[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    gotten T6 every other Conquest and now I can barely get T3...


    CG, you missed the mark with these changes..
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    I've been able to get every hard red crate since conquest was first introduced. For the first time I will only be able to get the gold crate and not because my roster is undeveloped but because the way the feats are lined out it feels like 5 conquests packed into 1. I do 3 conquest energy refreshes a day, sometimes 4, but the progress is very very slow going. My advice to relieve this is move the squad or unit feats like "defeat enemy units with old republic" to the global side instead of the sector feats. You can keep the feats just move them around so we can knock 2 out at once. Otherwise it feels way to grindy and stressful. One example is in sector 3 it says gain frenzy 20 times but then we also have to get 14 wins with bounty hunters in sector 1. So we have to use a lot of energy for the bounty hunters in sector 1 and then double that amount for sector 3.
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    yeah, that's on purpose.. CG just wants your crystals..
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Done. Not doing any more.


    Spent the first few days refreshing and grinding to finally unlock CAT after a month of waiting. Then hit the wall. I really did not want to grind all the way to max crate so I decided to settle for the second best crate.

    I am not looking forward to doing this twice more in quick succession.
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    SotaDraken wrote: »
    yeah, that's on purpose.. CG just wants your crystals..

    I'm aware that they want to increase their income, that is fine but there is a way they can do it without making the game mode feeling like a chore and i feel like this would be a step in the right direction.
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    SotaDraken wrote: »
    gotten T6 every other Conquest and now I can barely get T3...


    CG, you missed the mark with these changes..

    I would bet that CG thinks that these lower rewards have hit the mark. They don't want to give out Maul shards and R8 materials. They want you to pay through the nose for R8 materials and for only a few people to get Maul quickly. They want you to think this is too much work and hand over the cash. They want you to reward them for making a shoddy product. They want you to do the beta testing for them.

    The fact that we have not heard anything from them this week except a promo video interview for their shiny new GL which requires 4 R8 characters as requirements shows that they do not care what we think of these changes.
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    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    Was Spirit there?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    I've seen it mentioned that if you kill the enemy it doesn't count towards the feat since damage is dealt and then the debuff is inflicted. If the target dies you don't get to step 2. Could be the issue (?)
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    Has anyone explained why SLKR's stunning targets doesn't count in the Stunning Tactics feat?
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    Pryrates wrote: »
    Galactic Conquest doesn't have a "Hard Mode" anymore. It now has Normal Mode and Whale Mode.

    Just to be clear - whales don't have several hours per day to play the mode either.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    I've seen it mentioned that if you kill the enemy it doesn't count towards the feat since damage is dealt and then the debuff is inflicted. If the target dies you don't get to step 2. Could be the issue (?)

    Also correct.

    It won't count if the target dodges or dies.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    nottenst wrote: »
    Has anyone explained why SLKR's stunning targets doesn't count in the Stunning Tactics feat?

    Supposedly because it's a locked debuff.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol

    They don't care.

    Yes, they increased energy required per battle - that was intentional.
    Yes, the increased the number of repetitive, contradictory feats - that was intentional.
    Yes, they added numerous feats that require factions that most players don't have sufficiently geared/relic'd - that was intentional.
    No, they did not increase the speed at which conquest energy refreshes - that was intentional.
    No, they did not make the speed of opponents visible so players wouldn't have to try and fail, even with higher relic teams - that was intentional.

    CG found a game mode most players enjoy, and is now attempting to monetize it to the highest degree possible without any regard for player experience. Anyone under the delusional impression that any of this will be "fixed" really hasn't been paying attention for the past 2 years. This is par for the course - just less subtle than usual.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I'm trying to work out how I'm going to beat JMK on normal conquest. I have no purple disks to help, but there's a Massively Overpowered disk hiding behind him. I don't currently have a GL but I am working towards SEE. I'm hoping he will help me when I get over 4mil GP because I struggle against GLs in conquest without the purple disks.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol

    They don't care.

    Yes, they increased energy required per battle - that was intentional.
    Yes, the increased the number of repetitive, contradictory feats - that was intentional.
    Yes, they added numerous feats that require factions that most players don't have sufficiently geared/relic'd - that was intentional.
    No, they did not increase the speed at which conquest energy refreshes - that was intentional.
    No, they did not make the speed of opponents visible so players wouldn't have to try and fail, even with higher relic teams - that was intentional.

    CG found a game mode most players enjoy, and is now attempting to monetize it to the highest degree possible without any regard for player experience. Anyone under the delusional impression that any of this will be "fixed" really hasn't been paying attention for the past 2 years. This is par for the course - just less subtle than usual.

    You aren't wrong.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Does anyone have advice on getting the JMK boss feats? Especially the one with no allies defeated?

    I used GAS 501st.
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    Zanir wrote: »
    Mercury88 wrote: »
    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100

    Okay, this is false. You also gain currency as you progress feats. There are like 10 of these interval rewards and each is worth 75.

    He still has a point though. You can only get those last 75 by being almost at crate 6. So a much bigger investment of time and crystals to just be able to buy all 20 Maul shards than what had to go into the same for CAT. Lots of comments seem to have said stopping at crate 3. That would leave them missing out on 450 credits. For some people it's not by choice. Just no chance to play on these days, or no crystals or cash available.

    CG have decided on this as being their way though. So too bad for some.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol

    They don't care.

    Yes, they increased energy required per battle - that was intentional.
    Yes, the increased the number of repetitive, contradictory feats - that was intentional.
    Yes, they added numerous feats that require factions that most players don't have sufficiently geared/relic'd - that was intentional.
    No, they did not increase the speed at which conquest energy refreshes - that was intentional.
    No, they did not make the speed of opponents visible so players wouldn't have to try and fail, even with higher relic teams - that was intentional.

    CG found a game mode most players enjoy, and is now attempting to monetize it to the highest degree possible without any regard for player experience. Anyone under the delusional impression that any of this will be "fixed" really hasn't been paying attention for the past 2 years. This is par for the course - just less subtle than usual.

    You aren't wrong.

    Don't be surprised if my signature is different the next time I post - with the words "former player" in it (I might include "launch" in their, just so someone gets bingo)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    I've seen it mentioned that if you kill the enemy it doesn't count towards the feat since damage is dealt and then the debuff is inflicted. If the target dies you don't get to step 2. Could be the issue (?)

    Also correct.

    It won't count if the target dodges or dies.

    That doesn’t make sense though. It says “attempt to inflict potency down”. So if the target dodges or dies, the attempt is still there. This is just like with the DR deathmark nonsense, WAI because of the coding but makes zero sense otheriwse….yay conquest….
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol

    They don't care.

    Yes, they increased energy required per battle - that was intentional.
    Yes, the increased the number of repetitive, contradictory feats - that was intentional.
    Yes, they added numerous feats that require factions that most players don't have sufficiently geared/relic'd - that was intentional.
    No, they did not increase the speed at which conquest energy refreshes - that was intentional.
    No, they did not make the speed of opponents visible so players wouldn't have to try and fail, even with higher relic teams - that was intentional.

    CG found a game mode most players enjoy, and is now attempting to monetize it to the highest degree possible without any regard for player experience. Anyone under the delusional impression that any of this will be "fixed" really hasn't been paying attention for the past 2 years. This is par for the course - just less subtle than usual.

    Hey, everything you said is correct. Would just be nice for a change to see them actually do something beneficial for their bottom dollar that is also beneficial for the player. This is one of those opportunities but hey, I’m content watching so many players leave over their poor decisions the last month and a half. There’s only so many players they can rotate to replace that revenue.
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    @BobaFettish86 have you tried Padmé? Her team, combined with no CAT on the Kenobi team is almost purpose built to survive JMK's assist-heavy team. That's also in regular game modes without data disks.

    Others have been listed: GAS 501st depending on disks works too.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol

    They don't care.

    Yes, they increased energy required per battle - that was intentional.
    Yes, the increased the number of repetitive, contradictory feats - that was intentional.
    Yes, they added numerous feats that require factions that most players don't have sufficiently geared/relic'd - that was intentional.
    No, they did not increase the speed at which conquest energy refreshes - that was intentional.
    No, they did not make the speed of opponents visible so players wouldn't have to try and fail, even with higher relic teams - that was intentional.

    CG found a game mode most players enjoy, and is now attempting to monetize it to the highest degree possible without any regard for player experience. Anyone under the delusional impression that any of this will be "fixed" really hasn't been paying attention for the past 2 years. This is par for the course - just less subtle than usual.

    Hey, everything you said is correct. Would just be nice for a change to see them actually do something beneficial for their bottom dollar that is also beneficial for the player. This is one of those opportunities but hey, I’m content watching so many players leave over their poor decisions the last month and a half. There’s only so many players they can rotate to replace that revenue.

    beneficial to their profits and beneficial to our enjoyment aren't mutually exclusive. I don't spend money on games I don't enjoy. So they're getting nothing from me. I got WarioWare for the Switch yesterday and I had so much fun playing that game. played it some more tonight, despite already beating the main campaign, and again so much fun.

    Conquest 7 isn't fun. if I open conquest 7, I can guarantee I'm closing the game shortly after. I used to always get red box. Which would make sense with 3 GLs, including JMK & his buddy CAT. And CAT had me cruising through this one comfortably. now I think i'll push the last bit to box 5, and not open Conquest 8 at all when it shows up. Good job on increasing player engagement CG!! No one in my guild likes Conquest 7. They actively dislike it and having to search to work out why certain feats aren't working properly (SLK, DRevs, Padme, etc.). i'm just hoping conquest 8 doesn't lose me more players. Which if it's like 7, it likely will. That's a scary thought.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    I've seen it mentioned that if you kill the enemy it doesn't count towards the feat since damage is dealt and then the debuff is inflicted. If the target dies you don't get to step 2. Could be the issue (?)

    Also correct.

    It won't count if the target dodges or dies.

    That doesn’t make sense though. It says “attempt to inflict potency down”. So if the target dodges or dies, the attempt is still there. This is just like with the DR deathmark nonsense, WAI because of the coding but makes zero sense otheriwse….yay conquest….

    No, the attempt means that it isn't nullified by a potency tenacity check failure. His debuff is not attempted if the attack misses or kills the target.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Don't let CG distract you with the Lord Vader Kit reveal. Conquest is broken, Nerf's was a bad idea (should have just buffed GL's) and we still haven't had any out reach on the issues going on right now.

    Prepare yourself for 2022 Galaxy of Whales.

    No kidding. My JKL, which I spent the better part of a year getting, is outclassed by my CLS. Don't you think it would have made a lot more sense to make GL's immune to ignore defense than to just make really hard to acquire toons completely useless?
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »

    Oh look more bugs. Just spent the whole battle wiping everyone out in a NS fight with GMY. Since I don’t have a feat counter (thanks CG), I counted it myself. Yoda used his basic ability at least 50 times on NS, and only got credit for 9 (had 11 prior to the battle)

    So what gives? He’s using his basic and is attempting to inflict potency down. Now this doesn’t count every time. Hey devs, don’t release conquest 8 after 7 ends. Actually play test this garbage you presented to us. Fix the feats or get rid of the repetitive nonsense because being forced to do these overly repetitive and unnecessary feats and then have it not count is bush league. Billion dollars in revenue….puh. What a joke

    I've seen it mentioned that if you kill the enemy it doesn't count towards the feat since damage is dealt and then the debuff is inflicted. If the target dies you don't get to step 2. Could be the issue (?)

    Also correct.

    It won't count if the target dodges or dies.

    That doesn’t make sense though. It says “attempt to inflict potency down”. So if the target dodges or dies, the attempt is still there. This is just like with the DR deathmark nonsense, WAI because of the coding but makes zero sense otheriwse….yay conquest….

    No, the attempt means that it isn't nullified by a potency tenacity check failure. His debuff is not attempted if the attack misses or kills the target.

    That argument can be made because of the coding of damage before debuff attempt (which is just ridiculous), but a dodge, there is still an attempt even if it misses. The attempt just misses.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Pryrates wrote: »
    Galactic Conquest doesn't have a "Hard Mode" anymore. It now has Normal Mode and Whale Mode.

    Just to be clear - whales don't have several hours per day to play the mode either.

    Yep 100%. There is a cubs video where he interviews a 100K spender and he don't have time for conquest.

    Which sucks cos serious FTP might get Maul in 3 conquests and a Kracken doesn't.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Pryrates wrote: »
    Galactic Conquest doesn't have a "Hard Mode" anymore. It now has Normal Mode and Whale Mode.

    Just to be clear - whales don't have several hours per day to play the mode either.

    Yep 100%. There is a cubs video where he interviews a 100K spender and he don't have time for conquest.

    Which sucks cos serious FTP might get Maul in 3 conquests and a Kracken doesn't.

    That's the thing - not only is it frustrating, but it makes no business sense. Many of the people who can afford to spend significant money on the game are not in the same demographic as the people who have hours/day to spend playing it. There are, of course some exceptions, but it seems a questionable business plan at best.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I still think Conquest and TB shouldn’t run at the same time. In a month we could have 2 weeks conquest followed by 2 weeks of TBs.
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