[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    Honestly not enjoying conquest right now at any level (normal/hard). Energy cost increase is bad, the difficulty has been ramped up…with the delayed start followed by a shutdown in less than a day which cause another few day delay, restart and tedious feats. I enjoyed conquest past, present one not at all
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    Literally all they needed to do to increase engagement was to add more feats. That’s it! How do you mess that up???
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    I got a good one for y’all - r8 tuskens manhandled my R5+ imp troopers. How in gods green earth does this make any lick of sense. Just the nature of CG’s new dumpster fire.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Reaver11 wrote: »
    I got a good one for y’all - r8 tuskens manhandled my R5+ imp troopers. How in gods green earth does this make any lick of sense. Just the nature of CG’s new dumpster fire.

    They're three better.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Conquest was fun. Not any more,

    Consider that bug fixed.
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    Reaver11 wrote: »
    Literally all they needed to do to increase engagement was to add more feats. That’s it! How do you mess that up???

    By adding more feats. That is literally not what they needed to do.
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    madhader wrote: »
    You know, their whole “reason” for these changes was to increase engagement over the two weeks of the event. I used to enjoy conquest, I was happy to spend some crystals here and there to get to that max rewards box. But you’ve turned this whole thing into a grindy, more difficult, overly complicated mess. The enjoyment from this event is completely gone. I know there’s no chance of getting max rewards unless I spend hours a day and hundreds of crystals a day, and for what? To replay the exact same battle over and over again? You deliberately removed all of the things that made this fun and possible. You “listened” and watched as players figured out creative ways to achieve the feats and punished them for it. I’ve been playing this game since day 1. No longer will I be spending money on something that feels like an abusive relationship. There is currently a mass exodus, CG. Wake up and make this right.

    …by reverting to the previous format.

    and well said btw.
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    Piewalker wrote: »
    Reaver11 wrote: »
    Literally all they needed to do to increase engagement was to add more feats. That’s it! How do you mess that up???

    By adding more feats. That is literally not what they needed to do.

    Cool. Thanks for chiming in.
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    The main purpose is for fewer players to obtain Maul. CAT was a huge success and CG feels like too many players obtained her so they added ridiculous/grinding/repetitive feats, increased battle energy, an attempt to stop players from completing Conquest so quickly, reduced variety in teams to go against, and monster boosts in sector team stats. Let's not talk about the crappy data disks or the RNG in getting a selection of halfway decent ones that will truly help the player.

    Our teams in Conquest are not what they should be (due to restrictions, modifiers, etc), and the teams we go against are not what we would normally be up against (boosts, modifiers, stats, etc). We didn't work our buns off grinding or paying for characters that will not work the way they should be used. This game mode is no longer fun. It was fun when we had the Cooldown disks (fast & fun), the next ones without the Cooldown disks were workable, but the crappy data disks turned up a lot more than decent ones and a heck of a lot more than the purple ones (which can be elusive the entire Conquest).

    CG: If we have to keep Conquest, make it not so grinding & repetitive. Players don't have the time or energy to be playing the game ALL DAY LONG. It needs to be balanced between game & real-life time available. Return the energy per battle back to 15. Reduce the feats by a lot. If players complete it fast - so what? Implement a wider variety of teams to battle against. Get rid of the dumb data disks and make every data disk very useful (collect them all!). This is supposed to be fun and engaging, not long and tedious. This is not supposed to be competitive and crippling. A little challenge is fun, but dang, Conquest is ridiculous now, and as I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, I'm seriously contemplating quitting the game. We're talking about my various accounts that range from 8M - 9M and two ticket alts.
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    Amazing how this mode turned from the best thing that happened to the game from quite a while to doom and gloom…
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    I just had an r6 Shaak Ti in tier 3 one shot my Darth Malak who was at full health. CG…you’re drunk.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Reaver11 wrote: »
    I got a good one for y’all - r8 tuskens manhandled my R5+ imp troopers. How in gods green earth does this make any lick of sense. Just the nature of CG’s new dumpster fire.

    Go on gg and sort characters by offense. Look at what is number 5. Now look at the effects of relic 8. Now multiply all of that by 15% per living Tusken. Now ask yourself again why a character that hits like a dumptruck under normal circumstances is destroying your weaker characters under ideal circumstances when there are two of them and they can assist one another.

    Research before complaining next time.

    Edit: Oh yeah plus they’re Overprepared come on what is wrong with you?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • sndnichols
    85 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Like my r7 fives getting one shot by ashoka tano, not cat
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    While we are at it, can we add translation errors (french translation here) to the pile of shame?


    This one had me scratching my head. As I was watching BitDynasty’s sector 2 feats video, I found out the french translation had it mixed up. We have to win 10 times with 5 attackers, not the other way round.

    Another minor one:

    What is a « chasseur rebelle »? In english, it’s « rebel fighters ». The french translation has « fighter » translated into « chasseur ». Like a warplane, a fighter jet is a « chasseur » in french but the main definition for « chasseur » is actually hunter. So yeah, many french players are trying to fulfill the feat using bounty hunters or imperials…

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    It would be nice to see who ever is the boss of Doja and Crumb to get on this forum thread and tell us they are at least listening or reading all these complaints.

    We know Doja is already for sure, I imagine crumb has done the same. What about the others that those two have to report too?

    Community engagement can really go a longgggg way. You should let your bosses know Doja that if there was ever a time for them to communicate with the customers of their business, now is the time.
  • Molelizaisajoke
    232 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    My sith empire win didn't count.

    Dr sesitrooper has Malak before all have SE tag. Yay for wasted energy

    -correction. It's empire not SE my bad. But the sentiment is still there. Yay for wasted energy
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    Crumb/Doja, I know you are doing your best, so this isn't meant to be personal. I just hope you read this and pay attention.

    From everything I can tell, the devs want less people to play this game. When conquest first came out, it was fun. It was the best thing to happen to this game, then y'all took it away. It is not fun. It's a grind. Nothing about it is fun. I understand CG is a business and you need to make money, but you might as well just give free rewards to players based on the toons they've geared up. That would be more fun, and would save plenty of time on development. It would also be more realistic. What conquest has turned into is "did you pay for Bad Batch? No, okay, you don't get the top rewards".

    If you have any say at all, please do what you can to make conquest fun once again. Make conquest 8 the exact same as conquest 6. Sure, it had it's issues, but it was a million times better than this one. Or, if you actually do want to make it better, here are some ideas.

    -Allow players to see the stats of the team they are about to battle. Even if you are going to give the enemy squad 900 speed, at least let us know that going into the battle.

    -Give a counter for feats. A little bar across the top that says "TM removed" and tracks progress.

    -If you have to have faction specific feats, limit them to "defeat x enemies with [faction] units". Don't make us run full squads. This brings it back to my earlier point of if you didn't gear up one squad, you can just give up on rewards.

    -Make at least one purple disk guaranteed, if not one each round (after the boss) at least one at the end after Kenobi.

    -Remove the sector requirements for feats. Make them universal. For example, my geonosians aren't the best, but they're not terrible. With arena mods there is one squad in sector five where i get a turn. So now i need to battle that one squad until I beat it 14 times. Please, ask yourself. Does that honestly sound like fun to you?

    -Tune conquest energy/feats so it is at least possible to beat without spending 1500 crystals in refreshes. From what I can tell, that is the absolute minimum in order to get enough feats, assuming a perfect roster and no mistakes.

    -Make undersized squads count as the faction. There is absolutely no reason that four dark side toons don't count for undersized AND dark side except that the developers did not want us to enjoy conquest.

    -Bring back zombie in nightsister squads. If you are going to have absurd feats, at least give us a way to achieve them.

    -This one I know will never happen, because it doesn't get you more money, but could you please give a way to turn off modifiers and just let us play.

    More important than the money I've spent is the time i've spent on this game and with this community. That's why I can't understand why CG is trying so hard to make people give up the game. The vader rework was great, then you took it away from us, just like how conquest was great, before you took that away from us, too. I am convinced that nobody who actually plays this game got a chance to test it. Nobody who enjoys this game would have looked at this list of feats and thought "yeah, other players will enjoy that". I doubt you'll be able to do anything, but if you can, please try to make conquest into something we can once again enjoy.
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    I think the changes to conquest is just another attempt by CG to create a solid divide between P2W and FTP.

    Outside of being in a powerful guild this was the only way to get R8 toons, albeit slowly but possible. Add in the fact that CAT and Maul are now up for grabs in Conquest and those annoying FTP where completing conquest (easily) with a sub 6 mil roster…..well this would just be frustrating CG.

    Simple answer we could complete it without having to spend money. Honestly how many free to plays have full R6+ micro factions capable of completing these feats, I’d wager not many.
  • joelgs23
    251 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I used to really enjoy Conquest. I could play so many 2nd tier characters as drop ins. I enjoyed more of my roster this way. It was fun…. Conquest 7 is much harder and with energy increases and worse data disks, I find I can now only use about 4 squads… JMLS GL, CLS, Sith, Ewoks (yes, seriously). However, even with this, I’m losing matches right and left… sector 2 and my GL JMLS at relic 8 with JKLS, HYoda, Revan, JMY, gets wiped! ****! This is not fun. It’s a stupid grind, redundant piece of trash, demoralizing, and soul crushing! I do not enjoy playing now. CG, you wrecked fleets with a caste system, nerfed beloved characters, destroyed Conquest… my best friend who I recruited a year ago just quit last night cause of this crap. I’m not far behind and I’m a decent spender…. Not now
    Post edited by joelgs23 on
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    A good roster with a few GL and R8 should be able to get to 400-460 with. Minimal refreshes (50 crystal level) if they play everyday.

    The top prize will require solid roster and multiple refreshes everyday (100 and maybe even 200 crystal level)

    It is set up so you everyone can get reasonable rewards but serious time and crystal commitment is required for very top reward. I would prefer a slightly lower time commitment, but the weighting difficulty wise seems pretty spot on.

    Across three months to get Maul unlocked is still cheaper in crystal terms than many less good characters, and if you don’t have the rooster for it, he still comes around F2P slightly faster than you would expect to get any other premium character.

    There seems to be a lot of whinnying about getting extra characters and resources at a discount
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    A good roster with a few GL and R8 should be able to get to 400-460 with. Minimal refreshes (50 crystal level) if they play everyday.

    The top prize will require solid roster and multiple refreshes everyday (100 and maybe even 200 crystal level)

    It is set up so you everyone can get reasonable rewards but serious time and crystal commitment is required for very top reward. I would prefer a slightly lower time commitment, but the weighting difficulty wise seems pretty spot on.

    Across three months to get Maul unlocked is still cheaper in crystal terms than many less good characters, and if you don’t have the rooster for it, he still comes around F2P slightly faster than you would expect to get any other premium character.

    There seems to be a lot of whinnying about getting extra characters and resources at a discount

    How can one get R8 materials toons if the Crates are paywalled behind this now pile of vomit Chorequest and a insane CPIT that my 220+ million can't beat?

    i have 9 R7 toons.. 1 R8 because of the previous 4 Conquest.. I am now locked out of ADVANCING because I am unable to EARN these R8 materials because how stupidly the Devs designed this Chorequest..

    There seems to be some in the Community (very minor, very insignificant, of an amount) that think "just git gud" and while we would like to, WE ARE BEEN DESIGNED AND RESTRICTED to not to!!!

  • ne_alenska
    130 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Only the top payers can get the red crate. That's it.
    Post edited by ne_alenska on
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    So fun to take in my JKR r8 JML squad and get totally annihilated by an r6 bad batch squad. What’s the point in me spending money for GL’s if this is the result?
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    Fatal1tyv2 wrote: »
    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI @CG_SBCrumb_MINI maybe you guys could concider energy for Conquest included with our daily free energy? Only during the duration of Conquest. That really would go a long way to help. Just a thought

    Or just consider not screwing us out of enjoying the game. That would be great. Thanks.

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    joelgs23 wrote: »
    I used to really enjoy Conquest. I could play so many 2nd tier characters as drop ins. I enjoyed more of my roster this way. It was fun…. Conquest 7 is much harder and with energy increases and worse data disks, I find I can now only use about 4 squads… JMLS GL, CLS, Sith, Ewoks (yes, seriously). However, even with this, I’m losing matches right and left… sector 2 and my GL JMLS at relic 8 with JKLS, HYoda, Revan, JMY, gets wiped! ****! This is not fun. It’s a stupid grind, redundant piece of trash, demoralizing, and soul crushing! I do not enjoy playing now. CG, you wrecked fleets with a caste system, nerfed beloved characters, destroyed Conquest… my best friend who I recruited a year ago just quit last night cause of this crap. I’m not far behind and I’m a decent spender…. Not now

    My r8 JML squad got wiped out by an r6 BB squad in tier 3. If CG isn’t going to respect the grind and money we put into getting GL’s, why waste my time and money?
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    An average of 4.4 million per player isn’t going to access end game content, otherwise it isn’t endgame content. If people with half the GP of the top players can access all the new characters then the game isn’t working. If everyone can get R8 easily it just means R9 will come sooner.

    By slowing the rate of people acquiring R8 CG have actually slowed the inevitable power creep that is required to allow whales (who pay their wages) to stay ahead of everyone else
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    I had set myself a review date of Christmas, but the past week or so is making me think I'll quit before then. I used to enjoy the game but now it's just depressing. Books, Minecraft and x-wing seem a happier outlook to me right now.

    I would have quit by now if it weren't for the people I met playing this game. As a spender (does $8K qualify as whale?), I'm appalled at what they've done to the game. They've somehow managed to ruin all the game modes except for TB.

    GAC was fun, despite the horrible matchmaking, but now with the limiting factor of no non-GL counters and an unbeatable fleet meta, I don't bother beyond getting Aurodium, because it's not fun.

    TW has the same problem, but matchmaking even worse. I DO bother, for the sake of my guild, but it's not fun unless you luck out with matchmaking.

    Conquest was so good, something I very much looked forward to, but now it's a soul-crushing slog. Not fun.

    Galactic challenges are outright boring. I wish they'd just dispense with it, since it's not fun.

    Fleet arena is royally messed up given the aforementioned Executor debacle. As an Executor owner, I literally just sit at the top, not even having to play. Not fun.

    Regular arena was looking decently diverse prior to JMK's release, but not so much anymore. It's just constant mirror matches. Not fun.

    Literally the only fun I'm having in the game is playing with friends and trying to beat my record for wave counts in the TBs. That's a dramatic change from 2018 when I virtually had no complaints.

    I'm not sure if it's my little bubble, or if it's a wider trend, but I've never seen so many people leaving the game as now. Hope CG can turn it around, but they have SO much to fix!
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Reaver11 wrote: »
    I got a good one for y’all - r8 tuskens manhandled my R5+ imp troopers. How in gods green earth does this make any lick of sense. Just the nature of CG’s new dumpster fire.

    Go on gg and sort characters by offense. Look at what is number 5. Now look at the effects of relic 8. Now multiply all of that by 15% per living Tusken. Now ask yourself again why a character that hits like a dumptruck under normal circumstances is destroying your weaker characters under ideal circumstances when there are two of them and they can assist one another.

    Research before complaining next time.

    Edit: Oh yeah plus they’re Overprepared come on what is wrong with you?

    What enemy team in this Conquest isn't Overprepared lol

    I agree with what others are saying about the stats. It's flat out ridiculous that in this amped up Conquest that we have to guess on who goes first. Like others have said, guess wrong and take a risk and you flush 20 energy down the drain. With the factions being asked for in the feats that's just flat out garbage.

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