Conquest 10 [MERGE]


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    Wow, just run into boss battle in sector 3 where Han Solo commits suicide before I take a single turn and then it’s game over … for ME!!!?? Not only did I waste 60 energy, now I have to waste even more energy to remove my disks to try to babysit poor squishy Han. I thought you at CG said a player should never be punished for having a stronger team?

    But they didn't say they couldn't punish you buy making you fight a weaker team
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    Rebmes wrote: »
    Rex wields his gun, aims it and fires it. The turret is autonomous, and its own summoned unit. It makes sense in every way, except that it makes the feat a little bit harder.

    It might be working as intended, but that's not the issue. The question is why those intentions are so ludicrous and antagonistic. What is the intention of making the turret not count towards the feat? To make it harder? They could have just increased the kills. Or something precise like "Kill X with clone troopers without using arc trooper.

    No the intention is clearly a deliberate attempt to deceive and frustrate. Convince me otherwise.
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    Once again, how about you all actually play through conquest with a "normal" 5-7 million GP account. Is it that you're using a maxed out 11 mil GP account where your whole roster is R9 (like you used in the speed GAC) that makes you think this was "too easy" every time you've play tested it?

    If you actually played through it before we got to it, were you buffing it excessively to make players fail on purpose? Seriously, it seems like you're setting us up for failure with this garbage. My 300+ speed characters not getting a turn vs a team that it would be a hard counter to anywhere else in the game, is garbage. Oh and yet we're expected to use specific teams and characters on certain nodes (45ish times) where they don't get a turn sometimes, even at 100% stamina? (350ish speed Moff Gideon on an Imp Trooper team that is a HARD COUNTER to a Qira team, but don't even get a turn before two of my team are wasted, then take a turn and lose two more = garbage.) Could that be due to you still adding 200, 400, 500% TM to the AI team at the start? (wouldn't be surprised if you kept that garbage in this one)

    Speaking of stamina, get rid of it. It is stupid with the ridiculous amount of feat requirements. If you're gonna expect us to use GLs on almost every single node because you've "overprepared" every team on the map with 500+ speed along with 300K health 300K protection 20K offense, and so on, then at the least get rid of that stupid extra failure aspect.

    Oh by the way, as I mentioned, this is garbage. You're making conquest WORSE every time you release a new iteration of it. (If that was your goal, then I guess you're succeeding?) "yay we're making players NOT want to play conquest!" - CG?
  • SotaDraken
    447 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    You are not wrong..

    Except about CG's intentions..

    They just want you so frustrated with Conquest and since Dad Bod Boba is dangled like the new "GL OF THE TERRITORY WAR!!!" (where you can ONLY get R9 gear materials) as the bait to entice the players to SPEND MONEY..

    And if you can't get complete Conquest, then this game mode isn't designed or marketed to us.. It's for the Krakens and Whales that must have the max reward to stay at the top, to always be the Meta..

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    I’ve given conquest 10 almost a week now and I stand by what I said originally. Now more so than ever.

    CG, you guys are just flat out awful. I can’t fathom how you think it wise to take something that was enjoyed by so many when released almost a year ago and turn it into what it is today. There is absolutely nothing fun about it. There is nothing enjoyable about it anymore. It’s not fun to bash this dumpster fire on the forums than actually play your game as it stands.

    I’m still here though saying you OWE us an explanation on why you lied to us. Why did you? Why did you release an RA that had lied saying you listened to our feed back. Nothing about C10 reflects that. You took away good data disks and replaced them with junk. You made feats more repetitive, grindy and exclusive. You said there was a hard path that would yield more rewards but all it does is give us what we already had. So the hard path let us keep what we could do from previous conquests. Nothing new. Nothing rewarding.

    The teams are still repetitive, the game mode bugged and filled with issues and inconsistencies.

    You guys truly are the worst gaming company ever and thats a hefty prize to hold with companies like scopely in existence lol.

    I’d love to hear an explanation but like usual, par is the course for you guys. Hide and say nothing. Hope we forget. However I think that many won’t as you keep releasing this broken content and keep making so many missteps. Enjoy your weekends devs! Your players sure aren’t when they play your busted game. Cheers
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    I don't visit forums much but wanted to this time. The latest changes made conquest longer, more boring and less rewarding. Can't speak to Easy mode, maybe it's great for newbies... but Normal mode just isn't fun anymore. :/
  • mrposhman
    13 posts Member
    edited November 2021

    You want feedback from players. Ok here goes.

    I have no problem with the BattlePass, it works in other games and provides 2 different investment points for players. I have used this type of purchase in the past in other games.

    However, in order to get people to pay for said BattlePass, you need to create an ENGAGING AND FUN game mode. What you have done with Conquest, is suck the life out of pretty much every player in this game.

    The format that you had initially was fine, the ongoing obsession of CG to punish players by force farming for certain factions is turning a lot of players off that have played this game for years.

    I do spend on games and I spend fairly regularly, but I haven't spent money on SWGOH for over 2 years. Ask yourself why that is. Maybe its because of the quality of the game modes that you have created and how you change them over time. Usually this should result in better more engaging format as you take feedback on, but somehow you guys seem to continually go the opposite way and make game modes more boring and taxing for players. GAC, Conquest and TW have all followed this same pattern.

    You guys are lucky that you did this with Star Wars characters. If this game was a generic game with no name characters, the level of service and quality you provide with the "improvements" in game modes would have resulted in this game being dead years ago. You are only still operating due to the engagement of the player base in the Star Wars brand and the guildmates that most of us play with.

    Fix the game, make it enjoyable and monetisation will happen. Forced monetisation the way you are doing it, will kill the game eventually.
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    ...and off course no feedback from CG, maybe EA or Disney shoul be a better communication channel?
    In the same time new old players quit, and yes, cause this conquest...
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    A little variety makes everything much more interesting if you have to decide to go the hard path….

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    Yeah I decided to try and spend to get boba, have around 4,9 go. But from middle of node 3 I can’t use anything except Rey to get 3 stars.
    Sure maybe it was abit over the top that I could get max at cat with 4,7 but this difficulty home is just so extreme.
    Adding to that is that it’s so boring to only loss because every team takes 3 turns before you can go, so that without Rey at least one character is dead before I can do anything…
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    I am already annoyed by this conquest.
    I did not know about the secret special path, so I missed out on data disks, so my chance of getting higher rewards are lower.
    I learned later also about the CG list that other disks exist this conquest, but it seems to me that the list is not correct since I seen other disks also.
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    I really hope CG never ever ask for the players input again because not only don’t they listen they actually takes the inputs and make everything the players complain about and make it much much worse.
    It really a joke they have a very good foundation but it’s like they intentionally makes it worse.

    I play normal difficulty with 3,5 mil gp and one GL, and the increasing difficulty plus increased grind plus the higher energy cost plus the just strange hard path, really makes it so much less fun to play.
    Do they play the game them self? Did they come to the conclusion that these changes will make the players to continue to play the game?
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    I've maxed every crate until this one. In a way I'm worried about getting #6. The last iteration was a challenge I was frustrated by it but i was able to almost max all the feats. This iteration is mind numbing you over buffed every team. Having ewoks with +100% speed was just a laugh because Malak still does his thing.

    Marathon feats have a major issue.
    You need 40 wins with only BH and then only Smugglers so that's 80 out of 110 nodes. Then you have to have another 20 wins with Boba and Han together. That would mean you have to clear every node at least once to complete those three feats.

    Rewards. The amount of currency that is flowing in is nice. Which begs the questions. Why not switch swapping disks back to using currency in place of energy. Especially since we have more nodes but are still paying 20 energy per node.

    Just a few things to print and use as fire kindling.
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    Some interesting bugs - found in sector 3 Hard mode (7,3 mil and 8 mil accounts):
    - LV Empire team against Ewoks - my LV was 574 speed. But Ewoks still moved first. Is it intentional? How overprepared they are...
    - even better: DV all relic heavy modded Empire team against MM rebel fighters. The basic DV speed 250 plus 72 from bonuses of No Escape zeta. So - 322 speed. No, in my Empire team Piett moves first although his speed is only 300. Vader dies in first shots...
    General reflection: conquest battles in Sector 3+ are prepared mostly for GL teams. Not much chance for "ordinary" meta. Funny... when you attack Ewoks with strongest DR sith team and you lose quickly...
    And this is not end of our "challenges" I guess
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    One good thing: boss battle in sector 3 vs han was awesome: special rule trying to get a star wars feel and shaking things up, appropriate feat, it really felt like a mini boss battle. More please.
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    To beat a dead horse even more.. this conquest isn't fun, not remotely. The only "entertaining" aspect is on some nodes running a BH team with Zam and dot/TD disc. This game mode is horrid now. It's as if you tried to find the worst possible solutions for our previous complaints and implemented them. A complete train wreck of game design that does nothing remotely what a game should be about. In case it's not clear, this a dumpster fire of crap. I like playing this game - but this game mode is getting me close to quitting. If nothing changes (and I don't mean the changes already announced) I sincerely doubt many players in my shoes will continue.
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    One good thing: boss battle in sector 3 vs han was awesome: special rule trying to get a star wars feel and shaking things up, appropriate feat, it really felt like a mini boss battle. More please.

    Dear God, no. Thematic fights and feats? Sure. **** fights where the enemy kills themselves and therefore you lose? NO
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    Still looking for fun… cannot find it…
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    Thx CG.. with all these feedbacks where Ewoks can easily beat GL..
    I know that I won't buy your Pass.. because I just can't achieve most of your ridiculous feats .... I won't pay to get nothing ..
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    Just noticed that I hadn't reviewed the game in Play Store. So I decided to do just that. But as SWGOH is a game that keep changing, I decided to tie my rating into my enjoyment of the Galactic Conquest game mode. So 1 star with a comment 'Rated for Conquest 10 experience' felt appropriate. I agree with most everyone that has voiced their disappointment in Conquest changing from fun to grind. I just hope that whoever came up with the feats and changes to the energy cost of nodes would be locked upmin their office with a normalish SWGOH account and wouldn't be let out until they have gotten the red crate.
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    This isn't fun.

    You can't complete this without spending.

    This is a time suck .. this isn't worth it.

    Yes I bought the pass. But I will not be buying it again.

    If it's that we will not be able to complete with even minimal spending. Then, I'm out. I can't do it.

    How much time do you think we have to do this?

    Because repeating discs..almost zero variety. I'm actually having to 3-5 of the SAME FREAKING DISC ****?!

    And here's a little on battle that just shouldn't happen.

    Do you think this is fun at this point?

    It's not. This is a paywall boring grind.. ZZzzzz...

    Yeah I"m done spending and struggling to get through conquest. This isn't fun. I'll just wait the long way for Scion of Jango. I"m not going to buy a pass I can't complete reasonable. I spent $10 on it. And seems like you want me to keep spending. In order to make that 10 worth it. That's a freaking scam ya'll...
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    Remove over prepared then its fine.
    How do I "use my whole rosters" when all enemies moves 287654479953 times before mine?
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    PSA: i spend 100 crystals before learning about that whole hard path debacle, asked customer service for a refund because i felt misled and they acctually did it…

    So go ahead and ask for your money back on all those passes you regret. No, i dont habitually complain about 70 cents but this was a matter of principle…
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    The most fun I'm having in conquest is sitting here reading the forums while my Enfys Nest absorbs hits on auto against an IT team that will eventually die on their own due to Thermal Detonators... Yay... Content... I feel engaged...
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    it's depressing how disappointed you can be with everything that was a great game a few years ago. In a flash they made a top game, a game where you don't even want to play anymore because they played **** to earn more money. I understand why so many players left the game with the arrival of the GL, then with the arrival of the conquest and now with each continuation of this same conquest. It's turning into an unnamed trash can this game, just to make people pay to advance faster and further than some other players. As much as I could be on it for hours at the beginning that the more the months go by and the less I play so much the game attracts me more at all. I feel like I'm going to stop playing this game that I don't want at all anymore. Kudos to you CG for destroying the envy of thousands of players like me who have been playing since the game was released and for spoiling such a game, just to make more money.
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    Anyone found a use for Hyperaccelerator?
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    One good thing: boss battle in sector 3 vs han was awesome: special rule trying to get a star wars feel and shaking things up, appropriate feat, it really felt like a mini boss battle. More please.

    Dear God, no. Thematic fights and feats? Sure. **** fights where the enemy kills themselves and therefore you lose? NO

    I didn’t experienced suicidal han syndrome, only failed the first time because i sent in drevan and deathmark taught me a lesson. Was there something on the special han buff that i missed ?
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    CG really did a bait and switch and made conquest a p2w contents. I doubt that there are significantly large population of f2p that can get max crate. For the past conquest, by day 6, I basically completed all nodes, and just picking what feats to finish to get max crate. For conquest 10, it is now day 6, I barely reach sector 5, and completed no sector yet.
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