Change to Hera's 1st special

70 posts Member
edited October 2020
Hi @CG_Doja_Fett i'm really happy you're joining Crumb in the community section, and I have been loving what you have been doing recently. I just wanted to say something about a recent change concerning the Phoenix faction.

On Hera's first special she was once able to cleanse all non-locked debuffs from any Phoenix ally with the Zeta on, so long as she wasn't stunned herself. But for the past month or so that hasn't been happening, as she can no longer remove certain debuffs like 'Stun' or 'Daze' from them, which has removed 60%+ of their use for me in GAC and TW, as I can't beat JKR, Night sisters, Palpatin lead or CLS if certain allies are stunned or Dazed.

Members of my guild have also noticed it in TW. If this was a change made due to the wording in her kit, then I don't like it for a few reasons:

1: it nerfs their counter viability against teams like Night sisters, Palpatine lead and CLS as mentioned above.

2: It can also affect free to play players who decide to go down the Phoenix route, as the Zeta won't provide much benefit anymore in the early game.

So I was wondering if this would it be fixed/reverted back to it's original state soon? As it would be highly appreciated from me, and also for beginning players who might use them. An easy way of changing this would be to slightly change the wording in the ability to where is cleanses target Phoenix ally from ALL cleansable debuffs, and then calls them to assist. A very simple change which would go a long way, so I hope this is changed soon. Also I may get comments from people, and that's fine.
Post edited by StarbirdInferno2 on


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Do you recall a rough time of when this change happened? do you know if there were any update notes around it, or any other changes that could have caused this?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If i recall correctly, this was discussed previously, the order of operation as worded in the ability, is call them to assist, and if they are a phoenix. meaning they would have to assist (or be able to assist) then check if they are phoenix and cleanse.

    I will search for a note if this is mentioned in an update, but from the way its worded and if it was operating differently before, it sounds like a fix to match the description and intent of the skill. but thats just a guess on my part.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ok found it, it is listed here

    it was a bug fix for Daze and I imagine that they use a link between daze and stun to apply effects like this which is why it also effects how stun works.

    the current state seems to be WAI.
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    @Kyno Ok thank you for pointing that out, I didn't notice that. However I still don't like this change, and I prefer the ability description to be the same as Bastilla shan's assist where it cleanses allies before calling them to assist, as this fix makes the Zeta partially useless against teams Phoenix can counter. I'm having to rely more on my sith and Empire to win my GAC matches, and I hate it. It would also affect f2p players as mentioned before.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    i understand your points. at this moment it does work as described, so i would not expect any major changes to that in the near future, if ever.
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    Glad you do. Well CG do listen to feedback, so anything is possible. But I don't like the idea of re-moding for very high tenacity, but for now I will try it out and hope that CG at least see this.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    I think they are saying it's WAI per wording order; however, Thrawn's wording for Fracture, for example, is nothing like the order it applies. The wording says deal damage first, but it actually deals damage last. If you look at Hera's mechanics, the cleanse comes first, then the other bonuses, and the assist is called last.
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    @crzydroid the ability description is this:

    "Call another target ally to assist. That ally's attack has +50% Potency and deals +35% more damage. If target ally is Phoenix, Dispell all debuffs on them, reduce their cooldowns by 1 and grant them 50% turn meter."

    I get what you mean by this as the animation is the same as Bastilla's, minus the buffs, and has been for years. but the wording is slightly different to Bastilla's ability. But non the less I think they should reword it a bit and make it cleanse ALL non-locked debuffs. That wouldn't take long and it brings the team back into viability against the ones I mentioned, as well as for Free to play players.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    @crzydroid the ability description is this:

    "Call another target ally to assist. That ally's attack has +50% Potency and deals +35% more damage. If target ally is Phoenix, Dispell all debuffs on them, reduce their cooldowns by 1 and grant them 50% turn meter."

    I get what you mean by this as the animation is the same as Bastilla's, minus the buffs, and has been for years. but the wording is slightly different to Bastilla's ability. But non the less I think they should reword it a bit and make it cleanse ALL non-locked debuffs. That wouldn't take long and it brings the team back into viability against the ones I mentioned, as well as for Free to play players.

    I was talking about if you click on "mechanics" in It actually calls the cleanse first. Thrawn's Fracture wording also says deal damage first but it really comes last.

    I don't know what's intended, but keep in mind Phoenix didn't start with zetas--they were added later. It seems odd to add a zeta investment cleanse if it was not intended to circumvent debuffs that could shut the ability down.

    If she was able to target stunned and dazed allies without the zeta, that's a bug. But to not have a check if the zeta is there seems like a lazy fix like was done with Jyn's tmr.
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    @crzydroid Thank you for that! Those are my thoughts exactly! Daze and Stun are two of the most important debuffs, and if she can't remove them then the Zeta ability is mostly useless. That's why I hate this change, as they could of easily just reworded the ability to match the mechanics. I honestly think someone should tell them to correct this, as for beginning game it shuts down the team further.
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    You shouldn’t ever zeta anyone in the Phoenix faction. Your zetas are far too valuable
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    @Salatious_Scrum I do not need someone like you to tell me how to play SWHOG. Why did you waste your time to tell me that in the first place?
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    You mentioned you’re struggling against JKR teams, Nightsisters, and CLS teams using Phoenix. Of course you’re having issues since Phoenix is simply an awful faction, aside from their utility to unlock Thrawn. Phoenix as a faction lacks damage output.

    You’re asking whether or not Hera’s zeta would help. So what I’m saying is your zetas are far too valuable to waste on Phoenix given they won’t do much to help you against the teams you’re having trouble against.
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    @Salatious_Scrum I clearly state that her Zeta is not working proberly, meaning I am not asking if it would help and that I was already using it. It was crucial against those teams with my strategy, and it is now affecting my success against those teams due to the change. I can beat variants of them in GAC all the time, but because of the changes they made to her Zeta it's far more difficult. Also I have plenty of Zetas to spare, and like you I gear up what I want. Why are you that bothered I use them anyway?
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    I’m not bothered at all, I’m merely pointing out the fact that Phoenix zetas are ranked near the lowest in terms of usefulness in the game. Although Stormtrooper zeta is quite possibly the worst.

    You can go ahead and zeta Phoenix if you wish 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @Salatious_Scrum Lol once again you're not thinking. I have all their Zetas, I have done for a while. And I use them a lot in GAC, as they are the main reason I used to win each match. They either hold defensive wins for me, or I use them against a tough team to save my sith or empire. They have more potential than people think, but people like you are too blind to see it.

    As damage is concerned, Zeb and Ezra can hit for nearly 100K regularly, and sabine's AOE can reach 50K, which is more than enough for me. So i will stick with them, as i have tones of fun, and if CG revert this small error then it will continue. End of.
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    Given I haven’t seen your, I don’t know what you have other than Hera.

    “You’re not thinking” 😂 I don’t read minds. No need to get so defensive
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    True, but calling them "An awful faction", when someone makes use out of them is enough to offend anyone, including me. Whatever they're not top tier, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game my way.
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    Me saying Phoenix is an awful faction can offend people? So if you had a zeta on Stormtrooper and people said it’s an awful zeta, you’d be offended by that? 🤔
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    Obviusly yes. Firstly all the Zetas on phx are usable, Stromtrooper's Zeta has minimal use. Secondly I wouldn't Zeta him in the first place. I know I can't make use of him, so I wouldn't take offense out of it because it's the truth. The phx Zeta's actually have use, especially in GAC, and I maximize those uses against the teams I listed before. Once again you can't tell me how to play GOH, and nothing you say will change my reasoning for using the team.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited October 2020
    Lets stop the bickering and stay on topic
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    @Kyno Glad you stepped in, thank you for that.
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    @crzydroid Going back to the topic, I took this screenshot this morning:


    I highlited the debuffs Ezra was inflicted by when JKT marked him, and like you stated what this Lazy fix is saying is that it can cleanse every non-locked debuff from him, but because he's stunned it can't so not only am I wondering what was going through their minds but a G13 team like this is something my Phx could stand up to...if they had only just reworded the ability description.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    That could be said for basically any team out there.

    The ability is worded the way it is and it functions as worded, it was previously not WAI, and was fixed.

    I can't think of a single team that could not be made better or more effective if they had an ability reworded to be more beneficial to the team.
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    @Kyno But they have not been made better, this is a clear nerf as I have constantly been saying. Even @crzydroid said it was a lazy fix, which I agree with. It shouldn't have been messed with in the first place, and that decision has severely limited their viability. So they're happy that the ability is now worse than it was, and that players who use them have to struggle with it? That better not be the case.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno But they have not been made better, this is a clear nerf as I have constantly been saying. Even crzydroid said it was a lazy fix, which I agree with. It shouldn't have been messed with in the first place, and that decision has severely limited their viability. So they're happy that the ability is now worse than it was, and that players who use them have to struggle with it? That better not be the case.

    I wasnt saying the fix was to make them better, it was to make it WAI, and WAD.

    What you want would be a change to the description to make them function the way you want, (the way they were when it was not WAI). That would be a change that would be a buff and make them more effective.

    I was pointing out that every team has a descriptions that could be changed to make the team function better. But that doesn't mean that's the intent behind the kit design.
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    @Kyno actually no, I want them to be returned to their previous state before CG messed with them. That's not a buff, that's reverting the mistake that was made. I don't even want them to be reworked, as I used to use them a lot before this happened, and for the ability to actually match the part where it says 'Dispell all debuffs'.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno actually no, I want them to be returned to their previous state before CG messed with them. That's not a buff, that's reverting the mistake that was made. I don't even want them to be reworked, as I used to use them a lot before this happened, and for the ability to actually match the part where it says 'Dispell all debuffs'.

    I understand but the previous way it worked was not working as intended or as described. That was the mistake.

    It only cleanses the buff if the target called is Phoenix, but you cannot call a dazed or stunned target to assist. This is what way it has always been, which is what made the previous way it worked wrong.
    This is why I was saying, that you want a change that any team could use to perform better. They would need to change the description (and the design intent) to have it operate differently than previously designed. Any team could use this, but that is not something that is regularly done, as teams are balance to be roughly in the tier they are in.
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    again I also get that, but what I don't get is that crzydroid stated that in the mechanics in "It actually calls the cleanse first" which I assume is for Phoenix allies, then followed by the assist from assumption. Even if this is now proved wrong, the change has made my Phoenix team praying to RNG that certain allies don't get stunned, and because of that they are next to useless against stun heavy teams, and it makes the team itself more useless in the game.
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    I'm going to spend the rest of today trying to find an attack method, and to see if I can actually make the team viable again, despite this.
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