Feedback: Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information


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    Datacrons are by far the worst update EA has added to the game. I’ve played this game for years and have spent a few hundred dollars over the years with an 8.3mil GP but datacrons have ruined this game for me. If they don’t get scaled WAY back or removed I will be done with this game.
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    Yea, datacrons bad. Uptown Funk wanna give them back to ya
  • OberonCaladBwS
    26 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Your brilliant idea of datacrons being effective for GLs has completely ruined your game. 2 430 million GP guilds and neither of us can clear a zone mainly due to the broken mechanics of the Kenobi datacrons. I know your theory is "oh don't worry because they disappear in 3 months" but that $#!+ won't fly. You really need to re-evaluate this cluster F of an idea and and least pretend to give a crap about this game. You want to know why you are being beaten by Puzzles and Zombies???? You stopped caring about EVERYTHING in this game, you hosed us on gear updates, you create new gear crunches with kyrotechs to the tune of several hundred per character to gear them, you make it impossible for anything other than maxed out characters to he viable in your game and now you completely break one of the more popular game modes with this asinine idea. Get your $#!+ together or just shut it down totally because this is beyond embarrassing how far this has fallen in such a short time.
    Post edited by crzydroid on
  • n8e
    2 posts Member
    A big thanks to SWGOH. Thanks for introducing datacrons, and changing the dynamics of the game to truly award pay to play. I now get hours of my time back, more money in my bank accounts, less of a tether to my phone as I'm not logging in to get rewards, and punch buttons for my little hits of dopamine. I would have kept playing for years without such a dramatic system put in place to reward the large spenders. What a fun game, but ultimately meaningless in the real game of life. So adieu and thanks for all the fish.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Concur, really not fun now. At all.
  • IronCross
    934 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    They plain stink to the max. This is the worst idea in the history of the game.
  • ToJ85
    27 posts Member
    Delete them
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    That is the best solution to fixing stupid. Lol
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    My guild is slightly smaller but they ruin the game for different reasons but still do completely ruin it and add nothing when they are only used on GLs.
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    It wasn’t requested, it’s not liked and it’s turning people away from the game.

    The meta shifting because of ridiculous Datacrons is in no way “fun” and this happens every few weeks now.

    The spenders will get bored.

    We NEED content. A new Raid, a new TB (even with the same rewards - and not just harder with mathematically impossible stars to not achieve).

    I’m not sure what has prompted this move so soon after Omicrons - surely these are shaking up the meta enough?

    You are running the game into the ground - if that’s your intention, just say!
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    The new game mode will involve a bunch of pointy eared beings and short guys with bushy beards or hairy feet. The objective will be to either collect a shiny ring or destroy it to get materials for a new ring with better stats.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    This has been a thing since mods. When you first introduced mods you had to scale them back asap because it’s was out of control.
    Then you came up with relics. They started off pretty good but you quickly brought those levels up and made gear grind worse.
    Then you gave us omicrons and that seemed like a pretty solid idea to help take irrelevant characters up to a better level.
    Now with datacrons you completely destroyed everything in the fastest way possible. Destroying all we have worked towards in building counter teams is now gone.
    Lots of things you said you wanted to do that never came to pass- ground vehicles- relic 7 hidden upgrades- a flood of ships- gear easement.
    All the while all we wanted was places to play with what we worked on - new raids- ship raids- a conquest type mode but without the “ do X 40 times” bull crap.
    I can only assume that you read and listen and understand all the frustration you have caused by your doings and undoings up to this point and are implementing those into your new game. Unfortunately I won’t be one of those new customers.
    I’ve learned my lesson from this game and won’t ever consider playing anything you create ever again.
    It was fun while it lasted, too bad you couldn’t make it last longer.
    Post edited by crzydroid on
  • Hotblack
    16 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    The jury is back. Datacrons suck. I mean it's an interesting idea, and it's no bad thing to look for ways to make older teams relevant again. But i) it IS (as I feared) pay to win not just pay to play. So I've suspended spending while I see where this goes; ii) different currencies for each iteration of datacrons!? I mean I seriously thought my guild mates were joking when they told me. But no. You have actually been that greedy.

    If I stay in the game - which will only happen if datacrons disappear or are materially revamped to remove the pay to win element - I will NEVER use crystals or real money on datacrons or their materials because that's not investing in building my account, it's just giving money to you for nothing. I will just do my best to ignore them. If I can't ignore them, I will quit. Sorry guys, that's how it is. Not a rant. Feedback. Please listen. I like the game, and I'm happy to pay to play. But I can't get behind pay to win even if I'm the one winning.

    Content, QoL changes - these are good and I will keep spending. Pay to win money making schemes, these are bad and I will stop.
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    I can see the merit of the new shiny thing that causes the player to spend and reassess strategies but I think CG just released the targeted squads and individuals poorly. JMK is already king. Rey is strong on offense or defense. I just think if CG targeted some of the middle tier squads, players would have embraced them more up front instead of making GLs even better. CG could have targeted imperial troopers allowing them to have a chance at the GLs, or rebels or heck even rogue 1 or Phoenix. Want to make us spend and farm, make an ignored team a contender. Younger accounts are already stating that beyond the middle levels aren’t practical for them due to the relic requirements so that no cash generation opportunity there.
    Just really unsatisfied right now after playing since almost release.
  • sigsig
    236 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    I find it funny that people complain that this game isn't as predatory as a game like Puzzles and Zombies. Making more money than swgoh isn't necessarily a good thing. It's likely that Datacrons will get them closer to that goal though.
  • hunchew
    70 posts Member
    I second that.
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    Wouldn't be nearly as bad if they used their favorite line in character kits..."except Galactic Legends". They were designed to be OP anyway and that's fine but this makes them over the top of the top.
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    Was able to use Traya team with DN on relic 8 solo Vader in tw. Actually got off 3 annihilates and wasn’t able to take him out. Are you telling me the only way to remain competitive is to buy/farm more datacrons and relic 8 and 9 all important toons? Don’t you think 100 to 500% health steal is a little over the top?
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    Was able to use Traya team with DN on relic 8 solo Vader in tw. Actually got off 3 annihilates and wasn’t able to take him out. Are you telling me the only way to remain competitive is to buy/farm more datacrons and relic 8 and 9 all important toons? Don’t you think 100 to 500% health steal is a little over the top?
    I don’t think DN’s annihilate would have been effective before datacrons either…
  • Aiin
    11 posts Member
    Completely take the fun away from the game.
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    I will buy the hyperdrive bundle if datacrons are removed….
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    Was able to use Traya team with DN on relic 8 solo Vader in tw. Actually got off 3 annihilates and wasn’t able to take him out. Are you telling me the only way to remain competitive is to buy/farm more datacrons and relic 8 and 9 all important toons? Don’t you think 100 to 500% health steal is a little over the top?
    I don’t think DN’s annihilate would have been effective before datacrons either…

    it still does massive damage......don't think OP was expecting him to be insta-dead which is what you're implying.
  • I_JnK_I
    464 posts Member
    I think the idea of team upgrades are pretty neat as they are, if they werent as hard to get as they are.
    I would even more appreciate it if they made the mechanics accesable to every faction and just rotated the buffs they are getting
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Yep, datacrons suck because your excessiveness ruined them. Congratulations, you've made something not fun to people who can't BUY 50 level 9 datacrons to put on every team. My JMK team couldn't beat an LV team in GAC because LV had a measly 300% health steal.

    You're taking this game in the wrong direction decision maker.
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    Was able to use Traya team with DN on relic 8 solo Vader in tw. Actually got off 3 annihilates and wasn’t able to take him out. Are you telling me the only way to remain competitive is to buy/farm more datacrons and relic 8 and 9 all important toons? Don’t you think 100 to 500% health steal is a little over the top?
    I don’t think DN’s annihilate would have been effective before datacrons either…

    it still does massive damage......don't think OP was expecting him to be insta-dead which is what you're implying.
    No I’m not implying that.

    Massive damage to an R8 LV won’t kill him, and even without the datacron he has insane health regeneration. By the time the second and third annihilate come around, even a non datacron’d LV would likely have built up enough health to survive it again.
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    Oh come on now! Special damage bonus vs physical damage bonus?! Now I need to have an r3 light side only team and only those doing special damage get that bonus. I've got to remember exactly which toons are doing which kind of damage now? Rucking datacrons.

    And there's a whole set that not only doesn't have any dark side factions/toons with bonuses, but you can't even get a dark side level 3 for your teams to use?
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
This discussion has been closed.