Why did they do this???



  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    slmcmr wrote: »
    What really bothers me is the reaction of developers to the threads like this. In the first days of the game EA_Jesse used to respond to the most of the questions. Nowadays it is impossible to get an answer or comment about almost anything and this makes me feel like we are being ignored. We had a full Q&A thread which was long forgotten(i'm sorry but 6 answers to 100+ questions is not good enough). Some people (mostly Qeltar :)) had great ideas about different aspects of the game which devs said they would think about, again no response. Now we have this cap increase and meta change thing ahead of us. I want to stay positive i really do, but it is getting more difficult ever time.

    They made their feelings very clear when Jesse shut down my thread telling people to "Beat the Cash grab." within minutes of it going up.

    I feel for the guy, he's just the messenger. But EA gets scared when people sniff out their schemes.

    Your "scheme" was a promotional campaign implemented by a team of professionals whose lives will be impacted by its performance.
    They might think they did a great job and thought an inexpensive item might be nice for low budgets. Its not like it was a scam, just wasnt a red hot deal big whoop.
  • Options
    My complaints have mostly been focused on Cost vs. Content but my question today is, after reading the 3/25 update notes, I read that the Level increase to 80 will happen before the meta changes and this is not a wise move....

    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..
    2. The second issue is that players should have a week or two to adjust to the new meta without having the additional worry of "what toons to level if any".
    3. We are running out of bullets as far as Level increases go. I would assume the Level increases will be over at Level 100. In a perfect world, we'd reach 100 next year at this time so if you go to 80 now, you only have 2 more upgrades left to space out over the next year, not good.
    4. In general, there is so much other content we should receive before the level increase like more characters, more tables and events, more content. Doing the level up only looks like a cash grab when the content isn't up to snuff.

    In the end of the day, do as you will but I believe that I make some valid points...


    If you ever wonder why EA does anything; the answer is always the same. To make as much &%*# money as possible.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My complaints have mostly been focused on Cost vs. Content but my question today is, after reading the 3/25 update notes, I read that the Level increase to 80 will happen before the meta changes and this is not a wise move....

    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..
    2. The second issue is that players should have a week or two to adjust to the new meta without having the additional worry of "what toons to level if any".
    3. We are running out of bullets as far as Level increases go. I would assume the Level increases will be over at Level 100. In a perfect world, we'd reach 100 next year at this time so if you go to 80 now, you only have 2 more upgrades left to space out over the next year, not good.
    4. In general, there is so much other content we should receive before the level increase like more characters, more tables and events, more content. Doing the level up only looks like a cash grab when the content isn't up to snuff.

    In the end of the day, do as you will but I believe that I make some valid points...


    If you ever wonder why ANY BUSINESS EVER does anything; the answer is always the same. To make as much &%*# money as possible.

  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Krey wrote: »
    Rafini wrote: »
    No content? I'm also ftp, let me get that out there before anything else. But they said in the developer notes that new cantina battles and light side/dark side batted are coming with the cap increase.

    "New" content is not doing the exact same thing we have been doing for weeks with higher level AI opponents. Basically, you'll do each "new" mission one time to get 3 stars on it, and then you'll use SIM tickets in an effort to farm ever increasing and more annoying amounts of purple gear that you have to have to fill out the next level of gear slots. We'll be right back where we are now in the 2 or 3 weeks it takes to reach 80, only the credit grind will be far worse and the gear grind will be more annoying.

    How is this any different than Borderlands increasing the level cap and you just fight stronger versions of the same dudes in a different arena/sandbox? On console, that is a DLC expansion pack.

    And how do you know you will 3* this level 80/gear 9 CONTENT, first try, with your level 70/gear 8 dudes?

    Your description of the new content is a description of the game itself, and you either like the model or you do not.

    Wow...did you really just compare a mobile game to a real game?


    In depth character development.

    Actual story.

    Intelligent AI scripting and varied combat scripting. Should I go on?

    60$ purchase vs. free to play
    Intel processor vs. iOS 9
    32gb memory vs 2TB
    Major title release team vs phone app devs

    Fact of the matter is YOU are comparing them by having the same development expectations from these apples and oranges platforms.

    Unreasonable expectations are unreasonable.

    Also, if you think this game is free to play, you aren't paying attention to the massive amounts of money this game brings in every week. Bet this game is bringing in way more money than Borderlands ever did. Anyone got the actual numbers for comparison to this game and the original Borderlands?

    For the amount of money this game is bringing in, the expectations I have are not even close to high enough.


    Multiply by 60$ = 360 million

    So 120 weeks at 3 mil a week...

    Makes you wrong

    So let's assume that this game has only made 3 million a week since launch. Even if this game was just 12 weeks old, that's 36 million.

    Is this 36 million worth of content?
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    chainsaw wrote: »
    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..


    Why do feel someone should be able to go from level 1 to 80 without putting any time into the game? It should cost "tons" if someone can just log on and become lvl 80 in a matter of seconds.


    As the levels increase, less new players will come as levelling characters will be very difficult so my view on doing Level cap increases was that they do them sparingly.

    My guess is that this game level-wise will max at Level 100. If this is so, we only have two more left until EA is out of bullets. The game is only 5 months old and already, we'll have 2 level increases of the possible 4 we could do.

    In this is my logic....
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    I agree. I've spoken my mind. They've made their decision. Let's get back to playing the game.

    I would like to say one final thing, though. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone I disagree with. I hope I am wrong, and these new levels really do make a meaningful, lasting difference to the game. I just don't see how.
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    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    We as a society became this way due to corruption and other and look at the things we lost from staying quiet. Now people are voting for socialist candidates for President,which would relegate them to an experience similar to Cuba, Russia or China, places where speaking out gets you killed...
  • Options
    Krey wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    I agree. I've spoken my mind. They've made their decision. Let's get back to playing the game.

    I would like to say one final thing, though. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone I disagree with. I hope I am wrong, and these new levels really do make a meaningful, lasting difference to the game. I just don't see how.

    You were speaking your mind, not killing and hurting people. Forums are created to have conversation, sometimes of things people don't agree with. This was a pretty civil conversation overall. Until next time, I'm sure they'll be one... LOL
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    We as a society became this way due to corruption and other and look at the things we lost from staying quiet. Now people are voting for socialist candidates for President,which would relegate them to an experience similar to Cuba, Russia or China, places where speaking out gets you killed...

    Prob the most truth ever spoken on this forum

  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    What exactly does my spending on this game have anything to do with the upcoming changes? As always, you think those that spend money can't think outside of spending more money. You may not choose to believe this, but I am able to emphasize with f2p players and often make arguments FOR f2p players. I am quite capable of understanding that since I am (as you say)in the top 0.01% of paying players that any change made would then affect the bottom 99.99%....
    I explained that in my prior post. You're taking this personally and I'm sorry if it came across that way. It's just that I've seen a definite correlation between how much people have spent and how okay they are with this level cap increase. In general, more whales are okay with the increase, while lower spenders are less happy with it.
    The reasons are obvious, and not nefarious: you aren't going to run out of credits or training droids, and you have everything unlocked and leveled so you aren't going to have a problem if the meta changes completely two weeks later. F2P and low spenders will. (As an aside, it's kind of amazing and sad that at around $100 a month I am considered a "low spender".)
    I'm sure you can empathize with those who spend less. But the difference between you being okay with the cap increase and others being against it is heavily influenced by spending.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I think your entire idea is just wrong. Do you honestly think somebody that just started the game is going to be looking at what it would take to get from nothing to a top level team (regardless of whether the cap is 70 or 80) and decide not to play at all? They're not thinking about top level 7* teams, they're only looking as far as getting 5 characters to have a full team to fight with. Maybe trying to figure out which DS character would be easiest to get so they'll have enough DS characters to start DS fights. If they continue playing or not wil be because of whether they find the game enjoyable or not. Not whatever arbitrary number the highest level is.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Abyss wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    We as a society became this way due to corruption and other and look at the things we lost from staying quiet. Now people are voting for socialist candidates for President,which would relegate them to an experience similar to Cuba, Russia or China, places where speaking out gets you killed...

    Prob the most truth ever spoken on this forum


    I approve of the above two quotes.
  • Options
    Abyss wrote: »
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    We as a society became this way due to corruption and other and look at the things we lost from staying quiet. Now people are voting for socialist candidates for President,which would relegate them to an experience similar to Cuba, Russia or China, places where speaking out gets you killed...

    Prob the most truth ever spoken on this forum


    It's nice to see others appreciate the truth. When I see players become frustrated, then throw up their hands, keep spending money and state that they might as well take it!!!

    To me, this is surrender and death...
  • Options
    I think your entire idea is just wrong. Do you honestly think somebody that just started the game is going to be looking at what it would take to get from nothing to a top level team (regardless of whether the cap is 70 or 80) and decide not to play at all? They're not thinking about top level 7* teams, they're only looking as far as getting 5 characters to have a full team to fight with. Maybe trying to figure out which DS character would be easiest to get so they'll have enough DS characters to start DS fights. If they continue playing or not wil be because of whether they find the game enjoyable or not. Not whatever arbitrary number the highest level is.

    I agree. Also, another point would be that newer players have access to the latest info by looking here on the forums and can learn which toons to farm and focus on instead of stumbling around like we were back in December, making mistakes here and there.
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    I have been playing this game everyday since Dec. I lost many many GWs for many many weeks until I got my level 70 toons which took months. I think it is time to increase the level cap. Gaining exp and leveling up my toons motivate me to play this game daily. I am sure I am not the only one who feels that way. Why do i have to wait for new players to reach higher level before I can level up again? Do new plyers expect to compete with level 70 players in couple of days or weeks after they join the game? If they are willing to pay it may just happen. There are hundreds if not thousands of new players joining this game everyday. I welcome any new changes to the game and some may not be to my advantage. I really can't complain this is a free game After all.
  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't get the apologists that flood these threads. If people aren't getting what they want and what they feel they paid for, skip the thread. No need for you to interject to try to convince them that they are.

    My input is this: I haven't had so much fun playing a mobile game, EVER. I want to collect every character and will be severely bummed if I don't get to. I'm 100% FTP but have invested many many hours into this game. The reason I am still FTP is not because I do not have the disposable income, it's because there has been little to make me confident this game is worth investing in monetarily. Is it here today and gone tomorrow? For everyone that has made a significant investment in blind faith, thank you and I'm sorry.

    I hope they soon realize that there is plenty of people like me that are willing to open their wallet(floodgates) if they would just instill some confidence in their user base. Someone at EA needs to learn that bilking every customer for what they're worth isn't always the best idea. People are attracted to value and value is non-existent in this game. If you spend $1, you may as well spend $1000, and that's exactly why I haven't given them my $1.
    Post edited by Faff2D2 on
  • Options
    J7000 wrote: »
    It's gotten to the point to where even if anyone has a legitimate complaint I just don't care anymore. Adapt or die. Quit crying

    We as a society became this way due to corruption and other and look at the things we lost from staying quiet. Now people are voting for socialist candidates for President,which would relegate them to an experience similar to Cuba, Russia or China, places where speaking out gets you killed...


    Team iNstinct -- teaminstinct.net
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    Hi everyone,

    Just a small reminder that political discussion is not allowed on these forums. I know it's only been mentioned in a few responses but please keep this in mind moving forward.

    Thanks and have a good night everyone.

  • Lamb
    300 posts Member
    A simple solution would be to boycott making purchases until real content is produced. Capitalism means power to the consumer...
  • Options
    My complaints have mostly been focused on Cost vs. Content but my question today is, after reading the 3/25 update notes, I read that the Level increase to 80 will happen before the meta changes and this is not a wise move....

    1. First of all, going to 80 will pretty much kill any new players starting now because it'll cost them $7M to level a character from 1 to 80, $35M to create a 7* meta team. Remember, players need a B-Team for GW which will also cost them another $30M or more, do the math EA, most of your customers don't have thousands to drop on the game..
    2. The second issue is that players should have a week or two to adjust to the new meta without having the additional worry of "what toons to level if any".
    3. We are running out of bullets as far as Level increases go. I would assume the Level increases will be over at Level 100. In a perfect world, we'd reach 100 next year at this time so if you go to 80 now, you only have 2 more upgrades left to space out over the next year, not good.
    4. In general, there is so much other content we should receive before the level increase like more characters, more tables and events, more content. Doing the level up only looks like a cash grab when the content isn't up to snuff.

    In the end of the day, do as you will but I believe that I make some valid points...


    Hi @ioniancat21 I read your post and just had a few questions/comments

    1. I was wondering why you think going to lv70 will kill new players starting now. Won't new players start on their own new server? Plus it only takes about 6 weeks - 2 months to get to lv70 and credits are thrown at you till about lv50-55 - I don't see why you say customers don't have thousands to drop on a game as most people can get to lv70 as f2p without problems and you only need to catch up/keep up with your own server or have I misunderstood what you mean here?
    3. I was also wondering why you think the level increases would be over at lvl100
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Good questions.

    For the first one. New players, especially free will find getting the credits together to get to 80 pretty daunting and they may end up farming the wrong characters along the way. Not every player views this forum. Seems like maybe less than 5% so they will slip on the banana peels EA has designed. I'm not worried that they'll have to face level 80 teams on their shard, that's the least of the problems..
    As for number two, how many levels can we possibly have. If upgrading from 70 to 80 is $2M, imagine how much 90 to 100 will cost. Now make it worse and have EA make the max level like 200, then what. 20-40 million to get a toon from Level 1 to 200.
  • Options
    Good questions.

    For the first one. New players, especially free will find getting the credits together to get to 80 pretty daunting and they may end up farming the wrong characters along the way. Not every player views this forum. Seems like maybe less than 5% so they will slip on the banana peels EA has designed. I'm not worried that they'll have to face level 80 teams on their shard, that's the least of the problems..
    As for number two, how many levels can we possibly have. If upgrading from 70 to 80 is $2M, imagine how much 90 to 100 will cost. Now make it worse and have EA make the max level like 200, then what. 20-40 million to get a toon from Level 1 to 200.

    That's true. We all make at least one mistake farming a junk character along the way.

    Reason I asked about the level cap is i also play clash of clans. Didn't think they'd increase the town hall level again but they have recently and extended the grind. If they add guilds and some sort of event that ties in with it to SW GOH then it wouldn't surprise me if we do see level 120+ as they havent even touched the sides of characters they can introduce but I agree with no new content further level caps may be limited
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Faff2D2 wrote: »
    My input is this: I haven't had so much fun playing a mobile game, EVER. I want to collect every character and will be severely bummed if I don't get to. I'm 100% FTP but have invested many many hours into this game. The reason I am still FTP is not because I do not have the disposable income, it's because there has been little to make me confident this game is worth investing in monetarily. Is it here today and gone tomorrow? For everyone that has made a significant investment in blind faith, thank you and I'm sorry.

    I hope they soon realize that there is plenty of people like me that are willing to open their wallet(floodgates) if they would just instill some confidence in their user base. Someone at EA needs to learn that bilking every customer for what they're worth isn't always the best idea. People are attracted to value and value is non-existent in this game. If you spend $1, you may as well spend $1000, and that's exactly why I haven't given them my $1.

    I don't really think about how long a game will last, for me the only thing keeping me from spending more than $5 I did for the starter pack is there hasn't been anything since then I'd want to pay for. I don't want $50-$100 bundles of higher starred characters, shards, training droids and other stuff. Give me $5-$10 options that aren't much more than just a single 3* or 4* character. I'd buy those just to try the character out to see if I liked him/her.
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