[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    If they came out with a pack that was say $100, and you could buy max crate rather than play the conquest, I’d actually be thinking about doing that.

    I’m not keen on playing it. In fact I just don’t want to play it and grind it out at all. Can’t believe I’m even thinking I would happily pay to not play a game mode.

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    Crayons wrote: »
    If they came out with a pack that was say $100, and you could buy max crate rather than play the conquest, I’d actually be thinking about doing that.

    I’m not keen on playing it. In fact I just don’t want to play it and grind it out at all. Can’t believe I’m even thinking I would happily pay to not play a game mode.
    U need tons of relic to get max crate. $100 aint enough. Cg see $$$
  • MF6076
    39 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I like some of the feats in sector 1 and 2 but only because I'm in a position to complete them. Having a reason to use a handful of partially reliced or otherwise unused squads I own is good.

    Then it goes way downhill in the middle of sector 2. I've lost 5 battles just by getting outsped after the mini boss in sector 2. So impossible to complete sector feats while progressing. Forced to use a couple squads or a GL to complete and/or 3*.

    Why isn't there a live feat counter?
    Why can't we see what speed the enemy units are?
    5 attackers / No support feats are double dumb as doing the former completes the latter.
    The entire mode is now a timesink. I personally don't have anywhere near the amount of time required to complete it effectively. I'll have to drop GAC and TW just to participate. It's not even about getting to max crate. They've made that an impossibility for me and others regardless through requirements.
    The old version needed tweaked. For example adding Bad Batch as a sector 5 requirement would have been enough to stem the max crates and achieve their desired outcome, while keeping the mode on the whole healthy. Then they just needed to switch up the requirements each conquest because doing the same Conquest 3 times off the bounce was painfully dull.

    I'm just holding out to see if they admit defeat and go back to the drawing board. I don't think I'll be around to do another one if it stays in this format.
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    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    If they came out with a pack that was say $100, and you could buy max crate rather than play the conquest, I’d actually be thinking about doing that.

    I’m not keen on playing it. In fact I just don’t want to play it and grind it out at all. Can’t believe I’m even thinking I would happily pay to not play a game mode.
    U need tons of relic to get max crate. $100 aint enough. Cg see $$$

    Yeah, I already have the characters.

    I only need energy and time. I would happily bypass both. $100 crystals would more than enough cover the energy needed over the 2 weeks of conquest.
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    TroopJF713 wrote: »
    Is anyone else finding that there is only Padme, Gas, Bad Batch teams(Galactic Republic over all) showing up everywhere in conquest. Unless if I missed the memo that it was all Republic/Separtist themed only.
    It’s not really a mix mode of factions

    There is only one feat that’s completely tedious. Which is the potency down.

    The challenge abilities at the end of phase are actually really cool to have for later.

    I’m not rushing through as a) have other sh-t to do and b) no rush to spend more crystals but so far I’ve seen plenty of Imperial Troopers, Mandalorians and Empire along with Seps and GR - so it feels a bit more varied (not as many Jawas as in the buggy version though - I miss those little scamps)
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    But I want the newest best content now and for free!! It’s not fair. CG should be willing to lose money so that people like me can have what we want straight away. I think they should give me 330 shards or Lord Vader as compensation for the conquest even though I hadn’t started yet and won’t spend on it when I do.

    To summarize 🤦🏻‍♂️
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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI Sorry if this is answered already but I can't find it and no1 answered me last time. Where are the crystal refunds from the conquest that was instantly taken down? I spent quite a few. Do I need to go out of my way and submit a ticket? I thought CG said we were getting the resources we spent back.
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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI Sorry if this is answered already but I can't find it and no1 answered me last time. Where are the crystal refunds from the conquest that was instantly taken down? I spent quite a few. Do I need to go out of my way and submit a ticket? I thought CG said we were getting the resources we spent back.

    There’s a post in Dev Updates - there will be a server update later today to return the crystals and currency spent on consumables
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    No, you don't get it. But nice try topcash!
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    if you are not able to win in the PVE-endgame like the CPit raid, you couldnt expect to be #1 in both arenas. dont know why you are upset about it
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    After playing the new conquest for half a day I already feel exhausted by the hostile and toxic changes by CG against the player community. For me this is a lost conquest and I don’t wish to do any energy refreshes (previously I even did those for fun at the end of conquest to try out new team compositions for viability) so I’m basically *bleeped*.

    My only hope now is that I’m not alone and that after CG tally up the score afterwards and analyze the monitored metrics they will suffer even more.

    I’m not writing this out of spite or anger. I’m just so disappointed and frustrated with CGs constant mixed messages and them taking back things while claiming they don’t want to do that. I understand tweaking, but this is not tweaking, it’s a bloodbath.

    And I hope the many sane people at CG will raise their voices against the few who call the shots. But I also understand working at a place with a toxic management culture and after a while you just buckle down and just try to survive.
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    Gascharack wrote: »
    if you are not able to win in the PVE-endgame like the CPit raid, you couldnt expect to be #1 in both arenas. dont know why you are upset about it

    How are these 2 even related? One thing is a guild task, the other one is single player task. There are people who are in guilds that can't beat CPit but still can take #1 in both arenas, just like there are people in guilds that are farming CPit but still can't get #1 in both arenas.
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    It’s a chore, not fun. I guess I’ll just play as is and let long-term goals be very-long-term goals and not worry about max rewards, etc
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I’m at second half of sector 2, and i have to say i’m having fun so far. I find trying to optimize feats weirdly entertaining. So far (so far) i didnt feel kept out of a feat and i dont have every faction relic’d (having JML and Rey is very helpful though). Let’s see if it becomes a chore in a few days, especially with the dreaded ‘heal x pts’ and ‘remove x tm’ feats that don’t have a counter.
    Grievous as mini boss in sector 2 with the ns faction feat means you have at least one team ‘not fully relic’d’ ns can have a shot against, even if rng doens’t give you one to face in the sector. If it’s by design, good job.
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    A more constructive post than I have been writing.

    Removing relic 8 materials - This is just low, especially with relic 9 coming. Relic 8 materials should be more available now, not less available. Added to the new way of GL requirements now needing ever larger numbers of R8, the squeeze is too much. Even if you’re doing CPIT and Spending.

    Increasing energy costs - This is just low with the increase in feats, and the specificity of those feats. If conquest had remained as it was, and you increased energy cost, I don’t think anyone would have minded. That in-fact would have played into your own reasoning of trying to stretch it out. But doing it in tandem with the vast array of complex feats that will require multiple attempts is too much of a squeeze. Like the mini boss feats that can not be done with less than 3 attempts. 60 energy is half a days energy regen. For one boss fight feat! You could alleviate this by adding free energy to the daily giveaway.

    The feats - Fun. This game mode had that, and a lot of it. The feats have now taken away from the fun entirely. Before it was a grind but at times an interesting one, as you had to figure out how to get round it all with your roster as it was. But now it’s a slog type of grind, and one where trying to figure out how to get round it all with your roster has almost evaporated, and replaced by your decisions on roster composition. I have mentioned before, but this mode was presented as a great way to use your unique rosters in creative ways. You’ve also said on many occasions around other games modes that you don’t want to take agency away from the players. These new feats do just that. It drives roster direction and removes agency from the players. This is where you have removed all of the fun.

    Thanks for your time, I hope you hear.
    Post edited by Crayons on
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    joelgs23 wrote: »
    I earned max rewards in Hard GC the last 4 events, now I will not get close due to you incredibly STUPID feats..... Since my guild, that I lead, is nowhere close to CPit raid completion, you have STOPPED me and everyone like me from getting R8. Since you screwed Fleet Arena, you are now taking crystals from me also. I used to be #1 every day, but I and others are booted down by whales camping in the top 5 with Executor, which requires 2 R8 characters. So to recap, you stop of from getting R8, you stop us from advancing in fleets, you reduce our crystal income thus making further advancements harder... WHAT IS THE POINT? Contemplating quitting the game....

    Reducing crystal and r8 income was the point. Money grab bonanza.
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    So, just so I have it clear. Galactic Conquest first launches, and I'm actually kind of enjoying it. Before the first rework, i managed to get one red crate. After that, got the 2nd highest. I managed to accumulate enough Razor Crest shards for 6*, and over time got to within 80 shards for CAT. It was a slog, having to constantly check my energy and stamina to get in before wasting either. It kept me engaged in the game, and I even bought a few refreshes when I was close to getting enough feats for the next level crate. Ultimately the commitment was worth it because of the shards I was able to earn. As that's happening, Razor Crest is found to underperform, and the drive to finish it became less important, and my focus was on CAT. But I was still doing it. Now, with the "cadence," Razor Crest has become a requirement for Executor, but is completely removed from the crate rewards. So I put all that time and energy just to earn the privilege of buying it. And it does not look like I can even buy enough CAT shards to finish her, despite hoarding gear to take her to G13, and intentionally being on the verge of simultaneously finishing Kenobi. Then throw in Maul. So after the latest "fix" I now get to do 4 times as much work to get less than half the rewards, and I will have the honor of being so far behind on Maul that he may as well be a galactic legend. CG thinks I will just spend more money. News flash...what's happening is I'm playing less because you've made it intentionally futile. Between that and the anti-GL reworks, where I'm now just throwing garbage in on GA if I have fewer GLs than my opponent, this game may as well be Farmville when I just logged in, clicked some crops, then put it away. Not fun.
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    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Stage 2-cant find a team my semi relic nightsister can beat.

    Tried 4 times for 80 energy. this conquest is horrible

    Same here, I guess with all those changes rushing all sectors and grinding later with helpful data discs is the only possible way now..

    I easily beat a Grievous squad with NS. As long as you have relic 5 Daka and some decent data discs it's pretty easy.
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    Hope you guys missed Sidious. He's back and wants revenge for all the simmed battles

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    Data cards make a huge difference. I started last time with this awesome one that gave each ally 4% offense at the start of their turn for each debuffed enemy. This time I have evasion up or protection up as my best options. I'm quite upset about it. The data disks make success so random!!!
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    I actually like that some of the feats make me use more variety than before. I do not, however, enjoy not being able to see the enemy speeds/stats. If CG insists on putting such a premium on Conquest energy, please show us the respect of giving us the tools to not waste it.
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    I actually like that some of the feats make me use more variety than before. I do not, however, enjoy not being able to see the enemy speeds/stats. If CG insists on putting such a premium on Conquest energy, please show us the respect of giving us the tools to not waste it.

    This. As we all know speed is of high importance across the game so why are we having to enter conquest effectively blinded to the enemy's squad speed?
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    I actually like that some of the feats make me use more variety than before. I do not, however, enjoy not being able to see the enemy speeds/stats. If CG insists on putting such a premium on Conquest energy, please show us the respect of giving us the tools to not waste it.

    This. As we all know speed is of high importance across the game so why are we having to enter conquest effectively blinded to the enemy's squad speed?

    they can't even make sure we're getting 20 conquest credits instead of 10 in hard mode before releasing conquest and you're wondering why we don't have a view of the enemies' speed? I'd think the answer is rather obvious.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    I actually like that some of the feats make me use more variety than before. I do not, however, enjoy not being able to see the enemy speeds/stats. If CG insists on putting such a premium on Conquest energy, please show us the respect of giving us the tools to not waste it.

    This. As we all know speed is of high importance across the game so why are we having to enter conquest effectively blinded to the enemy's squad speed?

    they can't even make sure we're getting 20 conquest credits instead of 10 in hard mode before releasing conquest and you're wondering why we don't have a view of the enemies' speed? I'd think the answer is rather obvious.

    How are these related?

    Credits were a bug - proof is that they fixed it.

    Speed is purposeful - they want us losing to spend more energy/crystals.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Speed is purposeful - they want us losing to spend more energy/crystals.[/quote]

    That's the most likely explanation.

    If I lose a battle due to misplaying it, well that's my fault. If I lose because I'm hopelessly outsped but have no way of knowing that until after the fact then that's just really annoying and unfun.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    TBF they don't know our speeds either ;)
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Budgernaut wrote: »
    Data cards make a huge difference. I started last time with this awesome one that gave each ally 4% offense at the start of their turn for each debuffed enemy. This time I have evasion up or protection up as my best options. I'm quite upset about it. The data disks make success so random!!!

    Entrenched will carry plenty of teams farther than they should probably be able to go, not to mention it makes Padmé teams debuff immune right out of the gate. Grab those when they show up, esp the 50 and 75.

    They also stack.

    Oh, and they're 1-dot. Probably one of the best data disks for the price.
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