[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    TVF wrote: »
    TBF they don't know our speeds either ;)

    I think they are just slightly above what a normal fast toon would be, I have not been outrun with my GL yet, but outrun with anything else.
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    So, I'm really impressed that they were able to turn around and re-release the GC so quickly. I'm sure a bunch of people put in a lot of effort and hours to get that done. 100% kudos for that (even though some of the changes are still not ideal, I still having the event up and running to having it delayed/canceled again, and it seems like they were able to address at least some issues right off the bat).

    I *do* hope the way kills related and certain debuffs (primarily expose, but also plague, etc) gets changed. A toon that dies when you hit them shouldn't fail to count just because they were also exposed.

    Does anyone know if the damage Palp does to Rebels/Jedi/Shocked enemies when they take a turn counts? Guessing no, but seems like it should since it is Palp himself dealing the damage).
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    I actually like that some of the feats make me use more variety than before. I do not, however, enjoy not being able to see the enemy speeds/stats. If CG insists on putting such a premium on Conquest energy, please show us the respect of giving us the tools to not waste it.

    Yeah, i used imperial troopers at 100% stamina in sector 3 (Gideon w/ 370 speed) against Phoenix, and Sabine outsped me and basic spammed my piett to death before I could take a turn
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    Need some Leaders Resolve!
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Need some Leaders Resolve!

    That can help certain teams, but I'm not sure how it would help IT vs Phoenix.
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    Lately it feels like all criticism is falling on deaf ears, so I’ve been fairly quiet as writing a post seems like a waste of time. Anyway on the off chance that someone will listen (in a meaningful, game adjustment sort of way), here goes:

    Past Conquests were more fun (imo: some have never enjoyed Conquest), yet had issues including (but not limited to):
    1. Lack of feat counters. Some of the boss feats need a feat counter in order to have any idea on how one is progressing. This is a necessary change in some form.
    2. Lack of enemy stats. Planning battles against unknown enemy speeds are very difficult. Random poor teams in other areas of the game will eventually be above 600 speed in Sector 5. I still don’t know how fast they are.
    3. Duplicate enemy selections on node slice. When I have 2 choices for battles, having the same enemy for either choice isn’t ideal for obvious reasons.
    4. Duplicate data disks in same node slice. When I have 1 disk to choose, having the same disk is quite disappointing. Perhaps having 1/3 of the possible disks assigned to top disk choice, 1/3 to middle and last 1/3 to bottom could alleviate this annoyance.
    5. Lack of purple disks (only applicable for some). This could be a reward for Sector 3 or 4 Boss & higher. This would allow players the opportunity to at least choose a purple disk at some point, if they do desire.
    6. Grinding feats. 20 flawless victories in Sector 1 when there was only 14 nodes is a waste of time & energy.
    7. Miscellaneous: bugs, crashes, incorrect descriptions, modifiers etc. Everyone has their own set of annoyances with the mode (note: not every annoyance is truly a negative)
    8. Data disk removal cost. Using the exclusive Conquest currency to swap data disks and potentially limit the choice of rewards for some players was detrimental.
    9. Rewards. Subjective reward structure is frustrating. Getting more of some but less of others is unnecessary. A 2 week event should have great rewards, but don’t get me started on the mk 4 guns & carbs.

    All of the previous issues received no change or potentially negative to definitely negative adjustments, but further discussion is required:
    1. Lack of feat counters. No change.
    2. Lack of enemy stats. No change.
    3. Duplicate enemy selections on node slice. No change.
    4. Duplicate data disks on node slice. No change.
    5. Lack of purple data disks. I haven’t reached the end though I am guessing no change.
    6. Grinding feats. This one got amped up. Faction specific feats along with feats needing a different faction character. Kill 40 enemies with Phoenix but win 14 battles with BH in same sector. Mini boss feats rewarding 1 conquest token requiring 3 battles on the node. Extreme grind in every sector.
    7. Miscellaneous: everyone’s list differs but they are all here still plus some new ones in my estimation. New bugs to replace the old etc.
    8. Data disk removal cost. This was moved to using Conquest energy for removal and initially I found that to be quite helpful. I didn’t have to choose between rewards & fun (to be continued)…
    8.1. Conquest node energy cost increase. So with nodes now costing 20 energy and cost of data disk removal (combined with the extreme grind of feats) achieving max crate is definitely going to cost crystals (mathematically impossible to do so without crystal refreshes).
    9. Rewards. No real change, we didn’t know how low CAT shards were going to go so while I agree that 30 in max crate is low, it is not unexpected. The issue with rewards is now that max crate is impossible without crystal refreshes and mk 4 guns are still a possibility. No one wants to pay crystals for mk 4 guns (maybe someone desperate for relic mats, but that’s fairly rare).

    I am certain there are other issues existing in Conquest, but I think I hit the majority.

    Basically all fixes to Conquest asked for by the players were ignored or made worse. The faction feats for every single sector, combined with the separate faction kills, combined with mini boss feats, combined with energy cost increase, combined with data disk energy cost for removal, combined with same potential reward for a bigger/costly grind (like GAC), combined with all previous issues makes for an extremely disappointing mode. CG, I understand that you are still tinkering with difficulty, feats, bosses etc but increasing the grind and roster investment without increasing rewards is unacceptable to me. I get that you want this to be difficult, but perhaps you could slow roll some of these changes over time and it would potentially be palatable. Maybe Conquest 7 introduces energy cost change & mini boss. Conquest 10 introduces more sector feats but offsets with more rewards. Conquest 13 introduces the exact version we have for Conquest 7 with increased reward structure (hopefully some QoL adjustments along the way).

    To see this mode continue to decline and hear the overwhelming negative response from the community (including quitting the game) is very concerning. I want to enjoy this game for years to come, but I am not currently enjoying the grind entering my favorite mode. I am also concerned other players are hitting their breaking point and it could be too many this time for the health of the game in the future. This is simply my perspective as a “paid-in-full” customer and I hope this post is useful to someone.
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    Do you people wake up in the morning wondering how you can screw up your game? ‘Hmmmm, what can we do today to make this game worse for the players?’ ‘I know, let’s screw up a good game mode like conquest and make it unattainable for anybody except for a Kraken.’ The game mode worked and it was fun. For players like myself it was engaging for the Full two week timeframe. But now I have zero desire to play it because you’ve made it unattainable. Now, it is no longer fun. What on earth is wrong with you people? It’s like you don’t like this game and you’re just trying to drive it into the ground. It’s time to reassess whether this game is worth playing anymore. You people just consistently **** on the players.
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    One thing that would alleviate a lot of the problems: once you've three-starred a node, the cost of playing it again should drop to like 10 energy. The most soul-crushing part of this is having to burn all your energy to just replay the same nodes over and over and over again. Cutting the cost of doing that would make this a lot less of a grind.
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    This new conquest takes all the fun out of it and just pushes it into a massive grind. Some of the added feats are ridiculous as well. "Attempt to inflict potency down"? If Ahnold is right, only TWO characters in the entire game can do this.
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    i am still missing a sector with fleet-fights and fleet modifier in Conquest. I really hope this modus will come soon. This would be awsome!
  • JerrickKharr87
    934 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.

    The update happened because CG chose to do so. Their stated reason may be a reason but it is far from the number 1 on this list for making these changes. Too many people got CAT and they saw further means of monetizing the game. Blaming players who did not implement the changes is silly.
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.

    I'm pretty confident these updates happened because people were not buying refreshes.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.

    I'm pretty confident these updates happened because people were not buying refreshes.

    Well they know it’ll work. Why would CG ever do anything to the benefit of players if they know no matter what they do, players will spend exuberant amounts of money?
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    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.
    Yeah, you’ve got this back to front.

    Me and at least 3 guild mates unlocked CAT without spending a single Crystal on refreshes. We are the reason for these updates.
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    Konju wrote: »
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.

    The update happened because CG chose to do so. Their stated reason may be a reason but it is far from the number 1 on this list for making these changes. Too many people got CAT and they saw further means of monetizing the game. Blaming players who did not implement the changes is silly.

    They chose to do so because they know players will spend no matter what they do. So it’s great to have 1,000 angry comments about the changes but without a change of behavior, it’s just barking in the wind.
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    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.
    Yeah, you’ve got this back to front.

    Me and at least 3 guild mates unlocked CAT without spending a single Crystal on refreshes. We are the reason for these updates.

    Lol so this is the only alternative for them eh? They could make changes without destroying the entire game mode….
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    They have made this mode terrible as many of mentioned. This is just a cash grab plain and simple. Reducing the second place character shards in the top box by ten is just mean spirited for those of us who tried to save currency based on previous conquest. 30 CAT shards for an almost impossible task of getting the top crate is insulting. It should have stayed the same amount of shards as we got for RC last time. Any of the win with x team 14 times is ridiculous. That requires winning every battle in one node with that team. That means you run into stamina problems really quickly unless you have full r8 teams. Then you have to hope you find opponents you can beat. Good luck taking NS up against MM with Chirrut. Cleanse every second and revives. If you manage to survive you will most likely timeout. Having to repeat battles with the increased energy cost is awful. If you 3 star a battle, any future attempt should be free at this point. Just getting through all five sectors is going to require a ton of energy. Going back to get missed feats just to try to get a better box has become absurd. For a lot of us, the top box wasn't a guarantee before the changes. I only got it 2 of 3 times when CAT was the top reward. Now I will have to rely on buying her shards most likely to get the last 40 I need. Who knows how long it will take to get Maul since I doubt I can ever touch the top box again. This is just now another awful chore in this game and just another reason for people to quit.
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    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.
    Yeah, you’ve got this back to front.

    Me and at least 3 guild mates unlocked CAT without spending a single Crystal on refreshes. We are the reason for these updates.

    Lol so this is the only alternative for them eh? They could make changes without destroying the entire game mode….
    They’ve made changes that ensure nobody is unlocking Maul without spending crystals.

    Personally, I think they could have achieved this without going as far as they did, and I wouldn’t have complained. But the extent of the rework is bordering on reprehensible for me.
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    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.
    Yeah, you’ve got this back to front.

    Me and at least 3 guild mates unlocked CAT without spending a single Crystal on refreshes. We are the reason for these updates.

    Lol so this is the only alternative for them eh? They could make changes without destroying the entire game mode….
    They’ve made changes that ensure nobody is unlocking Maul without spending crystals.

    Personally, I think they could have achieved this without going as far as they did, and I wouldn’t have complained. But the extent of the rework is bordering on reprehensible for me.

    Exactly. I’m okay spending crystals. Just not on a broken and obviously player unfriendly game mode 🤷‍♂️
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    Konju wrote: »
    If you’re buying refreshes, you are why these unfriendly player updates happen.

    The update happened because CG chose to do so. Their stated reason may be a reason but it is far from the number 1 on this list for making these changes. Too many people got CAT and they saw further means of monetizing the game. Blaming players who did not implement the changes is silly.

    They chose to do so because they know players will spend no matter what they do. So it’s great to have 1,000 angry comments about the changes but without a change of behavior, it’s just barking in the wind.

    Sadly with CG/EA…yeah 1000 angry comments is pretty much barking in the wind. That said, I can only control my own behavior changes.
  • Shadow1989
    130 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I wonder if i can get max crate with 3 refresh daily. I am not 3 staring most of the battles as you have to use stupid teams .

    And i dont have bad batch relic, cant do stealth and stun with one attack
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    This 💩 piece of fun content makes me want to quit more than anything else ever did. How can people, that work hard to earn a lot of money invest so much time in a mobile game with developers, that just want to make everyone suffer?

    Seriously people, don‘t spend a dime on this crap. Just run away. RUN! And take me with you.

    The game is not, what keeps me here. The devs sure as hell aren‘t, too. Only the community.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    So when are we getting refunded crystals?

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    The added difficulty and large investment of time required to finish Conquest would be OK if it wasn't for the energy and limited number of fights. I could fiddle for several hours in the game mode but the limited number of attacks with the absurd number of obscure feats just kills any enjoyment.
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    The lack of honesty is what gets me. Conquest was great when it came out. Now they have added a ton of new, hard, repetitious feats. Can anyone tell me how that improves my gaming experience? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone with half a brain knows CG decided they wanted to make even more $ off Conquest. Some of us could actually do it without spending much. No more.
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    The lack of honesty is what gets me. Conquest was great when it came out. Now they have added a ton of new, hard, repetitious feats. Can anyone tell me how that improves my gaming experience? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone with half a brain knows CG decided they wanted to make even more $ off Conquest. Some of us could actually do it without spending much. No more.

    And it’s not like they are scratching around at the poor table. As far as I know they are still generating revenue and are in profit. Lockdown brought old players back and new players in.

    You would hope they would try to keep them.
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