Beskar Mandalorian feats [MERGE]


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    Not that my opinion matters, but using the new Mando in feats was a low blow. Bad move CG.
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    I'm left wondering if, after the Galactic War Report, the whale guilds got up in arms about something being easier for the non-whale player base and the alteration of drop rates and inclusion of the new character in the Galactic Challenge was all a, "please forgive us, master. We know you are the most important and powerful parts of this community" to the whale and kraken base.
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    I'm left wondering if, after the Galactic War Report, the whale guilds got up in arms about something being easier for the non-whale player base and the alteration of drop rates and inclusion of the new character in the Galactic Challenge was all a, "please forgive us, master. We know you are the most important and powerful parts of this community" to the whale and kraken base.

    I know plenty of whales are are thoroughly **** about this.... maybe this one is mainly for the krakens
  • Pitt
    34 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Why is one of the feats in the galactic challenge to have beskar Mando? 1 day after he was released they put that as a feat. Total Bull! Won't get top chest due to their greed
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    Not even trying to hide the greed this time.
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    CG was making some player friendly decisions lately but the new Rancor and now this....they just can’t seem to get out of their own way.
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    Seriously why are you burying the WEEKLY GC rewards behind getting not only getting a new toon, but gearing him up and pairing him with resistance team?

    Also while I am here. I get the crate idea, but can you highlight the new gear you earn for the next upgrade? I would like to see what I am pushing for if I am struggling to clear something.
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    It is 100% unfair to set a legendary new character to use as a feat on an event that has zero to do with them. First off he is a Bounty Hunter! Secondly, I am nowhere close to unlocking him at all! Why is this even a thing? Why would you hurt the chances of people getting to where they want to be with such treachery?
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    It is 100% unfair to set a legendary new character to use as a feat on an event that has zero to do with them. First off he is a Bounty Hunter! Secondly, I am nowhere close to unlocking him at all! Why is this even a thing? Why would you hurt the chances of people getting to where they want to be with such treachery?

    They want you to panic spend. Same CG, same story. This is why I’ve stopped spending. I stopped spending after Darth Revan and I haven’t regretted a thing.
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    Really bad move and a slap to the face for the majority of the playerbase, thank you CG. I genuinely hope you're not driven by personal life complexities that you live out here. We don't bite, just speak with us, this game has lots of potential we could work out together. Shame you don't share this mentality...
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    This post has generated 8 pages of comments in less than a day, if this doesn't point out to CG how big of a foul play this was then I really don't know what will.

    Someone from there side needs to address this sooner rather than later!
  • Obitoo_johnobi11
    122 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    This shows their lack of creativity.
    Their thoughts were.... maaan most people have even the least significant resistance character at a decent level (Rose Tico), so using them as part of the rewards won't help us limit them on what rewards they will get.
    Let's think...... oooooh i got it, we will use BANDO. GREAT SUCCESS!!!
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    This post has generated 8 pages of comments in less than a day, if this doesn't point out to CG how big of a foul play this was then I really don't know what will.

    Someone from there side needs to address this sooner rather than later!
    It's Friday. If they even do "address" it, it will be the usual "We hear you" fiction. This is the way.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Terrible move by CG. Absolutely disgusting.
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    And this is why I don’t spend anymore in SWGOH....MSF gets that money now and has for a long time. CG is just the worst.
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    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    I can't wait for the "Ranger Rant" on this one today during the lunchstream and tomorrow morning during RSG's Jedi Academy. It ought to be a hoot!
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    In before Kyno asks us not to villainize CG. We don't have to do anything - they do that themselves. Repeatedly and several times this month. "Flatter rewards", "exclusive to the raid", alienating international guilds, misinformation allowed (pushed?) about drop rates for "additive drops", etc. We're just holding a mirror to it. If they don't like the reflection staring back at them, change it. Again. History has a way of repeating itself. This is the way. Mark my words, because I Care.

    It's sad when volunteer mods care more about the game and the community than the leadership of the company does.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    Just another slap in the face for people who went for Ray... will the FO event require the new mando as well?
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Drim wrote: »
    Just another slap in the face for people who went for Ray... will the FO event require the new mando as well?


    The scoundrels and droids one will on the 25th and new year
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    Just another slap in the face for people who went for Ray... will the FO event require the new mando as well?


    The scoundrels and droids one will on the 25th and new year

    I’m saying people that went for Rey got screwed this event. Normal this event is the opportunity to get mod stuff.
  • Deany123
    88 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    I get that that maybe a part of this is to thank those who have whaled and already got Bando, but surely a better way would have been to give some nice gear rewards on completion of that event? Using this GC as a means to do it is a bit crap. Also this is a resistance event.... surely have I not paid my dues already by taking rose rice, pilot and holdo to relics.
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    Someone in this thread pointed out a brilliant point - that is, there are other ways of rewarding the players that financially support this game other than doing it in a fashion that will upset the larger playing base. Additional rewards that are only paid out for completing the Beskar Mando event within the first week was their example.

    Players that pay should have an advantage, yes. The event as it is does that, yes. However, CG you have just taken gear and mod material from the other players that typically would have received it.

    I was so excited about the state of the game with the challenge rancor (that my guild cannot complete), the 20 day event to help players get a head start on their farms for getting the characters to 7 stars and additionally, with the increased frequency of Galactic Challenges. Yet, this paywall on Galactic Challenges just killed any excitement I had. After a good nights sleep I will be deleting all of my mods and deleting the app. That or fully accept that the gap between the whales and f2p is becoming a bit too vast and the grind a bit too arduous.

    Final episode of season 2 for the mandalorian was epic and awesome too. Odd that these negative feelings will now be attached to that episode. When I watch the Mandalorian season 3, I will remember the straw that broke the camels back.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Ahh there's the CG we know and hate....welcome back from your vacation and a shout out for bringing the grinch of Christmas to SWGOH.
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    Veserion1 wrote: »
    Future GCs:

    Use GL rey/kylo/JML/SEE in your team

    No no no! The next step is: "Win the fight using GL Boba Fett, which we will release a year from now."
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    Yer I was pretty **** with that. Maybe It's a bonus Xmas gift for the whales.
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