[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    So you’re “reason” CG to do all of these changes was to increase engagement over the two weeks of the event? Most people are going to (including myself) stop around the same as before (or earlier), but now it’s because you’ve gated any further progress with your increase in ridiculous feats and difficulty. What you meant to say was that you wanted to increase the engagement of the krackens over two weeks in order to siphon more money from them and decrease the engagement of literally everyone else because theyre getting rewards that they shouldn’t without spending more.
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    I know I am just one other voice; and everything has probably already been said (sorry not going to read the 35+ pages of this dumpster-fire post; nor all the other posts that flood the first page of forum on conquest!! Equally, I expect mine will be lost by many others also sharing their feelings). I don't expect a reply to me; but I just wanted to write something to further add my name to the utter disappointment over conquest7.

    I must admit, I am clearly part of the problem... I ENJOYED conquest 1-6. I spent crystals to play more than needed each day, and finished it early. If I knew that that would lead to this s**tshow then I wouldn't have bothered! There is zero chance of me hitting max crate on this run, and that disheartenment means the massively INCREASED grind in this BORING event is magnified no end!

    Did you really listen to the complaints and challenges that existed in the previous run: decide to ignore the elements that need addressing, remove some of the fun elements, double down on the uncertainties, make it even more grindy, and cost us more crystals?! Feels like it! AND YOU EXPECTED US TO BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!!!!! WHAT A FARCE!

    The list of gripes and reasons why this is a poor cousin of the previous conquest are not only too numerous, but would be words lost in a sea of angry players, and fall on deaf ears.

    But I secretly hope someone with some sense, who does not play with a fully unlocked, all R8, all 200+ speed modsets, non-test account tries thinking about the game and what constitutes fun. This conquest blew it.

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    I want to chime in as well about how much this new conquest sucks the fun out of the game. Having just bought a new house and navigating a move and starting back at school as a teacher it’s making my decision to step away from the game easier. I may just stick until after my guild completes the next LSTB for KAM shards and then take a break and I’ll see if it’s permanent or not. I’ve dropped a good amount of money on this game in the past and have stopped over the last month due to the changes.
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    madhader wrote: »
    So you’re “reason” CG to do all of these changes was to increase engagement over the two weeks of the event? Most people are going to (including myself) stop around the same as before (or earlier), but now it’s because you’ve gated any further progress with your increase in ridiculous feats and difficulty. What you meant to say was that you wanted to increase the engagement of the krackens over two weeks in order to siphon more money from them and decrease the engagement of literally everyone else because theyre getting rewards that they shouldn’t without spending more.


    we see though your lies and deception about these "changes", CG..

    Engagement is down in my guild, 4 have left, 3 of them admitted that they were retiring.. in other words, QUITTING THE GAME..

    latest TW, we only had enough players to join it was 14 on 14..

    2k posts on the the horrible Nerfs, hardly any of it positive, now over 1k on these "changes," again hardly any positive and encouraging engagement.

    SWGOH on Reddit is a FLAMING HOT MESS

    CG has lost the PR on this.. it's the worse I've seen in last 4+ years..

    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI any word on whether this Chorequest stays the same from here on out or has CG seen how badly they failed their Customers/Players and decided to save face and reverse the "changes?"
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    @SotaDraken You think they will reply?! I predict the same radio silence that always happens when there is a dumpster fire. Followed up with a kit reveal that they hope to distract us addicts with (let's face it that's what we must be to stay in this abusive relationship), whilst completely ignoring any of the concerns/feedback.
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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI @CG_RyDiggs

    Darth Revan's Death Mark isn't counting towards the Marked for Death feat in Sector 5. Is this a bug or intentional?
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    I liked the first version but the current one is a real grind. Is it just me or is there a way to enjoy this? I like the rewards. And I can deal with it being buggy but it takes up so much time.
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    You took the game mode that actually gave the game a fresh breeze and made it into the grindiest gauntlet to date...
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    Along with this, you do a galactic challenge with stupidly overpumped GG and friends, even my Relic 8 characters are getting slaughtered by them.

    I just gotta ask, are you all taking cues from Marvel Strike Force on how to destroy your own game with excessive power creep? Because that's what's going on over there and it seems like you're flipping the crazy switch for power levels, along with releases that have too many bugs.

    Would've been better for you and us if you just gave everyone the last crate they got and then said, "sorry we're not going to do conquest yet because we have to fix a few things still".
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    "The more you tighten your grip, the more players will slip through your fingers".

    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    kasfunatu wrote: »
    @SotaDraken You think they will reply?! I predict the same radio silence that always happens when there is a dumpster fire. Followed up with a kit reveal that they hope to distract us addicts with (let's face it that's what we must be to stay in this abusive relationship), whilst completely ignoring any of the concerns/feedback.

    I don't expect an answer. I just want to make sure that they know that we as customers/players can see as much as they do. Saying the quiet part out loud for CG to not be able to sweep this Debacle under the rug.

    I think they want the "data" from this Event to manipulate or "justify" as they see fit..
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI @CG_RyDiggs

    Darth Revan's Death Mark isn't counting towards the Marked for Death feat in Sector 5. Is this a bug or intentional?

    CG says it’s WAI, despite the ability being worded as DR inflicting it.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    Not sure it's just me, and I know this could be a more constructive critique, but conquest is significantly less fun than before. Energy cost to switch disks? G12 squads that are stronger than relics? Sorry I was doing well in it before I guess. Or I wasn't enjoying it the "right" way that you wanted. It would take me the entire two weeks before with a few energy refreshes and using my whole roster. Now only one of my squads is even strong enough to beat squads in sector 3. I get I could be stronger, no GL, etc. But to be fair, the game ran perfectly for me before. Which is the point of my post, not sure it's just me, but it is significantly less fun than before.
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    Xcien wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI @CG_RyDiggs

    Darth Revan's Death Mark isn't counting towards the Marked for Death feat in Sector 5. Is this a bug or intentional?

    CG says it’s WAI, despite the ability being worded as DR inflicting it.

    and all the other similar Feats in other Sectors have 2 characters to achieve said Feat while Sector 5 has only 1 that can actually achieve it..

    I think the left hand of Feats doesn't know what the right hand of Character Abilities does..

    Yet another reason why this Chorequest should be refunded and redesigned..
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    Lol wut, you can deal with the bugs? I had a shot at completing it but probably can't now because some of the feats only track half the time. I absolutely can not deal with the bugs.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    I mean upping the energy cost per battle by 50% for starters without any change to the natural refresh rate, refresh crystal costs, or even tossing in a free daily refresh.

  • DEIllidan
    4 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    "...creates a fresh and unique Conquest event for you to enjoy."

    CG must be a genius that defines "enjoy" in such a revolutionary way.

    This is how I feel about this conquest: you're being ****ed. It's intentional bullying by those arrogant devs.
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    Din__Fin wrote: »
    Not sure it's just me, and I know this could be a more constructive critique, but conquest is significantly less fun than before. Energy cost to switch disks? G12 squads that are stronger than relics? Sorry I was doing well in it before I guess. Or I wasn't enjoying it the "right" way that you wanted. It would take me the entire two weeks before with a few energy refreshes and using my whole roster. Now only one of my squads is even strong enough to beat squads in sector 3. I get I could be stronger, no GL, etc. But to be fair, the game ran perfectly for me before. Which is the point of my post, not sure it's just me, but it is significantly less fun than before.

    I agree. It's previous iteration was fine and easier to make use of less developed parts of my roster. I'm currently on phase 4 and largely relying on my GLs or more often that not, I'd get outrun. It's very annoying that we are unable to check the speed of the teams we're up against.
  • Solus_Imperius
    232 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Friendly reminder
    You need 645 keys to red box
    There are only 680 keys total

    You don't have r8 smugglers there's 10
    You don't have r8 geos there's 15
    You have 10 keys of "free space" if you want to full clear

    Garbage event

    Also, why are we calling it Chorequest instead of Cashquest?
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    There is not much left to say about this.

    Experience is horrible, guildies are bidding farewell and quitting the game.

    Here is my 2 cents: the intention was for each buff/debuff feats to have 2-3 characters that can contribute to it. I personally dont believe for a second that they intendes to have a single-toon only feats. They just dont know their on game.
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    Friends! This is my first post. I want to share my experiences. The latest "Galactic Conquest" event is just something terrible. There has never been a worse event and not more interesting. Who did you make it for? If earlier, thinking, coming up with options, I was stubbornly moving towards the maximum prize, now my hands are just dropping. I know that a huge number of players are not happy with this event. Looking at my guild, I can say that a large number of players are on the verge of leaving the game. Thank you, dear developers
  • KOMM
    18 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I don't understand who you made this event for. For those who have not needed it for a long time? And those players who want to develop are excluded from the game by you?
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    Yay…more feats that force you to play the node multiple times to achieve!! CG, you guys really know how to make a person wanna throw their phone at the wall ;)
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    Yeah, that one is clearly a GLOW/CAT node with AT & GK for necessary synergies, then use Mace in the 5th spot, once the necessary toons take the 1 through 4 slots.

    2nd attack should probably be SLKR, given the immunity of SLKR, KRU, and Kylo to DoTs, but there are other squads that can get it done.

    Clearly doable, so long as you have the current meta squad, and probably doable with JKL (L) + JML (for the speed, to use the leadership special and grant JKL 100% Tm right away to slow the enemy down as soon as possible). Mace on that squad isn't ideal, but the only necessary toons are JKL, JML, and GMY. If you don't have GLOWCAT or JKL/JML though, you might be hosed.

    Now that I think about it, though, SLKR + 3 FO + Mace still accomplishes the feat. You're just a lot more likely to lose a toon. Rey + 3 Resistance or Jedi + Mace also probably works.

    Yeah, there are options. Doesn't get rid of the annoyance factor of being impossible to do with one well crafted squad, though.
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    More buggs… deathmark from darth revan team wont work.. i think this conquest has so many buggs, that CG should give all used crystals back to players after event and give one higher reward box items aswell. I dont understand how they could launch this event without any testing.. 16a1a9ube2qm.pnggwtgzogabmhw.png

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    Did I miss something or why is Bossk revived in this constellation after he is killed by my Vader ? 🤔

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    And hey CG i have some ideas to make your game more worst, and get some money out from whales.. what of you make GAC and TW fights to cost like 100 crystals each battle.. that conquest feels like same atm. You have done everything wrong like half year now. Nerffing those characters we like and mess the conquest compleatly.. if i would lead that company, i would give a boot very fast all those workers who are behind those ideas
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