[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    It's just been turned up to 11 so only whales can win. Is that anything new here?

    Better get used to getting a lower crate, or start farming those 10 squads we didn't have to have before.

    But don't forget that now, nothing beats GL's and you better be farming for SLV as well!

    Everyone under 8 mil GP is really going to start feeling like losers.
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    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Loppie wrote: »
    BTW, let's not forget... Soon after this debacle is eventually over... We still have Relic 9 coming up in the near future. Pulling the whales even further away from the poor F2P and low spenders. CG is an absolute shambles at the moment.

    It is totally fine. They only need whales

    That is neither how the food chain nor perceived advantage works.

    If there are no F2P nor dolphins, the whales will only be competing with other whales, and their investments will not get them the same comparative advantage, ergo less/no incentive to spend. The game would/will quickly die if all the F2P/light spenders leave.

    You mean them whales need to beat up some f2p-ers from time to time instead of just going against another whale so they'd feel good about their purchase? hehehe!
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    Rhodry wrote: »
    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.

    I feel like Empire and Old Republic are at least decently well Reliced, with Geos and BH in a close, “most people have them at least G12” way. I’ve been able to get reliable completions with G12-13 Geos (R3 GBA) and G11-12 NS (R3 Daka), and semi-unreliable with G11-12 BH, you just need very specific disks like Blindside for Geos and debuffing disks for BH.

    Old Republic kills I got by sending in JKR, Jolee, Bastila with low-damage characters (I used Old Ben and 3PO+Chewie for the Evasion Down Feat, but Hermit Yoda would be an excellent asset.)

    Pheonix, Rebel Fighter, Mandalorians, Smugglers, Bad Batch… yeah. That will suck. A lot. Note that some characters like EP can deal non-lethal damage.

    Also Darth Revan doesn’t work on the Deathmark feat. You need Death Trooper. See massive thread on Deathmark for more.
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    After the long weekend I was wondering if there is any info you can currently share about the current situation that we did not have on friday?

    Also, please remember that most of us do realize that the decisions being made are not coming from the devs themselves :)

    Good luck Doja, thanks for answering questions when you've been able too.

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    Degs29 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Today we had our fifth retirement in a week. And this just two weeks after our officers requested a heads up from anyone planning retirement and got no responses.

    I am used to seeing forum comments about people quitting after major updates but I am not used to hearing so many reports from players I know in discord, nor am I used to experiencing it firsthand.

    The grind is real and it is definitely impacting the player base and quite probably the bottom line. This Galactic Conquest revamp on the heels of the Executor / Lord Vader prerequisites, with r8 still a pain point for many and r9 on the horizon is a daunting burden which is not appreciably diminished by the long-overdue ability to sim Assault Battles. And add to that discontent with the scope of the GL counter nerfs.

    I don't know what kind of player engagement stats you guys track @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI but I'd be looking at numbers of long term players who have stopped playing recently.

    Yep, I've never seen it this bad. My fleet shard is like a graveyard (good for my crystals income, less good for community), and my arena shard has lost several as well. Now even my guild is losing one, and it has incredibly low turnover, historically.

    These are just my thoughts, so take it as such:
    I can only imagine the corporate goons were less than impressed with SWGOH's declining revenues and demanded CG do something about it, and immediately. There's no fast track to higher revenues through appeasing the playerbase; that's an iterative process made with many correct decisions. So instead they squeezed the playerbase, and prayed the fallout wouldn't be too great. It's a losing strategy though. More and more people leave, meaning they need to squeeze the holdouts harder, which makes more leave. It's a game-ending cycle and we're running towards that death knell, unfortunately. It's too bad, because SWGOH still has a ton of potential, but I can't see corporate backing off on CG, and there's only so much CG can do in that environment.

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    KOMM wrote: »
    Is there at least one positive review here? A shame, not an event

    I actually like it (then again I’m 7.7m gp with all GL) so I was able to get feats and red box - not the smuggler feat though.

    The worst part of this from a large gp player like myself is, as my guild mate said, this game requires money, hoarding, or time - this game mode requires at least 2 of these.

    It’s a huge time sink and it’s super annoying to do if you have the teams to do it, and if you don’t have the team (I’m guessing sub 7m players?) it’s impossible to do without dropping thousands on tertiary teams you need.

    That’s why I said previously, if they want the content to be more “exclusive” and shut out all the sub 7m gp nonspenders, ok go for it that’s their prerogative to make a gigantic swath of the player base angry. But at least give everyone a reason to sink HOURS into a game mode so when I finish 14 battles with geos I get a couple stun guns and get some endorphins ffs

    This guy knows the game!

    I'm keeping up without spending but just blew through 100K crystals to get 7* executor, all the LV requirements and will get the red box in conquest.

    Like you said need 2 of cash, time or hoarding. I have the latter 2

    Too bad after LV my hoard is just about gone lol - all my white gear is gone for scrap, no signal data or crystals...after 5 years they’ve finally **** me dry lol
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    Rhodry wrote: »
    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.

    You don’t need all those toons to be relic though unless it’s a “win battle with team of X”. If it’s just a “defeat x toons with y faction”, you can run them under a GL and feed them the kills
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    KOMM wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Today we had our fifth retirement in a week. And this just two weeks after our officers requested a heads up from anyone planning retirement and got no responses.

    I am used to seeing forum comments about people quitting after major updates but I am not used to hearing so many reports from players I know in discord, nor am I used to experiencing it firsthand.

    The grind is real and it is definitely impacting the player base and quite probably the bottom line. This Galactic Conquest revamp on the heels of the Executor / Lord Vader prerequisites, with r8 still a pain point for many and r9 on the horizon is a daunting burden which is not appreciably diminished by the long-overdue ability to sim Assault Battles. And add to that discontent with the scope of the GL counter nerfs.

    I don't know what kind of player engagement stats you guys track @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI but I'd be looking at numbers of long term players who have stopped playing recently.

    Yep, I've never seen it this bad. My fleet shard is like a graveyard (good for my crystals income, less good for community), and my arena shard has lost several as well. Now even my guild is losing one, and it has incredibly low turnover, historically.

    These are just my thoughts, so take it as such:
    I can only imagine the corporate goons were less than impressed with SWGOH's declining revenues and demanded CG do something about it, and immediately. There's no fast track to higher revenues through appeasing the playerbase; that's an iterative process made with many correct decisions. So instead they squeezed the playerbase, and prayed the fallout wouldn't be too great. It's a losing strategy though. More and more people leave, meaning they need to squeeze the holdouts harder, which makes more leave. It's a game-ending cycle and we're running towards that death knell, unfortunately. It's too bad, because SWGOH still has a ton of potential, but I can't see corporate backing off on CG, and there's only so much CG can do in that environment.

    There's a better (albeit imperfect) word for this: monopoly. Imagine anyone purposely doing this to their own game minus the star wars license, or if there was a newer similar game with star wars characters.

    The idea about the "losing strategy" is serious, thought. A smaller segment of addicted players will continue buying this while others quit. LSTB is about to hit in the 2nd half of the worst game mode in the game. Some guilds were crushed by the last round of conquest + LSTB, so I imagine this one could be a doozy. And a lot of players wouldn't be in the game if all their guild cratered.
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    Dear CG, i just really hope that other game devs in games you play do the same stuff you do to us !!!
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    I've tried to find it on the forums, but, has it been said if/when Razor Crest will be going to a node for farming?

    I think (may have been Crumb) said it would be made available but the method hadn't been decided yet. It may gave been for the RC, or CAT, (or possibly both).

    Sorry to be vague but I think it's under consideration by CG.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    My issue with it (and I'll be getting the red box too) is not the "difficulty" it's that they added yet another energy source I have to refresh with no relief on any of the other four, plus the drastic time increase needed to spend that energy. And no, AB sim doesn't come close to compensating for that.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    No issues with the difficulty personally but I have huge issue with the amount of time you need to spend on this game mode to get to complete.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    yeah spending lots of crystals (i know you have) is so difficult and doing repetitive tasks designed to be "challenging" in the dumbest way possible (how about overprepared XII next time?!) is so much fun!
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    TVF wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    My issue with it (and I'll be getting the red box too) is not the "difficulty" it's that they added yet another energy source I have to refresh with no relief on any of the other four, plus the drastic time increase needed to spend that energy. And no, AB sim doesn't come close to compensating for that.

    Yep, and this is the point. CG has long stated that they don't like how players are getting crystals from arena. They've been more than happy to let the arena metas get a bit on the stale side up until now, and now after seeing that 5 battles per node isn't enough, it's time to soak up players' crystals with executor event refreshes as a fun star up method, multiple marquees for one GL, and a revamped game mode that is designed to suck up crystals and give you nothing directly in return (compare to various battle nodes).

    There are plenty of difficult and challenging GCs, and one can compare the experience to see the differences in how the new conquest is designed to be as time-consuming and crystal-intensive as possible.
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    This hot pile of garbage has caused us to lose three members of our guild this week. The grind on it is ridiculous. The disingenuous nature of not even providing a possibility of achieving max crate without burning through crystals is greedy beyond words.

    - Revert the energy costs per battle back to 16.

    - Eliminate the cost of swapping data disks to increase engagement.

    - Tone down some of the requirements from 14 of a faction to 5 or 6 battles needed.

    With those changes you might actually get engagement from people and from my experience engagement drives profits. I am not a FTP player, but I'm also not what you'd consider a whale either. However, in it's current form I can guarantee that I will not fork over another cent to this game until they start to show that they actually care about the opinions of their player base.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    legit question- how is it hard? Is spending crystals difficult? Cuz I don't see the "hard" part. At all. JMK at 50% murders everything in his path with CAT, JML, Rey, also murder everything. Where is the difficulty you're talking about? Is it feats? Those aren't hard. Those are stupidly grindy for no other reason than to force the spend of crystals. I'm glad you enjoy spending crystals to do the same battle 14x. That's not "fun". It's a waste of my time, which CG clearly doesn't value.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    legit question- how is it hard? Is spending crystals difficult? Cuz I don't see the "hard" part. At all. JMK at 50% murders everything in his path with CAT, JML, Rey, also murder everything. Where is the difficulty you're talking about? Is it feats? Those aren't hard. Those are stupidly grindy for no other reason than to force the spend of crystals. I'm glad you enjoy spending crystals to do the same battle 14x. That's not "fun". It's a waste of my time, which CG clearly doesn't value.

    Hello Holotable Heroes! We saw that some of you were complaining that the battles are too easy, so we've changed Overprepared IV to Overprepared XL. Enjoy!
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Rhodry wrote: »
    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.

    You don’t need all those toons to be relic though unless it’s a “win battle with team of X”. If it’s just a “defeat x toons with y faction”, you can run them under a GL and feed them the kills

    Yeah, and some of the faction ones you can do with g12 as long as the data discs are meaningful
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol

    Let me fix this for you…NOTHING TO DO to VERY POOR QUALITY GAME CONTENT.
  • Sidious76
    10 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Sumo_Sloth wrote: »
    This hot pile of garbage has caused us to lose three members of our guild this week. The grind on it is ridiculous. The disingenuous nature of not even providing a possibility of achieving max crate without burning through crystals is greedy beyond words.

    - Revert the energy costs per battle back to 16.

    - Eliminate the cost of swapping data disks to increase engagement.

    - Tone down some of the requirements from 14 of a faction to 5 or 6 battles needed.

    With those changes you might actually get engagement from people and from my experience engagement drives profits. I am not a FTP player, but I'm also not what you'd consider a whale either. However, in it's current form I can guarantee that I will not fork over another cent to this game until they start to show that they actually care about the opinions of their player base.

    Well said, this is so grindy and just a spit into the face of the average player. Just another mechanism to slow the progress of mid-game and lower players. I was ahppy with tier 5 hard boxes before, now ill be lucky to see tier 3
  • Options
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    Sew, it’s not the difficulty that’s the issue. The issue is the fact they increased the energy cost per battle without changing the natural refresh rate of conquest energy nor did they add a free daily cache to help offset slightly. On top of that they made data disk swapping cost energy now. Then they added in a whole bunch of repetitive and grindy feats on top of the ones they already had.

    This has nothing to do with difficulty and everything to do with boring, repetitive feats. “Complete 14 battles with x squad”. Then you have mini bosses that you NEED to replay 3 times for the feats. It’s just overly repetitive. Then making us gear up and relic factions like Phoenix, is just ridiculous. Forcing BB this soon too is messed up given how they just became farmable and the massive gear sink they require. BB are an amazing team for sure, but it’s too soon to force them to be used for feats.

    Not to mention CG lied to our faces saying it was all about people completing conquest too quickly. Whelp, that was a lie and a half. People are still completing conquest a week early by just pouring crystals into the mode. If they would’ve at least been honest and said they didn’t like the metrics of people unlocking the newest toon so easy, I’d have at least respected them for being honest. This malarkey is in line with “kyro’s will help the gear crunch”….pffft.
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    All in all I just don’t care anymore. Conquest is not hard if you have a GL, it is however ridiculously time consuming…..and I have an awesome life outside of this “mobile” game.

    For the first time (been playing since the beginning) I really think this game is in a flat spin. The great nerf of 2021…to make GLs elite….unless it’s GAS vs Rey. Conquest changes to make us feel more engaged….but is making players quit or just put min effort in. TBs that are bugged….still waiting for the stuff promised. GCs that don’t have correct shard numbers in rewards. They dropped the great nerf in the middle of GAC.

    CGs response to this circus “LV is nearly here, so get those credit cards out!”

    Honestly I just feel for the community that CG preys upon…the ones that are addicted.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol

    Pretty sure people weren’t asking for the same battles 14 times over for a single feat in conquest. Nor were they asking for that 10 times over. There’s a happy medium, and CG, like always, missed the mark, big time
  • ReyVsMando
    38 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    mihez wrote: »
    thanks, CG, our 3rd member just dropped, and several more contemplating quitting - all state the reason is the new Conquest.

    I think my Alliance has lost a total of 11 over the weekend.

    "Maul Maul Maul Maul Maul"

    just try to smear everything as if it were cheese in a cheesburger

    how long should the grind last for their new meta while everything else that was previously much shorter to grind was declared to be irrelevant (more or less) (for the health of the game).

    unless you can use the stuff for geo tb, where the grind is also something eternal for itself (LS).

    the cg click us into our black hole philosophy.
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