No brainer :-(



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    Sirkuce wrote: »
    then stop using the retreat button .. and stop trolling around here !

    Who is trolling? The Persons posting closets in every answer or the people discussing gameplay?

    I would not post here, if I would not believe in two points:
    1. The setting and the Story Potential is great.
    2. The game has the abilities to enjoy me with tactical and strategical decisions.

    But at the Moment I miss tactical gameplay and see only Endurance or money as an Option to evolve in this game.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There must be hundreds of servers, because every third person on the forums says they rank 1 their arena.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    OP says he has Yoda, so most of his max toons are Jedi.

    Most of the arena is Sid and Dooku.

    I suggest a Barriss or QGJ lead and just be happy for the wins until next week.
  • Options
    JarlRagnar wrote: »
    The game is so unchallenging and boring... I am frustrated how many time I invested without any substantive progress or evolution in my party or the gameplay.

    It is all about wasting money and/or time.....nothing about skills or strategy/tactic.

    I do believe you are on my server shard
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Also, you are using the term "no-brainer" wrong.
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    Saying that this game requires strategy is a stretch. Retreating multiple times to figure out the right rng in a gw battle is repetitive. Building one of a few cookie cutter squads and fighting the same people every day is also repetitive. In the beginning it's fun but 3 1/2 months in I'm starved for new and unique content. A few new characters and minor bug fixes new content? Nah. START GETTING THEM HOLOTABLES FILLED!
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Also, you are using the term "no-brainer" wrong.

    Thank you for the advice :-). Could you explain it to me as a non native Speaker ?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    A "no-brainer" is a decision that is very easy to make, not even requiring a brain.

    The key point is that it describes ONLY decisions.

    It is mostly a way to say "You would be stupid to not do this thing".

    Tasks that are not difficult would instead be "easy button" or "facerolled".
    (Because you could just blindly roll your face on the keyboard and still succeed)

    You might also refer to the game as "cheesy" or "cake", but mostly people are ****, so they bait people into saying that the game is in fact difficult.
    That way the "too easy" guy can tell the "too hard" guy to "lrn2ply", and can feel superior.

    If someone makes a bad decision, they are NOT a "no brainer".

    Removing your hand from fire or holding your breath underwater are "no brainers".

    So yeah, just be more happy it is so easy, and maybe throw some insults at those who find it challenging, ta-da welcome you are now American. Dont forget your complimentary gift bag.

    (Bag includes: 1 Gaydar, 1 **** Detector, 1 Friend Zone, and 1 Epic Fail)
    Limit one per customer, no refunds, all rights reserved, void where prohibited, CA and FL residents get 4 bonus Fails of random quality, Gaydar not available in WA, you pay all taxes and fees, some assembly required.
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    What is this gaydar. . . sounds so gaaay
    the cake is a lie
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    What is this gaydar. . . sounds so gaaay

    It is a device that can detect a persons sexual orientation.
    Hold it near your face and listen for the beep.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    There must be hundreds of servers, because every third person on the forums says they rank 1 their arena.

    There are - and they pay out at 18:00 local time (depending on DST) so several hundred people could all claim to be "#1 at payout today" - and they would all be correct.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Now go play GW and face level 70, 7* fully geared teams from node 2 on and explain how there is no strategy and thinking.

    Sometimes the forums are hilarious. Some people complain that they don't want to think/plan/strategize for an hour to get through a tough GW day - others complain that they don't have to think enough. Both can't be true.

    There gw experience is different for everyone. Some have a cakewalk, some have a nightmare.
    Then there are different types of people. Some want easy, some want a challenge.
    And then what's challenging intellectually to some is easy for others. Remember, however stupid you think the average person is, fully half the population is even dumber!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    There must be hundreds of servers, because every third person on the forums says they rank 1 their arena.

    There are - and they pay out at 18:00 local time (depending on DST) so several hundred people could all claim to be "#1 at payout today" - and they would all be correct.

    I would really like Dev confirmation of that, because I think it is untrue.

    For instance, my payout is at 19:00 local ever since the clocks sprung ahead.

    Hundreds of servers seems financially unfeasable.
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    A "no-brainer" is a decision that is very easy to make, not even requiring a brain.

    The key point is that it describes ONLY decisions.

    It is mostly a way to say "You would be stupid to not do this thing".

    Tasks that are not difficult would instead be "easy button" or "facerolled".
    (Because you could just blindly roll your face on the keyboard and still succeed)

    You might also refer to the game as "cheesy" or "cake", but mostly people are ****, so they bait people into saying that the game is in fact difficult.
    That way the "too easy" guy can tell the "too hard" guy to "lrn2ply", and can feel superior.

    If someone makes a bad decision, they are NOT a "no brainer".

    Removing your hand from fire or holding your breath underwater are "no brainers".

    So yeah, just be more happy it is so easy, and maybe throw some insults at those who find it challenging, ta-da welcome you are now American. Dont forget your complimentary gift bag.

    (Bag includes: 1 Gaydar, 1 **** Detector, 1 Friend Zone, and 1 Epic Fail)
    Limit one per customer, no refunds, all rights reserved, void where prohibited, CA and FL residents get 4 bonus Fails of random quality, Gaydar not available in WA, you pay all taxes and fees, some assembly required.

    Thank you for the explanatory :smile:
    But then was no brainer correct! The daily Tasks and tactics are obvious. Only the "next farming" decision is not and is also extreme important. If you do this decision wrong you suffer for weaks!
  • Options
    JarlRagnar wrote: »
    The game is so unchallenging and boring... I am frustrated how many time I invested without any substantive progress or evolution in my party or the gameplay.

    It is all about wasting money and/or time.....nothing about skills or strategy/tactic.

    I do believe you are on my server shard

    Yep i am
  • Options
    JarlRagnar wrote: »
    The game is so unchallenging and boring... I am frustrated how many time I invested without any substantive progress or evolution in my party or the gameplay.

    It is all about wasting money and/or time.....nothing about skills or strategy/tactic.

    I do believe you are on my server shard

    Yep i am
  • Options
    JarlRagnar wrote: »
    JarlRagnar wrote: »
    The game is so unchallenging and boring... I am frustrated how many time I invested without any substantive progress or evolution in my party or the gameplay.

    It is all about wasting money and/or time.....nothing about skills or strategy/tactic.

    I do believe you are on my server shard

    Yep i am

    Have a Problem with my Postings :neutral:

    So: greetings and congratz to your good Arena rank g :smiley: maybe be battle sometimes, would be nice :wink:
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    There must be hundreds of servers, because every third person on the forums says they rank 1 their arena.

    There are - and they pay out at 18:00 local time (depending on DST) so several hundred people could all claim to be "#1 at payout today" - and they would all be correct.

    I would really like Dev confirmation of that, because I think it is untrue.

    For instance, my payout is at 19:00 local ever since the clocks sprung ahead.

    Hundreds of servers seems financially unfeasable.

    Ive spoken to a few people on my shard. Im in Australia and they others are in Europe/North America. So thats anywhere up to say 10 possible number one players.

    Its probably not hundreds of individual servers, more likely hundreds of groups of say 10000 users per group.

  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Troll hunter! *SMACK* I got you!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Options
    Timitock wrote: »
    There must be hundreds of servers, because every third person on the forums says they rank 1 their arena.

    Believe there are servers based on when you started
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