[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    Rhodry wrote: »
    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.

    I'm fully supportive.
    I really regret choosing a "hard" mode.
    The huge costs of Energy and Crystals for the passage of these.
    You really gave us unforgettable emotions. Its all negative and about you.
    I think you're all doing to get players to leave this project faster.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Borat wrote: »
    Mandolorian feat = JML Lead with JKL, HY, GMY and Either mando (Bam or OG). Just keep feeding turns to Mando with JKL, JML and HY. GMY for TM gain. Easily get the mando feat done in 6-7 battles. Maybe faster if you are careful not to kill anyone off with the Jedi.

    BB Feat = Same theory. Did it with just Echo, Tech and Hunter under JML Lead with HY. My guild mates did it with Echo and Hunter with JML, HY and JKL. Took a little longer but you can do it. My BB are all 6* g11 with zetas.

    Geos and smugglers are a different story. GEO i almost have done but it is taking a long time due to only 4 are relic and only r3.

    I did it with G12 geos. You might need to work on your skills.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    don't worry these previously removed data discs are back ... their cheese in the cheesburger behave.

    maybe you should sell posters of your data disks

    wowwwwww i love you guys.
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    There is nothing fun or enjoyable abut conquest now. When it first started it was fun but now it completely built for whale food. you really dont want people getting relic 8 materials do you. I dread what is going to take to get relic 9 materials.
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    Conquest is completely unenjoyable now. I just tried to beat GMK in five different fights and I'm lucky to kill off one or two enemies. This is just tedious and a resource suck of major proportions. This "game" is beginning to feel like a second job. The reduction in rewards is laughable.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol

    In some ways that statement is correct ... PRIOR to Conquest there were a lot of complaints of not having anything to do in-game (remember those sandbox mode requests). Then it was log in, do the daily events, stare at toons, log out, wait for the next event. Galactic Challenges and Assault Battles took up some of that slack, but I don't think that really satisfied the community. GAC was ok, but the recent changes seems to have thrown cold water on that mode too. Conquest, however, did satisfy a lot of that group ... I'm not saying it didn't need tweaks to keep it interesting ... but it gave folks something fun to play and kept us involved longer than the day or two some folks appear to blast through it (those folks that spent the crystals then, are probably the same that spend them now). I have to admit, I don't remember the 40+ page forum post with 90+% negative comments indicating that Conquest gave us nothing to do.

    This current version, at least to me, isn't much more of an actual time sink ... meaning, I'm not spending more time on the event ... in actuality, I'm spending less time on the event because I don't have the energy to play the event (albeit, I've spent two refreshes so far). It's too much of a time sink now because ... IT'S NOT FUN. Yes, to get back to where I was, I would need to spend more time, and, to some degree, this version further separates folks on their team development (e.g., my Phoenix squad is all G8 whereas other probably have the team more developed), which is fine ... BUT many of these feats are distinct enough to cause folks to have to repetitively play the same teams/nodes over and over again. There was some of that in the previous version, but not as much as this new version AND this new version requires us to drop a LOT more crystals than before.

    I don't even care that I won't get back to the 2nd or 3rd best crate ... what I miss is having a fun event to play. Now it's back to play some nodes, wait for energy refresh, play it again whereas before I could log in almost any time and have something to play. Also, I'm less likely now to try different teams because if I lose, I'm out the 20 energy (I spent 60 energy on one node trying to get an attacker-only win ... then I said, screw it, I can't waste more energy). So, not only did CG move this mode to a much more grindy event with significantly more crystal costs (which, by the way, we need to build other teams -- in case you weren't aware), but they also removed the event that actually gave many of us something fun to play.

    So, in some way your right ... we went from nothing to do to too much of a time sink, but for many of us, it's not from the last Conquest to this one ... it goes back from before the first Conquest when there was nothing to do. CG actually then gave us something to do ... and then crushed it ... and this has been the way for a long time now. Promise new, good changes and then don't deliver OR deliver and then change it because the player base succeeded at it (which, interestingly enough, causes folks to enjoy themselves ... that's a strange cause-and-effect [and that's sarcasm]).

    Just my two cents as someone that was really looking forward to Conquest coming back only to have this very poorly designed Conquest revision dropped ... that looks like we'll have the pleasure of running a few more times back to back.

    To be honest, if this is the way that they want the event to run, I'd be fine if they just set it up where there was an option that said, for example ... last Conquest you spent 100 crystals and received the Hard-04 reward crate and 2000 Conquest Credits. You have the option to replay the event or, for 100 crystals (the same you spent last time) receiving the same reward create and conquest credits, and the opportunity to purchase from the Wandering Scavenger for up to 4 refreshes (or for however many Wandering Scavenger nodes were unlocked). It's equivalent to the sim mode in other events, but we wouldn't have to replay this grindy mess every time it was released. I know this is a ridiculous statement/request, but no less so than the changes made to this Conquest. Again, this isn't because this takes too much time ... it's because it's too much time to play a repetitive, grindy game mode that's not FUN.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    EdSolo wrote: »
    Conquest is completely unenjoyable now. I just tried to beat GMK in five different fights and I'm lucky to kill off one or two enemies.

    Sounds like you need better discs (or a better team).
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Rhodry wrote: »
    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.

    You don’t need all those toons to be relic though unless it’s a “win battle with team of X”. If it’s just a “defeat x toons with y faction”, you can run them under a GL and feed them the kills

    Yeah, and some of the faction ones you can do with g12 as long as the data discs are meaningful

    Provided the game lets them show up on your run. I've not seen ALOT of the disks ppl keep saying are especially useful.
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    Feedback: CG...I love the game, 8.2 million gp, making progress in Conquest, but please just dial it back a bit, or make this a month long. This is taking too much effort and time for the average player.
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    It would help if it worked correctly too. SLKR and JKLS are not even counting against some of the Feats...
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    Completely predictable. Designed to capitalize on FOMO for Maul, since he's probably required to JMK proof a new LV team and anyone that's making the significant investment in LV will want to hedge that bet. The execution problems with the game mode have been well documented. The design problems are a matter of opinion, but it's all just window dressing to maximize short term revenue generation. A real kick in the pants given current game sentiment with the state of fleet arena and the great nerf of 2021. Kinda gross.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This conquest is the closest to how it should be honestly. It’s become more evident over time to lots of people I chat with from kraken-f2p.
    The way it’s slowly gotten more and more difficult is what the endgame players need.
    Without the challenges getting harder then what’s the incentive for anyone to level any character up. One GL and get the red box.
    It’s frustrating when we use to beat something and especially when it feels like prizes have been taken away that we use to earn.
    Should conquest have 3 levels (easy,medium,hard)? Might be better.
    I really liked this conquest. I get the red crate today and for the first conquest yet I will be using my battles until conquest closes because the bosses have been so fun! Maul going bananas is a blast! Lol!

    legit question- how is it hard? Is spending crystals difficult? Cuz I don't see the "hard" part. At all. JMK at 50% murders everything in his path with CAT, JML, Rey, also murder everything. Where is the difficulty you're talking about? Is it feats? Those aren't hard. Those are stupidly grindy for no other reason than to force the spend of crystals. I'm glad you enjoy spending crystals to do the same battle 14x. That's not "fun". It's a waste of my time, which CG clearly doesn't value.

    Hello Holotable Heroes! We saw that some of you were complaining that the battles are too easy, so we've changed Overprepared IV to Overprepared XL. Enjoy!
    you're hired!
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol

    Pretty sure people weren’t asking for the same battles 14 times over for a single feat in conquest. Nor were they asking for that 10 times over. There’s a happy medium, and CG, like always, missed the mark, big time

    Yeah I agree there, some of the feats need to be refactored so that the screen time quality is good
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    went to my local C&G Soups and More for their monthly special. the waiter was kind and seated our group by the restrooms.(should have been a clue). Proceeded to inform us of a 3 Hour delay. Told us the cooks got a new stove and are tweeking the Recipe on the Soup Special. we understand that the Monthly Special can change. Also 4 of the best Bantha Burgers DO NOT come with CHEESE.(another clue) . Brings out our soups and notice there are many Hairs and Flys in soup. Waiter kindly removes and returns to kitchen. Brings back the same BoWeLs of soup with slightly less Hair and Flys. we TRY and get the attention of any Employee. Table next to us are Hutts. High GP (Gastrointestinal PHortitude) they don't mind the spice. Waiter walks away without a word. the WHOLE staff takes a long lunch break/smoke break . after eating around the spice we realize getting much less for our money. Not one time did the waiter check on us. i Understand it's a break but That's his job. like a cook tastes the food before serving. They come back from extended break walk right by the many tables of patrons complaining . Who am i disappointed by..... the Owner who allows this to happen....the cook who doesn't care what the food looks like or taste ...or the waiter (only one who speaks to us) who smiles when serving you the food. Then rudely ignores you when you speak up.

    Galactic Yelp Updated 5 stars down to 2 stars Be Better to ALL of your customers C&G
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    I have put forth minimal effort in the game mode. I don’t see a point since they are clearly not worried about us free to play peasants. I would love to see numbers in how many people have stopped playing this game.
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    CGs response to this circus “LV is nearly here, so get those credit cards out!”

    Honestly I just feel for the community that CG preys upon…the ones that are addicted.

    And behold, the first thing we hear from CG is an interview about LV. I am very tempted to go to that video and comment about Conquest.
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    Firefox54 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Game went from NOTHING TO DO to TOO MUCH TIME SINK lol

    In some ways that statement is correct ... PRIOR to Conquest there were a lot of complaints of not having anything to do in-game (remember those sandbox mode requests). Then it was log in, do the daily events, stare at toons, log out, wait for the next event. Galactic Challenges and Assault Battles took up some of that slack, but I don't think that really satisfied the community. GAC was ok, but the recent changes seems to have thrown cold water on that mode too. Conquest, however, did satisfy a lot of that group ... I'm not saying it didn't need tweaks to keep it interesting ... but it gave folks something fun to play and kept us involved longer than the day or two some folks appear to blast through it (those folks that spent the crystals then, are probably the same that spend them now). I have to admit, I don't remember the 40+ page forum post with 90+% negative comments indicating that Conquest gave us nothing to do.

    The biggest problem that I've seen in is that its all time limited.
    GAC is per 24 hours.
    TW is per 24 hours.
    TB is per 24/36 hours.
    PVP is 2x 1-hour periods each day.
    Refreshes are up for 2 hours only
    Stuff expires every night at midnight.

    Deadlines all over for a GAME & yet, you can't just sit down & play this game for hours on end because the energy runs out quickly.

    Want to know the easiest fix to both NOT enough to do and TOO much to do, stop having things be a short time to run in & in turn stop having it all be energy based where you run out to fast.

    For pete's sake, its not rocket science, a video game is something you play when YOU want to have some fun for a while, be it 30 minutes or 3 hours.

    Not something you HAVE to do from 5PM to 6PM daily.

    We didn't need new game modes, (Not that I don't appreciate the effort it took for them), what we needed is to not have a 144 cap on energy & to leave missions up for several days.

    The entire design of this game is broken in terms of time management.
    I know I'm not alone in thinking a GAME is something I do for fun, and I haven't had FUN in this game in a long time, lol.

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    Don't let CG distract you with the Lord Vader Kit reveal. Conquest is broken, Nerf's was a bad idea (should have just buffed GL's) and we still haven't had any out reach on the issues going on right now.

    Prepare yourself for 2022 Galaxy of Whales.

    They've said it before, this is the end game. We know what happens after end game.
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    Magruffin wrote: »
    Don't let CG distract you with the Lord Vader Kit reveal. Conquest is broken, Nerf's was a bad idea (should have just buffed GL's) and we still haven't had any out reach on the issues going on right now.

    Prepare yourself for 2022 Galaxy of Whales.

    They've said it before, this is the end game. We know what happens after end game.

    more end game content?

    I kid..

    Honestly, this type of mass exodus of the game and refusal to "dance" to CG's tune is very interesting...
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    Anyone have any tips on how to beat JMK in conquest sector 5 normal mode? Without a GL is it possible?
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    Anyone have any tips on how to beat JMK in conquest sector 5 normal mode? Without a GL is it possible?

    Gen Sky 501st Clones w/protection regen disks
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    Apparently there's a miscommunication in CG HQ. Someone said, "okay, take this conquest to 11!" and someone else heard, "take it to 457!" Oh and it seems like you have the "old" version of Vader on the nodes in sector 5? The one that has a culling blade that isn't "nerfing blade"?

    Fix this dumb broken piece o' rubbish please. (Which is probably why you just out of the blue released Vader today, to get us to shut up about conquest and focus on the new GL)
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    Conquest used to be funny until it took a CG to the knee...

    Seriously now it is simply two weeks of boring and grinding battles over and over because of a bunch of really stupid feats.
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    When it first came out, I didn’t think I’d like Conquest (I wanted a true sandbox) but it became very fun. I could play at my pace and plan out battles. Each time, I finished right on the last day and it felt…right and like I accomplished something. I had fun.
    This? My goodness…what an joyless grind. This is now a mess and a chore. Horrible RNG with data disks, endlessly overprepared enemies, repetitive feats that are excessive and poorly tuned… I could go on but the 40+ pages in this thread summarize it well. Nobody is my 350M guild likes this. That is not hyperbole. Nobody likes this.
    Please revert back to something closer to previous Conquests.
  • JibberJabber
    143 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    How about have all the developers who worked on conquest actually play the event. Give them a modest 6million GP team with normal mods and have them complete the event with all the feats and no refreshes. Than have them comeback and tell us how many days and hours it took them to actually finish it with getting the red crate.
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    (Which is probably why you just out of the blue released Vader today, to get us to shut up about conquest and focus on the new GL)[/quote]

    Yes, that is right
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    I am going to have to go against the grain here. Other than the bug-ridden rollout and some terribly written feat descriptions, I think Conquest is great.

    I've only done 50 crystal refreshes (2-3 per day) and I am about 30 battles away from the Red crate. While I am not a strictly F2P player, my yearly spend is pretty marginal (I spend more on HotUtils than I do in-game), and 3-4k crystals for Maul is way less than what I use refreshing hard nodes for marquees.

    I am going to skip the Smuggler, Empire, TM removal, and 3* JMK feats, although all would be possible. Smugglers was the worst at about 50-50 for me.

    The mode *really* demands a deep knowledge of character kits, broad (enough) roster, and clever strategy. While it's definitely a bit more challenging than previous conquests, it has been fun to dust off characters like Qira, Death Trooper, Vet Han, etc. and figure out ways to get things done with G12 Geos and 5* Bad Batch.

    I would suggest getting rid of mono-faction feats where there are literally only 5-10 characters though. Fighting the exact same battle daily with Geos or Smugglers isn't very engaging.

    I just don't get all the vitriol over 100 crystals a day - that is like 2-3 character shards. You can have a 7* Maul or like 100 Omega shards; choice seems pretty easy...
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