant the seed in CGs head.
    There is no dark side equivalent new character of similar difficulty to obtain to JKL and not enough time to implement him.

    IF they did make JKL a requirement. I would have no qualms about spending all my get2 and GET1 on getting the shards for Wampa and rolo that I need as I actually really want to “play” the JKL event.
    I have no desire to get the negotiator with my get2 as I have a maxed out malevolence and it’s all I need. There’s no second fleet spot in GAC after all and every time I log into LS geo Tb I want to uninstall anyway.

    As I pointed earlier, I don’t have 7* wampa yet and I want JKL to be a req.
    You are skipping meta toons/ships, it’s on you if skipping that make you unable to obtain new GL or do a new mode.
    And please, if they add a new fleet spot in GAC or launch a mode that requires 2 or more ships don’t came to forum crying. It’s your decision (just like your decision to don’t go for HY and Wampa, you have a Male at 7* so you had already gain enough GET1 to 7 one of them and started the farming for the other)

    I want a second fleet spot in GAC, it’s well overdue, don’t know where you cherry picked that from my post.
    No crying here.

    I also didn’t say I’d skip any meta characters . Only thing I’ve said I’m not bothered about is the negotiator and that’ll I’ll spend my currency to aid me getting JKL IF he’s a req for the new GL.

    I literally think you’ve quoted me but read a different post.
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    The real question is,are the on par with each other (palp with luke) or are they on par also with rey and kylo,would they be the "better meta"?
    So from what we know so far about requirements is they will each need 15 characters(3 more then GL Rey and Kylo needed),also if they keep the requirements at this lvl it would be also a difference of some relic lvl.
    Regarding Luke,if they would add him it would only be fair to be added on both GL's,but as much i love a good character on requirements for a GL,i would like to not have him there,and to be my option to farm him.Also his event has a 9 char requirement at r3 so IF* they add him as a requirement for the new GL and they are on par with the old ones,how will really go for them?
    If you already have an old GL and it will get your arena payout,there is no need to farm 15 characters to high relics to get another GL that does the same thing,in a GAC you will not face someone with 2-3-4 GL if you don't inflate your GP,and we don't have a raid to use more then 1 GL.
    So after all this i think the new GL will be superior to Rey and Kylo,the gap between the old GL and the new ones will be like gas vs Kylo and Rey,and if you thought the first batch was hard to get,hold down your underwear because you will be paying or hoarding twice as much for the same gig...
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    I don't see why they wouldn't make JKL a requirement, but I think they are going to do a fake out and make Luke needed for Emperor. Just because they can.
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    GL Kylo didn't require any legendary/journey toons and GL Rey did but no one seem to be bothered by that.

    Kylo required Palpatine, Rey required JTR+BB8. Close enough ;

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    Kylo required Palpatine, Rey required JTR+BB8. Close enough ;

    First I'll say that I don't care about this issue very much. If you'd just said that they were legendary/journey toons that required low gear compared to JKL, I'd be completely with you. Because of the minimum gear level needed being so low, you really don't have to invest in toons you don't want to get JTR or BB-8 or Palp. Not in any serious sense relative to what we're being asked to invest to get, say, Threepio.

    So I'd say "close enough" for gear investment, but as for shard investment, it's really not that close.

    Again, not that I care, I've had all those toons for years, but when I got them it's not like I wanted to invest in FO, but Palp just required rebels and I had those lying around in heaps there were so many rebels in the game at that time.
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    Kylo required Palpatine, Rey required JTR+BB8. Close enough ;

    First I'll say that I don't care about this issue very much. If you'd just said that they were legendary/journey toons that required low gear compared to JKL, I'd be completely with you. Because of the minimum gear level needed being so low, you really don't have to invest in toons you don't want to get JTR or BB-8 or Palp. Not in any serious sense relative to what we're being asked to invest to get, say, Threepio.

    So I'd say "close enough" for gear investment, but as for shard investment, it's really not that close.

    Again, not that I care, I've had all those toons for years, but when I got them it's not like I wanted to invest in FO, but Palp just required rebels and I had those lying around in heaps there were so many rebels in the game at that time.

    I wasn't clear. @Eleslalegenda said gl kylo didn't required Legendary/Journey characters. I corrected it because it's not true. However, his/her point stands, because Rey needs 2 and kylo only 1. So...close enough ^^
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    TLDR predictions
    • New GLs release on 2020/09/18
    • JKL event returns 2020/11/24

    I expect JKL will be required for both. I expect JKL event will not return until 1-2 months after the new GL events have opened, giving the veteran whales time to enjoy the exclusive content that they have bought. This schedule will increase revenue before the fiscal year ends this month.

    Young whales that have not unlocked Hermit Yoda and/or Wampa yet due to GET limits and therefore cannot unlock JKL ... well, you have not earned enough stripes yet, whale harder so you do not miss the next GL batch.

    Dropping the new GLs with a week or two left in September prior to JKL return will give the whales incentive to buy the exclusivity they want. If JKL comes first, the whales will still buy the new GLs (because they are whales) but not as quickly as they otherwise would, and that revenue may extend out into the next quarter. The promise of exclusive content drives the short-term gain that CG wants before this quarter ends.

    Piett also will be available in shipments around 09/18. Whales have already purchased Piett, but the less-aggressive buyers will wait to purchase from shipments. Releasing GL around the same time will spur some additional crystal revenue from this group prior to year-end.

    If JKL returns too quickly after the new GL unlocks, the whales will be unhappy about devaluing their exclusivity and will curtail their spending some; CG obviously does not want that so they must* allow some time to pass. I expect JKL will reappear sometime around November 24 2020; the 5-year anniversary seems appropriate.

    *Note that CG does not always take the appropriate action to encourage their whales.

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

    If JKL returns sooner, I will be happy but I do not expect it.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TLDR predictions
    • New GLs release on 2020/09/18
    • JKL event returns 2020/11/24

    I expect JKL will be required for both. I expect JKL event will not return until 1-2 months after the new GL events have opened, giving the veteran whales time to enjoy the exclusive content that they have bought. This schedule will increase revenue before the fiscal year ends this month.

    Young whales that have not unlocked Hermit Yoda and/or Wampa yet due to GET limits and therefore cannot unlock JKL ... well, you have not earned enough stripes yet, whale harder so you do not miss the next GL batch.

    Dropping the new GLs with a week or two left in September prior to JKL return will give the whales incentive to buy the exclusivity they want. If JKL comes first, the whales will still buy the new GLs (because they are whales) but not as quickly as they otherwise would, and that revenue may extend out into the next quarter. The promise of exclusive content drives the short-term gain that CG wants before this quarter ends.

    Piett also will be available in shipments around 09/18. Whales have already purchased Piett, but the less-aggressive buyers will wait to purchase from shipments. Releasing GL around the same time will spur some additional crystal revenue from this group prior to year-end.

    If JKL returns too quickly after the new GL unlocks, the whales will be unhappy about devaluing their exclusivity and will curtail their spending some; CG obviously does not want that so they must* allow some time to pass. I expect JKL will reappear sometime around November 24 2020; the 5-year anniversary seems appropriate.

    *Note that CG does not always take the appropriate action to encourage their whales.

    So let it be written, so let it be done.

    If JKL returns sooner, I will be happy but I do not expect it.

    Its good to have expectations, but basing them off of how you think the game will be marketed is not always going to work out when it pushes things out of " the norm". He is very likely to return on the "normal scale" of 3-4 months.

    I would also suspect him to return before the GLs release. In part for marketing because getting him this coming round will be "important" for those who are tracking on a GL, and it fits the " norm".

    But who knows.
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    It just occurred to me that the refusal to address the JKL speculation could be a ploy to encourage more players to spend on him when the event returns (before GL requirements are known).

    Then not actually requiring him as a “favor” to those who are GET gated.
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    Young whales that have not unlocked Hermit Yoda and/or Wampa yet due to GET limits and therefore cannot unlock JKL ... well, you have not earned enough stripes yet, whale harder so you do not miss the next GL batch.

    Whale harder? Highly unlikely. Hard pass is more like it. Good luck getting my money and others in the same situation as me.
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    kello_511 wrote: »
    It just occurred to me that the refusal to address the JKL speculation could be a ploy to encourage more players to spend on him when the event returns (before GL requirements are known).

    Then not actually requiring him as a “favor” to those who are GET gated.

    Or they are still debating internally about whether or not he should be a requirement. The responses in this thread shows there are mix feelings about it and I'm sure that mixed feeling is shared among CG staff, too. Maybe they are still reviewing their data.
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    At the same time you can't expect them to respond to every speculation thread regarding every possible requirement. If you expect that then I guess you missed the part where they said they'd share new info every two weeks and you likely haven't been on the forums very long.

    I guarantee you there is someone at CG who is tasked to read every single post to garner user feedback and sense of game morale. Whether or not they listen or comply to those feedback is another topic.
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    bchased64 wrote: »
    Young whales that have not unlocked Hermit Yoda and/or Wampa yet due to GET limits and therefore cannot unlock JKL ... well, you have not earned enough stripes yet, whale harder so you do not miss the next GL batch.

    Whale harder? Highly unlikely. Hard pass is more like it. Good luck getting my money and others in the same situation as me.

    Your choice, but you could whale harder if you wanted to, it's what whales do.
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