3 weeks in, need some guidance


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    @TheChild_eats_eggs1 @MasterSeedy

    Question on mods. Is it ever worth it to purchase from the store where I am at in the game? Buying a 5A mod there especially if it has a speed secondary I am after? (2-4mil).

    Yes it is. Arrows w/ Speed primary and good speed secondary mods or mods that are perfect for a current focus, ofc. The further you are, the more it’s important, as you earn more credits, or is it spend less.
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
  • MasterSeedy
    5153 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    My strategy with mod purchases is that I **never** purchase a mod from the store unless it is

    Gold (5A)
    Right side (Arrow, Triangle, Plus)
    A good match between Set Bonus & Primary Stat
    Not an Arrow with speed primary (I mean you can, but they're not that rare & you're still early in the game where you need those credits for other things than simply buying every Speed Arrow that shows up in the store.)
    There is a 5-speed secondary already on it.

    If you're gonna spend a bunch of money on the mod, spending an extra million so that you don't have to use any slicing materials is worth it. But on top of that? You're going to run short of slicing mats, and yet you're going to gain **lots** of mods from events, and those are almost never gold. So your slicing mats will get used up without being spent on the mods you purchase from the store.

    On top of all that, limiting yourself to buying only a very few store mods helps you manage the demands on your credits. If you buy too many mods, you can't level toons, and you can't promote toons. By setting very high standards for what mods are worth the money, you simultaneously set yourself up to save enough credits for other things.

    I wrote a really long thing about mods & exactly which ones I buy, which ones I promote, how far I promote them & which ones are worth slicing (including my definition of "good match" between Set Bonus & Primary stat), but I don't think I'll do that again. If I can find it, I'll put up a link for you.
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    @TheChild_eats_eggs1 @MasterSeedy

    Question on mods. Is it ever worth it to purchase from the store where I am at in the game? Buying a 5A mod there especially if it has a speed secondary I am after? (2-4mil).

    Yes it is. Arrows w/ Speed primary and good speed secondary mods or mods that are perfect for a current focus, ofc. The further you are, the more it’s important, as you earn more credits, or is it spend less.
    My strategy with mod purchases is that I **never** purchase a mod from the store unless it is

    Gold (5A)
    Right side (Arrow, Triangle, Plus)
    A good match between Set Bonus & Primary Stat
    Not an Arrow with speed primary (I mean you can, but they're not that rare & you're still early in the game where you need those credits for other things than simply buying every Speed Arrow that shows up in the store.)
    There is a 5-speed secondary already on it.

    If you're gonna spend a bunch of money on the mod, spending an extra million so that you don't have to use any slicing materials is worth it. But on top of that? You're going to run short of slicing mats, and yet you're going to gain **lots** of mods from events, and those are almost never gold. So your slicing mats will get used up without being spent on the mods you purchase from the store.

    On top of all that, limiting yourself to buying only a very few store mods helps you manage the demands on your credits. If you buy too many mods, you can't level toons, and you can't promote toons. By setting very high standards for what mods are worth the money, you simultaneously set yourself up to save enough credits for other things.

    I wrote a really long thing about mods & exactly which ones I buy, which ones I promote, how far I promote them & which ones are worth slicing (including my definition of "good match" between Set Bonus & Primary stat), but I don't think I'll do that again. If I can find it, I'll put up a link for you.

    Thanks guys. I had always just ignored the mod store, but this last week started looking since 5A mods with speed secondary's are hard to come by. So I figured if I found one that had a specific set bonus I was gearing for with speed, I might consider it. What you listed @MasterSeedy was how I was thinking, only gold mods and only with a speed secondary.

    Still trying to upgrade my main Squad Arena team but it's getting better, so now need to think about modding up my GAC 3x3 squads which are quite lacking. For now on those toons I will just use the 5* mods I get from challenges.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Hey guys, going to give a bit of a sit-rep on my progress, priorities, and current farms, and then I have a few questions I'd appreciate some feedback and suggestions on.

    As a reminder, here is my swgoh.gg profile: https://swgoh.gg/p/723784255/
    • Progress
      • CLS unlocked
      • Fleet Arena rank #1 every day since late Jan
      • Squad Arena normally #30-35 daily, but getting tougher to get there
    • Priorities
      • BH & BH Ships to get Chewie & Han's Falcon (Raid Han unlocked at 5*)
      • Farming Geos to go for Padme
      • Starting to farm Ewoks for C3PO
    • Current Farms
      • Hard Nodes: Jango/HT (10x daily), Bossk (10x), Droideka/Xanadu (5x), IG-2000 (5x), Wicket/Stun Guns (5x) - 680/735 max energy per day (using all 50c refreshes)
      • Cantina: Geo Spy (138/330), then Geo Solider after (85/330) - GBA, Sun Fac, Poggle all 7* just not all activated yet - Using 3x 100c refreshes per day
      • Fleet: TIE x1 (10x daily, 69/85 for 6*), Bistan's U-Wing (10x, 24/85 for 6*), Slave I (5x, 4/100) > whatever energy I have left I either farm Greef/Y-Wing or Jolee....probably need to decide here or farm gear (stuck on 5E normal right now)
    • Stores
      • Cantina: Cassian's U-Wing (Bistan, Daka, FOO, Poe all 7* available just not spent yet)
      • Guild Store: Logray (Dengar just 7* today), Stun Guns / Droid Collars if I see them (Starck 7* available)
      • Squad: Nute (252/330). Ackbar & Asajj both 7* available
      • GW: This is where I'm lost, not sure what I should focus on. Teebo is 7* available for my Ewok team, but since I am focused on Rebel fleet first, not sure what to invest in. More on this later
      • Fleet: Buying TIE x1, Slave I, GG when they pop, but lost after that (have around 9.5k currency). Same comment as GW store
      • GE Store: Hoarding for Nego (likely, 10k) and Hoda (15.5k)
      • GAC store: Stun Guns / Droid Collar type gear
      • Shard: Stun Guns / Droid Collar type gear

    Other comments & Suggestions needed.
    • Squad Arena team (Vader & Palp g12 & zeta1, Tarkin & Thrawn g11 + TFP or DT depending on battle. Haven't been able to get anywhere close to g13 yet, Tx2 are both waiting on stun guns for g12. Can no longer beat JKR teams due to speed, so having a tough time staying in 30's. Should I look to build up some different toons to replace TFP/DT, such as Nihilis?
    • Almost all my toons are waiting on stun guns which come slow, which is why I started farming on Wicket's node (might start refreshing) and also buying from stores. I need some help to prioritize which toons to use them on first. I need to prioritize between (1) my Arena team (2) Pilots and potentially (3) BH's (though they don't need atm since they are g8, but they will I am assuming)
    • As you can see from above, I am not sure what to invest with my Fleet and GW currency. I haven't really bought any Geo ships since I'm focused on Rebels, and I am thinking GR will be my 2nd fleet since I already have 7* Ahsoka & Umbarran, and plan on going for Nego (plus will use JKA once I get Padme). Should I start investing in Plo Koon / Rex's ship / CS ARC? Or really go with Geo ships since I will have all Geos soon and gear them up. I think I prefer to go for Nego over Malev, so I think I answered that question myself.
    • Been working on my mod farming, leveling up all 5* to lvl6 or 9 depending on the color, then selling all non-speed secondary mods (and even those with only 3-4 speed at 1 proc). Slow process, but haven't really delved into slicing yet, and this is taking a lot of credits when I do it, but is needed to not get full mod inventories.
    • JKR and DR farms have been on the backburner, hoping this doesn't come back to bite me as nearly 50% of the teams in my squad arena are now using these teams. I've stuck with my Empire squad thus far as it's my best, but would a Padme L with JKA, GMY, GK, Ahsoka be better once I have them all?
    • Zetas: Vader MM, Palp's lead, CLS "binds all things" utilized so far. Where should I prioritize the next ones, I am thinking Bossk and maybe Boba for the Chewie event, plus will help their ship power
    • My crystal generation per day is ~600 from Fleet & Squad arenas plus daily activities, could be another 50-100 depending on achievements. I am using pretty much all the cheap refreshes on all types of energy (except Conquest), but even with that I have built up a decent crystal balance. Should I use these on certain shipments (stun guns) or use for more energy refreshes?

    Sorry that was a really long list, but really would like to get some thoughts from you veteran players to make sure I'm still going in a good direction and not spreading myself too thin. Thanks!
  • Options
    On the g13 point, I've found as I can't get top in raids due to timing (specifically hSTR), I've gone for the route of using Championship and Shard stores for g13+ gear (I'm getting enough Stun Guns from Wicket's node)
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
  • MasterSeedy
    5153 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Crystals: do not spend on more expensive refreshes for Regular energy or Cantina energy. If you have to pick up gear, it's cheaper to farm some of the gear (like stun guns & kyros & g12 gear) with cheap refills than by purchasing directly with crystals from the store, but once you get to the 2nd-tier refills (100 crystals for regular or fleet energy) you're definitely paying more to farm the gear than it would take just to buy it.

    So you have two options: the first is to buy more Fleet energy refreshes - this is a good idea since the nodes generally have high end gear **and** hard to get shards at the same time. You shouldn't worry about node refreshes, just farm more things at the same time. Make sure you're farming toons/ships you actually want, but unless you really have a strong preference (maybe because a toon/ship is required for an event you're wanting to complete), the tie breaker should be the gear that is on the same node (at least that's the tie breaker for now - later you might have other priorities).

    Zetas: Thrawn's Ebb & Flow would be my next one, but then maybe Yoda's Battle Meditation. It's not entirely clear, because with Palp on your Arena squad Crackling doom is a good investment. I guess I'd probably give the nod to Palp just because of the importance of Arena, then Yoda third.

    When you're done with all those, saving up for GBA, Revan & Padmé is really probably your best play, although KRU's leadership would be worthwhile if you got some more gear on your FO characters.

    Boba's zeta is not worth it at your stage of the game. You should be focussing on zetas that help an entire faction instead of just one character. Giving a zeta to Bossk, however, is totally worth it. The only thing that holds me back is that you said, "for the Chewbacca event". For that event Bossk's lead is helpful only if your characters are g10-g11 (except dengar who can be g9 since he'll spend the whole battle under stealth). Below that gear level you die to quick to have a chance to get any healing from Bossk's leadership. So if you are really only wanting the zeta for the Chewbacca event, you should wait until you have more gear on Bossk. If you want the zeta for other reasons, you BH might still need more gear to get the most out of it, but you could probably use it just to get more out of Hound's Tooth & even with no developed BH faction it would probably still be worth it.

    Arena Squad:
    I've stuck with my Empire squad thus far as it's my best, but would a Padme L with JKA, GMY, GK, Ahsoka be better once I have them all?

    Padmé crushes JKR on offense. You're seeing a lot of JKR. It's a no-brainer to get her squad together and crush some JKR squads, but keep Palp around because you'll want to use him and Vader to crush the Padmé that eventually crop up in your arena shard. I would definitely hurry Padmé along.

    Mods: Sounds like you're following a good strategy. keep with it.

    Fleet & GW currencies:
    I am not sure what to invest with my Fleet and GW currency

    In general, you want to keep a buffer below which you do not spend except on the rare items you've singled out as your priorities. In Fleet this means Vader, TIE Adv x1, Rex's ARC-170, General Grievous are your top purchases until they're all 7*. You still need Grievous, the x1, and Rex's ship.

    After that, there are a couple toons that are exclusive or nearly exclusive to Fleet - Ahsoka (Fulcrum) and Chirrut. On top of that, Sun Fac is easier to get here than elsewhere. So those 3 you can purchase with any currency above your buffer limit. (With several rare things you're purchasing at once, the buffer should be kept fairly high to take advantage of the rare chance of having everything you're looking for dropping a couple times in a single day. It won't happen often, but it can happen & you don't want to miss out.) For 3 rare items, a buffer of 3k or 4k is appropriate.

    There are other things that can be worthwhile purchasing from here like Bistan's U-Wing, but you do want to get on to purchasing zetas sooner rather than later, so you want to keep the list somewhat constrained.

    Is that all too vague, or does that help with fleet?

    As for GW, well, keep a buffer solely for buying Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter, the Imperial TIE, the Clone Sergeant's ARC-170, and the Resistance X-Wing. If you like you can put off any purchases of the RXW for now. Keep a buffer for those rare ships.

    Above the buffer, purchase ONLY the Geo Spy & Geo Soldier ships. When Spy & Soldier's ships are done, you can move on to collecting other ships

    Jedi Consular, FO TIE, and Wedge are the last ones in there you don't have at 7*.

    As for characters from the GW store, you can pick up NS Initiate, Teebo, MagmaTrooper & Phasma from there as you need them. It doesn't seem like you need any of them soon, so I would just lay off characters until you have an actual plan in mind. Once you do have that, if you're completing GW every day, that's 30 shards per day of any of the characters in here, so it's 11 days max. The one you're most likely to want to top off, though, is actually Phasma, and since you already have her at 5*, she's 2-3 days away from 6* and then 3 more days (6 total) away from 7*. It will go so fast you won't have time to grab gear for her. So just keep plugging away at ships - they take much longer since you have to wait for them to show up & even when they do you can only get 4 shards at a time. That way when you discover you need a ship, you're not 2 months away because you farmed a bunch of characters you're not even using much.

    So GW Store is ALWAYS ships first, characters second, unless you have a very specific character in mind and a very specific purpose for that character.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Focus on one thing at a time.

    Geos for ships/padme, but you said you want to go neg, which will take a while and the neg toons need a lot of zetas as well. dbast for that ep arena team
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Should I look to build up some different toons to replace TFP/DT, such as Nihilis?

    Moff Gideon & Admiral Piett are better characters for that squad than Nihilus, but yes. You don't really want TFP in there for much longer. It's very much a weak link right now. Nihilus is fine, but won't help you defeat JKR since they're resisting everything with the TenacityUP from JKR's leadership during the first turn and from GMY spreading buffs in all the turns after that.

    They also help transform your Imperial Trooper squad, so... that's good as well. IF you can get one of those 2 toons up to 5* and g8 or better, then it's probably time to give a zeta to Veers' unique and start using that IT squad in GAC to do some real damage.
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    FOO & Starck can be moved to 7* sooner rather than later. If he's not 7* before then, Stack should be made 7* the moment you zeta Veers' unique. It would be nice if Starck were at least g8, preferably g9, and 7* the same day Veers gets his zeta. Foo should get the same treatment when KRU gets his zeta.

    Ventress is a strong, strong candidate for pushing up stars & gear sooner rather than later. She can't help you get a faster start vs. JKR squads, but because she can gain TM on the death of any enemy, she can actually be a viable replacement for TFP even without Sith/Empire synergy under Palp.
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    Zetas: Thrawn's Ebb & Flow would be my next one, but then maybe Yoda's Battle Meditation. It's not entirely clear, because with Palp on your Arena squad Crackling doom is a good investment. I guess I'd probably give the nod to Palp just because of the importance of Arena, then Yoda third.

    When you're done with all those, saving up for GBA, Revan & Padmé is really probably your best play, although KRU's leadership would be worthwhile if you got some more gear on your FO characters.

    Haven't thought about Thrawn zeta but will keep that in mind, nor thought about that one for Palp but I think that's where I'll go next. GMY for now I am only using as a team for GAC defense, but will need to put some investment into him as I get my GR going.

    Yeah GBA zeta I will be getting as soon as I get all the toons to 7* and geared a bit, so still some time to save up some zeta mats, and then the same thought for Padme and the rest of her team.
    Boba's zeta is not worth it at your stage of the game. You should be focussing on zetas that help an entire faction instead of just one character. Giving a zeta to Bossk, however, is totally worth it. The only thing that holds me back is that you said, "for the Chewbacca event". For that event Bossk's lead is helpful only if your characters are g10-g11 (except dengar who can be g9 since he'll spend the whole battle under stealth). Below that gear level you die to quick to have a chance to get any healing from Bossk's leadership. So if you are really only wanting the zeta for the Chewbacca event, you should wait until you have more gear on Bossk. If you want the zeta for other reasons, you BH might still need more gear to get the most out of it, but you could probably use it just to get more out of Hound's Tooth & even with no developed BH faction it would probably still be worth it.

    Well HT will be inserted into my lineup as soon as it hits 5* and Bossk is around g10, so I think the zeta will still help there.
    Padmé crushes JKR on offense. You're seeing a lot of JKR. It's a no-brainer to get her squad together and crush some JKR squads, but keep Palp around because you'll want to use him and Vader to crush the Padmé that eventually crop up in your arena shard. I would definitely hurry Padmé along.

    Yeah right now I seek out Padme, BH or other empire squads to fight in Arena. Can beat a couple JKR teams if my Thrawn is faster, and can't beat Shaak/Clones. So having a Padme GR team to go along with my Empire I think is how I will go. I'll get around to JKR farms after all that.
    Is that all too vague, or does that help with fleet?

    This helps. I have a good buffer in the fleet store and targeting those items already (will add Rex's Arc), and then for GW will focus on GR and then the Geo ships to start building them up (can use them as GAC defense under Tarkin)
    So GW Store is ALWAYS ships first, characters second, unless you have a very specific character in mind and a very specific purpose for that character.

    Okay thanks. I can sim GW so it's guaranteed 3 purchases per day, will focus on ships and then once I have those will go Phasma to build up my FO.

    Thanks a ton Master Speedy as always!!
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    On the g13 point, I've found as I can't get top in raids due to timing (specifically hSTR), I've gone for the route of using Championship and Shard stores for g13+ gear (I'm getting enough Stun Guns from Wicket's node)

    Yeah I recently discovered Wicket's node this week so have added it to the rotation and the drop rate on stun guns is good...wish I would have started it earlier.
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    GE Store: Hoarding for Nego (likely, 10k) and Hoda (15.5k)

    Even though Nego holds much better on defense, I would still go for Malevolence first. Save up the 40k or whatever it is that you need to unlock either one and then splurge-spend to get the ship unlocked as soon as you finally have that much. That way you can decide at the last moment which fleet will be better for you. Since Mal is a terror on offense even with g11/g12 Geos and Nego struggles to beat faster Negos (it works, it just takes some time to learn and it can still go wrong in a hurry with bad RNG) which means an arms race to r7 your General Kenobi, I recommend Mal first, Nego 2nd.

    That's just my recommendation, though, and you have plenty of time to think about it. Remember to throw any advice (especially mine!) in the trash if it's not going to make the game more fun for you. Just think it over while the GET-2 is slowly piling up. If you think seriously about Mal between now & then but still decide to go for Nego, that's fine. I'll get over it. I won't cry much.

    Shard Shop:

    I would buy your droid callers from the Guild store and save Shard Shop currency for Stun Guns & maybe the Mk4 Commlinks (those are rare here, but you'll need all you can get for a while) Set a buffer for SGs & Commlinks & only get other things with ShardShop Currency above that. Getting purple g12 gear here is also a good value & can help you get your first relic toons, but only if you're above your buffer.

    Fleet Battles:
    Fleet: TIE x1 (10x daily, 69/85 for 6*), Bistan's U-Wing (10x, 24/85 for 6*), Slave I (5x, 4/100) > whatever energy I have left I either farm Greef/Y-Wing or Jolee....probably need to decide here or farm gear (stuck on 5E normal right now)

    I would kill the Bistan attempts in favor of Jolee attempts right now. Or at the very least cut the BUW attempts in half & spend 100 energy on Jolee (saves you 25 crystals / day, gets Jolee started, and you really aren't jonesing for BUW right now + you'll pick up some blueprints in the fleet store.). This is a pretty good plan, though.

    Hard Nodes:
    Jango/HT (10x daily), Bossk (10x), Droideka/Xanadu (5x), IG-2000 (5x), Wicket/Stun Guns (5x) - 680/735 max energy per day (using all 50c refreshes)
    Also a great plan. Extra energy could go to a couple Vulture or Hyena attempts.
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    Geo Spy (138/330), then Geo Solider after (85/330) - GBA, Sun Fac, Poggle all 7* just not all activated yet - Using 3x 100c refreshes per day

    I like this. I might go back & forth with bring Spy to 5*, then bringing Soldier up to match, then Spy to 6*, then Soldier, then Spy to 7*, like that.

    You don't have to, but that's probably what I would do.

    This brings up the value of your Geo squad, though. GBA's leadership makes a completely mediocre Geo squad fantastic with the extra health & protection + the health equalization. If I were you I would seriously lay off the mod spending just long enough to get all your Geos unlocked, starred up, and then geared to g8/g9. You really can't understand what this squad can do until you see it in action. If GBA has 330 shards, this squad should be up & running NOW. Like RIGHT NOW.

    This squad an also get you Padmé, and you don't even need Soldier to do it. Just 4 Geos + Nute or Ventress & you're golden. Therefore I expect you to have 5* Padme in just days since Spy is 138/145 and Nute & Ventress already have all the shards for 5*.
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    I love your Priorities & your Progress is also great, BTW.
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    That's just my recommendation, though, and you have plenty of time to think about it. Remember to throw any advice (especially mine!) in the trash if it's not going to make the game more fun for you. Just think it over while the GET-2 is slowly piling up. If you think seriously about Mal between now & then but still decide to go for Nego, that's fine. I'll get over it. I won't cry much.

    This is good. The reason I said Nego was because I plan on leveling up most of the GR toons, but I will also have a good Geo squad by then so I guess could go other way. Anyway, I'm just hoarding currency and not spending until I can full unlock (based on advice from you all earlier) so I have that time to decide.
    I would kill the Bistan attempts in favor of Jolee attempts right now. Or at the very least cut the BUW attempts in half & spend 100 energy on Jolee (saves you 25 crystals / day, gets Jolee started, and you really aren't jonesing for BUW right now + you'll pick up some blueprints in the fleet store.). This is a pretty good plan, though.

    I think you are right here, Jolee will be a long farm so might as well start bringing him up now (I will add his normal energy node back to rotation once I finish Bossk). BUW is 5* and I am also buying it from the fleet store whenever I see it, so it will get there (btw both pilots are 7* available, just haven't geared them until BUW is at least 5* and might wait a bit due to my other high priorities).
    I like this. I might go back & forth with bring Spy to 5*, then bringing Soldier up to match, then Spy to 6*, then Soldier, then Spy to 7*, like that.

    I was just going all straight to 7* since I didn't plan to use them before that, but your point of just putting in Asajj (who I have 7* available) or Nute (getting there) to unlock Padme as soon as Spy is 7* might be the way to go. The gear investment I'm not looking forward to (considering I'm bringing up BHs now), but putting mod-rolling on hold could save some credits. At least until my inventory is full and I need to jettison some. Maybe I will target getting my Geos ready for the next round of GAC.
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    On the g13 point, I've found as I can't get top in raids due to timing (specifically hSTR), I've gone for the route of using Championship and Shard stores for g13+ gear (I'm getting enough Stun Guns from Wicket's node)

    Yeah I recently discovered Wicket's node this week so have added it to the rotation and the drop rate on stun guns is good...wish I would have started it earlier.

    Same here
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
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    I'd help more but am busy with exams
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
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    I need some help to prioritize which toons to use them on first. I need to prioritize between (1) my Arena team (2) Pilots and potentially (3) BH's (though they don't need atm since they are g8, but they will I am assuming)

    Do you all have any thoughts on this? I want to upgrade the Empire arena squad, but I don't think it will really help me break into that next tier of rewards (#11-20), so I'm thinking prioritizing pilots but need to think which first. For example, both Fives & Biggs waiting on a stun gun, likely Biggs is the better use since he'll be there longer term for my Rebel fleet. But I also have CLS pending one, which I'd like to get him up to speed better.

    Actually on that part, CLS, if I can get him to g11+ would it be worthwhile to throw him in my Arena team taking out TFP as it wouldn't hurt too much my synergy there.
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    Two thoughts:

    If you're not going to change your Arena team soon, doing your arena squad is always a good idea. I know it may not help you get the next tier of rewards, but unless you're charging the squad soon it will at least make sure you keep up with your competition & not fall farther behind while you wait for your next arena squad to come together.

    That said, if you do think you'll change squads soon, Bounty Hunters require very few Stun Guns, so you can get the entire team up to g12 with a relatively small investment. And you need an all-g11+ BH squad for many, many things. (Bossk will need g12 soon and relic when you can, and eventually you'll want the whole squad to be g12, but g11 minimum as soon as you can get there).

    I wouldn't put a stun gun on a pilot when you're taking 1st every day, especially since the things that are going to improve your fleet right now aren't so much one more gear tier on the same pilot as getting more of the right ships with the right synergies together in the same team. In your situation, I'd be working harder on those new ships (especially the pilotless ships like Vulture & Hyena) than on gearing pilots. The one exception to that is Geonosians, but you're not gearing them just because they're pilots, they have incredibly important uses outside fleet **and also** it's not your Geo pilots that are going to end up replaced in your fleet team.

    If you're sticking with the same Squad Arena team for at least 2-3 months ==> Stun Guns to Squad Arena members
    If a geonosian needs a stun gun ==> Geonosian
    Otherwise, Bounty Hunter.
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    If you're not going to change your Arena team soon, doing your arena squad is always a good idea. I know it may not help you get the next tier of rewards, but unless you're charging the squad soon it will at least make sure you keep up with your competition & not fall farther behind while you wait for your next arena squad to come together.

    I think for now I'm sticking with this Arena team (Empire), but will likely just try to get my Vader to g13 and relic since with that extra speed it will at least allow me to hang around where I am.

    Also since I'm going Rebel fleet and should have Han's Falcon soon, which means a big investment in Han & Chewie gears, would it be worthwhile to aim for a CLS Rebels arena team since I would be getting benefits in two places. This would at least allow me to keep focus on gearing BH > Rebels, instead of BH + Geos + Padme eventually + still Han/Chewie.
  • Options
    Using CLS rebels in Arena requires 3PAC to do well. Have you been farming him?

    Yours is a relatively young arena shard, which is why you can do well with what you have, so CLS without 3PAC will do fine for a bit, but if you're thinking about going that way, you should be farming 3PAC right now so it's available to gear later when you're using this team in arena. On offense, 3* and g10 will still add a lot to your arena squad. On defense you want it more like 6*/g10-g11 at your arena level. But the best thing is that it takes on stats from your leader, so it's always tougher than its gear tier and you can leave it sub-g12 for quite a while, but you do need to have it.

    I don't like Rebel fleet because it requires an insane amount of gear. You'll need either Bistan + Scarif Pathfinder at g11+ or you'll need Cassian, Jyn & K2 at g11+ (or both). You have to gear up all 6 phoenix toons to g11. You have to have Han & Chewie, which requires a bunch of g11 BH + g9 dengar. Han & Chewie themselves are great investments, I never regret any gear spent on them, but just saying: this is an exceptionally gear-heavy fleet.

    And, again, I'm not saying that's the wrong way to go; I just want you to know up front what you're getting into.

    All that is the lead-up to answering your question:
    would it be worthwhile to aim for a CLS Rebels arena team since I would be getting benefits in two places.

    Yes. If you're going rebels in fleet, the amount of gear you'll have to pour in is huge. It's logical to want to get more out of them than just a strong fleet. However, if you're going to do that you need to start farming 3PAC as soon as possible (even though that means farming it now, before it moves to double drops). You also need both the Rebel Y-Wing and a strong Biggs (g12+0 for Biggs, both ships 7*). So make sure you're farming RY-W & gearing Biggs right away.

    Make sure when you do this, CLS is kept at g12+0, while all your g12 gear goes into Han & Chewie. They need good ships around them The 5th for your rebel Arena squad is ideally C-3PO, but Cassian is a nice fit as well, since he throws out tons of debuffs ands debuffs drive that CLS squad (they gain TM when a debuff is resisted).

    Make sure when you're modding your CLS squad that you don't put much potency on them. The whole squad gets TM from resisted debuffs, so you would rather get lots of turns in a row with only a 40% chance of your debuff landing (since you're going to get another chance to land that debuff before the enemy moves anyway) than a 100% chance to land a debuff but allowing your enemy to move & attack.
  • Options
    Using CLS rebels in Arena requires 3PAC to do well. Have you been farming him?

    I haven't started farming him, but can add into the rotation ASAP...will take a while since it's a single hard node and only 1 shard, but can be done. And then maybe by the time my CLS is geared a bit more, my Han is 6 or 7* and I have unlocked Chewie he will be ready to go. In the meantime I will just try to get my Vader relic'd so I can maintain current Arena ranks.

    My overall plan I had mentioned previously is still there, I am just thinking because of the road I've already gone down of Rebel fleet and unlocking CLS, plus my investment I'm making in BHs already, might be better to focus on a CLS Arena team since I'll already be gearing Han/Chewie and CLS is useful. This means will be slower gearing up Geos for Padme, but I really need to maintain my Fleet Arena ranking since that's where I'm getting my crystal income from.

    I realize it's a ton to gear and I'll probably still roll with a mixed fleet for a bit (like HT & TIE x1) until all my rebel pilots can be geared.
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    HT can be an excellent part of a Rebel arena fleet basically forever at this point. You don't really need it once you have Biggs, Falcon & RY-W together, but you don't have to ditch it either.

  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    @Intimmydation One aspect which hasn't been discussed much so far: Your mods.

    I see that you have several mods which I would definately recommend you slice to see if you get good stat rolls. F.ex. mods with 4-5 secondary speed and a suitable set and primary stat. I would personaly slice them until you get 2 "failed" rolls (don't waste too much slicing materials on mediocre mods). The good thing about investing in your mods is that you will benefit even after you change your arena team.

    Also, you could improve your arena team instantly by rearranging the mods you already have. Yes, speed sets are generally good but not if the mods have low speed stats. F.ex. your Vader would probably benefit more from your best offense or crit damage set than his current speed set (with a few low/mediocre speed secondaries). He will probably move fast anyway and then get the turnmeter train running after that.
  • Options
    Waqui is right about Vader making good use of Offense sets, with speed being somewhat less important because of his massive speed bonuses (especially when fighting Jedi).

    Even if you can't find a set you feel like pulling from other characters, you should also swap sets between Tarkin & Palp. Palp can use the Health and Tarkin's whole kit runs off potency, so having 2 more potency mods helps him more than it helps Palp.

    Bastila & Leia are both missing a triangle, looks like you're waiting on more Triangle SpeedSet mods?

    If I were you and I had spare crystals, I would farm Speed & Offense mods (you'll need Crit damage for Rebels & FO, but not as much for Empire/Sith & Jedi who are your best squads now).

    Sell every White mod you get (the ones with no secondaries showing. ***do not spend any money to upgrade them, just sell them**

    Also sell any green or blue mods that do not have a Speed secondary showing. You should not go looking for speed secondaries on white, green or blue mods. They're either showing Speed or they get sold.

    Now sell any Triangles or Plusses that have an offensive-type Set Bonus (Offense, CC%, Critdamage) and a defensive primary (Health, Protection, or defense). Potency & Tenacity could go with anything for now (months or a year from now you'll throw out some of the Pot/Ten mods you kept at this stage, but for now they're fine).

    Any Purples that remain but don't have a speed secondary showing are cheap to upgrade to level 3 to discover the secondary in that last slot, so do that.

    After that, you spend the money you've earned to upgrade any mod that starts with a Speed secondary.

    Then you can start slicing any mods with a secondary of 5+. (3s & 4s you can level up to L15, but don't use slicing mats on them unless they hit on speed again & go over 5)

    You'll only get 3-8 keepers a week using this system, but they'll all be useful for a good while. And it will save you a ton of credits that you might otherwise use to level up junk mods you're going to throw out anyway.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    @Intimmydation One aspect which hasn't been discussed much so far: Your mods.

    I see that you have several mods which I would definately recommend you slice to see if you get good stat rolls. F.ex. mods with 4-5 secondary speed and a suitable set and primary stat. I would personaly slice them until you get 2 "failed" rolls (don't waste too much slicing materials on mediocre mods). The good thing about investing in your mods is that you will benefit even after you change your arena team.

    Also, you could improve your arena team instantly by rearranging the mods you already have. Yes, speed sets are generally good but not if the mods have low speed stats. F.ex. your Vader would probably benefit more from your best offense or crit damage set than his current speed set (with a few low/mediocre speed secondaries). He will probably move fast anyway and then get the turnmeter train running after that.

    Yes my plan is to move Vader over to an Offense set, but right now I don't have many good speed secondaries on them. Need to invest a bit more in farming Offense mods as well as rolling and slicing them. I am setting some test loadouts so I can see how the speed overall can compare on the offense set vs speed set, but right now will drop too much for a few of the teams I normally have to attack on my Arena climb.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Fleet and Pilot Update

    - Han 2 raids away from 6* - Currently gearing
    - Chewie unlocked 5*! - Currently gearing
    - Falcon unlocked 5*! - Currently upgrading abilities as Pilots advance
    - Bistan's UWing 6* but pilots both still lvl 1, g1 (both 7*)
    - Cassian's UWIng 195 shards but no pilots (farming this but low on priority list for activation)

    Current Fleet Arena setup I've changed to this week to better attack opposing HT's = Tarkin + HT (5* g10), ITF (6* g10), Biggs (7* g9) with RI's Phantom (7*), Vader TIE x1 (6* g12), Ghost (7*). I took out Umbarran for ITF and seems to be better, then just put in HT and moved the Ghost as a reinforcement. With this I am still able to take #1 rank daily at my PO.

    My next comments & questions are how I should now prioritize gearing and farming to get to the lineup I will want sooner rather than later:

    1. I've moved both Han & Chewie gear priorities above my BH's (excl. Bossh who I will take to g12) since I think getting them both to g10+ even at 5 and 6* will be better than focusing on BH's to get more stars on Chewie.
    2. Farming shards for BH ships to get them to 6 & 7* (only Slave I is 6*) and Bossk is about 55 shards from 7* as well (rest of my BH team is 7*, Boba, Jango, Dengar, Cad)

    - Should I move Bistan & SRP leveling & gearing ahead of my BH's in order to get Bistan's UWing operational and in the lineup at 7* OR keep BH & their ships ahead for now so I can get more stars on Chewie and Falcon?

    Once the Falcon and pilots are geared a bit more, I will switch my fleet team to Home One + Falcon + Biggs + HT with Phantom, Ghost, Vader most likely.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    My next comments & questions are how I should now prioritize gearing and farming to get to the lineup I will want sooner rather than later:
    1. I've moved both Han & Chewie gear priorities above my BH's (excl. Bossh who I will take to g12) since I think getting them both to g10+ even at 5 and 6* will be better than focusing on BH's to get more stars on Chewie.
    2. Farming shards for BH ships to get them to 6 & 7* (only Slave I is 6*) and Bossk is about 55 shards from 7* as well (rest of my BH team is 7*, Boba, Jango, Dengar, Cad)
    - Should I move Bistan & SRP leveling & gearing ahead of my BH's in order to get Bistan's UWing operational and in the lineup at 7* OR keep BH & their ships ahead for now so I can get more stars on Chewie and Falcon?
    Once the Falcon and pilots are geared a bit more, I will switch my fleet team to Home One + Falcon + Biggs + HT with Phantom, Ghost, Vader most likely.

    In addition to these, I have 2 zetas ready to go. I am thinking to put 1 on Bossk's leader ability but for the 2nd I am not sure. I think my best options at this point are either on Han's "Shoots First" ability or on Thrawn's "Ebb & Flow". Han will help out my fleet and eventually my CLS rebels squad when I can move to them. Thrawn will clearly help my Arena team in the immediate future.

    Any thoughts?
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    Sorry I didn't notice your March17 questions earlier.
    - Should I move Bistan & SRP leveling & gearing ahead of my BH's in order to get Bistan's UWing operational and in the lineup at 7* OR keep BH & their ships ahead for now so I can get more stars on Chewie and Falcon?

    There are people who swear by Bistan, but I'm not one. Not because Bistan is bad, but just because I never geared up Bistan & SRP to useful pilot levels for whatever my opposition was at the time.

    As a result, all I can say is that I've been taking #1 for years without ever using Bistan in my Arena lineup once. Not starting, not as a reinforcement, but I didn't take first until I had Falcon. So if it were me at your level, I would keep pushing on Falcon rather than spend resources on Bistan & SRP right now.

    That said, you don't need gear on your BH's to get the Falcon to 7*, and you don't need any more on Chewie until after he hits g11 and is blocked from progressing until he hits 7*.

    So... g11 Chewie, g11/12 Han, then g11/g12 Bossk (g12 those guys if they're 7*, g11 if they're not), and then you can work on getting g11 on your other BH as needed for Chewie.

    Please remember that Dengar is key to have on your squad because of his kit, but not because of his gear tier. A g9 Dengar is fine. It's your damage dealers (probably Boba & Jango) that need g11. As I've said, Bossk could do with even g12 because you're using him as an Arena Pilot and also to soak up what damage you can as a tank in the Chewie event ... and BOY do they put out the damage.

    Not sure who your 5th is, but when I completed the Chewie event, I never got through without losing someone in the opening volley. So for my thinking, you don't need any particular kit other than Bossk + 2 attackers + Dengar, since one toon is always going to die anyway and so it doesn't really matter what their skills were, does it?

    My strategy, then is just using a convenient BH and boosting survivability as much as possible so that on the runs when they die, they took as much fire away from your other BHs as possible. G11 for this last character is thus somewhat useful -it could mean it absorbs one more attack before it dies, which is sparing your other BHs just that much more damage- but kit is completely irrelevant. So you are best off just getting someone, anyone who is convenient & easy to get to 7* up to g9 or g10 and loading them up with Health/Protection and nothing else. Any time you run the event and someone dies OTHER than your sacrifice BH during that opening volley, just restart. (If all 5 survive, you're luckier than I ever was and you can keep going - the point isn't whether the 5th dies, it's whether the 4 you need survive.)
    Once the Falcon and pilots are geared a bit more, I will switch my fleet team to Home One + Falcon + Biggs + HT with Phantom, Ghost, Vader most likely.

    This also provides an answer, of sorts, doesn't it? If Bistan & SRP aren't in your actual Fleet Arena plan, the gear is probably wasted.

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    I've seen a ton of good advice in the last 3 pages but I was only skimming & didn't see 1 thing I'm wondering about.

    #1 Where are you in terms of the DS-Exec Fleet Challenge that unlocks Zetas?
    Is this open yet to max level for 6 Zetas a week?

    #2 I second what M.Seedy mentioned about Mod Store Mods.....
    You want TRIANGLES & CROSSES, Preferred GOLD (or Purple), where the stats all "harmonize" for a certain "Focus"

    For example..... if you were to see.......
    Triangle - Gold
    Set = Offense
    Primary = Crit Damage
    Secondaries = Speed, Offense, Offense%, CritChance%

    This is basically a holy grail mod & you would buy that in a second regardless of how many credits you have.

    If you got most of that combo in a purple & say had just Speed & Offense% w/ Tenacity% secondary but didn't see Raw Offense or Crit Chance, its still a REALLY GOOD set up just by being Purple combo of Offense/CritDmg w/ Speed/Offense% secondaries.

    Another example would be a Cross + Potency Set + Potency Primary + Secondaries of Speed.
    For just that part you could add any # of "decent" optional secondaries like Offense or Protection depending on who the character that needs Potency is.
    I might want Offense for Yoda v/s Protection for Tarkin but either way tis a great starting set up for a mod.

    What you don't want to do is just buy things that are Gold, or really much from the Left side slots that are super common from Challenges. Or most any Health mod since those are also super common.

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