[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • artusa
    175 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    It's too difficult and not fun. Bring back the first conquest with all those fun disk. This is such a grind I dont even want to play it. Maybe CG doesn't want everyone to get Maul at the same time but come on we rarely see Conquest anyway. It's always being delayed and pushed back and restarted, just let us have fun and get the rewards. Every time I think of conquest I feel exhausted. It's such a chore and it's no fun. As a matter of fact, ships aint fun, Conquest aint fun, CPit aint fun, LSTB aint fun, and for me personally GAC aint fun because I have 3 GLs and I am constantly going up against 5 GLs and Exe and I dont even have BH at G12. Like what's fun ? Arena ? Stale. DSTB ? Old. Raids? Real old. PVE ? out of date. I can only see TW being fun because it's the only time I get to play with friends and it's interesting. If this wasn't Star Wars, I wouldn't put up with all this mess, I would have quit long long time ago and I would have never started playing this game. CG get your act together. People want to have fun and not be bored with chores. We wanna grind characters, not gear. We want engaging PVE, not repetitive task that are difficult to do. I have spoken.
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    I keep seeing people put up the question, "How did someone think this would be fun?".

    The answer to that question is very simple. The people in charge of making the decisions for the direction of the game don't understand and or care what the community considers fun. They have one thing only in their minds and that is money.

    Money, Money, Money is the only thing those with the decision power at CG/EA are thinking of.

    The only way we are going to see change happen in the game for what we want as a community is if the Krakens and whales decide to hit CG/EA where it matters. Their bottom line, if they can do that by not buying crystals for refreshes and not buying character packs etc then they'll be forced to listen.

    If we could get them all not to spend a single cent for even 2 weeks time they'd certainly notice. Shame we are very unlikely to ever make that happen.
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    That's not a bad idea though if you can't get LV in 3 months. He won't work just like Kenobi needed CAT. I'll just wait and get him in 5
    months for getting one but last crate. You do realise through they are running one immediately after right, so no break

    I'd very much expect Maul to be crucial in LV's squad in some aspect. Whether or not he'll have the impact CAT does to JMK remains to be seen. Some guesswork till they reveal LV's kit but they've already stated Maul charges his ultimate (Anguish?).

    I'm dreading the next one break or no break. I was never really fond of conquest but this version really is dire.
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    If they didn't spend any time testing Conquest 7 for bugs, what makes you think they tested it for balance? It's like no one really looked at it before releasing it.

    Feels like this is really low quality stuff. Very disappointed. What's happening over at CG??

    It's because they are testing with R9, level 90, Gold mods and for them it is easy. They have ever character fully maxed out. You think they are testing with a 5 million GP ? Hell no. They are testing with the most Godly of accounts. Whale harder.
  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    MF6076 wrote: »
    If you don't unlock Maul in 3 conquests by going for the penultimate crate then expect to wait another 2 conquests before you can unlock him (5 total). That's their end goal. Maul goes with LV and the meta squad remains exclusive for longer.
    As long as a lot less people grab that final box then CG and their gaffa's will see this as WAI, no matter what we think or say.

    Most feats are doable with the right setup, but you have to dig for an "easy" squad to complete them (which might never show due to the randomness of enemy squads).
    My biggest concern among the plethora of issues and bugs is the time that needs invested to reach the max crate, even if you can reach it otherwise.
    It's going to be a big relief seeing the back of this conquest, followed by the dread of another 2 upcoming. Once progression is penalised for not having enough time to complete is when I go and find another game.

    You know penultimate means second last in a list, right?

    Ultimate would be red crate by definition. Penultimate is gold.
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    However, the battles are too expensive and there is little fun with this conquest. At least energy cost 15 points like in the old conquests, you could try a few more battles.

    Three refreshes a day are not enough to get to the end
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    MF6076 wrote: »
    If you don't unlock Maul in 3 conquests by going for the penultimate crate then expect to wait another 2 conquests before you can unlock him (5 total). That's their end goal. Maul goes with LV and the meta squad remains exclusive for longer.
    As long as a lot less people grab that final box then CG and their gaffa's will see this as WAI, no matter what we think or say.

    Most feats are doable with the right setup, but you have to dig for an "easy" squad to complete them (which might never show due to the randomness of enemy squads).
    My biggest concern among the plethora of issues and bugs is the time that needs invested to reach the max crate, even if you can reach it otherwise.
    It's going to be a big relief seeing the back of this conquest, followed by the dread of another 2 upcoming. Once progression is penalised for not having enough time to complete is when I go and find another game.

    You know penultimate means second last in a list, right?

    Ultimate would be red crate by definition. Penultimate is gold.

    Yes. OP stated they were going for Gold crate intentionally, which is what I was referencing...I just forgot to quote it.
    Reaver11 above.
  • jonnysiniwal
    675 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Good luck on phase 4 and 5. There are teams that out speed my GLs. Before conquest was just mildly annoying but I could put together some workable off teams to clear it. There is no clearing this without whaling. I expected only around 10% or less will finish this. And that is exactly what cg wanted.
    Post edited by jonnysiniwal on
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    I was initially shocked by the new difficulties and complexity as well. But hey, I guess this is because we came from a much easier conquest. Raising the bar postmortem and telling people they have to invest time and money (crystal) to get the same thing is never easy given people are used to have a chill time.

    I just started working on sector 3 today. And l've collect almost maxed keycards for the first two sectors. I think the progress is not bad for three days into the event. The old conquest "Hard" I could finish within less than 5 days and that's not really fun either.

    I guess everyone has to find their pace of playing this game.

    As someone mentioned before, an improvement would indeed be to reduce the threshold of some of the repetitive feats.

    That's fine - incremental not a cliff edge.

    Wait until you get to sector 4 and 5. My geo team gets wiped by bossk lead BH teams before I get a turn, and that is with 2 vitality disks.
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    This road you go since LS Geo TB, making most of the content available only for a bunch of top GP players is basically completely killing motivation in half of my guild to even play this game anymore.
    As a token of gratitude I decreased my rating of the game from 5* to 2* in play store. After 4 years of playing. Thank you CG for this **** you just did with conquest. I hope this "genius" who invented this will have to play it for full 2 weeks to complete hard mode with recommended GP account (5M) as far as I remember. Good luck.
    I hope more of us will decrease rating as the way you are following is a disaster.
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    The devs should just go read the last 25-50 reviews of the game on the App or Google Play store.

    Very telling.
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    For me it's the R8 materials as I naively chose LV as my next GL, assuming I would be able to R8 the required toons over the next 5 Conquests.

    How foolish I was.

    I will never trust another thing that CG says about this game, even down to kit reveals, as they've proven this year they'll change established characters to placate top-tier complainers and spenders.
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    Eibon1976 wrote: »
    More buggs.. i killed first team at phase 5.. should i get 5 kills instead of one? .. now i clean second sector, and still that kill count is one? ****?

    What's worse is they even took zombie off NS teams so you can't use that team for marked, defeats, etc.
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    Along with those cheese Ewok teams. Feels like the selection of teams to go against is severely diminished for the sole intent on blocking easy feat completion.
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    No, you aren’t alone, but I would also say that I at times need to check my attitude towards something difficult, everyone on this game feels like they are entitled to earn max rewards on everything but they would also like it to be challenging, if it is too weak they are dissatisfied if it is too hard they feel it is unfair. I have 1 GL that is nee first time on conquest with him and am at 5.3 mil gp, I earned a red crate in conquest 1.0 which was awesome, I grinder to earned gold crates under conquest 2.0 and now I don’t think I will be able to reach gold crate under conquest version 3.0 which will also dry up my ability to earn R8 gear.

    But I in no way feel that my roster is entitled or deserving of max reward. So if I don’t like it I can quit, or learn to accept I can only do my best and be happy with the reward I did earn while grinding harder on what I need to do to change my outcome.

    I for one dislike being called entitled for expecting a red crate. just under 7 mil, have 3 GLs, have CAT, have a diverse selection of comps.....nothing about the current conquest is challenging. It's grindy. Grinding isn't hard. They didn't change the difficulty level. What they did change was our ability to complete conquest without refreshing. Which isn't cool. They introduced more feats (didn't take out the old ones, btw) and an awful lot of those feats are bugged. Basic things like stuns (or attempt to stun) will work one battle, won't work the next. CAT's annihilate sometimes counts as a kill. Sometimes it doesn't. Why? no debuffs on the enemy. can't blame that. JML & GLEE can't kill post ult or it doesn't count. SLK & Padme don't count as stuns. DRevs doesn't count for deathmark. Debuffs = suicides by enemies, not you killing them.

    So if I spend crystals, what certainty do I have that the feat will count? And why am I now expected to spend MORE crystals just to get a chance to pull mk4 stun guns in the max crate? They want me to spend more crystals to earn bad rewards. I take exception to that. Especially since the feats are bugged.

    And yet we players get called entitled for expecting a properly working game mode. I'd be fine being a beta tester or an alpha tester if they paid me. But to expect me to pay for the privilege of being one? No. This conquest has taught me that CG improperly coded the game's mechanics and have left them stagnant all these years rather than fix them so they function accurately in line with the game's text. It's just easier to blame the players being entitled than admit the product is faulty.
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
    Can you relay another message to the devs making these decisions? I know there are hundreds already, but what’s one more??

    Hey CG, I hope you guys are having a good long weekend! You sure earned it! All these changes to conquest must’ve taken a lot of hard work :). I mean upping the energy cost per battle by 50% for starters without any change to the natural refresh rate, refresh crystal costs, or even tossing in a free daily refresh. I sure enjoy my 5 daily battles that usually are repetitive because of the forced feats that demand you replay the same battle dozens of times! Added in to the usual RNG fest of later sectors because of hidden stats and playing a guessing game with enemy speed, potency, etc is just…I mean wow. It’s so intuitive!

    Speaking of those feats….bravo! They are so repetitive and inclusive that very rarely can you do two at a time! Gain frenzy 20 times? Two amazing units can pull that off. Great thinking not pairing that with the winning 14 battles with bounty hunters. Really, top notch! There’s so many more feats we need to accomplish now too! It’s forced the keycards to only give a 35 card buffer for the maximum crate. The guessing game with bugs is fun too! Will my stun count for a feat? Should I transform JML to win the battle, or will it cost me kills toward the feats? Flip a coin! There’s the fun! Good thing we are here to find all these bugs for you by the way.

    While we are talking about those reward crates I love how someone thought to not increase the rewards to any degree comparable to the new level of reqs for this conquest. Who needs character shards, gear, relic material, or any of that nonsensical progression resource material.

    I’m sure these ingenious changes took that entire month and a half between conquest 6 and 7. That’s why I get why you guys couldn’t have possibly fully tested this to any acceptable degree. Nor could you have introduced changes we actually asked for like increased rewards, diverse enemies choices, less grindy feats, diversity of data disks available (I love having 3 of the same disks in the same node to pick from, takes away the need to make a strategic decision and all), and of course a feat counter. Why would anyone want to known their progress towards a feat instead of playing a guessing game. 500% tm removed? 250? How about how much health recovered? Critical hits in a row? Nobody knows. That’s the fun!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone! You put in so much amazing work on conquest that you truly deserve the extra time off 😊 . The players? We will continue to spend hours and massive resource dumps into this overly tedious and untested and un fun game mode you left us with. See yah on the holotables!

    All the best,
    Ravens1113 ❤️
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    Conquest 7 is:
    • Bugged
    • p2p, big time - don't forget the increase from 15 til 20 energy pr battle on top of all the dumb feats
    • tedious
    • frustrating
    • have tons of balance issues
    • takes way too long compared to how fun it is - remember CG, this is a game, guess what happens if we stop having fun?

    If CG insists on doing it this way (and they shouldn't, they should for once stop and LISTEN to the costumers for crying out loud), then they at least should make it fair. They have made it so hard that we need more information than we have. This isn't new, but here it comes again:
    • we should be able to look at the stats of the teams we are fighting, including the buffs from modifiers
    • see our own current stats (let the game calculate the speed, now the players, come on, I feel dumb even having to write this
    • Feat trackers in battle
    • Data disc trigger trackers (those that require fx 10 buffs to trigger)
    • There is so much more, but I'm just so frustrated right now that I might just walk away from it all. My God the last few month have been horrible! Greed and unbelievable incompetence. Look at my previous posts during the last 5 years, I'm not usually negative, but this is just killing everyone and everything.I'm gonna say the unbearable truth: "EA, you are better than this!". Any gamer knows how hard a criticism that is [end rant and dark, dark humor].
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    Silvious wrote: »
    As a 100% F2P player, I have never felt so disheartened and exploited as I have with this Conquest. I have played pretty much every day for over five years and have been successful at it, building a successful roster that was able to go Red Box on Hard Mode Conquest. And now I feel like I'm being punished for it. I get that CG wasn't making the money they expected, I get that there was room to make it more challenging, but this is just absurd. This does not feel like an added challenge. This feels like sour grapes from a group of devs who are **** that a bunch of lowly F2Pers beat their shiny new Golden Goose. There has to be a happy medium between what was and want is.

    Am I alone in feeling this way?

    I do not know if soul crushing is the right term. It is depressing to see a mode I had fun and played with lineups has been monetized so much. It makes it seem like they made it so much worse because of maul and they wanted to make him more costly to go with the increase of cost for LV. All I know is with 1 week of upgrades they removed the fun from TW, GAC and Conquest. I am not one to whine and say I am going to quit but my play has slowed I won't be spending $ and I may just become a collector and that's it.
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    un point souvent oublier sur cette conquête pourrie , le coup en énergie juste pour changer de disque de données qui nous fait perdre des tentatives de combats , on touche le fond avec cette conquête !!!
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    I have been playing computer games of one sort or another for over 30 years, pre windows. When mobile gaming came about, I jumped right in. I remember quite a few screwed-up game launches, bugs, players on strike even, servers go down, pretty much every conceivable bad thing that can happen to a game. But I have never seen a more upset customer base.

    CG this needs some action, and quickly, otherwise, you will lose more in the long run.
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    Silvious wrote: »
    As a 100% F2P player, I have never felt so disheartened and exploited as I have with this Conquest. I have played pretty much every day for over five years and have been successful at it, building a successful roster that was able to go Red Box on Hard Mode Conquest. And now I feel like I'm being punished for it. I get that CG wasn't making the money they expected, I get that there was room to make it more challenging, but this is just absurd. This does not feel like an added challenge. This feels like sour grapes from a group of devs who are **** that a bunch of lowly F2Pers beat their shiny new Golden Goose. There has to be a happy medium between what was and want is.

    Am I alone in feeling this way?

    Yes, me too. Maybe they should do revenue sharing like axie infinity does. Axie made 800 million in 30 days and their player base 100% supports the game. It's not much but Imagine if we got like 50 cents per arena win like they do. It would be a game changer and create the involvement that CG so desires.
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    The devs should just go read the last 25-50 reviews of the game on the App or Google Play store.

    Very telling.


    At least that's what you can do. Give the game a miserable rating in all stores. If no one is interested in the opinion of the players, you can at least warn others not to jump on this sinking ship. Maybe then the developers deign to listen to their customers. CG is a prime example of ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and greed. I invested maybe 50-100 euros a month in the game, so a very little fish, but now CG and EA don't see a penny anymore.

  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    At this point can they just give everyone conquest 6, remove maul from conquest rewards, and sell a fully unlocked maul to the whales for $300 if they want the profits they're trying to milk from conquest? Just have him move to shipments/hard nodes like a marquee for everyone else, because at this rate it's not like any non-whales are getting him short of 6+ conquests and maxing scavenger purchases.
  • FinReeh
    1 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Artumas wrote: »
    As a semi-professional theorycrafter, I'm loving it.
    Sure, the specific faction feats are annoying, but outside of those, the rest are actually really fun to work around with.

    Most games and modes are way too easy to "solve" - There's seldom enough variables to really present a real challenge, and things often don't change NEARLY often enough - Due to feats, each sector provides it's own puzzle, and each puzzle has way more variables than in most new additions. For most of these, figuring out how to achieve it with the bare minimum has been quite fun. I'd just... like to suggest to CG to not use mini-factions again in the future for faction feats - When there's barely even a single functional team it's... way too restricting in every way.

    I get your point, but how good is your roster? I am not intending to offend and respect that some people will find this fun still, but...

    For someone like myself who has just caught a glimpse of their first R8 (15/20 aeromagnifiers) but doesn't have an abundance of teams to complete all of these tedious repeats of battles to finish of the feats this has been the worst conquest yet. To get anywhere near T6 rewards (which i achieved 3/4 times i attempted conquest on Hard difficulty) i need to refresh a minimum of twice a day, buy as many stims as i can (so can't farm Maul/CAT/RC) and use one or two teams to reach the latter stages in the hope that i find data disks that will help me in achieving feats that would otherwise be out of my reach.
    I play this game for fun and have spent pocket change on it but what i don't have is hours and hours of my day between work to spend grinding out the same battles with boring characters just to keep up with people in my respective shards.

    Even a simple change like reducing (significantly) the amount of Overprepared battles there are would make Conquest significantly better for the majority of your player base.

    Please CG listen to your players and stop ruining every good part of this game. I loved conquest when it first came out, now i'm finding it hard to bring myself to even attempting it.
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    I had set myself a review date of Christmas, but the past week or so is making me think I'll quit before then. I used to enjoy the game but now it's just depressing. Books, Minecraft and x-wing seem a happier outlook to me right now.
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    Artumas wrote: »
    As a semi-professional theorycrafter, I'm loving it.
    Sure, the specific faction feats are annoying, but outside of those, the rest are actually really fun to work around with.

    Most games and modes are way too easy to "solve" - There's seldom enough variables to really present a real challenge, and things often don't change NEARLY often enough - Due to feats, each sector provides it's own puzzle, and each puzzle has way more variables than in most new additions. For most of these, figuring out how to achieve it with the bare minimum has been quite fun. I'd just... like to suggest to CG to not use mini-factions again in the future for faction feats - When there's barely even a single functional team it's... way too restricting in every way.

    I would agree with this except for the fact that changing out a single data disk costs 1/3 the price of a battle now. When trying to test out the theorycrafting costs as much as it does here, it’s not fun to me.
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    You know, their whole “reason” for these changes was to increase engagement over the two weeks of the event. I used to enjoy conquest, I was happy to spend some crystals here and there to get to that max rewards box. But you’ve turned this whole thing into a grindy, more difficult, overly complicated mess. The enjoyment from this event is completely gone. I know there’s no chance of getting max rewards unless I spend hours a day and hundreds of crystals a day, and for what? To replay the exact same battle over and over again? You deliberately removed all of the things that made this fun and possible. You “listened” and watched as players figured out creative ways to achieve the feats and punished them for it. I’ve been playing this game since day 1. No longer will I be spending money on something that feels like an abusive relationship. There is currently a mass exodus, CG. Wake up and make this right.
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    Please CG listen to your players and stop ruining every good part of this game. I loved conquest when it first came out, now i'm finding it hard to bring myself to even attempting it.[/quote]

    That will never, ever happen.
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