3 weeks in, need some guidance


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    I have 2 zetas ready to go. I am thinking to put 1 on Bossk's leader ability but for the 2nd I am not sure. I think my best options at this point are either on Han's "Shoots First" ability or on Thrawn's "Ebb & Flow". Han will help out my fleet and eventually my CLS rebels squad when I can move to them. Thrawn will clearly help my Arena team in the immediate future.

    Ebb & Flow. it's a good zeta, made better on a Palp squad and made more important by being on your Arena squad.

    Han's Shoot First is also excellent, CLS needs another in the near term, r2's zetas are good, I get it. There's a lot to do.

    But from a strategy perspective (rather than from a fun perspective) Thrawn is the way to go right now.

    I just also have to say that you've done really, really well to be up in the top 50 of squad and #1 every day in fleet. I'm sure the mountain of crystals is helping you a ton. With that kind of income, you can afford to spend on 1x node refresh per day of both Bossk & HT right now.

    I never recommend spending on node refreshes early, but you've gotten to the point where your income is such that you can afford it without hurting your other farms or your ability to bank crystals for an emergency.

    So for you, at this point, I recommend spending 25 to 50 crystals per day in one or two node refreshes (never 2 refreshes of the same node though!) and 150/day in regular energy refreshes to keep the shards flowing.

    Make sure you have a clear hierarchy of which shards or ship blueprints are most important to you and only use the node refresh on your #1 or #1 & #2 priorities. (And for me, HT is your #1 and Bossk is your #2 at this stage of the game, though obviously Bossk is almost done and you'll need a new #2 priority soon.)

    Speaking of which, what are your Regular Energy farms right now, in order of priority?
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    Whoops! Never mind. I just found your last update on your regular energy farming:
    Hard Nodes: Jango/HT (10x daily), Bossk (10x), Droideka/Xanadu (5x), IG-2000 (5x), Wicket/Stun Guns (5x) - 680/735 max energy per day (using all 50c refreshes)

    Since you're already doing 2x hard node refreshes per day and none of these priorities are done, it seems like you're just fine for now.

    Out of curiosity, though, you will finish Bossk soon, so do you know what will replace Bossk? Back when I still had regular energy farms to do, I would keep a list with 3-4 toons I hadn't gotten to yet on my next priorities.

    Anyway, you're obviously doing a fantastic job and getting better all the time. I'm glad the path (Fleet arena first, then use those crystals to help everywhere else) is working for you.

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    That said, you don't need gear on your BH's to get the Falcon to 7*, and you don't need any more on Chewie until after he hits g11 and is blocked from progressing until he hits 7*.

    So... g11 Chewie, g11/12 Han, then g11/g12 Bossk (g12 those guys if they're 7*, g11 if they're not), and then you can work on getting g11 on your other BH as needed for Chewie.

    Please remember that Dengar is key to have on your squad because of his kit, but not because of his gear tier. A g9 Dengar is fine. It's your damage dealers (probably Boba & Jango) that need g11. As I've said, Bossk could do with even g12 because you're using him as an Arena Pilot and also to soak up what damage you can as a tank in the Chewie event ... and BOY do they put out the damage.

    Not sure who your 5th is, but when I completed the Chewie event, I never got through without losing someone in the opening volley. So for my thinking, you don't need any particular kit other than Bossk + 2 attackers + Dengar, since one toon is always going to die anyway and so it doesn't really matter what their skills were, does it?

    Bossk 20 shards away from 7*, so about 3-4 days with my daily refreshes, and he has the last piece of gear waiting to get him to g12. But this is good to know, keep focusing on these 2 (Han & Chewie) to get them to g11/12 and then can work on 7*ing Chewie once he gets stuck. I'm at Chewie g9 and Han g8, so still some work to do but know all the gear I need.

    5th BH is Cad who is already 7* so I'll take this advice just gearing him for surviving and as a decoy.
    This also provides an answer, of sorts, doesn't it? If Bistan & SRP aren't in your actual Fleet Arena plan, the gear is probably wasted

    Falcon will give me a big boost in arena and as far as I can tell I'm the first in the shard to start using it, just not sure how viable a mixed fleet is long term there. For now I'll focus on having a tough Falcon, HT & Biggs at least to start, and for now reinforcements of Phantom & Vader are good with Ghost there as needed. At some point I will have to either gear up the PS or Bistan/Cassian's team more so need to look into of these 4 ships what is the priority.
    Ebb & Flow. it's a good zeta, made better on a Palp squad and made more important by being on your Arena squad.

    Yeah I think looking at it putting it on Thrawn giving him higher counter chance and being able to keep enemies fractured longer will help me maintain the top 50. Then after that I'll start saving them for the CLS team.
    I just also have to say that you've done really, really well to be up in the top 50 of squad and #1 every day in fleet.

    Thanks a lot, the help you all have provided here as been valuable so it's always appreciated. Even though I think I've gone down some tough paths, I've been able to right the ship and make it work in the end.
    Out of curiosity, though, you will finish Bossk soon, so do you know what will replace Bossk? Back when I still had regular energy farms to do, I would keep a list with 3-4 toons I hadn't gotten to yet on my next priorities.

    In addition to Bossk & Jango/HT 2x per day and Wicket, I started putting 3PAC above the other 2 BH ships, so likely when I finish Bossk I may use the 25c refresh on speeding 3PAC up, and adding back the BH ships. HT still quite a ways to go for 7*, but at least it also gives needed gear on that node and SSC for Jango.

    After all these ones are finished (or start to fall off), I will need to make a decision on the way to go, either:
    1) finish off the ewoks to go for C3P0
    2) start the JKR farms
    3) Troopers with Piett / Gideon / finishing Veers

    Clearly have a lot of gearing to do on my Rebels at the moment, but once I finish them it's either switching to gearing some of the above 3 farms, or my Geos which are all waiting for 7* activation.
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    I've seen a ton of good advice in the last 3 pages but I was only skimming & didn't see 1 thing I'm wondering about.

    #1 Where are you in terms of the DS-Exec Fleet Challenge that unlocks Zetas?
    Is this open yet to max level for 6 Zetas a week?
    yeah this is fully open, have 7* Executrix working up to 7* on Fleet Mastery
    #2 I second what M.Seedy mentioned about Mod Store Mods.....
    You want TRIANGLES & CROSSES, Preferred GOLD (or Purple), where the stats all "harmonize" for a certain "Focus"

    For example..... if you were to see.......
    Triangle - Gold
    Set = Offense
    Primary = Crit Damage
    Secondaries = Speed, Offense, Offense%, CritChance%

    This is basically a holy grail mod & you would buy that in a second regardless of how many credits you have.

    If you got most of that combo in a purple & say had just Speed & Offense% w/ Tenacity% secondary but didn't see Raw Offense or Crit Chance, its still a REALLY GOOD set up just by being Purple combo of Offense/CritDmg w/ Speed/Offense% secondaries.

    Another example would be a Cross + Potency Set + Potency Primary + Secondaries of Speed.
    For just that part you could add any # of "decent" optional secondaries like Offense or Protection depending on who the character that needs Potency is.
    I might want Offense for Yoda v/s Protection for Tarkin but either way tis a great starting set up for a mod.

    What you don't want to do is just buy things that are Gold, or really much from the Left side slots that are super common from Challenges. Or most any Health mod since those are also super common.

    Thanks for this, I've started to revamp how I've done my mod farming as it needed a lot of work. The farming schedule and mod-rolling has improved, but now I need to focus on slicing which I didn't have in my schedule. So currently farming up a bunch of slicing materials so I can work on that.

    Haven't looked much at the mod store lately, but definitely need to keep checking for Triangle mods with CD primary as that is what I always need (especially an Offense set). Right now my Vader is still using a Speed set with good Speed secondaries, but I am working to get a Offense set up with Speed secondaries to switch. Vader currently at 224 speed which is still a bit slow, and Thrawn at 257. Those 2 are my priority on getting higher speed so I can have the first turn against JKR teams which then give me a chance to win.
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    Falcon will give me a big boost in arena and as far as I can tell I'm the first in the shard to start using it, just not sure how viable a mixed fleet is long term there.

    VERY viable, with the right ships.

    HT, Biggs, Falcon is going to be a good starting 3 for a good, long while yet.

    Phantom is obviously your first reinforcement.

    After that? Well, you're going to want Rebel Y-Wing as the next best rebel ship in the game after Falcon, but it can take time to get there. In the meantime, here are some early ships that work outside of their own faction:
    1. Plo Koon. His only job is reinforcement as he fully cleanses all debuffs **and** gives a massive dose of healing & Protection recovery when he enters. If Plo is g7 this is still a worthwhile ship in your arsenal & can win you many battles by keeping other rebels (like Biggs & Phantom) healthy and protected behind a solid Hound's Tooth.

    2. Geonosian Spy: Forces taunt as a debuff on 2 random enemy ships when it enters as a reinforcement. This usually (but not always) allows you to bypass enemy tanks and kill off the most dangerous enemy ship before they cause too much trouble.

    3. Ahsoka Tano: provides dispelling and strong offense. Also jumps TM whenever a reinforcement come in on the other side. This is important because a new reinforcement can change the tide of a battle, or at least change its complexion - especially a tank that comes in and immediately taunts. Ahsoka minimizes the ability of enemy reinforcements to mess up your strategy. The downside of Ahsoka is that unlike the first 2 ships listed, Ahsoka really needs gear on the pilot to work well. Spy & Plo do most of what they do just by virtue of their reinforcement abilities.

    4. Vader: Of course, you've already got him, but it's the combo of dispel + high offense that makes him plug-n-play with any fleet that needs more punch.

    5. TIE Silencer (KRU): Here it's the stun + occasional overpowered hits that work. My problem here is that KRU would also need gear to work. Unlike Vader (who is already geared b/c of being on your arena squad) or Ahsoka (who requires relatively easy gear to get, compared to other characters), KRU is going to need multiple stun guns and generally was designed to be "hard to gear" for the era he came out in. Obviously the game has moved on since then & there are plenty of harder toons to gear than KRU, but he's neither as easy as Ahsoka nor already geared like Vader, so this one is a cautious maybe. Still, he has real potential if you have the gear to spare.

    Here's a short list of how I would prioritize Rebels for your fleet:
    1. RY-W: The obvious 2nd-best rebel starter after Falcon. Phantom's reinforcement ability is gold, but that means he can't start on the field of play. This leaves Biggs in reinforcements so long as HT is the better tank, which is until Biggs out-gears Bossk by an entire gear tier, which will probably never happen, or until you're using multiple fleets at a time (like 1 on defense & one on offense in GAC) where you're going to have to start giving HT away to non-rebels once you have 2 good rebel tanks. This is a pilotless ship and as such requires ZERO gear. You gotta love that.

    2. Cassian: I know, I know, people swear by Bistan over Cassian, but here's the thing: this is another ship where his main job is done by his reinforcement ability: he dispels all enemy buffs, which is another way to get past taunts (though the auto-taunt on Clone Sergeant will pop back up immediately and the one on HT will pop back up if Falcon hasn't auto-dispelled Breach yet). That means that you don't have to gear & star the pilots the way you do with Bistan. Bistan's job is to go first, which means gearing the pilots since a ship gets speed from its pilots' GP. If you can't keep Bistan & SRP geared high enough for the ship to be in your starting 3 and going before all enemies, then this ship can't do its job. Cassian's U-Wing can do its job with all its crew at gear 6.

    3. Wedge: Not spectacular, but he inflicts Buff Immunity when he enters, which stops HT from auto-taunting **and** from gaining Protection UP. HT dies FAST with Buff Immunity on. Unfortunately HT cleanses on every basic, so if you can't time it to bring Wedge in while HT has low TM, the utility of this buff immunity is low. Still, he's got the Rebel Synergy and decent offense on a fleet where your only real rebel offense right now is Falcon. It's always good to have another rebel that can hit. Requires gear. I wouldn't add him to your lineup until at least g9, and even then I'd closely compare to non-Rebels in the reinforcements since a g12 Vader without rebel synergy would almost certainly be better than g9 Wedge with. Still, as synergy becomes more important, he's an option that requires you to gear only a single pilot. With Phantom, Ghost, CU-Wing, BU-W & Falcon all requiring gear on 2 or more pilots, it's nice to see a rebel ship with only one crew member.

    4. Bistan: Again, people swear by him, but his purpose requires serious gear on both Bistan & SRP who aren't priority characters for any other reason. If you can put enough gear into these otherwise worthless toons, you can get out to a very fast start, take out an enemy ship or two very early and coast on that early advantage to victory. The key thing here is go ALL IN on gearing those pilots or don't even try. It's not worth it as a low-gear reinforcement and it's a disaster as a low-gear starter.

    In general, I think I'd prep for your future fleet needs by working on Plo Koon and RY-W over anything else listed here, but that's only after the priority of getting Falcon to 7* which requires getting your BH to 7*... so you're going to be too busy even to worry much about PK & RY-W (though farming RY-W in Fleet Battles right now will give you a nice start, depending on what your other priorities are in there right now).

    So keep pushing on BH & Falcon. Your current hodge-podge will be a winning team for a while. But after you start to need fewer resources on BH & Falcon, Plo & RY-W should follow on immediately behind them so you don't lose a step.

    Remember that everyone else in Fleet has to go through the same process as you. They have to give all this focus over to BH, then to Han & Chewie, and only then to other ships. So they're going to be working with either Hodge-Podge fleets as well, or they're going all in on Geos + Tarkin. That fleet works very well on offense, and they'll be able to beat you to take 1st in their time slot, but you'll kick them right back during your time on offense, so I wouldn't worry about them. Plus they don't really come into their own until they have Malevolence. At that point they can be a terror, but that's a good ways off, and if you want to go that route, you can have a Mal fleet at the same time they get one since the Geos are easy to get & gear (except for Sun Fac needing about 3 stun guns, other than that they're easy) and you have a long time until the unlock. Or you can go GR by then, since you'll have JKA's ship prepped & Fives & Ahsoka's ships should be easy to have done by then as well. Nego + HT, JKA, Fives & Ahsoka is all you need to trash Mal fleets for a while. And if you have Plo Koon by then? So much the better. He's a great ship, requires low gear, and has GR synergy. Cassian, also, is a huge help against Mal fleets since he dispels all those Overcharge buffs. And, again, Cassian's ship doesn't need the gear.

    I think you're placed well to hold on to your progress all the way through the end of your shard's current meta and into the next one.
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    1) finish off the ewoks to go for C3P0

    I'm glad you've started on Wicket if this is a higher priority for you. The ewoks you want are:

    Chirpa (L), Wicket, Paploo, Logray +1.

    You can do it with other squads, but the more you deviate from that squad, the more gear and zetas you will need. Of the 4 nearly-required ewoks, Wicket is by far the longest farm. The good thing is that if you do have that optimal squad, even a mix of g7/g8 can unlock a 5* Threepio, and since Threepio spends almost all his time under stealth, a 5* Threepio will be good enough for a good, long while.
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    3) Troopers with Piett / Gideon / finishing Veers

    Remember that Piett & Gideon aren't old enough to have reached double drops yet. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do this, but putting off Piett for a couple months from now and Gideon until this fall means that each of those farms will take half as long. It's something to consider. You might even get lucky and not be ready to push for Imps until Piett has already hit double drops (he's not that far away from it after all), but Gideon is a much longer wait.
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    Lol I keep reading Falcon and thinking of Sam Wilson
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
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    Well @MasterSeedy I had a very long post with quotes but accidentally deleted it, so will put the summary here:

    Very valuable info on explaining the abilities of some of those ships. I am already farming the RY-W but obviously it's very slow. I may start putting a 25c refresh on it daily to speed it up if I can afford with the crystal income. Right now I'm using all the cheap refreshes on all types of energy, so crystals declining daily more than I earn, but I'm still okay. I may slow a bit some cantina farms as none of them are critical for my immediate focus on fleet (just finishing up Chief Chirpa to 7* hopefully tomorrow).

    Good news is I already have Ahsoka g10 and 7* ship, and had been using her in RI until I pushed her out with HT / Mil.F, but put her in when I know I need the dispells. Vader close to 7* and my best offensive ship atm, Silencer at 6* but only used in GAC for the moment.

    I haven't started Plo but will probably start getting his ship from the stores now that I'm finished with ITF and nearly finished with Bistan's UW and Vader x1. Unfortunately I haven't started Anakin's ship, probably should get on that when I finish off one of the others (2 mentioned here plus Slave I almost done), but I have time before getting Nego. GK is about a month off of unlocking as well.

    Oddly enough in my fleet shard there is only 1 team that makes top 10 that uses Geos. The rest using mixed fleets with many leaning towards GR, though I know they are all farther off from Nego than I am.
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    I'm glad you've started on Wicket if this is a higher priority for you. The ewoks you want are:
    Chirpa (L), Wicket, Paploo, Logray +1.
    You can do it with other squads, but the more you deviate from that squad, the more gear and zetas you will need. Of the 4 nearly-required ewoks, Wicket is by far the longest farm. The good thing is that if you do have that optimal squad, even a mix of g7/g8 can unlock a 5* Threepio, and since Threepio spends almost all his time under stealth, a 5* Threepio will be good enough for a good, long while.

    I currently have Chirpa (7* by tomorrow), Logray 6*, Scout 6*, Elder 5.5*, Wicket 77/330 but farming daily, Teebo 7*, Paploo 53/330. So, mixed bag here as I have 2 that I really need nearly done, probably will take Scout or Elder up, and then keep going with Wicket and Paploo....maybe try to do it w/o Paploo (though can put cantina energy into him after Chirpa finishes).

    And good points on Piett and Gideon. I think for now I won't pursue these 2 toons due to my other priorities and their 1 shard drops, can use the time before they move to 2 shards to farm Paploo or the JKR toons needed.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Quick priority question on gearing pilots.

    Right now I'm taking both Han and Chewie to g11 before anything else (both g9 right now) so I can unlock all the abilities on the Mil.F.

    But once they are g11, should I divert before taking them to g12+ in order to bring up gear levels on a few pilots that the ships abilities could be useful currently? This would be Ezra, Zeb, Hera & Kanan for their specific ship-related abilities. This would mean taking them to g11 as well.

    Ezra probably a yes b/c Phantom will be more useful long term in my fleet, but not sure on the other 3 if the benefit of increasing them to help the Ghost (more ability levels) is better than just better geared Han & Chewie.

    As far as gear goes, this means 6 stun guns to PS before 3 to Han/Chewie, 2 stun cuffs vs 3, and 7 carbantis vs 3.

    Actually I think I may have answered my own question by typing it out. By the time Han/Chewie are g11, the Falcon is for sure in my starting lineup bumping out the Ghost, Phantom will still be RI1 and ghost will be relegated to RI2 at best, likely 3. SO, I will probably put Ezra in priority but not the rest.
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    I currently have Chirpa (7* by tomorrow), Logray 6*, Scout 6*, Elder 5.5*, Wicket 77/330 but farming daily, Teebo 7*, Paploo 53/330. So, mixed bag here as I have 2 that I really need nearly done, probably will take Scout or Elder up, and then keep going with Wicket and Paploo....maybe try to do it w/o Paploo (though can put cantina energy into him after Chirpa finishes).

    If you give Chirpa his zeta (you'll need to for Threepio even if you've got the optimal squad, and most people drop 2 ewok zetas, one for Chirpa & one for the best geared of Wicket or Paploo) you can at least unlock Threepio with what you have right now. (Assuming mix of g7/g8 and mod swapping for best mods possible, or assuming g8 on everyone, high-g8 or low-g9 on one or 2 of them).

    You really won't use Teebo & Scout long term, but giving them g8 to unlock Threepio a month early isn't a bad decision. Threepio is a great toon.

    as for the fleet questions, I'll tackle that a bit later after I've looked at your ships.

  • Koen_Morhey
    10 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    How does your arena shards looks like? I wonder how many players buy the hyperdrive bundle and what for consequences it has for arena
    Post edited by Koen_Morhey on
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    How does your arena shards looks like? I wonder how many players buy the hyperdrive bundle and what for consequences it has for arena

    My Squad Arena shard top 20 are all relic'd JKR or Padme teams (3-5 of the team relic'd), a few DRs fully relic'd and a GL Rey at #1. So, lots of whales and likely all HDB users (I also have HDB but purchased after 1 month into the game, so was not ahead in my Squad shard, and still working on my first relic character)

    For Fleet, the top 7 are all HDB around 280k gp, and those of us at the top never really drop...finally a couple teams making it near us, but most people seem to focus more on characters than ships, therefore squad arena.

    I'm pouring my resources into fleet b/c I can get the 400 crystals per day there from #1 (yesterday was the first time I didn't take #1 in 2 months), but in Squad I can only get to top 30 at best with my current team
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    I'm pouring my resources into fleet b/c I can get the 400 crystals per day there from #1 (yesterday was the first time I didn't take #1 in 2 months), but in Squad I can only get to top 30 at best with my current team

    Yep. This is the way.

    You can eventually catch up in Squad Arena if you're getting those 400 crystals/day, but playing against the whales who dominate squad it's hard to even break the top 20, which would only be 200 crystals/day anyway.

    The better early investment is fleet. Eventually you'll have a maxed fleet (or one that may as well be), but Squad Arena faces a constant meta churn, which is another reason fleet is the better early investment. With much less turnover at the top those resources you're pouring into ships remain useful much longer than resources you might pour into Squad Arena. Keep up with the natural growth available to you (adding Bossk & HT, adding Hyena, adding Malevolence, etc.) and the earlier investments stay relevant. In squad it often means starting over with an entirely new team to relic, whereas in fleet it typically means just one new pilot to relic.

    Meanwhile your character options expand like crazy since you can afford to burn through a lot of refreshes of Cantina & Regular energy every day. Eventually that gives you the prerequisites to go after a truly new, truly meta squad and you'll shoot up the Arena ranks, but even before it does that, you get constantly better at raids and GAC and TW.

    i honestly don't know why anyone would spend on Squad Arena at the beginning when they can get almost the same rewards for much less investment going fleet.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Yep. This is the way.

    You can eventually catch up in Squad Arena if you're getting those 400 crystals/day, but playing against the whales who dominate squad it's hard to even break the top 20, which would only be 200 crystals/day anyway.

    Yeah even with my Empire team which I have not invested anything into for almost a month other than Thrawn E&F zeta can keep me top 50, maxing at 21 yesterday (just impossible to break into top 20 even with 5 full battles available). As long as I can hold that top 50 until the rest of my CLS team is ready, I should be good.

    I'm about 2 days away from finishing my Paploo Cantina farm to get him to 7* and there isn't really any pressing Cantina farm character I need (not one that is worth using my 3x refreshes on), so I am thinking to only refresh Cantina once, and instead farm the Rebel Y-Wing 15x per day (2 refreshes). It will be less energy spent overall, and I am just about finished with both Slave I and TIE x1 to 7*, so will have some fleet energy to throw in (in addition to finishing my BUW to 7*.

    I think even with a 4* Y-Wing, switching over to the full Rebels fleet may be okay even at my current gear levels:
    - Mil.F 5* with Han 6* g10 and Chewie 6* g9 > these are top 2 priorities to get to g11
    - Biggs X-Wing maxed with Biggs g10
    - Bistan's U-Wing 6* with Bistan & SRF both g8
    - Ackbar g9

    Still a ton of gearing to go, but with the synergy this lineup will have, I think it will be better overall than my mixed one today, and should help me tear through other HT's quick.
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    Oh and also a reason to slow down cantina farms is there isn’t anything I really need from the cantina store right now, so figured I’d use that energy elsewhere to help get some needed toons / ships up to speed faster.

    Normal energy farms (# battles)
    - Jango / HT (10)
    - Threepio & Chewbacca (10)
    - Wicket (5)
    - Xanadu (5)
    - IG-2000 (5)

    - BUW (5)
    - Vader x1 (5)
    - Slave I (5)
    - Rebel YW (10)
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    @MasterSeedy @TheChild_eats_eggs1 and @Arva (since you stalk me here :smile: )

    Here's a summary of my current farms with a couple questions below:

    - Cantina Energy: Paploo about finished (323/330) - I will cut back on energy refreshes here, but looking for suggestions of what to farm. Thinking either (1) KRU/Silencer to finish Silencer to 7*, (2) JKA to 7* but no immediate need for him, or (3) start building up relic mat stockpiles (I don't have any relic toons yet)
    - LS/DS Hard nodes: This one is pretty set for a while as HT is 62/85 to 6*, Chewpio is 48/330, Wicket 113/330, Xanadu 50/85 and IG-2000 38/85. Right now I'm double-tapping Chewpio since it's a slow farm, but should I switch and double-tap Wicket instead since it will help the Stun Gun inflow, and I will need him anyway before getting normal C3P0 for my CLS team?
    - Fleet nodes: Vader x1 is 89/100 and Slave I is 96/100 so those will come off the list freeing up 200 energy to use. BUW is 31/100 and Rebel Y-Wing is 64/80. Any suggestions where to allocate the 200 energy freed up here soon? I can probably just double-tap BUW and save one 100crystal refresh on Y-wing (still triple-tap it)
    - Mod Energy: Just farming up a ton of slicing mats as I have a pretty full stockpile of mods, and need to spend time rolling / slicing to see what I can get

    Overall what the snapshot shows is a daily crystal usage of 675 and I have a daily crystal income of ~600 (#1 Fleet, Top 50 Squad, +dailies). If I make the change in fleet after I finish those 2 ships, my crystal usage would be 575 so would be net inflow, or could throw more back into Cantina refreshes.

    Ah and last thing for the Stores, on GW I am starting to get K2SO to 7* since nothing else pressing there (I have Cassian's U-Wing 7* but pilots not geared other than HDB) and for Squad Arena tokens I have been buying Prestige to get my Home One maxed out. However, for Catina store not sure what to get from there anymore, I guess I will start buying Ship building mats with what I have.
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    Cantina Energy: Paploo about finished (323/330) - I will cut back on energy refreshes here, but looking for suggestions of what to farm. Thinking either (1) KRU/Silencer to finish Silencer to 7*, (2) JKA to 7* but no immediate need for him, or (3) start building up relic mat stockpiles

    If you're going Rebels with your fleet and CLS with Arena, and restricting myself to the options presented, I would go JKA here. Neither KRU nor JKA is necessary, of course, but JKA is the more valuable toon long term.

    That said, I would do none of those and instead go straight for GeoSpy & GeoSoldier. JKA will not come into his own without Padmé and GK (GK for fleet, Padmé for squad) so getting and gearing him early isn't quite as helpful as you might think.

    Nute + Geos will get Padmé and while you're gearing her you can farm JKA.

    So the list would be:
    1. Geo Spy
    2. Geo Soldier
    3. JKA

    Next question?
    LS/DS Hard nodes: This one is pretty set for a while as HT is 62/85 to 6*, Chewpio is 48/330, Wicket 113/330, Xanadu 50/85 and IG-2000 38/85. Right now I'm double-tapping Chewpio since it's a slow farm, but should I switch and double-tap Wicket instead

    Yes, switch to Wicket. Why spend more to farm 3PAC now when you can spend more as soon as 3PAC hits double drops and your crystals will be that much more effective?

    Whenever you can, avoid node refreshes for any toon that's currently dropping only a single shard at a time. They're going to go double drops eventually and you save resources by spending them only on those toons that have already reached that stage.
    Fleet nodes: Vader x1 is 89/100 and Slave I is 96/100 so those will come off the list freeing up 200 energy to use. BUW is 31/100 and Rebel Y-Wing is 64/80. Any suggestions where to allocate the 200 energy freed up here soon?

    1. Jolee Bindo
    2. Anakin's ETA Starfighter.

    The fighter is a long farm, so you should start now. Jolee is a crucial toon, so even though you can farm him on LS nodes, faster is better and this requires no node refresh.

    I like reducing your daily outlay to around 500-550 crystals. Although you try to avoid it, there's no substitute for flat-out purchasing certain things with crystals when necessary. Reducing your outlay by, in part, not paying for Fleet node refreshes gives you a crystal income for those times.

    Gold eyeballs, for instance, are actually cheaper to buy than to farm with energy paid for by crystal refreshes. (750 crystals per 50 salvage = 15 crystals per salvage, where farming = 50 crystals per 120 energy with approximately 2.2 to 2.4 salvage per 120 energy/50 crystals = 21 to 23 crystals per salvage)

    And other things you need so much that even though they're cheaper to farm if you can using 50 crystals refreshes, to keep up with your shard farming while farming that gear means using 100 crystal refreshes... and at that point purchasing the gear is cheaper. (Kyros are a primary example here. I only farm them when my 50-crystal refreshes aren't tied up farming toons & ships, since that's the only time they're cheaper to farm than buy.)
    However, for Catina store not sure what to get from there anymore, I guess I will start buying Ship building mats with what I have.

    I wouldn't.

    Let me look again at what's available in the Cantina store, but
    Jawa Scavenger

    all should be 6* before you move on. Most of these are 5* (and Scavenger isn't unlocked yet).

    As soon as you have all those at 6*, then you're buying Cassian's U-Wing forever (or at least until you find you have to have one of your 6* toons maxed and you don't have time to wait for events or Bronziums to finish them for free).

    Of course, that's optional. It's what I would do, not necessarily what you "should" do. But even if you decide to move on after taking things to 5* and not to 6*, your next move should be to buy CU-W blueprints. Those convert to Shard Shop Currency which means more rare gear. You need that rare gear more than you need ship building materials.
    for Squad Arena tokens I have been buying Prestige to get my Home One maxed out

    This is definitely the right thing to do.
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    @MasterSeedy Thank you so much as always.

    BUT one big thing I should have probably specified are all the toons / ships I have ready at 7* just not activated to save credits / gp bloat / no resources to gear right now, since swgoh doesn't show them on my roster.

    - All 5 Geos are at 7* and Ewoks of Paploo, Chirpa, Teebo
    - Cantina store toons at 7*: HRS, Poe, FOO, Stormtrooper, Cassian's U-Wing :smile:
    - A few others are well that I just don't have need to activate yet

    So, I think the JKA route makes the most sense as I will go for a Padme team after I finish my CLS Rebels (I should have GK 5* in a couple weeks, but still a long ways off this team. I just won't use Cantina energy refreshes so I can conserve some crystals.
    1. Jolee Bindo
    2. Anakin's ETA Starfighter.
    Okay, I was farming these 2 with extra energy before I started the Y-Wing, so yeah think it makes sense to go back to them as I'll need them ready eventually (and after JKA I think I will do Mission & T3)

    Thanks for reminding me on the gold eyeballs point from earlier, because I am needing those now, and also on the Cantina store buying Cassian UW blueprints to convert to shard shop currency. So I guess I could get Jawa Scav and QGJ and then do that...or maybe I'll build up some shard shop currency because it's a place I've been using to get stun guns / carbantis as I need SO many of them.

    I heard the Rebel Y-WIng can function even at 4* so maybe I'll just do 1 refresh there per day as it's almost there (and since my shard is young should be okay)
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    one big thing I should have probably specified are all the toons / ships I have ready at 7* just not activated

    Ah! This helps, thanks.

    I still say you should purchase CU-W blueprints with Cantina Tokens, though. They won't convert to Shard Shop currency until you activate & 7* the CU-W, but even if you won't have it right away, that currency is more valuable than the ship building materials you were thinking about buying.

    Now, you could buy a toon that you already have at 7* to get ShShC now, but 5x38 = 190 ShShC for each purchase of CU-W while 10x15 = 150 ShShC for the toons. 40 extra currency per day = 6 extra StunGun Salvage every 9.3 days.

    So I like the CU-W purchase, but it's up to you whether it's worth the wait right now.
    So, I think the JKA route makes the most sense as I will go for a Padme team after I finish my CLS Rebels

    Yep. If you already have the Geo shards this is the thing to do.
    I heard the Rebel Y-WIng can function even at 4* so maybe I'll just do 1 refresh there per day as it's almost there (and since my shard is young should be okay)

    I like the 1x node refresh per day on RY-W. It can function at 4*, and you do have a young shard, but keeping yourself ahead of the curve is important and it is a long farm. So I like the refreshing, but I also like cutting crystal expenses where you can to get down to that 500-550 daily budget I suggested. 1 refresh seems good to keep you out in front, 2 seems like more than you need to spend to maintain your Fleet rank.
  • Intimmydation
    681 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    I still say you should purchase CU-W blueprints with Cantina Tokens, though. They won't convert to Shard Shop currency until you activate & 7* the CU-W, but even if you won't have it right away, that currency is more valuable than the ship building materials you were thinking about buying.

    Yeah I think I will do this, and if I need to activate and take to 7* I should be able to afford it since RYW is the only other ship that will require a large ship material outflow once it's unlocked (I'm ~9m right now so have a buffer). Plus since I have all the pilots at g8 from HDB, I can use Cassian's UW as a RI if I need the mass dispel.

    So JKA to get him 7* while feeding Cantina tokens in SSC, and potentially after JKA I will finish off my Tie Silencer meaning feeding KRU into SSC (the JKR toons I will get to, but so many things to gear in front of them that I think they can even wait longer).
    I like the 1x node refresh per day on RY-W. It can function at 4*, and you do have a young shard, but keeping yourself ahead of the curve is important and it is a long farm. So I like the refreshing, but I also like cutting crystal expenses where you can to get down to that 500-550 daily budget I suggested. 1 refresh seems good to keep you out in front, 2 seems like more than you need to spend to maintain your Fleet rank.

    Good point, it's not super needed right now, but would help against enemy HTs, although since my whole shard are still using mixed fleets I can afford to take it a bit slower (a couple others just unlocked TIE bomber at 4* so would be similar to that).

    I will say going for this Rebel fleet has made me really thing about gearing priorities and learning how to change them around on the fly. Having built out my spreadsheets it's really helped to see the upcoming needs, otherwise it would just be a crapshoot.
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    Suggestions welcome on priority of which pilot order to gear.

    Current Rebel fleet lineup options (stars in parenthesis):
    - Home One (6), **** (5), Biggs Xwing (7), Bistans UW (6), YWing (4), Phantom (7), Ghost (7), Cassians UW (7). Ywing and CUW not leveled but can be.

    Pilot star and gear levels below:
    - Han 6* g11
    - Chewie 6* g9
    - Biggs 7* g10
    - AA 7* g8
    - Bistan 7* g7
    - SRP 7* g8
    - Cassians crew all 5* g8 from HDB
    - PS all 7* g8-10

    Chewie is the first priority right now to get to g11, but depending on gear he needs I may be able to bring others up as well.

    My main question is how I should prioritize the following toons on how they will benefit the overall fleet taking into consideration their pilot abilities.
    - Biggs, AA, Bistan and SRP
    - Thinking to just take Biggs to g11 since he’s close and my main tank (secondary tank on current mixed fleet), but g11 will allow me +45% dmg
    - AA doesn’t need too much of the same gear as others so will try to take him up, but if he has a gear clash not sure to prioritize him over BUW pilots
    - Bistan and SRP - currently have been taking them each up a gear level at a time, but does it make sense to rush SRP to g11 first, then go back to work on Bistan?

    Side note: BH ships are about 30 shards away each from 6* and in my daily farms, so still working on those to increase stars on ****. Han will be 7* in a couple weeks; but need lots more gearing on Boba and Jango to get 7* Chewie. Also probably won’t work on CUW pilots until I finish the others but still could be a good RI for dispel
  • TheChild_eats_eggs1
    1466 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
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    I think you should stop paying for node refreshes & start using that energy to farm gear instead.

    Your building up a roster of 7* toons but they are all at G1, which makes them useless outside of TB Platoons.
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    I think you should stop paying for node refreshes & start using that energy to farm gear instead.

    Your building up a roster of 7* toons but they are all at G1, which makes them useless outside of TB Platoons.
    It's a good point, but really the only node refresh I am paying now is for Wicket, which also helps me in much needed Stun Guns.

    Current Farms
    - Normal Energy: Wicket (10), Jango/HT (10 to get 7* on HT), Chewpio, Xanadu & IG-2000 (to get 6 and 7* to finish my HMF). Remaining goes to other gear daily (but it's not much)
    - Fleet Energy: Rebel Y-Wing (10), JKA Eta-2 (5), rest goes towards gear needed to relic a toon (just unlocked Shaak-Ti and Nest nodes yesterday, but not sure if I should farm them yet)

    That being said, I do have a real problem where I don't have too many usable teams (have done pretty well in GAC 3x3, usually 1st or 2nd in Div 7)...but will be a problem..

    My focus has been on Fleet and trying to get my Rebel fleet fully operational (I can still take top spot daily with my mixed fleet but that will change soon). Then also focusing on the CLS rebels team to switch to them in Squad, and have a full 2nd team working well.

    However, I am thinking to delay the gearing of the Ewoks and not go for C3P0 right away and instead gear up my Geos, which will give me another fully functional team usable in many game modes (including my guild for Geo DS TB).

    At the same time, I still need to gear the pilots for Bistan's U-Wing, but I'm wondering if I put them on hold a put and prioritize the Geos first, and instead if I am able to switch to the Rebel fleet, I could have HMF, Biggs & RYW starting.

  • Schwartzring
    1508 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    It's a good point, but really the only node refresh I am paying now is for Wicket, which also helps me in much needed Stun Guns.

    I hear you, but that 25 for Wicket & 25 for Y-Wing is 50 you could be spending on Mods if your not doing 3x a day on those.

    Y-Wing I can get behind since it doesn't require gear, but, for 5 Wicket Summons you could save the 25 Crystals & just do 10 Stun Gun regular Node summons. Giving you 2x the Stun Guns & other stuff from the node.

    Having Ewoks farmed w/o gear still won't get you 3PO so I'd slow the Wicket farm but hey, that's just me.

    And I'd totally gear Bugs before Bears if that is your debate.
    Both teams get you an unlock character for GAS as well as another team, but the Bugs are WAY more useful in their TB event as well as TW/GAC. Not to mention Fleet usage for TW/GAC added fleets.
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    I hear you, but that 25 for Wicket & 25 for Y-Wing is 50 you could be spending on Mods if your not doing 3x a day on those.

    Y-Wing I can get behind since it doesn't require gear, but, for 5 Wicket Summons you could save the 25 Crystals & just do 10 Stun Gun regular Node summons. Giving you 2x the Stun Guns & other stuff from the node.

    Having Ewoks farmed w/o gear still won't get you 3PO so I'd slow the Wicket farm but hey, that's just me.

    Right now crystals aren't a problem, so I am doing 3x refreshes on all energy excluding cantina every day right now. Mods I have been farming up a stock of slicing mats (~250 of each type) and now will go back to farming mods and investing to roll stats as they need improvements).

    But, true on the Wicket note, I think I will go Geos after I finish some pilots and put Ewoks / C3P0 on hold for a bit so only do the 5 sims per day, and can use that 100 other energy to farm 8B normal stun guns (drop rates are pretty similar?). No reason to rush him if I won't gear right away, and that 25c refresh saved per day over time can be used to buy gear if needed (and good value from shipment, like black eyeballs).

    This means I will likely take Han/Chewie/Biggs to g12 first and then the Geos...putting Bistan's UW pilots on hold a bit. If I see a huge drop in fleet performance I can switch back...and anyway I can just hoard the gear until I have it saved to just gear Geos straight to g11/12.
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    So here's my updated farming plan for the types of energy that I've just rearranged a bit:


    - Took off the 25c refreshes on everything except Y-Wing, debatable whether I keep it on HT node or not since I'm 18/100 and rest of the fleets in my shard are also at 6* with a couple at 7*
    - Removed Wicket completely since Ewoks will be on hold, can save energy here and use cheaper nodes for Stun Guns
    - Just relic'd my Vader yesterday, so will use some of this normal energy for scavenger mats and the rest into Stun Gun DS 8B node
    - Cantina energy into signal data now that JKA is 7*
    - Fleet is only going for RYW and slow farming Eta-2, rest is into either the Mk6 Hypo Syringes I need a ton of or g13 gear pieces

    I'm going to focus still on Han/Chewie/CLS for that ground team and beefing up my HMF while still getting Biggs & AA to where they need to be so I can switch over to the Rebel Fleet.
    Then will gear up the Geos, so won't touch Ewoks for a while, and won't add anymore character farms to the list until I get closer to finishing the Ewoks. This will free up a lot of energy to go into gear to finish off my current teams.
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    @Intimmydation I know you recommended using Excel to track gear.

    I just created an excel doc. for it (doesn't have my current gear info as I will add it when I log on).

    Could you pls give advice. I'm sharing a pic of the relic one as it's shorter.


    The req. and needed 1, 2, and 3 are for separate projects, and 'needed' columns are filled by Excel formulae.
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My swgoh.gg - https://swgoh.gg/p/648565123/
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